XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Anybody fancy a ride tomorrow or this weekend? Blean?

    Lost time: I must be mistaken, but you do look like him :lol:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I'm around this weekend so am up for a trip out. I was thinking about Bedgebury but am happy with Blean. Any other takers for either?
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    we talking Saturday or Sunday?
    Hope my pads come soon :?
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    I can do Saturday afternoon or all day on Sunday. Actually I'll re-phrase that :shock: - I can make any time on Sunday. I might be a bit tired if i do an all-dayer ;)
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Can't do tomorrow. Wife keeps reminding me I've got a family :roll:

    Sunday would be best for me. I don't mind Bedgebury or Blean... Any time, any place, any where....
    oops, started to sound like the 80's Martini advert there (pun for us oldies there :wink: )
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    pittpony wrote:
    Really enjoyed that again tonight, thanks guys :D It was a good quick ride - well it was quick compared to what i'm used to if i'm out on my own :oops:

    Where abouts did we go on that first loop? I completely lost my bearings for a while there!

    Yeah, it was a good ride wasn't it?

    The first loop was like a big figure of eight. I'll have to GPS it to explain in more detail but it is very easy to find if in daylight!
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    If any of you are interested....here is Kent Trails forthcoming rides.


    Despite all this rain, the trails have well resisted. Trails around Blean woods have been washed away leaving a good hard surface and removing most of the gloopy mud. Trails around Barham and toward Deal were excellent, hence the ride overthere on Sunday.
    So the rides for this week are as following:

    Thursday 24 January: Night riding in Blean wood. Meeting by the University Sport fields (Canterbury) at 6.00pm
    A 1h30 to 2 hour ride in the woods

    Saturday 26 January: Rough Common (Blean Nature Reserve Carpark) at 2.00pm
    A 2 hour ride in the woods, heading toward Thornden and West Blean woods

    Sunday 27January: Walmer Castle carpark (Deal) at 10.30am
    Expect a 3 to 4 hour ride (~25miles) going toward Nonnington Via Tilmanstone.

    Best regards,

    I'll be looking to do thursday night and sundays rides.

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Eugh - just when you think you have a free weekend a friend appears out of the blue! :roll: I'm not sure if i'm going to make a ride on Sunday so you're best of planning that one without me :(

    Losttime - thanks for the Kent Trails info. I'll see what time my mate is getting here and might be able to get out on Saturday afternoon. I'll let you know and will email Michael if i can make it.
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Saturday or Sunday is good for me i dont mind, would prefer Blean over Bedgebury thinking about how Bedgebury must be at the moment.

    Had a good ride this morning, the singletrack is nice and dry but as soon as you hit the fireroads or some of the BW you get covered! Went into clowes wood for the first time this morning, didnt explore at all as i was pushed for time but i wouldnt mind being shown around there, thinking about it im sure im missing alot of good stuff in Blean.

    Heres my route from this morning.


    From the map where is exactly all the best single track?
  • RussAlf, the best singletracks are within the loop you have done. Most twisty/interesting singletracks are on the South part of your map (marked 'Church wood'), so that is the left hand side of the double track leading to the carpark. Not too much to do in Clowes woods at the moment with all the logging going on. Other good place to go is toward Thornden & West Blean with a fair bit of pine trees, so some good dry trails. Come along on Saturday as we will be heading toward West Blean. Should not take longer than 2 hours (hopefully)

  • HI all,

    Me and Neil are of to Bedgebury on Sunday at about 8 ish. I know there is another ride on sunday (which i would love to join i with the Kent trails guys next time im at the inlaws :D ). So anyone is welcome to join us.

    Bedgebury Bike wash 8 Ish Sunday 27th. Let me know if you are coming so we know who to wait for.

    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Bedgebury @ 8am sounds good to me. As long as I can shake this cold I've picked up :cry:

    I'll let you know for definite on Saturday.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    RussAlf, the best singletracks are within the loop you have done. Most twisty/interesting singletracks are on the South part of your map (marked 'Church wood'), so that is the left hand side of the double track leading to the carpark. Not too much to do in Clowes woods at the moment with all the logging going on. Other good place to go is toward Thornden & West Blean with a fair bit of pine trees, so some good dry trails. Come along on Saturday as we will be heading toward West Blean. Should not take longer than 2 hours (hopefully)

    Hi Michael, should be able to tag along tomorrow :) Looking forward to it!
  • Ok, shall see you tomorrow 2.00pm
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Thanks for the email Michael, im going to come along tomorrow. I take it will be pretty obvious the group in the car park i will need to go to. Ill be coming along on my own on a Giant Trance, anyone come and say hi to me as i wont have a clue who anyone is! :lol:

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092

    I'm a definite for Sunday @ Bedgebury. The cold I've caught stayed as a minor sniffle, so I reckon I'll just o the bloke thing and ignore it :roll:

    See you 8am @ Bedgbury bike wash..

