XC in kent- Any willing volunteers!!!



  • yes good ride, and as you say i even got to practice my somersaults ended up doing 41 miles :D untill wife got home from shopping to let me in :shock: and only had 1 more pee :oops:

    thats the furthest i have been so far.

    also already bought a new mud guard to replace to one i broke :D really enjoyed it.
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    Lol you're just making me jealous now, and making me feel lazy for sitting in watching football :lol:

    Glad you had a good one :D
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    41 miles!!! I'm almost happy I started getting cramp :wink:

    I'll defo be up for doing that again though. Maybe a few of the couch potatoes can join in next time :lol: I won't mention any names :wink:YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE :twisted:
  • pittpony
    pittpony Posts: 1,057
    :oops: Wasn't even a very good match... :oops:
  • deadpool2e wrote:
    yes good ride, and as you say i even got to practice my somersaults ended up doing 41 miles :D untill wife got home from shopping to let me in :shock: and only had 1 more pee :oops:

    thats the furthest i have been so far.

    also already bought a new mud guard to replace to one i broke :D really enjoyed it.

    How did you manage to somersault on the easiest terrain known to man, it's mostely flat :mrgreen:

    41 miles is pretty good going. How far did you ride to? I have decided i am going to do that route for a while instead of Crab and Winkle/Blean. I know mountain biking is supposed to be all about getting muddy, but i hate struggleing to peddle in a strait line through a bog, and forever cleaning the bike!

  • deadpool2e
    deadpool2e Posts: 625
    edited December 2007
    Managed to somersault on the off camber stone filled ruted big dip part :D ( from recolver to herne bay instead of along the flat part along the sea wall).

    we went from near witstable to margate and back, then i went to past witstable then back to recolver then back to near witstable again (near the skate & Bmx park)
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • deadpool2e wrote:
    Managed to somersault on the off camber stone filled ruted big dip part :D ( from recolver to herne bay instead of along the flat part along the sea wall).

    we went from near witstable to margate and back, then i went to pass witstable then back to recolver then back to near witstable again (near the skate & Bmx park)

    Wow, you were on a mission :shock: It's a nice ride when it's not windy, great for a cardio workout. That's the main reason i am going to start riding along there, to burn of the remaining fat instead of building huge thighs. Having said that, i have just had a great ride to Blean and round the shorter red route. Hardly any mud at all :D It's the first time i have enjoyed a ride in weeks!

  • I wish I could ride....I've just had a bi-lateral ingrowing toenail removed so thats me off the bike for a little while..... :(:(:(
  • Ouch.................
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • deadpool2e wrote:

    Funny thing is it doesn't hurt at the moment....It still has a 'comedy' bandage on it but I have a dressing change tomorrow so hopefully a smaller bandage will go on. Oh well, a few days off work aint too bad!

    The bloody injection hurt though!
  • lost-time wrote:
    I wish I could ride....I've just had a bi-lateral ingrowing toenail removed so thats me off the bike for a little while..... :(:(:(

    I feel your pain mate. I'v got chillblanes on my toes! Had it for ages now (just before i met you on the Crab and Winkle) due to getting Verry cold feet wearing my strictly summer only SPD shoes. Over the last couple of days it's got really painfull and had to go to the docs today. Means i won't be able to ride clipless till i can afford some Gore Tex shoes. Bugger! And my feet are always going to be more sencitive to the cold now, which will be interesting when i go ski-ing where the temp is going to be around -20 degC!

  • Happy Christmas to all you kent county bikers.

    Next year More rides and lose 1 stone. hopefully more people will get out as well on our little rides.

    AKA Deadpool2e
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • Panter
    Panter Posts: 299
    Ai, Merry Christmas one and all 8) :D


    Chris :)
    Racing snakes. It's not big, and it's not clever ;)
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Yeah, merry watsit from me too... :P

    1. mince pies = warming fat layer (like seals)
    2. booze = blood antifreeze
    3. xmas tv = muscle rest
    4. xmas party = spreading the MTB word

    Roll on 2008, when I WILL become King Of The Hills... :wink:

    (hmmm, wonder if I can get away with a Blean today or TOMORROW :twisted: I'll let you know if she lets me :wink:)
  • dunnnooo
    dunnnooo Posts: 900
    I like your logic impished...

    Merry Christmas to all.
    I'd give my right hand to be ambi-dextrous
  • Yer verry funny Impished :) Did anyone get any riding in over x-mas, or am i the only one who has totally veged out the last few days? I aint going anywhere near the scales for a few weeks :roll: At least i have avoided eating s**t in between meals, despite having puddings every meal the last few days. Oh well, at leat i have made good use of my mum's new lateral thigh trainer, and we inherited a treadmill the other day too :) It's a manual one though :roll:

    I am starting my winter training with a vengence from tomorrow. Want to be as fit as a previoudely fat and lazy 30 year old can possibly be before going ski-ing in march. If anyone want's to join me on my 5:30ish- 6:00pm rides over the Crab and Wincle and Blean i would welcome the company. I know most of you now have light's, so no excuses :D

    Hope you all had a good Xmas,

  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I managed 3 hours of riding and an hour of trail building the Sunday before xmas but thats it. Must get out at the weekend, back at work now :(

    Got a workstand from santa lol so now I can actually work on the bike without it falling over or the pedals hitting whatever its lent against etc
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Unfortunately I didn't quite drag my ass out over xmas :oops: Too busy playing "pop-up pirate" and other classics :roll:

    What days you looking at Andy?
    As long as I can butter up the missus (oo-er :shock: ), I'll be up for scaring myself to death in the dark :twisted:
  • dunnnooo
    dunnnooo Posts: 900
    got out fir a ride on christmas eve, just to find the local trails impossibly sticky. Ergo I've taken up running (and so far avoided cleaning the bike); predictably, my legs now hurt.
    I'd give my right hand to be ambi-dextrous
  • dunnnooo wrote:
    got out fir a ride on christmas eve, just to find the local trails impossibly sticky. Ergo I've taken up running (and so far avoided cleaning the bike); predictably, my legs now hurt.

