Your Anti-Rants here



  • imatfaal
    imatfaal Posts: 2,716
    .... I really must set him up on Strava .... ;)

    You must do that - garmin for you, smartphone for him

    but we all know that smartphones are faster than dedicated GPS's - so he'll steal all my KOMs before he can walk!! :D

    I'd say that would be a great present for when he gets older - you can then spend the actual cash (college fund etc) on N+1
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    I'll need a bigger garage!!

    He's worth it though. :D
  • Not cycling related but...

    I have just taken delivery of a bottle of 1984 Glenrothes (the year I was born)

    I've been after a bottle since I tried some back in 2011, but as they finished bottling it years ago, it's not easy to come by.

    I'm going to enjoy drinking this!
  • elbowloh
    elbowloh Posts: 7,078
    Got a message from Strava to say that I've lost a KOM.

    Why is this a rant I hear you say?

    Well, a) I didn't know I had the KOM in the first place and b) they only matched my time so I still retain the little crown!

    Felt F1 2014
    Felt Z6 2012
    Red Arthur Caygill steel frame
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    On 25th November 1991 I took the first ride with SPD pedals and 5 minutes later had my first clipless moment.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Providing i make it at least halfway back tonight, i'll have completed more miles in a calendar year than i've ever done before (and WAAAY more commuting miles, as i have only logged 3 leisure rides).

    This was looking highly unlikely 2/3 months ago but a burst of Autumn and early winter enthusiasm has paid off!
  • edrobbin
    edrobbin Posts: 173
    Providing i make it at least halfway back tonight, i'll have completed more miles in a calendar year than i've ever done before (and WAAAY more commuting miles, as i have only logged 3 leisure rides).

    This was looking highly unlikely 2/3 months ago but a burst of Autumn and early winter enthusiasm has paid off!

    You and me both - will pass 1,000 miles this week, having started in August. Working in London meant zero spare time at weekends for MTB, so commuting ticked all the boxes. Prior to this I was doing a 25 mile off road route most weekends, so was getting to about 1k miles per year, which I've now done in 4 months. 'Tis a good feeling
    Waterloo - White City

    Cannondale Quick Carbon 1 2016
    Cannondale Scalpel Carbon 3 26" (Lefty) :D
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Officially I'm at my lowest yearly mileage since records began (ok - Strava records in 2012 anyway) ...

    however, I've done more slow rides - with my now 5 month old son - in his trailer and I've still got a few weeks to do another 50 miles (no prob - will do that this week) to pop me over my 2012 starting mileage of 3086 miles in the year....
    getting up to >5000 miles for the year last year was quite an effort - requiring more MTFU commuting to keep my average of 100 miles a week - it's not the distance that's the issue - it's the time. TT and dinghy racing all eat into the time available ... and now so does playing with my son ... so I'm just trying to concentrate on more quality miles rather than the junk miles I put in last year - I've even been on the turbo (once!) ... :)
  • edrobbin
    edrobbin Posts: 173
    Officially I'm at my lowest yearly mileage since records began (ok - Strava records in 2012 anyway) ...

    however, I've done more slow rides - with my now 5 month old son - in his trailer and I've still got a few weeks to do another 50 miles (no prob - will do that this week) to pop me over my 2012 starting mileage of 3086 miles in the year....
    getting up to >5000 miles for the year last year was quite an effort - requiring more MTFU commuting to keep my average of 100 miles a week - it's not the distance that's the issue - it's the time. TT and dinghy racing all eat into the time available ... and now so does playing with my son ... so I'm just trying to concentrate on more quality miles rather than the junk miles I put in last year - I've even been on the turbo (once!) ... :)

    Dinghy racing - I used to sail a Solo in Christchurch harbour - had similar calls on my time so had to choose between the boat or bike. Got a good price for the boat (mystifying sport anyway, never got my head around it...!)
    Waterloo - White City

    Cannondale Quick Carbon 1 2016
    Cannondale Scalpel Carbon 3 26" (Lefty) :D
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Officially I'm at my lowest yearly mileage since records began (ok - Strava records in 2012 anyway) ...

    however, I've done more slow rides - with my now 5 month old son - in his trailer and I've still got a few weeks to do another 50 miles (no prob - will do that this week) to pop me over my 2012 starting mileage of 3086 miles in the year....
    getting up to >5000 miles for the year last year was quite an effort - requiring more MTFU commuting to keep my average of 100 miles a week - it's not the distance that's the issue - it's the time. TT and dinghy racing all eat into the time available ... and now so does playing with my son ... so I'm just trying to concentrate on more quality miles rather than the junk miles I put in last year - I've even been on the turbo (once!) ... :)

    Dinghy racing - I used to sail a Solo in Christchurch harbour - had similar calls on my time so had to choose between the boat or bike. Got a good price for the boat (mystifying sport anyway, never got my head around it...!)

    Ah - sailing is my first sport - well, sort of - I still race on a weekday evening, but gave up the weekend racing when we bought a yacht - we've since sold it, but cycling has taken up that spot ... I've raced numerous classes - currently in an RS400 ... a bit tame after the RS800 ! :)
  • edrobbin
    edrobbin Posts: 173

    Ah - sailing is my first sport - well, sort of - I still race on a weekday evening, but gave up the weekend racing when we bought a yacht - we've since sold it, but cycling has taken up that spot ... I've raced numerous classes - currently in an RS400 ... a bit tame after the RS800 ! :)

    Big boy's sailing - we only had single handers in our fleet - Solo's, Finns, Lazers, OK's and an RS300 - which used to win pretty much everything going. My sailing skills were lamentable, never particularly competitive, usually chaotic, interspersed with thoughts like "what happens if i pull this..." and "why am I in the water again..."

