XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Definitely working today guys so will have to miss out :( Have a good one. Maybe we can arrange another midweek ride
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    I'm looking to hit the trails today and if you lot are going to be up there... Well... Nuff said..

    Cya there.. :twisted:
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    Jesus H Christ guys... That was superiorily awesome today! Was so nice to have decent weather, good fitness and asthma that's behaved for the first time all year! Loved the new sections I'd not done before, especially before and after we cut off the rape field.. Definately have to get the headcam going on that one..

    Hope you got home alright and didn't get too lost... :lol:
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    I went to bedgebury today and the trails are all good and dry did 2 laps (my bike was nearly dry with hardly any mud). It was a bit late to cancel or i would have come with you guys to BBH. Ah well theres always next time.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Yeah, good ride today Papasmurf.
    Good to hear about Bedgebury Deadpool. Gonna have to sort a ride out there soon. 8)
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Deadpool2e (mark) and myself had a good ride around Surrey today, 18.5 miles, 811m of climbing and Descent.


    Mark you can see the larger picture by going hereand clicking on get original uploaded picture, that will open it larger.

    How was BBH guys?sorry i couldnt make it.

  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    Yeah loved the ride today Russ, have to get a few more of us up there as it was super fast and technical on some bits as well.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • noileum
    noileum Posts: 1
    Have you guys ever ridden around Shorne Wood?

    I had an exploratry ride there last night and managed around 10k of linked trails and hardly saw the same bit of trail twice. (there's also a few jumps, bomb holes etc dotted around)

    I'm looking forwards to when I get more of a feel for the place and can link the trail together more, as I done a fair bit of stopping and starting while I got my bearings.

    I was also surprised at only seeing a handful of joggers and dog walkers. Admittedly there's a lot of 'cheeky' trails there, but there's also a ton of unmarked trails which you should be able to string together into a nice loop or two.

    Only annoyance is that they've just put up their prices (to £1.50 parking for weekdays and £2 for weekends and £2.50 bank holidays)
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I've never ridden Shorne but it's on my 'to do' list :)

    Ade's 35th Birthday ride went well thanks Russ. I guess we only did about 12 or so miles as they close the car park at half 8 but it was good fun. Unfortunately Andy didn't fall off again. I have temporarily taken his crown with a ridiculous clipless moment and bloody knee :lol: :roll:

    Think i managed all that without giving away your age Ade ;)
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Pittpony wrote:
    Ade's 35th Birthday ride went well thanks Russ.
    I think you meant 25th :roll: :wink:

    I'm starting to love BBH now. Thanks for egging me on on the last hill. :twisted: I don't think I'll ever be as fast as you guys, but at least I've started feeling a buzz of satisfaction when I reach the end of a climb.
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    If or rather when we do a ride around Shorne, gotta have NeilHead as a guide... He's the only person I know who knows a route around there and knows how to get into it without having to pay for parking (at a nearby pub)
    I would know the route myself but rather than learning it I was more concerned with going as fast as possible in the snow, not only for the fun of it, but also to feel a little more like I wasn't about to crack up and fall apart from the cold... :lol:
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    Looking to work on the fitness by doing the Boxley circuit this weekend if anyone else is up for it? Anytime is ok for me
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Papa Smurf wrote:
    Looking to work on the fitness by doing the Boxley circuit this weekend if anyone else is up for it? Anytime is ok for me
    Afraid not. I'm going to a stag day on Saturday so am duty bound to have a hangover on Sunday ;)

  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    Russ- Are you working on Saturday 31st May. Nick and i are off and i think Ade said he was too, so do you fancy doing a Surry ride?

    How are you guy's fixed for a BBH ride next week. I am working all weekend :evil: but have Monday off as a result :D.

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I'm away all weekend and won't be able to ride on Monday :( On the plus side its because i'll be at Afan :D I get back Monday evening and have a week off work so can ride any day 8)
  • mbnut
    mbnut Posts: 155
    Hello guys...
    been a bit chaotic the last couple of weeks so not had time to get online...

