XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • OUCH!!!!

    Shame you can't send an email to Ford and they send you out a new one, like you did with the Stumpy

    Yeah if a car company did that kind of warranty id be first in the queue. Should be fixed soon so will be up for bedgebury or a margate run again.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    6:30 @ Blean sounds good. See ya there. BTW, I'll be parking on the road, before the car park entrance (bloody roofrack :wink: )

    Don't forget to post when you're up for another ride, and we'll see if we can get a bit of a possee together again 8)
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    impished wrote:
    6:30 @ Blean sounds good. See ya there. BTW, I'll be parking on the road, before the car park entrance (bloody roofrack :wink: )

    Don't forget to post when you're up for another ride, and we'll see if we can get a bit of a possee together again 8)

    Sweet! If i get there before you i'll be hanging around in the car park. Se you there :D

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    To be honest, in the dark I tend to stick to the singletrack that I know best, just off the fireroads. I struggle with direction in the dark too :shock: .
    Never really followed a set route in Blean, when we've done forum rides there before we've followed a route that Lost-Time showed us. (I think it's one of the routes Kent-Trails use.)
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Nice ride Andy 8)
    I liked the comedy moment when we met in the carpark and looked at each other (as you would normaly) and both got blinded by each others lights :lol:
    So much better riding in the dark with someone else.
    That was some sliiippppeeerrry mud out there today, eh :shock:
    1st time I've ridden the "black" route. Short but sweet

    The only problem with forum rides is ----> you're ALL fitter than me!!!! :oops:
    Oh, well... only I can sort that I spose..... now where's my pizza :twisted:
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    impished wrote:
    Nice ride Andy 8)
    I liked the comedy moment when we met in the carpark and looked at each other (as you would normaly) and both got blinded by each others lights :lol:
    So much better riding in the dark with someone else.
    That was some sliiippppeeerrry mud out there today, eh :shock:
    1st time I've ridden the "black" route. Short but sweet

    The only problem with forum rides is ----> you're ALL fitter than me!!!! :oops:
    Oh, well... only I can sort that I spose..... now where's my pizza :twisted:

    Indeed, very good ride. I will definately be trying some of the trickyer bits again next week. Although i still enjoy my normal route, it's nice riding somewhere new. And i need to do more of that stuff to improve my confidence a bit. My general fitness is now prety good, but my ability on the technical bit's is still lacking big time, and you left me for dead sometimes as i was bricking it :roll: I nearly stacked it at least 3 times :roll:

    It was a bloody horrible ride home tonight, as it realy started hammering it down after i left you. And as usual the wind changed direction slightely so that i had a headwind going home to!!!!

    Oh and the bit we rode first was the "Red" route. The black is twice as long, with loads if long hills, which are no dought very muddy too. I was planning on doing that over the weekend, but think i might try a Whitstable to Margate run instead, after spending a couple of hours cleaning the bike :)

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Deadpool2e, Pittpony, Giantalkali... I've just added our Blean mugshots to my album, here.

    Let me know if you'd rather not be seen on the wwwebernet.... I'm sure we're all too old to be groomed though :lol:
  • impished wrote:
    Deadpool2e, Pittpony, Giantalkali... I've just added our Blean mugshots to my album, here.

    Let me know if you'd rather not be seen on the wwwebernet.... I'm sure we're all too old to be groomed though :lol:

    I am open to grooming by sexy chix, not sure how many will venture 25 pages into a forum in order to find me tho. Bugger...

    Hope all had a good new year and xmas, not been about for a while as it is cold and shitty out, but will be back in the game soonish...
  • I am open to grooming by sexy chix, not sure how many will venture 25 pages into a forum in order to find me tho. Bugger...

    Hope all had a good new year and xmas, not been about for a while as it is cold and shitty out, but will be back in the game soonish...

    Yes im up for a bit of that as well :D

    I dont mind my noggin being on tin ternet.

    giantalkali when you say soonish do you mean warm and not shitty...... :D
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • yes, i know I'm a pussy, but being a dripping wet pussy is no fun...
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    yes, i know I'm a pussy, but being a dripping wet pussy is no fun...

    did you mean "having" or being? :wink:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Hi all,

    A belated Happy New Year. Got back from holiday last night so have been off the bike for a couple of weeks :( Best laid plans and all that - was going to get up to Blean at lunchtime but then the jetlag kicked in...

    How are the trails up there at the moment? Muddy i guess.

    Nice work putting up the mug shots Impished :) I've got no problem with my ugly mug being interwebbed.

    Hope to see you all soon for another forum ride :D
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Hi Pittpony. Glad to see you had a good hols. 8)

    Blean's good'n muddy alright. :twisted: Just the way I like it :wink:
    Have you got some lights yet? Slippery mud & roots in Blean in the dark is :shock: ...
    PittPony wrote:
    Hope to see you all soon for another forum ride :D
    I second that Pittpony... I'm hoping we've all been back to work and started working off the mince-pie-belly/grandmas-sherry-chin already :wink: and are fit (apart from me :wink: ) and ready for action :?
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Yeah great hols thanks Ade! We were right next to the Rocky mountains then went to a biking / skiing village in Oregon. A fortnight surrounded by some AMAZING looking trails and they were all buried under feet of snow :( Ah well, back in June so will try to get some pedaling action in then.

    I'm desperately searching my calendar to suggest a date for a ride. At the moment its looking like a week on Saturday (19th) morning is the only time i'm free in the next couple of weeks... Any takers?