    Bikes a more sensible form of transport, but in a weird way I do miss the sailing. Hey ho
    Waterloo - White City

    Cannondale Quick Carbon 1 2016
    Cannondale Scalpel Carbon 3 26" (Lefty) :D
  • [quote="Slowbike"

    Ah - sailing is my first sport - well, sort of - I still race on a weekday evening, but gave up the weekend racing when we bought a yacht - we've since sold it, but cycling has taken up that spot ... I've raced numerous classes - currently in an RS400 ... a bit tame after the RS800 ! :)

    Big boy's sailing - we only had single handers in our fleet - Solo's, Finns, Lazers, OK's and an RS300 - which used to win pretty much everything going. My sailing skills were lamentable, never particularly competitive, usually chaotic, interspersed with thoughts like "what happens if i pull this..." and "why am I in the water again..."

    Bikes a more sensible form of transport, but in a weird way I do miss the sailing. Hey ho

    Spotted some half price Chateauneuf du Pape on offer at Majestic Wine. Ordered online at noon, by 2:00pm I had a call offering to deliver between 5-7:00pm today. Now that is service!!!
  • Went past the Cat & Fiddle on Saturday, horizontal rain and streaming roads, not a cyclist in view. Very wise, we were in a motor car. Mrs S G spotted a rider near Buxton and asked 'is he mad?' the answer to which is yes. Conditions like that can seriously harm you.
    I saw enougth to convince me that Peak District cycling is not for me.
  • vimfuego
    vimfuego Posts: 1,783
    9,500 miles so far in 2015. 10k looking probable barring icy conditions and/or loss of talent leading to accidents. Been quite an effort, but feeling good now the proverbial finish line is in sight.

    Someone at work asked me what my wife thought of this..... had to say "no idea, I never really see her". ;-)
    Surrey Hills
    What's a Zwift?
  • Back on the bike after a week off due to a cold. It felt good
  • DrLex
    DrLex Posts: 2,142
    Finished work until next year. Aso has the benefit of allowing me to miss the excoriatingly dull office party - yay!
    Chance to try and make up some bike mileage - nothing since the clocks changed.
    Location: ciderspace
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    Watching BBC south today covering cops in Portsmouth stopping and fining people for not having lights.
    Supposedly 60 caught in a 2 hour stint.
    Bloody well done.
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • Watching BBC south today covering cops in Portsmouth stopping and fining people for not having lights.
    Supposedly 60 caught in a 2 hour stint.
    Bloody well done.

    Here here.

    I just don't see how anyone who rides without lights thinks it is acceptable!
  • Starting new bike shopping today.
  • Watching BBC south today covering cops in Portsmouth stopping and fining people for not having lights.
    Supposedly 60 caught in a 2 hour stint.
    Bloody well done.

    Here here.

    I just don't see how anyone who rides without lights thinks it is acceptable!

    Obviously had little impact though if the number of non-light cyclists was anything to go by last night in the area.
    “Jij bent niet van suiker gemaakt”
  • wolfsbane2k
    wolfsbane2k Posts: 3,056
    Watching BBC south today covering cops in Portsmouth stopping and fining people for not having lights.
    Supposedly 60 caught in a 2 hour stint.
    Bloody well done.

    Here here.

    I just don't see how anyone who rides without lights thinks it is acceptable!

    Obviously had little impact though if the number of non-light cyclists was anything to go by last night in the area.

    Really, given last nights torrential downpours at commute time? Idiots.
    Or maybe they wanted the "free" ever so cool myjourney Hampshire flashing lights?
    Intent on Cycling Commuting on a budget, but keep on breaking/crashing/finding nice stuff to buy.
    Bike 1 (Broken) - Bike 2(Borked) - Bike 3(broken spokes) - Bike 4( Needs Work) - Bike 5 (in bits) - Bike 6* ...
  • Watching BBC south today covering cops in Portsmouth stopping and fining people for not having lights.
    Supposedly 60 caught in a 2 hour stint.
    Bloody well done.

    Here here.

    I just don't see how anyone who rides without lights thinks it is acceptable!

  • Last day at work for 3 weeks yesterday. Steady 50 miler this morning. Now ready for a kip on the settee before the karate club meal out tonight.
  • Paperwork for my redundancy from work all completed, here comes a very long European cycling tour.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,699
    Christmas came early. Got my wheelstand back along with a very nice looking bottle of Barolo.
  • edrobbin
    edrobbin Posts: 173
    Last day in London today, signing off with a bit of wind.

    Got a proper ride planned for tomorrow - 25 miles in the New Forest - first MTB in about 6 months, so really looking forward to head to toe mud & no cockwombles...
    Waterloo - White City

    Cannondale Quick Carbon 1 2016
    Cannondale Scalpel Carbon 3 26" (Lefty) :D
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    Christmas came early. Got my wheelstand back along with a very nice looking bottle of Barolo.
    Ah, how is EKE? He alright?
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,699
    Christmas came early. Got my wheelstand back along with a very nice looking bottle of Barolo.
    Ah, how is EKE? He alright?
    Not sure, I hope so. Unfortunately I was at the hospital with my daughter (long story) so didn't manage to see him. I've sent him a message saying we should go for a drink somewhere. The boy spoke to him, but being 17 getting any information out of him is difficult.
    I'm now considering what to build. I feel more practice should be had before going for carbon rims with disc hubs. :mrgreen:
  • C2W voucher has arrived. Off to the LBS on the 4th Jan :D
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Had a tidy of the cabinet where my helmet and numerous pairs of gloves get chucked when I take them off when I get home and found a spare GP4Seasons tyre and a pair of chill weather Pearl Izumi gloves I got from a ToB 2014 competition.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.