    Thanks for the Blean ride.... sorry we were a bit slow, though now I see i am a fair bit oilder and fatter so i have an excuse... maybe

    I am away this weekend and then i'm on nights so should be able to fit in some rides during the day if anyone is up for it... i would prefer BBH as i'm fitting our kitchen and could do with staying local.

    Enjoy Afan... i'm seriously jealous although i am on a stag do in Bristol and i intend grabbing a quick go around cwmcarn

    Just a quick note... i'm going to Scotland to do the 7 stanes for a week from the 19th of july... i'll be staying in bunkhouses to keep the cost down... anyone up for it

  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Russ- Are you working on Saturday 31st May. Nick and i are off and i think Ade said he was too, so do you fancy doing a Surry ride?

    How are you guy's fixed for a BBH ride next week. I am working all weekend :evil: but have Monday off as a result :D.


    Hey Andy, hows things? Yeah im working friday night shift which means i could only do an afternoon/evening ride. Im off on Monday so we might be able to get a ride in but looking at the weather it could be wet and thunderstorms!

    Nick, im off Mon to Thurs next week so we can definately get a ride in one of the days?

    Mark (deadpool2e) and myself had a good ride around Bewl/Bedgebury today, we completed the Loop of Bewl in 57mins which beat my last years record of 1hour 30 seconds. I must admit they have done ALOT of work at Bedgebury on the singletrack, it was dry and fast rolling there today. Best days riding at bedgebury since last summer.

    As usual heres the Map. 31miles total.

    Mark, you can see the bigger one by clicking Get original uploaded photo Here

  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Nice time round Bewl! I went there a couple of weeks back for 2 loops. I simply refuse to believe that Bedgebury is dry until I see it with my own eyes lol! I have been planning to do exactly what you did above, cut out of bewl, round bedgebury then back for the rest of bewl

    what software do you use as my old memory map works fine and I can see a side on elevation data like yours but it wont give me the total hieght, max etc which would be nice
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    I'm good apart from acheing quads from overdoing it in Blean the other day. My own stupid fault as i still rode yesterday! I should know by now not to carry on riding till they stop acheing!

    That looks a really good route Russ, how about doing that again next week instead of BBH? I have always fancied riding around Bewl Water and i still havn't done Bedgbrury yet. Still want to do a Surry ride soon though.

  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    breezer wrote:
    Nice time round Bewl! I went there a couple of weeks back for 2 loops. I simply refuse to believe that Bedgebury is dry until I see it with my own eyes lol! I have been planning to do exactly what you did above, cut out of bewl, round bedgebury then back for the rest of bewl

    what software do you use as my old memory map works fine and I can see a side on elevation data like yours but it wont give me the total hieght, max etc which would be nice

    I use tracklogs, ive never tried memory map as tracklogs was cheaper. £20 for the whole of the southeast in 1:50 scale.

    I was in shock myself at how dry it was! They have re routed some of the muddy endings and starts and put down lots of gravel, which is a bit crap as it is very loose at the moment. Hopefully once it beds in it will be better. however its predicted to rain this weekend so it could be back to swamp like.

    Andy, ride anywhere will be good.

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    So what's the ride round Bewl water like? Is it flat, hilly, bridleway, singletrack? I'm well up for a ride next week. I'm planning to do a long ride on Thursday (50+ miles) along parts of the North Downs Way and some road sections depending on whether i can plan a good route finishing up in Canterbury. You guys are welcome to join me, otherwise Tuesday and Saturday are good for me
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    On the map the first 12miles is Bewl, as you can see its very flat double track. It is however a nice ride as you go round the outskirts of the reservoir, so get to see lots of birds. fishermen, watersports etc lol

    Im up for a ride to, sort it out next week. Tuesday and Saturday should be fine, not sure about the long one on thursday ive got to work nights that evening.
  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    Hi all,

    Yeah it was a good ride yesterday and i did tell you bedgebury was good again :D

    anyway as usual (most times) here is some helmet cam footage of me and russ. In one you will here the advantages of running tubeless tyres......


    Russ there are loads of vids of us practising the jumps so e-mail me your address and i will burn to a disk for you.