    No lights of my own yet but my gf got a very nice set that she says i may be able to borrow if i ask nicely. So a night ride might be an option before then :twisted:
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I'm good for Saturday 19th. Anybody else?
    Where'd you prefer? Blean? Bedgebury?
    Maybe if we say Bedgebury then some of the previous posters who have wanted to come along to Bedgebury (Russalf, Lego, AndyTurner, SunkToTheNutz, etc) could make it 8)

    Post if you get permission to borrow the lights, and we'll sort a night ride. Some of that Blean singletrack is mighty different in the dark :shock:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Saturday the 19th would have to be Blean for me. I need to get to London for early afternoon so it would have to be an early one too... Let me know if that suits you, otherwise go ahead with bedgebury and i'll catch you all next time.

    I'm all good for borrowing the lights. Am i really planning my first ride in about 3 weeks to be a night ride?!? Aah well, got to get back to it sometime :twisted: If Andy can make it as well there will be one of you to carry me and one to carry my bike when i'm a gibbering wreck ;)
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    PITTPONY wrote:
    I'm all good for borrowing the lights. Am i really planning my first ride in about 3 weeks to be a night ride?!? Aah well, got to get back to it sometime If Andy can make it as well there will be one of you to carry me and one to carry my bike when i'm a gibbering wreck
    Sonds like a great idea to me :wink:

    Blean/19th/early :shock: is fine with me.... Come on peeps join the roll call :wink:

    I know Andy's pretty much out every evening, so I assume any day would be good for him. I'm pretty flexible too. Realistically, I can get to Blean for 18:30. So, name your day and I'm there.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    Oh balls, i'm working again. Sorry Ade, you'r going to have to carry Pitpony and bike by yourself :lol: I'm definately up for the following 2 weekends though, but i can only make Blean at the moment as i am currently without transport.

    Oh and i had the worst ride ever tonight. Decided to try and make it to Margate and back, but it started hammering it down when i got to Reculver so i had to turn back. To make matters worse i had no waterproofs, and my contacts had been hurting my eye's all day so i had to wear my glasses, which fogged up and i couldn't see bugger all the whole ride back. Also had the old favorite........A BLOODY HEADWIND!!!!! And i was constantly worried my ipod would drown in my very unwaterproof pocket! Got a bit wet but it's an ipod touch so water couldn't get in anywhere, thank god!

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Doesn't sound like a fun ride Andy :( If there's one thing i HATE on my commute its a headwind. Its my excuse for having not ridden to work for a couple of months now :oops:

    The night ride might have to be next week for me I'm afraid. There's a chance i can make it tomorrow but i'm supposed to be playing football. Monday (14th) is definitely free if that suits you both?

    Glad Sat 19th is ok Impished. Do you remember how long the usual 'day' loop normally takes us? I need to be home not much after 10 to catch a train...
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I seem to remember it taking around 2 hours, IIRC.
    I don't mind starting :shock: early.

    If you want, we could just throw together sections of the route to make sure you're back in time.
    Or maybe ride the Crab & Winkle to Whitstable and back with a bit of venturing off at Clowes wood for a change?
    Up to you m8

    Monday night should be good too. Again, the earliest I can make Blean is 18:30, but I'm good to go. (got some fresh batteries :evil: )
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    2 hours seems about right to me, was hoping i'd remebered correctly. Can you make it for 7.45am? Let me know if that's too early...

    Monday 14th at 6.30 pm sounds good for a night ride :D Andy can you make it along too??
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    pittpony wrote:
    2 hours seems about right to me, was hoping i'd remebered correctly. Can you make it for 7.45am? Let me know if that's too early...

    Monday 14th at 6.30 pm sounds good for a night ride :D Andy can you make it along too??

    Hopefully i should be up for that. My chilblanes have been acting up a bit this week, but i am going to take it easy the rest of this week so should be ok by Monday. Might be time for a cherropodist visit though :roll:

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Hope you've all got water/windproofs for Monday :wink: Have you seen the forecast for Monday? :shock: Lots of rain & lots of wind :cry:

    Oh well, that's why we're rock-hard all-weather mountain bikers, eh :twisted:
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    impished wrote:
    Hope you've all got water/windproofs for Monday :wink: Have you seen the forecast for Monday? :shock: Lots of rain & lots of wind :cry:

    Oh well, that's why we're rock-hard all-weather mountain bikers, eh :twisted:

    Year right :wink: Apart from riding to and from work i havn't been out since Wednesday! I'm sick of the wind and rain, particularly wind AND rain. Been pounding the treadmill instead. Think i have managed to strain my Achillise(sp) tendon though! Been quite painfull walking around today, so i will see how it goes for Mondays ride.

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Dark wet and windy? Roll on the summer :roll:

    Still up for it though :D Might have to dig out some kind of waterproof if i'm going to get round in one piece...
    NEILHEAD Posts: 435
    Any one is welcome to join us on a local ride through cobham woods its a 2 hour ride through some lovely woodland.All fitness levels can join as im normally at the back anyway. Contact me at neilhead@msn.com
    Never trust a man with facial hair.

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Cheers Neil

    Is that Cobham in Surrey? Bit of a trek for me normally but might be able to join you when i'm visiting my gf's parents. I'll let you know next time i'm around that way
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Is that Cobham near Rochester?
    I uses to live in Strood 15 years ago, so I know the Cobham woods. Did try finding a ride there many years ago, but must've blinked and missed it :roll:

    What's the ride like? Lots of singletrack? I'm presuming it's quite a bit of descending & climbing?
    NEILHEAD Posts: 435
    Yes its a really good ride with loads of singletrack and yes lots of up and down hills we have a quickie 2-3 hrs ride or can do the killer one. I do live in strood abd you are very welcome to join us any time you wish.
    Never trust a man with facial hair.

  • dunnnooo
    dunnnooo Posts: 900
    Might be there on Monday if it's dry....
    I'd give my right hand to be ambi-dextrous