XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • SBezza wrote:
    I apologise that I wasn't there at 9, I took a wrong turn on a bridleway, and didn't manage to get there until 9:45. Sorry if you waited around, I hope you carried on as normal.

    I would have tried finding you, but I wouldn't have known where to start, hope everyone had a good day anyhow.


    Steve, we did wait untill 10 past then set off, only to come back past the meeting place at half past. Bit of a bugger but such is life.
    All in all we done about 12-13 miles... Don't know about the rest of them but I am absolutely f**ked :P
    If anymore rides come up, or if your interested a little scout around there oneday then PM me your mobile and can go from there. Same goes for anyone else...
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Shame you got lost Steve, maybe next time eh?

    Enjoyed that ride - thanks for showing us round guys! There were some really good sections and i guess half the challenge is linking them up!

    Who knows, after today Thorpey might make a guest appearance on the forum after his extended absence ;)

    I'll probably be riding at Blean tomorrow if anyone is up for it around lunchtime?
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Good ride guys, thanks for showing us around really enjoyed it. lovely day for it aswel have to explore alot more of that area sometime soon as it definately has alot of potential.

    Ill get the route we rode up soon, once i download it off my gps. Jon or whoever got my comical fall could you try and send it to me please.

    Nick, Its looking like i will be jioning you tomorrow. Will let you know later.

  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    Glad you had a good time, must admit by the time I got there, I had already done 22 miles, so was well knackered.

    I know where I went wrong so next time I will be there on time, I would have been early if not for the stupid error on my part. Did have some fun along the North Downs Way en route though, a cracking downhill that was a bit too steep for me,though I did go down it, and almost cooked the brakes, didn't visit it on the way back, wasn't interested in climbing up to get to the top.

    Must admit it is the first time I have been to the Bkue Bell Hill view point, been up the hill loads of time, never realised how steep it is. I did see a few No Cycling signs though, do you just ignore them? or is there another route?
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    What max speed are your computers showing for todays ride guys?
    I think mine might have got a bit of a funny wireless signal from somewhere, cos it's showing 42mph!!!! :shock:
  • impished wrote:
    What max speed are your computers showing for todays ride guys?
    I think mine might have got a bit of a funny wireless signal from somewhere, cos it's showing 42mph!!!! :shock:

    That's possible. I was hammering it down the hill from Blean into Canterbury once and i got up to 45mph :) And you have faster rolling tyres than i had on at the time.

    Glad you had a good ride guy's. I hope to make the next BBH ride. Anyone want to do a Blean evening ride or three next week?

  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Ade i got 36mph on my gps.

    Cant make tomorrows ride now nick, been invited along to a ride in Surrey. See you next weekend hopefully.

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Ade - I don't have a top speed but then my speedo still says we only did 0.12 miles today. Might be time for a new one :oops:

    Andy - I'm hoping to get out on Wednesday night if you can make it?

    Russ - Not to worry about tomorrow. At least this way i can have a lie in and not have to worry about getting up at a specific time! Have a good one over at Surrey :)

    BTW that rear shock had stuck down. I had to strip it down and when i opened it up there was an ALMIGHTY 'pop' noise as the trapped air came out (apparently thats normal). It also forced the end of the shock onto my finger and crushed it against the table which led to some rather loud noises of my own ;) All sorted now though :)
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Ah I thought it was stuck down, good news its all working fine now.

    Heres the GPS map, if you look we missed a good section on the north downs way, on my 3d model on the software it looks like a good downhill section. Ah well better know for next time hey!



    If you want the map just say and ill email it over.

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I take it those pink diamonds are the North Downs way? Shame we missed that bit out - maybe next time eh? Do you think that was at the top of that really steep bit that you and Ade went down?

    I'm well impressed with your GPS, I really need (well, want) to invest in one of those sometime soon :D

    Good pics too. You should have warned me and i'd have done my hair ;)
  • Looks like an interesting loop. Which way did you go round? Missed one very good singletrack downhill near 'White Horse Stone'

  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    The part you missed out is actually footpath, so not sure how suitable for bikes, might have a few stiles along the route.

    There is a steep downhill going from the part you went along down to the road near Boxley, it looks as though you went down about half of it, but it links up to the North Downs Way, I went down it en route to the viewpoint, and it was a bit too steep really for my experience on the bike.

    Does depend on which way around you went.
  • paul_f
    paul_f Posts: 16
    The part you missed out I think is probably the best bit of trail in the area - swooping through the woods and then down the hill past the White Horse Stone as Michael said.. Even though its actually a footpath I have never seen a walker on it! Its a bit draggy this time of year though, its best in the summer.

    That steep downhill from the top of Boxley hill is good fun. When I was a kid we used to call that the chute because of the way it is cut out in the hill. Plenty of crashes at the corner where the trail from the road joins.
  • rl7
    rl7 Posts: 11
    looks like a clockwise loop from the elevation. Red diamond bit along top is wet grass & mud (although good bit near Harp Farm running along a few yards from the top) - good link in summer as cuts down on road and can go down by Cossington Farm and then woods across to top of Blue Bell Hill near M2 tunnel (very muddy at moment).

    bit Michael referred to generally pretty dry.

    if want to entend in bigger loop (and pretty good conditions mostlly) there are some good descents straight along west of BBH - either a quick blast down ridge (NDW) to Nashenden Farm (nice dryish run in most conditions) - straight along view point road and keep going track turns to singletrack by Ringshill place on map. Bridleway down opposite RHood pub a good very quick blast down and can also go along road past RH west and turn left at end of tarmac and left fork/straight on at top - if do that descent best to ride along Pilgrims Way tarmac (right at bottom or north) and climb up Byway climb east of Wouldham - you're then at top of singletrackbit down to Nashenden Farm - can then loop back up around Upper Nashenden Farm via bridleway or woods over to leisure centre way
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Russ could you email that map to me please? I'll pop it in my collection :) Hope you had a good ride today btw.

