XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • becs p
    becs p Posts: 19
    Hi guys,

    Just got my first MTB and plan to ride Blean Woods at Rough Common, close to where I live.

    I know the woods with the brown, green, red and black trails from running.

    I wanted to know can bikes go anywhere in the woods or are there certain paths I need to stick to?
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Well I think going by the sign, those routes are footpaths only and strangely some of them up there dont even allow dogs on them! There are billions of paths all over the place though and as long as ride slow on the footpaths and dont crash into walkers they are generally ok like when I was up there recently :)

    If you have a look at my map below you can see the car park in the bottom right where the signed paths go from so you dont need to go far and you are out in the quieter bits and just ride where you want

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    becs p wrote:
    Hi guys,

    Just got my first MTB and plan to ride Blean Woods at Rough Common, close to where I live.

    I know the woods with the brown, green, red and black trails from running.

    I wanted to know can bikes go anywhere in the woods or are there certain paths I need to stick to?
    Breezer is right in saying bikes are banned on those paths but i've never had any trouble as long as you're courteous to runners and walkers. Obviously I'm not recommending you ride somewhere you shouldn't though... The red route is a nice short blast, the black route is a fair bit longer and even includes a couple of hills (a rarity for Blean!). Over the track from the car park is where the best of the singletrack can be found but you need to know where you're going to make the most of it.

    Let us know how you find it and if you ever need a guide then a few of us ride there fairly regularly
  • becs p
    becs p Posts: 19
    Thanks guys.

    It would be great to have a guide sometime. However, I've yet to even ride it outside, it's a hardtail. I have just started with a turbo trainer just to get the legs going as I haven't riden a bike for many years.

    I'm bound to be really slow and cautious so wouldn't want to hold you guys up. I am hoping to be there Saturday for my first ride out but plan to take it easy etc. Perhaps I can take you up on the offer when I've got a few miles under my belt.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Theres lots of fireroads and then gentle off road bits which you could use to start on then build up confidence after that. Its quite flat so nothing too extreme just watch out for the trees which can jump out at you. If it doesnt have one, a quick release seat clamp would be useful then you can drop the saddle down if you want to try some trickier bits as theres more room to move on the bike and its easier to eject from it should you need to :)

    Would be worth giving it a quick bolt check with the allen keys before going off road for the first time just incase the shop missed any and the cables will stretch the first few miles as well so may need adjustment.
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    becs p wrote:
    Thanks guys.

    It would be great to have a guide sometime. However, I've yet to even ride it outside, it's a hardtail. I have just started with a turbo trainer just to get the legs going as I haven't riden a bike for many years.

    I'm bound to be really slow and cautious so wouldn't want to hold you guys up. I am hoping to be there Saturday for my first ride out but plan to take it easy etc. Perhaps I can take you up on the offer when I've got a few miles under my belt.

    Welcome to the ever growing financial burden that is Mountain Biking! :lol:

    No better way to get fit is to get outside and ride, take your time and ride at your own pace - you will be amazed at your progress within a few weeks.

    Im assuming you have appropriate clobber? - helmet, waterproof jacket etc? Investing in a multitool and a nice mini pump should also be high on the list of accessories to get hold of.
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • becs p
    becs p Posts: 19

    Thanks it's all good advice.

    Got helmet, MTB mini pump, mini tool set, spare tyre, puntchure kit, saddle bag, clip on mudguards arrived today. Also have shimano MTB shoes (not clips yet) and cycling shorts.

    Regarding glasses, wicking tops, jackets, my running ones will do for now. Eventually want to do some Duothons so have some tri shorts as well.

    A mate who is a keen rider (he's done Land's end to JoG, cycling holidays in the Dolomites etc) helped do the set up. He also made me practice changing tyres etc.

    Seat does have quick release.

    Due to not being able to change an existing committment I can't get to Blean this Saturday and Sunday is my long run runnning day (10 miles). Will just go round the Orchards etc close to my house instead for first short run out.

    I will keep an eye out for what's posted here.
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Regarding your saddle post in the womens section, its deffinately worth buying a womans specific one as they are shaped to accomodate the male/female differences, sit bones etc. Even more vital if you have been finding your current one painful but some of that could be due to the position its at so play around with that as well
  • Specialized Body Geometry saddles are very good and they also do Male/Female in different sizes. My local bike shop (a specialized dealer) has a tool to measure your sit bones so you get the right size. Nothing worse than being uncomfortable on your bike.

