XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    edited July 2008
    Well thanks Ade I can blam you for cursing my Luck because at about the exact time you was writing the above this is what i was doing to my nice new wheel and forks.


    And a new wound in the shape of a 09 Fox fork lock out Dial


    So im out for a bit as i cannot move my Knee, Bought some new tyres to cheer myself up (high rollers and ignitors)

    Thanks Ade :D:D (if Russ is blaming me for his accident im blaming you for mine :D
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    :cry: I am holding myself 100% responsible for jinxing you. :twisted: Sorry :wink:
    You gonna be able to true the wheel, d'you think?
    From my calculations, it must be my turn to stack big time next. :shock:

    As punishment for cursing you, I'm going to force myself to stay in ALL weekend :evil: and play Metal Gear Solid4 on my shiny new PS3 :wink: (no flaming from the XBOX'ers out there please :roll: , I'll play wiv that too )
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I wrote:
    From my calculations, it must be my turn to stack big time next.
    Scrap that :P I just remembered this, so I reckon it's back round to...............
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    As said on texts sorry about your new wheel, though it looks like you might get away with just getting it relaced, the rim might be ok.

    Personaly i feel this is all to blame on Ade :lol:

    Well you had that crash ade, andy had his over the bars at blean, nick had his many many many falls at surrey, ive had my shoulder and now marks had his fork implant. So by my calculations it is infact back round to you Ade.... :shock:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    RussAlf wrote:
    As said on texts sorry about your new wheel, though it looks like you might get away with just getting it relaced, the rim might be ok.

    Personaly i feel this is all to blame on Ade :lol:

    Well you had that crash ade, andy had his over the bars at blean, nick had his many many many falls at surrey, ive had my shoulder and now marks had his fork implant. So by my calculations it is infact back round to you Ade.... :shock:
    And so the circle of life continues ;)

    Hope the knee gets better soon Mark. Although with you and Russ out of the way it gives the rest of us a chance to look less tardy on the downhills ;)
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    Rim is split, so i need a NEW RIM. ah well at least i got some bike shop vouchers for my birthday :D

    we all need to get a good ride in before the end of August, i vote for a day out at Swinley Forest.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Bugger new rim, how is your knee feeling now?

    Im well up for a ride at swinley, can we back it for sometime after 5th august? might be able to do a light ride then.

    Now onto more a serious topic, Nick has expressed intrest at attempting to attach a wicker basket to carbon handle bars, forhis commute to work and the grocers. I have mocked up this picture for him.

  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    Now THAT is a pringled wheel! How did you manage that Mark. Hope the knee get's better soon. I am definately getting some decent knee pads soon, my knees have taken a right hammering lately. And i have a feeling i might be next in the crash roulette, as we are going to the BMX track in Herne, and i am taking my existing crappy pads :) Wish me luck!

    Ade- That video makes me laugh every time :lol:
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    HaHa nice one Russ, although it's the stupid grin on his face i laughed at first :lol:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Ha ha ha that's brilliant Russ :lol: Have you been bored by any chance? That's a pretty neat job considering you only have your left hand. Unfortunately the photo is innacurate as the wicker basket will go on the trance. The hardtail will pull a trailor so i can get my weekly shop home safely ;)
    HaHa nice one Russ, although it's the stupid grin on his face i laughed at first :lol:

    Thanks Andy - what a lovely thing to say ;) Hope you made it over to meet the Kent trails guys in time.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    pittpony wrote:
    Ha ha ha that's brilliant Russ :lol: Have you been bored by any chance? That's a pretty neat job considering you only have your left hand. Unfortunately the photo is innacurate as the wicker basket will go on the trance. The hardtail will pull a trailor so i can get my weekly shop home safely ;)
    HaHa nice one Russ, although it's the stupid grin on his face i laughed at first :lol:

    Thanks Andy - what a lovely thing to say ;) Hope you made it over to meet the Kent trails guys in time.

    No, they left the car park at 2pm. I had a right nightmare in Blean :evil: Just as i got to the top of the last hill on the black trail that joins the fireroad back to the car park, i got another bloody flat, and had no tube or patches left, so i had to walk miles back to the main road and down into Tibs in Canterbury. I'd love to know how far i walked, i haven't walked that far in years! Oh well, got myself some new Lizzerd Skin grips as well :) Not quite a full suss frame though...i'm verry jelouse.

