XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    pittpony wrote:
    I take it there was an intentional detour then? Glad its riding nicely. Can't wait to get out again!

    Oh of corse, because we know the area like the back of our hand :)

    That was a really good ride last night. The red route has never been so fast, and on that final fast down and up bit i was going so fast i actually bottomed my forks out for the first time! Think you guys will enjoy it on Sunday, if it dosn't rain again! Looking like we are going to get some rain in France, and the wind might be stonger too :evil:
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Check your emails guys, bad news :(
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    Nick and anyone else whos coming sunday 9amis good (blean car park) so i will see you there then.

    Rus i checked my e-mail but they still seem to be up the spout? But i already know your bad news, hope you get better soon.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    9 am Sunday, Blean car park. 8) See ya there.

    Just to repeat, ALL are welcome to come along and show us up :wink:
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Heres some vids of mark doing some good jumps at swinley, no vids of me jumping didnt really feel up to it after riding 12miles with a broken shoulder.



    and the map of the ride,


    Its pretty good there considering how flat it is, they have made really good use of what is avalioble and the thought into the trails is really good, it puts bedgebury to shame big time. Every corner pretty much has a berm and the all flow so well. Shame i couldnt ride any of it fast.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Good vids - you got some good air there Mark 8)

    We'll definitely have to give it a try. I like the way you used the opportunity to have another pop at Bedgebury Russ ;)
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Your see what i mean though, mark was thinking the same even before i mentioned it. Also it costs £2 with free parking compared to bedgeburys £7.50.
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    We will have to do a XC in Kent Forum Ride there, so much to explore.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Hope you had a good ride today guys. Sorry about dropping out at the last minute :oops: I considered getting up but really did need more than 4 hours sleep... I'm now making lots of resolutions about never drinking again and treating my body a bit better... :( :roll:
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Ill let you off this time Nick, please dont let it happen again.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    PITTPONY wrote:
    Hope you had a good ride today guys.
    Was a nice ride today Nick. We went via Crab & Winkle to herne-bay and Mark showed me the BMX track!!!! We REALLY all need to go there sometime soon. :twisted:
    It's a proper track with starting ramp, lovely berms and tempting doubles. :shock:

    We ended up doing about 34 miles, IIRC.
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    Yep good ride today Ade, my arms are very red now. Glad you liked the BMX track, i think i was just about clearing the double bit and could have stayed all day.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    Glad you had a good ride guys. You really should have come to France with us though :D We had an excelent ride today from Callais to Wissant via a mixture of road, double and a bit of singletrack, but there were some excelent climbs and downhills that constantly reminded me of the South Downs Way. Lots of chalk rocks and gravel, and one downhill which must have been neerly 45 degrees at the start! Done 68km from ferry to ferry, not sure what that is in miles but i am guessing it's around 45 ish. Is it 1.5km to the mile, i keep forgetting?

    So the BMX track is good then is it? Been meaning to ride there for ages but everyone keeps saying it's too small for MTB's.

    Mark- When you say you cleared the double bit, do you mean the 2 just after the start ramp? Are all the jumps doable on a mountain bike?

    So is anyone up for an evening ride or three this week? I have the car any day but Wednesday so my preference would be BBH as usual :)

    Oh and Nick- The stupidly expensive shorts are actually worth the money after all :D They may look a little odd with their half lycra, half baggy styling but the pad is bloody excelent, and i got no saddle sore at all :D:D I wish i got them 2 weeks ago!
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    Hi Andy glad your ride in France was good, On the BMX track the double is just after the 4th Berm i think. Its the bit that looks most like a table top so you can practice your jumps without to much risk.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Glad you all had good rides this weekend. The less said about my Sunday morning the better so let us never speak of it again.

    Andy - i'm desperate to get out but I don't think i'm going to make it this week :cry: There might be something I can get out of on Wednesday but otherwise I'm going to have to miss out again. I'm going to be a stone heavier by the time i next see you guys!

    I'm away this weekend too but on the plus side I've persuaded my mate to stop off at Betws-y-Coed on the way home :D:D:D
  • flip_flop
    flip_flop Posts: 16
    Hey all - Tunbridge Wells captive here...

    anyone around that way fancy hooking up?
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    FLIP_FLOP wrote:
    Hey all - Tunbridge Wells captive here...
    anyone around that way fancy hooking up?

    What type of riding you into?
    Have you ridden Bedgebury yet? As you may have read in earlier posts it's not perfect (eh, Russ :wink: ), but not too far from you and quite fun.

    What do you ride? (not that it matter, really :roll: )
  • flip_flop
    flip_flop Posts: 16
    hey pished...

    been riding XC for about 15 years, used to do a bit of racing in my teens but much slower now...I moved to Kent about 3 years ago and have OK knowledge of trails around T Wells. I work just outside of Bedgebury so have plenty of opportunity to get wet and muddy there...also go riding around Friston, Mereworth, Sevenoaks etc. I've been off the bike due to illness for a while so up for a laugh and riding at whatever pace - fast, slow ... just don't expect me to get big air..hah

    Ride a modest Giant XTC alu bike with Rebas...

    Cheers mate :D
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    FLIP_FLOP wrote:
    also go riding around Friston, Mereworth...
    Hmm, recently we've been talking about doing a ride in Mereworth or Friston.
    Think we might have to start that discussion again 8)
  • flip_flop
    flip_flop Posts: 16
    Mereworth is great, as is Seal Chart/Oldbury (Sevenoaks)...some nice rocky descents and steep sharp climbs, I know that area reasonably well

    Mereworth I'm not so hot on - I'm doing a recce soon so shout if you are in that area. Friston is also worth the trip, especially if you do the Friston route on the South Downs as well.

    Also availalble to meet during the week in the T Wells and Sevenoaks area...

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    flip_flop wrote:
    been riding XC for about 15 years, used to do a bit of racing in my teens
    Aha - another contender for the "mountain goat" crown. Watch your back Andy T - we're coming for you!!!

    Hope to meet up soon flip flop, we usually get together once a week or so 8)
  • flip_flop
    flip_flop Posts: 16
    Hehe I have been known to climb a few hills but not so quick these days, also have a nasty habit of smoking the odd cigarette in the pub garden which does no good for my lungs at all!

    Still, I'm only 28 so not exactly past it...Sounds great though PittPony - let me know when you're next out and I'll tag along if I may...

  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    pittpony wrote:
    flip_flop wrote:
    been riding XC for about 15 years, used to do a bit of racing in my teens
    Aha - another contender for the "mountain goat" crown. Watch your back Andy T - we're coming for you!!!

    Hope to meet up soon flip flop, we usually get together once a week or so 8)

    Well usually once a week, but your too sodding buisy :roll: :wink:

    I think the goat title is safe in my hands for a while :) After riding 43 miles on Sunday, where i was right behind Michael and Mat the whole time :D , (unless i was blasting past them on the downhills :D:D ) I did another 24 miles last night on the Black and Red routes round Blean, and i have never got round there so fast! On some of the corners i was going so fast i neerly overshot them, and i'v really sorted out my high speed cornering now too. So you'd better get some seariouse training in Nick or you'll be choking on my dust next time :) Having a day off today though as i'm foocked!

    Do you know if you'r able to ride tomorrow yet? You fancy a quick blast round Blean tomorrow Ade?

    Hey Flip_Flop. I am really keen to give Merryworth a go, so if everyone else isn't too buisy as usual maybe we could all do that sometime soon.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    That's fighting talk Andy. I did my commute home in a record 58 minutes today. The trip home is normally an hour and 10 8)

    But unfortunately i can't prove it tomorrow as once again I'm busy :(

    Seriously though, you're going to destroy me when we get back out!!
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    Well chaps, looks like I'll be doing the normal Boxley route this weekend, possibly exploring further and see what happens..

    Am definately up for Mereworth... See if we can get that together for sure...
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Flip Flop

    Tunbridge wells here to, unfortunatley ive broken my shoulder recently so wont be able to meet up for a ride anytime soon. Get out on a ride with these guys though and its a good laugh, just watch out for andy or nick crashing into you as they try to race each other to the top.

    As soon as im healed we should meet up for a ride, i ride pretty much all over, surrey hills, swinley, bedgebury (urgh), westerham way, blue bell hill, canterbury and we all on here recently rode the south downs way. Have a look in my pics. Im usually also about during the week for rides as i work shift work, me and mark (deadpool2e) usually go for day trips to places during the week/.

    One arm Russ
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    I think i blew myself out a bit on Monday, as all week i'v felt like i haven't slept for a month and have not been out on the bike since. Was going to do a Kent Trails ride tonight but thought that as i have been struggleing to stay awake at the wheel all day i'd relax and have an early night! Strange how the body works, full of energy one minuit, running on empty the next :evil:

    One arm Russ :lol: Hows the sholder doing, notice any improvement yet? I'd imagine due to it's location away from the joint and muscles it should heal fairly quickely. Has the tube driven you insane yet, or are you riding the fold up one handed? :)
  • flip_flop
    flip_flop Posts: 16
    Get well soon RussAlf - Hope it wasn't a nasty break...

    Stuff you describe sounds like the stuff I enjoy doing - Surrey Hills, etc...and an occasional trip to Wales.

    Should have mentioned that during the week I'm only out evenings as I do a 9-5... generally loops around T Wells through Pembury Woods, Hargate Forest or the Warren...but would be nice to hook up and pick each other's brains for routes.

    Sure I'll catch you lot sooner rather than later - might do Mereworth this weekend and get my bearings as I've only been guided around there...

    Out for a spin now, have fun all :)
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Cheers Flip, as soon as im healed we shall sort something out!

    Biology Lesson Part 1
    Andy, unfortunately its the opposite. Where i have broken it is a major point where alot of tendons attach to the bone coming over from the shoulder. So when ever the muscles contract as if to pull my arm up it is essentially pulling the broken bone away again. As seen in the diagram lol :lol:

    Had a check up yesterday at the hospital and luckily it is still healing in the correct place, if it had moved at all i would have to have a operation and a screw put in place. Its important for it to heal in the correct place because of the tendons. Got a check up again next week to check it still hasnt moved. Saying this it is alot better only one week in, im still confident ill be fine for afan.
    Tube is utter missery, i hate it, poor fold up is looking at me in disappointment. Im tempted to ride it one handed, not sure how the folding/unfolding will work with only one arm. lol[/img]
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Thanks for the biology lesson Russ - the fact it was lesson 1 suggests there will be more to follow! Sounds like a git of an injury. You don't do things by halves do you ?!!

    Andy, you could have pre-warned me about you burning out. Then i would have cancelled everything to come and beat you up some hills while i have a realistic chance!

    I really should be able to make a ride one evening next week though. Oh, and i think i'm free next weekend if anyone else is around?