    Right, now to go wash-bike/fit-new-pads/refit-grip/service-fork :shock:
  • lego
    lego Posts: 769
    Hi all, I've got one of those rare things tomorow...... a day off :lol: anyone mind if I tag along tomorrow?
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    LEGO wrote:
    Hi all, I've got one of those rare things tomorow...... a day off anyone mind if I tag along tomorrow?

    Your welcome to tag along @ Bedgebury @ 8 a.m.

    Hopefully the trails will be a bit more solid than of late :roll:
  • lego
    lego Posts: 769
    Err sorry I'm going to have to take a rain check. Something even rarer (sp?) than a day off has occoured..... I'm off to the pub :D . that does mean I won't make a morning start at Bedgebury. Sorry chaps. I'm off next weekend if you all we're going back. I'll look in during the week. Have a good ride ya'all.
  • OK so Its me , Neil, and Ade....anyone else???

    BTW i also have next week of an the wife is planing to go to the inlaws os im up for a ride on saturday or sunday.

    Would like to go with the kent trails guys on Saturday if they are doing one??
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Sorry guys, :oops:
    this cold is playing games with me, I feel crap :cry: so I'm gonna bow out of tomorrows ride :(
    As long as I can shake off these nasty little germs, I'll be good for mid-week dark rides and next week-end.
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Thanks for the ride today Michael, it was excellent really enjoyed myself! definately up for coming along to many other rides, would like to come along to the longer ones aswell. Ill email you the route we did today when i get a spare moment to transfer it onto my laptop.

    Good meeting you today pittpony, have to sort out another ride together soon.

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    RussAlf wrote:
    Thanks for the ride today Michael, it was excellent really enjoyed myself! definately up for coming along to many other rides, would like to come along to the longer ones aswell. Ill email you the route we did today when i get a spare moment to transfer it onto my laptop.

    Good meeting you today pittpony, have to sort out another ride together soon.

    I'll second that - really enjoyed that ride and got to see a few new bits of the woods! Cheers Michael - I'll definitely try to link up with you guys again soon.

    Yeah was good to meet you RussAlf. Glad you worked out who i was as i was struggling to find out who you were with so many people there!

    Should be good for a midweek ride if anyone else can make it?
  • Pittpony, Russell, glad you both enjoyed it and great meeting you. Only scratched the surface of the trails we can use. Just a shame to meet such a sad git claiming we were on his land. Unfortunately for him, land we were on belongs to the university! Feel free to come along to any of the rides we do. Will try to do a different part again on Saturday. Sunday is likely to be somewhere along the cliffs between Deal and Folkestone. Today the trails around Deal were absolutely brilliant. No mud at all which is amazing at this time of year. If you want to try a very different ride, that's worth coming along as well.

  • paul_f
    paul_f Posts: 16
    Just a shame to meet such a sad git claiming we were on his land. Unfortunately for him, land we were on belongs to the university!

    I did wonder that, there was a sign at the beginning of the trail saying the land belonged to the University. Seeing as I am an alumni I'm sure I must have some sort of right to be on there :lol:

    Glad the ride today was good, I will have to make a Sunday ride again soon! (as well as trying to get there on a Saturday on time

  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    edited January 2008
    What time and place you got planned for next Saturday and Sunday and how long will the routes take? (So I can tell the wife how long I will be :D )

    Today Bedgebury was very good on some parts and EXTREMLY muddy on other parts nearly unrideable. Some of the Boars on bikes people were on the trail, building some Shore stuff over some of the worst bits of the mud so that should be good when finished.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • lost-time
    lost-time Posts: 549
    Anyone fancy a night-ride this monday from Blean? Not looking for a particular long one but just one to get out really.

    Ade, a few sniffles shouldn't stop you... :lol:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Tomorrow night might be tricky for me - I'll probably have to sit this one out :(
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    edited January 2008
    Thanks Michael, unfortunately im working next weekend but ill definitely be along to the ride the weekend after.

    deadpoole ive been wondering how long it would take them to make up some broad walk stuff over the really muddy sections! thats good news, even when i last went about 2 weeks ago alot of it was unrideable cant imagine what it is like now.

    Paul, sorry my memory is like a goldfish's which bike where you on?

  • paul_f
    paul_f Posts: 16
    I was on the blue on-one - the one with the squeaky brake! Now fixed fortunately - one of the pads was getting slightly too big for the caliper