Your Anti-Rants here



  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    There's no such thing as a tailwind, some days I'm just incredibly strong. ;-)
    That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

    a what wind?
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • blu3cat
    blu3cat Posts: 1,016
    The planets aligned for my commute today:

    Green lights all the way along Millbank and Regent Street, a whacking tailwind and 2 minutes off my best commute time.
    "Bed is for sleepy people.
    Let's get a kebab and go to a disco."

    FCN = 3 - 5
    Colnago World Cup 2
  • MrSweary
    MrSweary Posts: 1,699
    There's no such thing as a tailwind, some days I'm just incredibly strong. ;-)
    That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

    a what wind?

    Quite. I put up with the headwinds and sidewinds. I get a little bit of assistance - I'm taking it.

    On a more anti-rant note went shopping for buggies with the missus last night. Felt weird but in a good way. There would be a corresponding rant about the price of them but my folks have offered to stump up for it. Result. House now filling up with toddler stuff. Just waiting for the toddler!
    Kinesis Racelite 4s disc
    Kona Paddy Wagon
    Canyon Roadlite Al 7.0 - reborn as single speed!
    Felt Z85 - mangled by taxi.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    No-one in my new company cycles.

    But when I let them know i like to cycle to work every day, the response was ' really wish I had the stones to do that - good on you - gonna do it tomorrow???'.

    Such a shock. Normally I have to break them in slowly, and endure lots of 'you weirdo loser' type comments.

    *high 5*
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    Went out for a ride, only done 22 miles. No SPD shoes, no lycra shorts, no tight fitting jersey and shock-horror, no helmet, just enjoyed the ride.
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
  • Went out for a ride, only done 22 miles. No SPD shoes, no lycra shorts, no tight fitting jersey and shock-horror, no helmet, just enjoyed the ride.

    How dare you!!? :shock: :)
  • Another Foot-up commute today, it's easier if I leave earlier.
  • No-one in my new company cycles.

    But when I let them know i like to cycle to work every day, the response was ' really wish I had the stones to do that - good on you - gonna do it tomorrow???'.

    Such a shock. Normally I have to break them in slowly, and endure lots of 'you weirdo loser' type comments.

    *high 5*

    it will be interesting to see if you convert any of them. I am now up to 3 converts but the last one started yesterday evening and has not reappeared today. :shock:

    Well it took him 50 mins to get from Waterloo to the Wharf but he is alive and has learnt not to go over Blackfriars Bridge :D
  • Bad news was that I'm sure I have a cold.

    Good news is that thanks to my better eating habits over the last few weeks I am fighting it off.
  • Smashed my commute on my way home last Friday (just uploaded it): 37km/h avg :D
    Did hurt for three days after but worth every seconds of it!
  • imatfaal
    imatfaal Posts: 2,716
    Smashed my commute on my way home last Friday (just uploaded it): 37km/h avg :D
    Did hurt for three days after but worth every seconds of it!

    Damn - I couldn't manage that even if they cleared the roads for me! Kudos
  • Just a little note to the arse who nearly smeared me over the road as i came into work this morning .Your juvenile and idiotic driving was reported not only by me (remember the cyclist with the day glow yellow jacket ) but by to other members of staff.As a result i believe that your pass for the staff car park is going to be revoked heh heh heh enjoy £7.50 a day LMFAO
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    Just a little note to the ars* who nearly smeared me over the road as i came into work this morning .Your juvenile and idiotic driving was reported not only by me (remember the cyclist with the day glow yellow jacket ) but by to other members of staff.As a result i believe that your pass for the staff car park is going to be revoked heh heh heh enjoy £7.50 a day LMFAO
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • I went on my first ever club run (46 miles) on Saturday morning, and didn't get dropped!

    I was greeted with a friendly "Do you know your way around these roads, because you'll probably drop off the back" by one member of the group, but stuck with the pack until the very end. To make it even better, said member got dropped on one of the climbs and peeled off home!
  • I went on my first ever club run (46 miles) on Saturday morning, and didn't get dropped!

    I was greeted with a friendly "Do you know your way around these roads, because you'll probably drop off the back" by one member of the group, but stuck with the pack until the very end. To make it even better, said member got dropped on one of the climbs and peeled off home!

    Nice one. To be honest that guy sounds like a bit of an arse! What club was it, if you don't mind me asking? At Lea Valley we don't drop anyone, the exception being on the chain gang/fast ride where everyone is experienced (not recommended for first-timers) and knows how to get home. Basically telling a newcomer that he will be dropped at the beginning is pretty poor form IMO.
  • timothyw
    timothyw Posts: 2,482
    Seconded, welcoming a new member like that is simply not cricket.

    Very glad to hear that the chap in question was the one suffering (although I suppose he might also be a new member and talking from experience, which would put a new spin on it!)
  • menthel
    menthel Posts: 2,484
    Flying a kite, my goodness what fun!
    RIP commute...
    Sometimes seen bimbling around on a purple Fratello Disc or black and red Aprire Vincenza.
  • Flying a kite, my goodness what fun!

    Ach, it wasn't quite as bad as my first post made it sound. It was more of a "If you don't feel comfortable then you can drop off the back" kind of a thing. The bloke didn't categorically say "we won't wait for you". Although they certainly didn't wait for anyone else when they dropped off!

