February Training ride in the Peaks: Cat & Fiddle



  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I snapped a chain, crashed, put three holes in my assos jacket, written off my helmet, got road rash, scratched up my chorus shifters and bar tape. Brought Dave (?) (Pugwash) down with me too..... I wish I'd ridden my Ribble now.

    Hardcore :lol:

    It was a good day, felt good on the cat, very foggy, very muddy.

    Good ride with a good bunch of people.
    I like bikes...

  • back and resting now...

    It was a good ride - a nice pace...1st time up the Cat was enjoyable (despite the 50m visibility!! :shock: )

    some good training for my legs too...

    Thanks to Dan for sorting my cable out to enable me to get into the lower gears!! :)
  • Many thanks for the ride today, I really enjoyed it. It was good to meet some new people and ride a different route.

    Lets hope the weather is better next time.

    Not the best photo's, but here I some I tried to take earlier:

  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    yeh was a great day out. Thanks Tony for leading us all and for coming back down the C&F when I was in my own little cloud.

    Blonde, sorry to hear about your problems before meeting up. We all said that we'd like to do another ride so hope to see you on the next edition.

    I realised on this ride that I have a long, long way to go - thanks for waiting for me guys
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Had a great ride everyone, cheers! Always nice to meet new people and M-I-L wasn't too angry when I got back which was a bonus.

    I got some interesting power data, it shows what I already thought though. I need to be able to pedal harder, at a higher rate, for longer :)

    Is anyone going to put a link to the GPS of the ride?

    Sorry to hear about your incident Blonde, I'm sure there will be another ride soon.

    Cheers Madame Popette for organising it and ta for showing us the way Toni, was a good route.
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    Yeah, I enjoyed that. Thanks people.

    76 miles when I got in, although half of that was the flat Cheshire stuff as opposed to the hilly, can't see where you're going it's foggy Cheshire stuff.

    Soon be Summer, hopefully !
  • Cracking day out in some interesting conditions guys and gal.

    Unfortunately there have been consequences arising from our spill. I'm afraid my bar tape has had it...even the baby wipes couldn't get it clean!! :D

    Thanks for the company everyone. I'm definately up for another spin soon and If anyone ever fancies a change of scenery I'd be more than happy to show you round some of the bumpier bits of North Wales.

    Thanks all.
    He who dies with the most toys wins!
  • lfcquin
    lfcquin Posts: 470
    Hi Guys, Same from me as everyone else. Great ride today. Good to meet everyone and ride with some company for a change! Pugwash/Reddragon, sorry to hear about your accident. I had to shoot off before I found out what happened. Kit costs are expensive, but at least you are both in one piece.

    Anyone know what miles we covered Alderley Edge to Alderley Edge? I can work out what miles I covered then.
  • Miz
    Miz Posts: 297
    Good ride with a good bunch of people.

    I concur.

    Thanks to everyone, and a special thanks to Popette for organising.

    RedDragon and PugwashCP, glad you guys are ok after the crash.

    Must have been putting down the power to snap that chain. Well 'Ardcore!


    The fog/low cloud and snow lined route certainly made for a memorable and at times dream like bike ride.

    I'll not forget the eerie stillness through the mist going up the Cat and the snow lined "Alpine" lane on the ridge before dropping down into Macclesfield Forest.

    Were there really geese (playing chicken) on that lane? or did I dream that bit ?

    Bon Courage

  • Miz
    Miz Posts: 297
    Good ride with a good bunch of people.

    I concur.

    Thanks to everyone, and a special thanks to Popette for organising.

    RedDragon and PugwashCP, glad you guys are ok after the crash.

    Must have been putting down the power to snap that chain. Well 'Ardcore!


    The fog/low cloud and snow lined route certainly made for a memorable and at times dream like bike ride.

    I'll not forget the eerie stillness through the mist going up the Cat and the snow lined "Alpine" lane on the ridge before dropping down into Macclesfield Forest.

    Were there really geese (playing chicken) on that lane? or did I dream that bit ?

    Bon Courage

  • Miz wrote:
    Were there really geese (playing chicken) on that lane?

    Obviously not that good at acting then! Thought that I recognised the mudflap. Everything OK with you? Did we pass you coming up from Mottram?
  • You're not imagining things Miz, there really were geese giving us the evil eye.....and one of them looked a proper rum bugger!! (as my old nan would say)

    lfcquin. According to my computer the distance from station back to station was 41.25 miles.
    He who dies with the most toys wins!
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    Sorry I couldn't make it down! Are you lot doing another one soon? I'll keep my eyes on the forum...
  • I rode near enough the same route again yesterday!!!!

    At the top of the Cat & Fiddle it was as foggy, but all of the snow has well and truly gone. The main difference was the amount of traffic and HGV's, some passed far too close at times.

    It was strange being the only cyclist at Blaze Farm, I did get some funny looks from the families and screaming children as I walked in.

    Maybe I could do the same again tomorrow?!!! :)
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    I did get some funny looks from the families and screaming children as I walked in.

    Bl**dy hell, what were you wearing, that caused children to scream ? :lol:
  • tim000
    tim000 Posts: 718
    glad to here you had a good ride . been getting out abit so should be ok for the next ride . been doing 2 hours every other day and will try a 3 hour ride next week.will keep a lookout on here . hopfully no snow on the next ride . :shock:
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    Any news on the next one then?
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    how about a ride in advance of the polka dot challenge doing some of that route? (polka dot is first week June so we could do a ride late april/early may?)

    that reminds me, i really need to send my form off.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Maybe do a similar ride to this one, up the cat and fiddle sometimes before april? I'd like to do this ride.
  • popette wrote:
    how about a ride in advance of the polka dot challenge doing some of that route? (polka dot is first week June so we could do a ride late april/early may?)

    that reminds me, i really need to send my form off.

    I'll go for some of that!!!! The training ride and the Sportive :D
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    popette wrote:
    that reminds me, i really need to send my form off.

    only 60 places left. :shock:
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • tim000
    tim000 Posts: 718
    im up for the next ride if one happens . a bit busy in march but should be ok if it,s in april and on a sunday (work most saturdays :cry: )