    Anyway, those jumps were good fun. Didn't expect so much peddaling but it was verry windy, and i suppose it would be a lot faster if you actually clear the jumps instead of rolling up and down :roll: With a bit more practice i can clear a few of the doubles no problem i think. I'd be quicker than everyone if i had a full suss though :lol:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Man that's miles away from anywhere. What a crap time to get a puncture! I should have thought and swapped my spare tube with yours as i was going home anyway. Ah well its easy to say with hindsight :(

    Yeah really enjoyed the jumps so we'll have to go back soon 8)
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    deadpool2e wrote:
    we all need to get a good ride in before the end of August, i vote for a day out at Swinley Forest.

    Seconded :) I was looking at your pictures and vids of swinley again this morning and it looks realy good. Is it a lot better than where we rode in Surry?

    I have just had a look on the Kent-Trails site, and they are doing a ride on the 29th Jul from Aylsford and heading to Merryworth woods and returning along the Pilgrims way and Trosly country park. I am thinking of going, anyone else fancy it? You have all been talking about doing Merryworth for a while, and the Kent Trails rides are always good fun, and the Pace isn't too mad on the Sunday rides either, especially now Matt isn't riding for a while :)
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I'm away on the 29th Andy :( Its a shame as i'd hve fancied that.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    pittpony wrote:
    I'm away on the 29th Andy :( Its a shame as i'd hve fancied that.

    Sorry i meant the 20th :oops: Must have hit the wrong key by mistake.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Next Sunday? That's out for me too :(
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    Thinking about it... If you lot want to try some jumps then I know nothing better (for rookies) than the 4x course at penshurst.. NOW THAT, IS FUN!! and jesus christ do you get some air, get your speed right and you cant go wrong too.. Might be an idea to do a trip up there at some point.. Can do the downhill course there too if you so wanted, there is loads of routes up and down to arse about on.. It's endless..

    Pics of the 4x track here:
    http://www.knowheretoride.com/countries ... hurst.html
    It's funny as I'm shit scared of doing really big jumps and yet I love these.. Don't quite realise what sort of air I get..

    The 3rd or 4th pic down (the bridge) is the scariest one, the lip on it is so steep and so is the exit... Plus it's the first real jump so if your gonna die anywhere, it'll be there!
    Goddammit I wanna go there now!
  • mbnut
    mbnut Posts: 155
    Hi Mark... so the knee is a bit sore... i'm not surprised, i ope you are on the mend.

    I need a bit of help and i'm wondering if any of you guys can help.

    I have just tried to go tubeless with xt tubeless ready rims and conti mountain king protection... the trye seated easily on the rim and i thought i had it sorted but air is coming through the side wall of the tyre... does anyone know if this will stop??? i wonder if it is due to it being the black chilli compound.

    Would appreciate any help as i'm ff to Scotland Thursday to ride the 7stanes for a week and i'm running out of time to get my tires sorted.

  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    mbnut wrote:
    Hi Mark... so the knee is a bit sore... i'm not surprised, i ope you are on the mend.

    I need a bit of help and i'm wondering if any of you guys can help.

    I have just tried to go tubeless with xt tubeless ready rims and conti mountain king protection... the trye seated easily on the rim and i thought i had it sorted but air is coming through the side wall of the tyre... does anyone know if this will stop??? i wonder if it is due to it being the black chilli compound.

    Would appreciate any help as i'm ff to Scotland Thursday to ride the 7stanes for a week and i'm running out of time to get my tires sorted.


    I have heard it can be a right pig to get tubless tyres seated with hand pumps, have you tried using co2? If you haven't got any try a compressor in any garage. Some are easyer than others, but it is the same as mounting car tyres, they need a sudden burst of high pressure to pop them onto the rim, after which you can go back to the hand pump. I have heard that track pumps might be able to do the job too. Also try putting some washing up liquid around the bead so there is less resistance as you try and seat it.

    HTH :)

    P.S. Oh i forgot you were riding with Mark last week, so spill the beans, what happened? :)
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    mbnut wrote:
    Hi Mark... so the knee is a bit sore... i'm not surprised, i ope you are on the mend.

    I need a bit of help and i'm wondering if any of you guys can help.

    I have just tried to go tubeless with xt tubeless ready rims and conti mountain king protection... the trye seated easily on the rim and i thought i had it sorted but air is coming through the side wall of the tyre... does anyone know if this will stop??? i wonder if it is due to it being the black chilli compound.

