XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Andy, yup everyone can have a go, would like to know your opinons. Head angle is definatley slacker it should be 68.5, the trance was 69.8 standard but down to about 69ish with the revs on. Cant feel if its under forked yet but it looks ok, but of course you know me the slacker the angle the better so with some pikes or i may be tempted to go to 150mm forks it will be even better.
    pittpony wrote:
    That's looking really nice Russ. I still have electrical tape on mine as i ran out of zip ties but was desperate to get out and ride it :lol: Unfortunately i guess that's not no1 priority for you at the moment with the shoulder. Are you still hoping to be OK for your expected comeback time?

    Had a good ride round Blean last night. It's so dry there at the moment! Found a couple of new (well, new to me) trails just by taking a few turns and exploring. Quite an eventful evening, plenty of thrills and spills!

    Thanks Nick, had my last hospital appoitment yesterday. Doctor said that its all healed fine and perfectly in place, he said i need to exercise the shoulder as much as possible so that i can get full movement back (still cant raise arm above shoulder very well). So i beleive mountain biking is a form of exercise in theory so definatley on for the comeback session.

    Eventful evening? go on tell us what happened? how many times did andy fall off?

    How are you finding the bike? slower/faster? difference from your xtc?
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Good to hear your recovery is going well!

    Everyone had some event or other last night. Mine involved mashing my knee on the pointyest root in Blean and nearly trying to bunny hop Andy after he fell off on the first 10 metres of singletrack :lol::lol:

    Ade had a minor mechanical near the end, but on the plus side it meant i got to use my chain tool. Thanks Ade :wink:

    I'm still loving the Trance. Its definitely slower on the uphills (even thought the Maestro suspension is THAT good) but then i've been spoiled with my old bike in that sense. I do feel the weight difference but the setup is much more balanced so it's easier to manouver on the twisty bits. Not that you'd know it based on the number of times i've fallen off it :lol: The real fun is on the downhills and technical bits where it just comes alive complared to the XTC. It all feels so much more controlled and you can hit things much harder knowing you'll (most likely) be fine. In short - I'm a happy bunny :D
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    Blimey! It seems like everyone has jumped on the FS bandwagon well, apart from Andy :wink: . Russ, that Commy is looking rather tasty. I've been pleased to bits with mine.
    Nick, I believe the slight increase in weight and the different feel on the ups far outweighs the rest of the ride with a good FS set-up. I often swap between the HT and FS each having their advantages and disadvantages but if I had to make the choice of having just one then the FS would win. (there'd be no way the HT would have coped (with me riding it anyway) in Spain earlier this year)

    Andy, I'll text you about tonight if you're still up far a ride.

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    PITTPONTY wrote:
    Ade had a minor mechanical near the end
    Nicely put Nick :wink:
    was my "minor mechanical" :shock:
    Managed to knacker
    • rear derailleur
    • mech hanger
    • rear wheel spokes
    • rear wheel hub
    • chain
    • last 10 minutes of a damn fine ride
    I'm off to butter up the missus before I tell her I need to visit the LBS :wink:
    Good fun ride apart from that guys :P
    Looking forward to your return to the ongoing massacre, Russ :twisted: (oh, and the bike looks sweeeet]
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Ah that sucks Ade! Fingers crossed its fixed in time for my return, hope mark gets his rear wheel back in time to!
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    lost-time wrote:
    Blimey! It seems like everyone has jumped on the FS bandwagon well, apart from Andy :wink: . Russ, that Commy is looking rather tasty. I've been pleased to bits with mine.
    Nick, I believe the slight increase in weight and the different feel on the ups far outweighs the rest of the ride with a good FS set-up. I often swap between the HT and FS each having their advantages and disadvantages but if I had to make the choice of having just one then the FS would win. (there'd be no way the HT would have coped (with me riding it anyway) in Spain earlier this year)

    Andy, I'll text you about tonight if you're still up far a ride.

    The only reason i haven't is cos i cant afford it at the moment, i want one now! As soon as i get back from holiday i am saving like mad.
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    The only reason i haven't is cos i cant afford it at the moment, i want one now! As soon as i get back from holiday i am saving like mad.

    Why don't you prove to the Chancellor that there isn't a credit crunch? :roll: 8)
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    RussAlf wrote:
    Andy, yup everyone can have a go, would like to know your opinons. Head angle is definatley slacker it should be 68.5, the trance was 69.8 standard but down to about 69ish with the revs on. Cant feel if its under forked yet but it looks ok, but of course you know me the slacker the angle the better so with some pikes or i may be tempted to go to 150mm forks it will be even better.
    pittpony wrote:
    That's looking really nice Russ. I still have electrical tape on mine as i ran out of zip ties but was desperate to get out and ride it :lol: Unfortunately i guess that's not no1 priority for you at the moment with the shoulder. Are you still hoping to be OK for your expected comeback time?

    Had a good ride round Blean last night. It's so dry there at the moment! Found a couple of new (well, new to me) trails just by taking a few turns and exploring. Quite an eventful evening, plenty of thrills and spills!

    Thanks Nick, had my last hospital appoitment yesterday. Doctor said that its all healed fine and perfectly in place, he said i need to exercise the shoulder as much as possible so that i can get full movement back (still cant raise arm above shoulder very well). So i beleive mountain biking is a form of exercise in theory so definatley on for the comeback session.

    Eventful evening? go on tell us what happened? how many times did andy fall off?

    How are you finding the bike? slower/faster? difference from your xtc?
    Lyrics would be cool, but cost quite a bit more. How about Domains? Think they are prety much longer travel Pikes. Better find out the max travel the frame can take first though, although the headstock is pretty beefy.

    If you lock the rear shock out dose it not then behave like a hardtail, or do they not lock out completely?

    Glad the shims arrived Russ. I went down the post office today to see if there was some way of locating it.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    Paul and i had a fantastic ride over Blean and Thornden woods, thanks again mate :) He is the daddy at finding all the best bits over there, and i think i might actually remember some of it this time! We'll have to try and arrange something next week. On the downside i got well over 15 bites! We both had punctures and got eaten alive as soon as we stopped!
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Paul and i had a fantastic ride over Blean and Thornden woods, thanks again mate :) He is the daddy at finding all the best bits over there, and i think i might actually remember some of it this time! We'll have to try and arrange something next week. On the downside i got well over 15 bites! We both had punctures and got eaten alive as soon as we stopped!
    Oh so now Ade and I aren't good enough for you? ;) What was wrong with the trails we found? Apart from them being so overgrown you needed tree felling equipment to get through :lol::lol:

    Defo have to all meet up one evening next week then. Are you still riding with Kent Trails on Saturday? Would have been there like a shot if i didn't have tickets to the test match. I'm looking forward to being free for a weekend ride next week :D
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    pittpony wrote:

    Defo have to all meet up one evening next week then. Are you still riding with Kent Trails on Saturday? Would have been there like a shot if i didn't have tickets to the test match. I'm looking forward to being free for a weekend ride next week :D

    No rides with KT this weekend as half a dozen of them are on a road trip to Bonny Scotland.
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    Paul and i had a fantastic ride over Blean and Thornden woods, thanks again mate :) He is the daddy at finding all the best bits over there, and i think i might actually remember some of it this time! We'll have to try and arrange something next week. On the downside i got well over 15 bites! We both had punctures and got eaten alive as soon as we stopped!

    I would have done a bit more ST if I'd had my clear specs...Too dark under the canopy with specs on, too blurry w/o!

    I was only bitten about 6 times but three of those on my shoudler-blades.

    I don't get punctures...I just wanted to let my tyre down rather quickly using a half inch piece of flint and put a new tube in as to not feel left out... 8)
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    lost-time wrote:
    pittpony wrote:

    Defo have to all meet up one evening next week then. Are you still riding with Kent Trails on Saturday? Would have been there like a shot if i didn't have tickets to the test match. I'm looking forward to being free for a weekend ride next week :D

    No rides with KT this weekend as half a dozen of them are on a road trip to Bonny Scotland.
    What he said :) or more correctly :cry:. I was looking forward to riding this weekend.

    Just got back from a ride and, you'd better sit down, I ACTUALLY REMEMBERED SOME OF THE SINGLETRACK WE DID LAST NIGHT AND WEDNESDAY! Bit of a momentus occasion as i now don't have to stick to fireroads for fear of being lost in the woods for eternity, and i put quite a good route together tonight. Didn't venture over to Thorndon woods as after riding every day this week i was a bit fooked. I must have done about 140miles this week!
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    RUSSALF wrote:
    Ah that sucks Ade! Fingers crossed its fixed in time for my return, hope mark gets his rear wheel back in time to!
    Next time we all get out we're gonna need ear plugs now!!!
    I used my, erm, little wheel-meeting-mech incident as a good excuse to upgrade the rear to a Hope Pro II with DT 5.2 rims :twisted: I can't wait to here the racket we're all gonna make :shock:
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    impished wrote:
    RUSSALF wrote:
    Ah that sucks Ade! Fingers crossed its fixed in time for my return, hope mark gets his rear wheel back in time to!
    Next time we all get out we're gonna need ear plugs now!!!
    I used my, erm, little wheel-meeting-mech incident as a good excuse to upgrade the rear to a Hope Pro II with DT 5.2 rims :twisted: I can't wait to here the racket we're all gonna make :shock:

    Haha nice one, people are going to be leaping into bushes with 4 Pro ll charging up behind them :lol: Did you change the front rim too then, and what rear mech did you get?
    I noticed last night that my front wheel was buckled, so that is currently in Downlands. Hopefully pick it up tomorrow. Russ, you'll have to give me a quick lesson in wheel truing next time we ride :)
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I went for a XT shadow.
    Haven't done the front. Gonna wait till the missus forgets how much I've spent first :wink: :shock:
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    well my hub was returned , but they sent me a gold trials one?? My LBS told them i need it back by middle of next week so they have given me a new one :D ( we will be a bunch of loud MOFO's.)