    I made it up to Rough Common and was suprised how dry a lot of the trails were. Some bits were still pretty muddy but a lot of the sticky stuff from 10 days ago has dried up nicely. Suprisingly the worst bit was the off-camber downhill section near Dargate. I was looking forward to it as i haven't ridden that section for a couple of months, but i think another vehicle might have been down there and carved a bit more of it up. The rest of it was very muddy anyway so it was a very slow descent :(

    Anyway, its looking like Wednesday might should be good riding conditions if the rain stays away. Who's up for Rough Common, 6.45pm?? All welcome as usual :D
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    All being well, I'll be there repeating the phrase "oh, I've gotta get fit!" :wink:
  • I'm up for Wednesday. Realy hope it dosn't rain for a while though, i am realy sick of mud!

  • SBezza wrote:
    Must admit it is the first time I have been to the Bkue Bell Hill view point, been up the hill loads of time, never realised how steep it is. I did see a few No Cycling signs though, do you just ignore them? or is there another route?

    Well I personally just ignore the signs, but I never go up BBH on the road, tis plenty of ways around.
    The garage and motorhome centre halfway up is where we came out. We took the tunnel going underneath the dual carriageway and made our way up from there, nice and direct. If you don't know exactly which path to take from the tunnel you can get horribly lost...
    pittpony wrote:
    I'm well impressed with your GPS, I really need (well, want) to invest in one of those sometime soon :D

    I have exactly the same GPS unit as Russ did, it's un-packed but brand new, just sitting about. Never used it because I've never really had a need too. Would sell if if you'd be interested?
    Looks like an interesting loop. Which way did you go round? Missed one very good singletrack downhill near 'White Horse Stone'
    We went clockwise, starting out on the top line.. Had I of known most of the section we went on we probably wouldn't of missed the really good bits, but unfortunately I've not been out that way as much as I should have..
    rl7 wrote:
    If want to entend in bigger loop (and pretty good conditions mostlly) there are some good descents straight along west of BBH - either a quick blast down ridge (NDW) to Nashenden Farm (nice dryish run in most conditions) - straight along view point road and keep going track turns to singletrack by Ringshill place on map. Bridleway down opposite RHood pub a good very quick blast down and can also go along road past RH west and turn left at end of tarmac and left fork/straight on at top - if do that descent best to ride along Pilgrims Way tarmac (right at bottom or north) and climb up Byway climb east of Wouldham - you're then at top of singletrackbit down to Nashenden Farm - can then loop back up around Upper Nashenden Farm via bridleway or woods over to leisure centre way

    Ah yes, the route down the side and opposite the Robin Hood pub, definately 2 of my favorites!
    When we started out I headed down to the leisure centre and we had a quick scout around, then we headed off the really good bit.

    I'm amazed my Botton Bracket held out tbh guys. Mind you, it's totally fooked now. Wouldn't be surprised if it don't last the day! New one on the way though!

    Oh and Russ, I have trouble getting video's off my phone, but not to worry because I sent them all to Nick. He can Bluetooth them to you or put them on youtube etc..
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Come on guys, when am I gonna feature on Youtube with my DH/TC? :wink:

    p.s. TC = "Tree Cuddling" :oops: .
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    Room for a little one Wednesday evening? :wink: :oops:


    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    PANTER wrote:
    Room for a little one Wednesday evening?

    100% YES Panter. Although I am a bit nervous that you've transformed into a XC whippet since you last came along on one of our rides :wink:

    18:45 Wednesday @ Rough Common it is then.
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    Unfortunately I can dispel that notion instantly :oops: :lol:

    I'd like to think I'm ever so slightly less desperately slow than before, but I doubt it :oops:

    Right, i'll just check with the boss this evening that I'm allowed out and as long as I can fit my light onto the MTB I'll be there :D


    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • Room for not so little one on wednesdy...?
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Sounds like a good turnout for Wednesday then :P

    Anyone else?
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    I would love to come, but I doubt I can there before 6:45, and plus don't really have lights good enough for night riding.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Are you using your new lights on Wednesday? Or have you nicked the GF's again :wink:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Impished - are you suggesting I tend to borrow a lot of her stuff ;)

    I'll be using the new lights if they've arrived but i'm not holding out much hope as they were only dispatched today and are coming from abroad... So to answer your question I'll probably be borrowing hers again!

    I managed to get the vids up from Saturday:
    Russalf's first attempt
    Russalf again
    Impished DH/TC

    Fairly brief but very funny - especially the amount of laughing during yours Ade :lol:

    Looking like a good turnout for Wednesday :D
  • Did the black route round Blean this evening. Tis true it wasn't very muddy, but only because the ground was frozen solid! I fear that if it is above freezing Wednesday evening it could be a bit greasy again, unless it is verry sunny. Everyone do a sun dance between now and Wednesday :)

    Nick- What lights did you go for in the end?

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Right.... I think we need to sort out a return visit to BBH. and this time take a proper vid camera. We could get some corking footage on some of those fast sections (42mph :shock: )

    oh, and me eating trees :oops: :roll:
  • Id be up for BBH (if i can find it) If we can arange for a sunday as i work most Saturdays.
    Ill even bring my camcorder :D
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.