    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • becs p
    becs p Posts: 19
    My bike is a women's specific GT avalanche. So it already has a women's saddle. I am going to try with the nose pointed downwards a little bit more.
  • Bmjboy
    Bmjboy Posts: 680
    breezer wrote:
    Regarding your saddle post in the womens section

    Not that anyone's checking you out or anything! :wink:

    Be careful Becs - hanging around on here makes you spend money! - Hide your credit cards!

    If you're new to the sport, just use what you have, start with cheaper clothing and buy what you think you will use the most.

    A few hours in the saddle a week will get you used to riding, no need to rush out for anything just yet.

    Oh, and dont bother looking for a Dirtworker in Kent, we have them all! :lol:
    "I don't do double-entendres, but I do like to slip a big one in occasionally"

    Giant Trance X2 / Garmin Edge 305 / Empty Wallet
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    Used mine at lunch and left the Inbred drying in the kitchen so its nice and clean to fit its new (2nd hand) Hope brakes when I get home to match the Turner heh. Last upgrade for a while as I just got my quarterly gas bill, £180...! bit excessive for just me in a 2 bed house I thought, heating turned off now and will simply wear more clothes :o
  • Becs: Most of the ride planning, info, tips and various other things can be found here:

    http://www.impished.co.uk/sketchymtb/Blah.pl - The XC'ers in Kent's new hang out.
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    Becs- If you want somewhere easy to ride just to get your bikeing legs back, the Crab & Winkle between Canterbury Uni and Whitstable is perfect, as it is mostly fire-road. I pounded round there for nearly a year doing roughly 20 miles a day to improve my fitness and lost nearly 4 stone before i met this lot. I TRY to drag myself over to Blean as much as possible (lacking motivation to go over there on my own at the moment with this crappy weather) and you are welcome to join me any evening if you want :wink:
  • becs p
    becs p Posts: 19
    I can't believe that you were checking out my other posts!

    Don't worry I have no inclination to meet alone with strange mens in woods just yet!!!!!!

    I know about the Crab and Winkle. Having run from Chestfield to Clowes Wood and back.
    I have also done Clowes wood starting out from the Pavillian car park in the University.

    I'll also have a look at the website.

    You probably won't hear from me for a while as I just spend time getting used to things before being seen in public!
  • becs p
    becs p Posts: 19
    I can't believe that you were checking out my other posts!

    Don't worry I have no inclination to meet alone with strange mens in woods just yet!!!!!!

    I know about the Crab and Winkle. Having run from Chestfield to Clowes Wood and back.
    I have also done Clowes wood starting out from the Pavillian car park in the University.

    I'll also have a look at the website.

    You probably won't hear from me for a while as I just spend time getting used to things before being seen in public!
  • becs p
    becs p Posts: 19
    I can't believe that you were checking out my other posts!

    Don't worry I have no inclination to meet alone with strange mens in woods just yet!!!!!!

    I know about the Crab and Winkle. Having run from Chestfield to Clowes Wood and back.
    I have also done Clowes wood starting out from the Pavillian car park in the University.

    I'll also have a look at the website.

    You probably won't hear from me for a while as I just spend time getting used to things before being seen in public!
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I can't believe you just posted the same thing 3 times :)

    I offer advice in many sections on here, not just the Rides bit and have spoken to women before about saddles, was just offering advice.

    Take it easy and build up slow so you dont put yourself off
  • I'm away overseas at the moment back in Mid march live in Ramsgate ride an Stumpy FSR, would defo be up for rides out of all types, have a son of 1 so wife can no longer ride out like she used to...yet. Am willing to travel up to you but their are some good areas nr here and Canterbury worth a spin. Ramsgate is about to get its first proper bike shop selling BH's, Spanish I think so a load of guys there as well.

    I've ridden for over 15 years of varying fitness levels as my lifestyle has set but used to live right beside Swinley Forest in Surrey area, know it very well if you want longer trips away. Also was a foundling of PORC in Penshurst although it is set up for the downhill weenies rather than trail riding.

    Reply when you want but I'll try and pick this up when I return.

  • pinkertigs wrote:
    I'm away overseas at the moment back in Mid march live in Ramsgate ride an Stumpy FSR, would defo be up for rides out of all types, have a son of 1 so wife can no longer ride out like she used to...yet. Am willing to travel up to you but their are some good areas nr here and Canterbury worth a spin. Ramsgate is about to get its first proper bike shop selling BH's, Spanish I think so a load of guys there as well.