    Hope you all like.

    Nick (pittpony) I would have joined you on the long ride next week but i am of to the caravan (clacton) for a week. If anyone knows any good routes around there let me know.......
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • Papa Smurf
    Papa Smurf Posts: 776
    edited May 2008
    Hi guys, broken my lappy screen so net useage is very limited!

    Anyone getting out Sunday??
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    deadpool2e wrote:
    Hi all,

    Yeah it was a good ride yesterday and i did tell you bedgebury was good again :D

    anyway as usual (most times) here is some helmet cam footage of me and russ. In one you will here the advantages of running tubeless tyres......


    Russ there are loads of vids of us practising the jumps so e-mail me your address and i will burn to a disk for you.

    Hope you all like.

    Nick (pittpony) I would have joined you on the long ride next week but i am of to the caravan (clacton) for a week. If anyone knows any good routes around there let me know.......

    Nice vids Deadpool. Hope your forks are OK. Are they Specialised forks, or have you changed them? I have read about all the problems people have been having with them.

    I definately want to do Bedgbrury now, those jumps look good fun, and just what i need to sort my jumping out, as it is the only aspect of my riding that is letting me down at the moment. Anything more than 3 foot of the ground and i am bricking it!
    Do i remember someone saying they do a skills course at Bedgbrury where they teach you how to jump properly, or am i imagineing that? :roll:

    I am good for Thursday evening or Saturday. I will have the car Thursday so i should be able to get there for 6ish, or i am off all day Saturday.

    Ade- Are you riding next week?

  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    I have just been watching some dirt jumping vids on you tube. When you are jumping big jumps, if you keep your body position central dose the bike naturally follow in an ark so that both wheels land at the same time, or do you always have to push forward on the bars? I really want to get the hang of this jumping thing, and am going to have a go on a new 4X style track in Herne over the weekend.

  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    deadpool2e wrote:
    Hi all,

    Yeah it was a good ride yesterday and i did tell you bedgebury was good again :D

    anyway as usual (most times) here is some helmet cam footage of me and russ. In one you will here the advantages of running tubeless tyres......


    Russ there are loads of vids of us practising the jumps so e-mail me your address and i will burn to a disk for you.

    Hope you all like.

    Nick (pittpony) I would have joined you on the long ride next week but i am of to the caravan (clacton) for a week. If anyone knows any good routes around there let me know.......

    Nice vids Deadpool. Hope your forks are OK. Are they Specialised forks, or have you changed them? I have read about all the problems people have been having with them.

    I definately want to do Bedgbrury now, those jumps look good fun, and just what i need to sort my jumping out, as it is the only aspect of my riding that is letting me down at the moment. Anything more than 3 foot of the ground and i am bricking it!
    Do i remember someone saying they do a skills course at Bedgbrury where they teach you how to jump properly, or am i imagineing that? :roll:

    I am good for Thursday evening or Saturday. I will have the car Thursday so i should be able to get there for 6ish, or i am off all day Saturday.

    Ade- Are you riding next week?


    Hi Andy,

    In the end it was not my forks but my tyre going bang and then sealing its self.... I have fox forks, but i think Specilized have sorted out all there proplems now in the 08 range.

    Where in Herne Bay is this 4x track as i go there to see the inlaws sometimes and i would like to practice my jumps as well.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    It is just off of Broomfield road. Basically take the flyover off the thanet way, do a left at the Plough PH down Margate road, then a right at Broomfield road followed by an immediate left. The entrance is through the gate on the right as you go down the road. Hope that makes sence :)
    I should have taken some pictures when i rode over there for a look the other day, but i think it is intended for MTB's as well as BMX's. My boss has been there a few times and he has seen MTB riders flying over the jumps, and there are some nice big burms. I might go over there on Monday if you want to join me.

  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    love to join you but im down the caravan for the week with the wife and kids.
    Next time im down there i will defo let you know and you can show me where it is, if thats ok.

    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Anyone out and about later?
    Sitting at work at the mo :roll:, but I fancy getting out in all that mud and wind :twisted: