XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    This weeks Blean ride will be Wednesday 28/01/2009 18:45 at the normal spot. (check previous pages for a map)

    As usual, everybody is welcome to come join us.

    I'm off back to my new home......

    You ain't seen me, right ;-)
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    impished wrote:
    This weeks Blean ride will be Wednesday 28/01/2009 18:45 at the normal spot. (check previous pages for a map)

    As usual, everybody is welcome to come join us.

    I'm off back to my new home......

    You ain't seen me, right ;-)


    Your "merchandise" has been dispatched Ade - should be here tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know!
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    pittpony wrote:
    impished wrote:
    This weeks Blean ride will be Wednesday 28/01/2009 18:45 at the normal spot. (check previous pages for a map)

    As usual, everybody is welcome to come join us.

    I'm off back to my new home......

    You ain't seen me, right ;-)


    Your "merchandise" has been dispatched Ade - should be here tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know!
    Merchandise? Is this some kind of drug deal :?: :wink:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Nothing you need to worry yourself Andy - if you don't know you can't get in trouble for knowing ;)
  • Agh! You've killed Sketchy! Or is it just me with a 'permissions error?'
  • Agh! You've killed Sketchy! Or is it just me with a 'permissions error?'
    Sketchy has moved. Now at www.sketchmtb.co.uk Nice one Ade :wink:
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    As Andy (nearly :wink: ) said....
    I nearly killed SketchyMTB..... It's moved to www.sketchymtb.co.uk

  • impished wrote:
    As Andy (nearly :wink: ) said....
    I nearly killed SketchyMTB..... It's moved to www.sketchymtb.co.uk

    Ooops. I'm sure they got the idea anyway :wink:
  • Ade's broken Sketchy again. Stop tinkering :wink:
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    It wasn't me.... really :oops:
    I've swapped domain names.. and it's taking a while for the DNS to update, hence the occasional failed url's and emails.....
    should be rock solid by ttomorrow

    (oh, and a fair bit quicker than this bloated mess :twisted: )
  • RussAlf
    RussAlf Posts: 706
    Really ade im not paying for this poor service , its un acceptable

    Is it broken again :cry:
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    It can take 24 hours or more for DNS servers to propagate updates so your ISP's may not have been done yet

    Ade: I see you have created a DNS A record for sketchymtb.co.uk without the www. however apache or whatever you use must need configuring to accept it else it fails to load unless people use the full www.sket....... name
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    yer Ade! - you've really gone and done it this time! :wink:

    Ive got the shakes from withdrawal now......

    What do I pay my £1000 subscription for???

    I have unimportant comments to make that have no relation to bikes or biking!

    DNS should resolve itself today as long as everything has been entered correctly and is left alone to sleep.....

    Then you may have the problem of any absolute addresses that will all need changing! :oops:

    Good luck!
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Strangely it worked fine for me last night on the new domain name and its still working fine from work which is a different ISP, ive been the only one on there all morning heh

    I also cant work out why it wont work using the ip address, presume as its on a co hosted box

    Steve posted about 3 hours ago and Mbnut at 2.20am or some silly time
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    Im still getting:

    Not Found

    The requested URL / was not found on this server.
    Apache/2 Server at www.sketchymtb.co.uk Port 80

    Im on BT Broadband.
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    When I click on that it bounces me to


    so try it with the Blah.pl on the end. Weird as suggests your DNS is ok

    Out of curiosity, can you open a command prompt and type

    nslookup www.sketchymtb.co.uk (and hit return)

    Should get

    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name: www.sketchymtb.co.uk
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    breezer wrote:
    When I click on that it bounces me to


    so try it with the Blah.pl on the end. Weird as suggests your DNS is ok

    Out of curiosity, can you open a command prompt and type

    nslookup www.sketchymtb.co.uk (and hit return)

    Should get

    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name: www.sketchymtb.co.uk

    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl remains 404

    Command Prompt Result:

    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name: www.sketchymtb.co.uk

    Obviously a difference there.....
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Yer but only slight which is weird. Could be mega coincedence but almost certainly both IP's are from the same hosting company and in their range. It doesnt load for me if I use the IP even with Blah.pl at the end so just have to wait I guess, I will go talk to myself on there lol
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I have worked out why I am the only one that can see it but you will have to wait till it works for you until you can see my thread :P
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    breezer wrote:
    I have worked out why I am the only one that can see it but you will have to wait till it works for you until you can see my thread :P

    That makes sense! :lol:

    Why dont you phone me with the answer, but Im not giving you my number! :lol:

    Im assuming its just a DNS update thingamee.... dont worry, I can post my pointless comments here for now....

    Oh, and for those remotely interested, the guy with the Trance is going to let his sale run until the end, Ive offered what he asked for it elsewhere but didnt seem to keen as he's been shafted a few times by the sounds of it, Ive offered to pay upfront too before he turns of any ad's.

    Im hoping we can strike a deal as I've kind of resolved to me getting one now, watch this (or Sketchy!) space.
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    It was a joke, something about the fact that its a kent forum but im not from kent... :D

    Thats a bummer and sounds weird as he has it on ebay then offers it on a forum with the forks as well and then decides he wants to let ebay run. Maybe he got tons of people messaging him on the forum so he realised he was offering it too cheaply on there
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    No, quite the opposite, he had it on here in December, no takers.

    Put it back on here in Jan, no takers...

    Put a final comment that he'd let both go for a fairly good price (£350)

    I PM'd him and offered him just that + postage and he'd rather let it run (for less!)

    Ive actually got the money sitting in Paypal as Ive not been withdrawing on sales incase it's accepted.

    It will be going to a loving home, Ive even told the missus she gotta sleep in the shed as the bike would be with me! :lol:

    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Sounds bit weird then but you could always send me the money if you dont want it in paypal lol

    Not sure if mbnut comes on here but just incase, look at this http://www.bikeradar.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12606222
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    Could be a blessing in disguide if the small frame turns out to be too small.

    From my research it shouldnt be, but only one way to find out I guess.
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Yer, may be ok with a medium as it does have a mega bend in the top tube to aid step over clearance

    God this forum is antiquate posting on a single thread. Plus in the racing section I just did the same post four times LOL stupid thing said I couldnt as I had done another post too recently so I went back and hit submit again, to be given the same error...but it had actually posted!

    Bring back sketchy! Its quite often slow to load and sits there doing nothing for 10 seconds+ but at least its nicely organised!

    Oh hang on, it does work for me... :D
  • Just checking in.

    Bet Ade wont get much "real" work done today ;)
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Do we ever? :lol:
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I hate waiting for updates!!!!
    My hosting co. did warn me it might take upto 24 hours, but I though... nahhh.... won't take that long :roll:
    in the meantime this works :wink:

    Should be rock solid by 16:00 at the latest :?
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    No it doesnt

    Not Found

    The requested URL / was not found on this server.
    Apache/2 Server at sketchymtb.co.uk Port 80

    but http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk does fine and it now looks like 5 other people have arrived
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I think it works with www for some and without www for others :roll:
    Oh, well....