    My legs really felt it by the end (i'm not used to climbing that much) but i managed the 13 mile commute in today so feeling proud of myself! (hence the anti-rant). I don't have enough free weekend time to be a regular club rider but at least i know I can mix it when i want to. Riding so many solo miles on the commute makes riding in a bunch feel like a Swedish massage!
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    I went on my first ever club run (46 miles) on Saturday morning, and didn't get dropped!

    I was greeted with a friendly "Do you know your way around these roads, because you'll probably drop off the back" by one member of the group, but stuck with the pack until the very end. To make it even better, said member got dropped on one of the climbs and peeled off home!

    One of my first club runs was on roads I didn't know - we did drop one guy, but a discussion was had with him first and he was happy to make his own way back - I could've done too (map on GPS and roughly knew the area), but although I was slow, I wasn't too slow - phew! That's the only time we've dropped someone - we've had ppl peel off for various reasons - the rest of the time we wait for them ...
  • Feltup
    Feltup Posts: 1,340
    Hideously wet and slippy on Saturday morning and hence came off on one of the bits of road I ventured onto on my CX ride. Nice load of gravel rash and torn shorts, grrrrr. The anti rant bit is for the lovely bunch of mountain bikers at the top of Jaggers Clough, especially the one who offered to see if he had some bandages to patch me up. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your ride. I did but can barely walk two days later!
    Short hairy legged roadie FCN 4 or 5 in my baggies.

    Felt F55 - 2007
    Specialized Singlecross - 2008
    Marin Rift Zone - 1998
    Peugeot Tourmalet - 1983 - taken more hits than Mohammed Ali
  • When I rode in a club (mainly MTB's) we had a strict leave no man behind policy.

    At the time we used to stress to the new people what it was like, to make sure they understood, but was always sympathetic, as you can never tell what it is going to be like.

    Had a few that never came back and a few that went on to be the strongest in the club, but we never left anyone behind.
  • imatfaal
    imatfaal Posts: 2,716
    New kit that actually kept me dry last night - Mavic HC H20 jacket and trusty Nanoflex 3/4

    I always think the Nanoflex are crap when I first go into rain as it feels as if every drop is going straight through - then I get home and my legs etc are dry and warm. Very clever material
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Self and bike nearly caused a fight on a train the other day....... 8)
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Self and bike nearly caused a fight on a train the other day....... 8)

    And that's an ANTI-rant? Do tell!
  • Flying a kite, my goodness what fun!

    Menthel, what kite? I've been flying power kites on and off for a few years, great fun! :D
  • menthel
    menthel Posts: 2,484
    Flying a kite, my goodness what fun!

    Menthel, what kite? I've been flying power kites on and off for a few years, great fun! :D

    A tiny £5 jobby with my six year old son! ;)
    RIP commute...
    Sometimes seen bimbling around on a purple Fratello Disc or black and red Aprire Vincenza.
  • Flying a kite, my goodness what fun!

    Menthel, what kite? I've been flying power kites on and off for a few years, great fun! :D

    A tiny £5 jobby with my six year old son! ;)

    Flying a 5 lb jobby?! That's incredible!!
  • menthel
    menthel Posts: 2,484
    First decent ride out since the accident that didn't involve circling RiP. Fair enough it was out to Box Hill and back but it felt good to know that I am getting physically better! A whole 55km, will have to make it further than that.
    RIP commute...
    Sometimes seen bimbling around on a purple Fratello Disc or black and red Aprire Vincenza.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Self and bike nearly caused a fight on a train the other day....... 8)

    And that's an ANTI-rant? Do tell!

    It was a Barnsley train which arguably should be enough info!

    Actually, I got onto said train, with bike, in bike carriage only to discover young couple and baby in pushchair sat in the bike space. Politely asked them to move, they refused. Pointed out loads of space in main carriage - said no space for pushchair. Pointed out that there was plenty of space in racks for pushchair - said once baby in pushchair, they can't get her out (?!! :shock: ) - she's 18 months old!! Pointed out nowhere else for me to park bike and I could get kicked off train if I didn't use the bike space - said "baby? Bike? come on - which is more important" - restrained myself from saying that whilst it was admirable that they clearly loved their child, my bike was considerably more important to me than their baby! Then said "Tough, you can talk all day but we aren't moving". Whilst this was going on, another cyclist turned up outside the carriage. He listened for a bit, looked at me and then said "I'm going to get the guard".

    Guard turns up. Tells couple to move. Couple stand up and start arguing with guard. Whilst this was going on, two unrelated young blokes turn up. One sits in the vacated flip chairs by the bike stand. The other starts shouting at the couple "It's a f***ing bike space. You can't sit there" etc etc. Meanwhile, the guard is telling the other (who is clearly pissed - it is after all about 4 in the afternoon) to hop it. "But I'm on your side - this space is for bikes". Eventually, the guard manages to shoe off both blokes (did a very good job as it happens - on that train he'll have the practice). Mother then says (to guard I think) - are you going to apologise to her? I pointed out that the baby was looking blissfully happy in her wheelchair and that only the parents were getting worked up.

    Couple eventually move to main carriage and not a peep is heard from the baby who is clearly better behaved than her arrogant 'I have a baby so nothing else matters and I can do what I want' minded parents!

    I then had to sit all the way to Wakefield in the carriage end on a flip up seat to mind the bike whilst the drunk lad sat across from me saying slightly worrying things like "great bike, that's a proper racer is that" and "they were bang out of order they were".

    All pretty hilarious - you just don't (often) get that sort of thing on the Cross Country trains......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Nice.

    All that entertainment provided free of charge, other than your ticket price of course.

    I'd keep quiet about it though, everybody will want the same!