    Nick you have to join the Pro 2 Club now :P
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Oh well now i feel all left out without a Pro II. For the time being i'll fix a playing card on my fork to make a bit of noise! Pro II on DT Swiss won the best budget wheelset in MBUK this month (but guess you already knew that based on your choice Ade)! Quite how a £300 pair of wheels is 'budget' i don't know!

    Anyway, usual Monday morning question - who's up for a ride on Wednesday evening?? Will prob have to be Blean as i'm as broke as Ade's rear mech at the moment ;)
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706

    We are going to be so noisey, better bring some pain killers along. What colour hope did you go for Ade? think a gun smoke grey would look good on yours.

    Gold Trials one? eh whats that Mark?

    lol £300 is not a budget set, think you can get a whole bike for that! idiots!

  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    pittpony wrote:
    Oh well now i feel all left out without a Pro II. For the time being i'll fix a playing card on my fork to make a bit of noise! Pro II on DT Swiss won the best budget wheelset in MBUK this month (but guess you already knew that based on your choice Ade)! Quite how a £300 pair of wheels is 'budget' i don't know!

    Anyway, usual Monday morning question - who's up for a ride on Wednesday evening?? Will prob have to be Blean as i'm as broke as Ade's rear mech at the moment ;)
    Yeah count me in as usual. I am constantly spending on the bike atm so i am with you on that one. I like blean again now anyway now that i am a bit more adventurouse. Do you fancy starting half way along the crab and winkle, as there is a great bit of st just after the long fireroad from the bridge over the motorway?
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    edited August 2008
    They do a trials and a BMX virsion of the Pro ll i think, and concidering how much the money no object wheelsets are, £300 is still budjet.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    RussAlf wrote:
    lol £300 is not a budget set, think you can get a whole bike for that! idiots!

    That's why i'm an MBR man at heart - was just bored in the service station so bought MBUK. It reads like its been written by children! Actually probably shouldn't say that on this forum ;)

    Andy - sounds good to me. You might have to give me an extra few mins to get there though as i'm usually cutting it fairly fine for 6.45 at Rough Common. I'll meet you at the top of the long fireroad if that's where you mean?
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    MBR or singletrack man here, not bought MBUK for a long time. I bought What Mountain bike at gatwick as it was all they had and that wasnt to bad.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    As long as I can get the bike sorted tonight or tomorrow, I'll be good for Blean on Wednesday. :twisted:

    I got a Hope Hoops build. Comes with a dark blueish/greenish/greyish (if you know what I mean :wink: ) hub. AND LOTS OF NOISE!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    RussAlf wrote:
    MBR or singletrack man here, not bought MBUK for a long time. I bought What Mountain bike at gatwick as it was all they had and that wasnt to bad.
    Yeah i really must cancel my subscription to MBUK one day, i only subscribed to get a free set of pedals only to be told that i should have entered some stupid code somewhere which they didn't tell me about :evil: It really is pants. MBR and Singletrack are much better. Hopefully i won't suddenly dissapear off this forum now :roll:

    Nick- the bit i mean is after the 2nd bit of long fireroad. Coming from Canterbury it is after the 2nd road crossing and just after it bares round to the right. Or i could just meat you where Ade parks his car normally and we just ride back.
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    Well all going well I'll come wednesday, but it depends on 1. if I get out of work on time (they're all on holiday 1 after the other, week after week so it's a 50/50 chance)
    And 2. If my knee is ok, because atm.. It's not getting even slightly better, diddlytsquat..
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Andy I'm not quite sure where you mean. Where is that in relation to the pond on the corner at Clowes Wood?

    Hope you can make it Jon. Third time lucky eh?!
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549

    Are you still riding tonight? I may be able to make it for wednesday night too as I should finish work by 5.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Pro II hubs settle down a bit with time. They make excellent rambler warning systems initially though, you just freewheel and they hear you from 30 metres away. Mines about 18 months old now and still no issues. One very important thing with them is that you must use a cassette where the larger 5 cogs are on a spider like with XT and possibly others. If you use one where all the cogs are seperate (this may only be XTR?), then the torque from the larger cogs destroys the freehub. Mine has a few small marks from the 7/8/9 cogs but only minor so no need for a £40 replacement one

    As I know a lot of you go to Bedgebury, I went there last Thursday, oh the rain! I knew it was going to shower a bit but christ, ended up having to find shelter lol! Glasses in the rain when its humid suck and to make it worse the sweat then went in my eyes so I couldnt see at all from the stinging! There is lots of new gravel but sadly just dumped down so its lethal and just washes away, needs to be compacted properly. They have built a new bermed/pump section in that bit which was cut down a year or so ago. That seemed quite fun from what I could see (!!) but again, the gravel needs sorting.

    I was running a helmet cam but took it off due to the rain! The other thing is the bracken is everywhere, its like the ground has risen 2 meters heh, but it means some bits you can cain in the winter, you cant now unless you can remember it 100% as you cant see much of the track
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    lost-time wrote:

    Are you still riding tonight? I may be able to make it for wednesday night too as I should finish work by 5.

    Yep still riding tonight, going to be a damp one though me thinks :roll: Ade- do you fancy riding tonight? And did you get my text last night?