    Would appreciate any help as i'm ff to Scotland Thursday to ride the 7stanes for a week and i'm running out of time to get my tires sorted.


    Knees on the mend cycled to work today and felt ok. Try and get some sealant and put that in the tyre as it should fill the small holes.

    And please do tell what happened when i crashed as i dont know how it happened :D

    Wet wooden bridge and to much speed= crash and split knee
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    lol ignore my above post. If i had read it properly i would have realised you got it on the rim already! Well the cat was chewing on my toes at the time!
    As Mark said get some sealent in there, and i beleve you have to rotate the tyre then leave it horizontal on either side for 10 mins to seal any leaks in the bead. Haven't done it myself but read a lot of bike magazines.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    DEADPOOL2E wrote:
    Wet wooden bridge and to much speed= crash and split knee
    Many a rider been felled by those deceptively tricky bridges at Bedgebury. At least it wasn't the gravel, eh Russ :wink:
  • Matt-B
    Matt-B Posts: 112
    Well, thanks for the tips guys - ended up at Bedgebury yesterday for a quick blast round the singletrack course, and it was great. It did, however, make me realise how much I am out of practice - I think I will have to get a bit more practice in! Always hard as well when you are doing a course for the first time and have no idea what is round the corner!

    Got there at 1pm, and it wasn't busy at all though, was very pleasant, only saw one rider actually on the course, and a handful on the family route. All in all a very pleasant afternoon! Only wish my other half thought the same - sitting in the car reading the paper for 2 hours wasn't her thing!
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Glad you enjoyed it Matt :D

    Hope you didn't incur too much wrath from the other half! :twisted:
  • Matt-B
    Matt-B Posts: 112
    pittpony wrote:
    Glad you enjoyed it Matt :D

    Hope you didn't incur too much wrath from the other half! :twisted:

    Haha, nah, she's alright - just had to do a bit of grovelling!

    Now I just have to find somewhere similar close to NW London - can't afford to hire a car every weekend!
  • hi all i live near canterbury just wondering if any one knows of some good byways or tracks to ride on around the area or if anyones going out if they dont mind me taging along im just looking to get a little fitter and get out to see the counrtyside.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    hi all i live near canterbury just wondering if any one knows of some good byways or tracks to ride on around the area or if anyones going out if they dont mind me taging along im just looking to get a little fitter and get out to see the counrtyside.

    Hi Stuart, welcome to the madhouse :)

    You'r welcome to join me for a ride round Blean on Friday if you want. I don't usually do anything special during the week, mainly just around the red and black walking trails and the odd bit of singletrack i can remember (crap sence of direction :roll: ) mainly just to keep my fitness up. I usually get to the Blean nature reserve car park just after 6pm, so if you fancy it let me know.

    Also we regularly go out on weekends (or used to anyway, everyones bloody buisy lately :wink: ) and sometimes during the week, and i can highly reccomend you have a go at a Kent-Trails ride on Saturday's and Sunday's. They are usually a good laugh but can be on the long side, between 20 and 50 miles depending on the route. Have a look on the webby at www.kent-trails.co.uk

  • cheers for the offer and advice im a bit tied up for the next few weeks but will take you up on the offer of riding in blean. I need to get a bike rack too really. i dont supose you know of any good off road routes out of canterbury i could try on my way home from work sometime?
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    cheers for the offer and advice im a bit tied up for the next few weeks but will take you up on the offer of riding in blean. I need to get a bike rack too really. i dont supose you know of any good off road routes out of canterbury i could try on my way home from work sometime?

    Where abouts are you. Blean is just outside Canterbury off the main road between Canterbury and Whitstable, basically just go through the Westgate towers and go strait on till you pass the water tower, then hang a left at the mini roundabout, then a right when you see a brown sign on the right had side for Blean nature resurve car park. There are three walking trails that go from where the notice board is and i usually do the red and black, being 2 1/2 and 5 1/5 miles respectively. There is loads of singletrack round there as well, and if you have a good sence of direction you can link them togather into quite a good route. I did a Kent-Trails ride round Blean and Thornden woods once and we did over 30 miles in about 3 hours. Also before you get to the mini roundabout there is a blue sign on the right for the Crab And Winkle, which goes all the way to Whitstable. Have a look on google earth, which should give you some idea of where the trails go.
  • hi well im in goodnestone which is near wingham i was just looking for a few tracks to change the ride home from canterbury but ill check out google earth cheers for that