    I've ridden for over 15 years of varying fitness levels as my lifestyle has set but used to live right beside Swinley Forest in Surrey area, know it very well if you want longer trips away. Also was a foundling of PORC in Penshurst although it is set up for the downhill weenies rather than trail riding.

    Reply when you want but I'll try and pick this up when I return.


    Hi Nick,

    That's some interesting info there. Is that Toby reopening a bike shop as he is also the BH importer (He used to run Classic Cycles)? Do you know where he is opening this?

    As well as the guys from 'XC in Kent', we also run some rides around Canterbury on a weekly basis. For more info, check www.kent-trails.co.uk

  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    Hi Nick,

    Alot of us now hang out on http://www.impished.co.uk/sketchymtb/Blah.pl? we basically were talking too much crap so set up another forum just for that...

    Regular rides with these boys every weekend and a night ride round Blean which is excellent on a Wendesday night.

    Top bunch...
  • I'm not sure what the new guys name was I just popped in because he had 2 bikes in the window and it looked like he was opening a new shop. The shop is opening on King street in Ramsgate. Just up from the high street if heading East and near the Kawasaki motorbike shop if you know where that is.

    I was living in Canterbury about 2 years ago and used to ride at Blean, it's very good in places. I would like to try Fowlmead Country Park near Deale it is very new and has a tarmac road circuit and holds races of all types there, the only problem is the area is even flatter than Blean so I'll reserve judgement until I ride it.

    What's the score with creating purpose built tracks or even north shore stuff, is there much support for it, I feel at 31 I'm a little old for the mega extreme norht shore stuff but it does add another aspect to riding. Blean is ideal but a bit flat, the woods on the Crab and Winkle route between Canterbury and Whitstable (are they called Blean aswell?) seem ideal for development and are easy to get to.

    When I'm back I plan on exploring inland north from Ramsgate its got a load of stables and you always see riders around Nash road area nr westwood cross so there must be bridleways in that area, I'll just have to dodge the horse muck.

    Anyone been around there? It's very open but is covered in bridleways if youlook at an OS map.
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    I used to live in Ramsgate when i was a kid and did loads of mountain biking, but generally always jumped on the train to Chilham so i could get into the woods and decent singletrack. Like you say there are loads of bridleways on the "Planet Thanet" but it is mainly through cabbage fields and farm land that is all very flat. I did a few rides round sandwich which is much more pleasing on the optic nerve. But the best riding close to Ramsgate for me has to be Chilham Canterbury way, the terrain has a few small hills and plenty of trees to look at.

    There are some good coastal routes between Ramsgate and Broadstairs, short but you can do it mostly off road. Also king George the 5th park in Ramsgate used to have dirt jumps and quite a good loop in it that was technical in places. Used to bomb round that lots, plus it is wooded. Not been in years so no clue as to whether it is still there. it is all in the wooded bit of the park...
  • I also live in Ramsgate. As legless said, not much interest in riding these bridleways. Flat, exposed and in between fields. Fowlmead park is a very small area but packed with singletracks. To give it it's due, there was nothing there 18months ago. Good place for the races organised there. It is also a good start for longer ride (we do start from here quite often) and there is some good riding to be found going toward St Margaret and Dover .... No as flat as you might think! As for Blean, we have created quite a few tracks these last 2 years but would not think of building any NorthShore there. Jumps are usually destroyed very quickly. A few months ago, some kids made a nice berm and a jump to divert a tree in Clowes woods (That the woods you mentioned along the Crab & Winkle). These only lasted a week. 'The Blean' which is the association running the whole area in association with Kent Wild life trust are definitively not support mountain biking. Their first reaction is to place no cycling (& horse riding) signs on any woodland they have purchased recently ..... most of them in SE kent! If you are into North Shore stuff, head to Bedgebury. The trail is not to everyone's taste but the freeride area is as good as it gets around here.... and legal.

  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Looks like this thread is getting sorely neglected ;)

    Night ride in Blean Woods, Wednesday 21st Jan

    Meeting 6.45pm @ Rough Common

    As always - everyone welcome!!
  • Legless
    Legless Posts: 119
    Count me in...
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Oh, and me :wink:
  • Would love too but the its a bit too far just at the minute. I take it you're all lit up? Do you ever do longer trips away...Wales, Spain, Alps etc...
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Yep we're all lit up like Christmas trees!

    We sometimes go further afield - Surrey, Swinley etc and some of us have been known to venture even further, time and commitments depending. I think most of us just love to get out on the bikes!!
  • Hellllloooooooo is anybody out there.............................
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.