    I tried running a few moths ago assuming as i can now ride faster and longer i can automatically run better as well. WRONG! The pain in my calf's was indescribable, and lasted about 2 weeks!

    Impished- I am going to try and ride every weekday for the forseable future. I usually leave the house about 6ish, but if i don't mess around on here after getting in from work i can leave earlyer.

    I have a theory that night riding is only scary if you only have 1 light. If bar mounted you can see all the bumps/dips etc but can't see round corners. Helmet mounted is the revers, sometimes even massive roots are completely invisable untill your right on top of it. I got a Fenix light for X-mas, so i am about to go and test this theory :)

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I'll defo be up for a ride. Just gotta re-mortgage for new batteries for my Fenix P3D's... :roll:

    [under-the-thumb]I'll let you know what day the missus gives me permission for :wink:[/under-the-thumb]
  • Have you seen the rechargable batteries and charger on Glow Gadjets. It's only £14.99 i think, and he says they will work fine in the Fenix light. I wish i saw that before ordering the L2D Q5. Oh and it was much better with 2 lights tonight, so i would definately recomend running one on the bars and one on the helmet.

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I've read on Glowgadgets and elsewhere that the P3D's suck too much juice to use rechargables. :cry: But to be fair, the amount I use 'em I'll just buy a bulk load from Glowgadgets...

    I use 1 helmet & 1 bar mount too. Might invest in another bar mounted soon.

    Where do you start your ride from Andy?

    Can't wait to dodge the nocturnal animals and my own shadow/reflection in the dark again. :shock:
  • impished wrote:
    I've read on Glowgadgets and elsewhere that the P3D's suck too much juice to use rechargables. :cry: But to be fair, the amount I use 'em I'll just buy a bulk load from Glowgadgets...

    I use 1 helmet & 1 bar mount too. Might invest in another bar mounted soon.

    Where do you start your ride from Andy?

    Can't wait to dodge the nocturnal animals and my own shadow/reflection in the dark again. :shock:

    I live in Whitstable, so i take the Crab and Winkle to the Uni, then usually do a couple of short loops round Blean, or the longer black if it isn't too muddy. You live in Canterbury don't you? If so we could meet at Blean woods car park.

    The shaddows are the worst arn't they? I nearly stacked it twice last night avoiding what i thought was objects on the path, but they were just shaddows! Thank god i was clipped in or i would have gone over the bars!

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    Are you doing a Blean evening ride on Friday?
    I should be good for Friday.

    Had an hour in the dark ride at Blean last night. Nearly pooped my pants when someone airhorned on the A2!!!! :shock:
    It was a nice scary way to get back into using SPuD's though :twisted:
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    impished wrote:
    Are you doing a Blean evening ride on Friday?
    I should be good for Friday.

    Had an hour in the dark ride at Blean last night. Nearly pooped my pants when someone airhorned on the A2!!!! :shock:
    It was a nice scary way to get back into using SPuD's though :twisted:

    Hi Ade.

    Yes i will definately be riding on Friday. What time and where do you want to meat. I can go straight from work at 5pm if you want an early one.

  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    I finish work 5pm and have to pick the kids up, take 'em home, all that father/husband kind of stuff first, so I'd prefer 6ish personaly.
    Meet wherever you want really. I actually live in Sittingbourne, not Canterbury, so I'll be driving anyway.

    Anybody else out there fancy a scoot round Blean in the dark :shock:
  • I would love to come but my dreams of light has ben smashed as my turbo has blown up on the car also damaging the Cat convertor......... ready for the price to fix..........

    £2600 F*** me couldnt be a worse time??? think of the bike you could get for that money.

    Ah well......................
    http://www.sketchymtb.co.uk/Blah.pl the new XC in Kent


    MOUNTAIN BIKING- The pastime of spending large sums of money you don't really have on something you don't really need.
  • impished
    impished Posts: 1,092
    OUCH!!!! :shock:

    Shame you can't send an email to Ford and they send you out a new one, like you did with the Stumpy :roll:
  • andyturner28
    andyturner28 Posts: 1,225
    impished wrote:
    I finish work 5pm and have to pick the kids up, take 'em home, all that father/husband kind of stuff first, so I'd prefer 6ish personaly.
    Meet wherever you want really. I actually live in Sittingbourne, not Canterbury, so I'll be driving anyway.

    Anybody else out there fancy a scoot round Blean in the dark :shock:

    How dose 6:30 at Blean car park sound? That way i can have a leasurely ride from Whitstable and not knacker myself out before even getting to Blean. Where do you normaly ride. I have been sticking to the marked routes as i have a crap sence of direction. I got hideousely lost the first 2 times i rode there :roll:
