Talk to us here!



  • HJ

    So if you selected, say, MTB General, here, you'd get a notification email every time someone posted?

    I'll look into it, but it does sound like you'd get a lot of email from the busier areas.
    John Stevenson
  • i want to unsubscribe from your newsletter - with some searching i located my profile that says i have not even subcribed to it!

    i have tried the reply and unsubscribe - this has had no effect.

    this site is not easy to use - where is the bit that allows me to adjust my profile???? i found it via the questions section .............
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    i want to unsubscribe from your newsletter - with some searching i located my profile that says i have not even subcribed to it!

    i have tried the reply and unsubscribe - this has had no effect.

    this site is not easy to use - where is the bit that allows me to adjust my profile???? i found it via the questions section .............

    So you still got the newsletter even though you haven't subscribed to receive it?
  • HJ1976
    HJ1976 Posts: 205

    So if you selected, say, MTB General, here, you'd get a notification email every time someone posted?

    I'll look into it, but it does sound like you'd get a lot of email from the busier areas.

    I wasn't thinking of the email notifications, just the orange new post indicators.
  • Couldn't you have a seperate forum page for Charity rides?
    Where'd that bloody Deer appear from?

    My Bike plus Cannock Chase:
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    I just noticed that my membership date has moved forward about 4 years and I've lost about 5000 posts? Any way this can be remedied or do I have to start again at the bottom?
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • topo
    topo Posts: 3,104
    Im in no way saying that what you guys have done is rubbish, to merge so many sites and forums together takes a long time, a lot of code and some serious hard work. The end result is obviously what you wanted to achieve. One central site to feed the needs of mtbers of all disciplines. I cant help but feel that you have lst the edge that all the individual sites had. Now youve got to scan through long pages of links to get to what you want to see. Also from having a look on the forum earlier i saw about 155 members, consdiering this is meant to have merged around 4 sites and forums that isnt very many.

    I myself like the idea of a site for all mtb disciplines but i think it could have been better if it split into sub categoreis of the different sites it has merged as well.
  • I agree :? :?: , although it's better than it was :idea: :arrow:
    "With just a little luck
    A little cold blue steel
    I'll cut the night like a razor blade
    Till I feel the way I wanna feel"
    [Cheap Trick]
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I'm sure we can sort that our Ru88el


    I note that this still hasn't been done.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667

    Can you delete my account please?

    Thanks in advance.

  • digdug
    digdug Posts: 90
    Ru88ell wrote:

    Can you delete my account please?

    Thanks in advance.



    Just don't go on it?
  • DigDug wrote:

    Just don't go on it?

    Quite. But if people ask to be deleted, we're deleting them.

    Last time I looked we were putting on about 500 new forum members per week.
    John Stevenson
  • piedwagtail91
    piedwagtail91 Posts: 781
    edited September 2007
    why am i told a page doesn't exist, when i know it does?why can't i get directly to it without having to select newest posts first?
    the page in question is page 20 road rides 2007 century a month chatzone.
  • brasso
    brasso Posts: 203
    Don't know if its a problem for everyone but in ie7 The bar at the top of each post is too small for the buttons quote and ! get clipped
    '08 Stumpjumper FSR Pro
    '04 Allez Sport

    When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. Go back to sleep and dream, or RIDE.

    The choice is yours...
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    brasso link to the post please. could be a topic from the old forum as it seems to be sorted for all new posts.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • brasso
    brasso Posts: 203
    I get it on all posts.

    Nicklouse - sent email to illustrate
    '08 Stumpjumper FSR Pro
    '04 Allez Sport

    When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. Go back to sleep and dream, or RIDE.

    The choice is yours...
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    i see i thought you were on about the side cropping by the advert.

    the top cropping of the Quote button is known and iirc appeared when the two tone forum was done.

    i have the same images but it does not effect the usage of the board?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • brasso
    brasso Posts: 203
    No doesn't effect usage just something I spotted with my new pc, can't say I noticed it with the old one.
    '08 Stumpjumper FSR Pro
    '04 Allez Sport

    When we wake up in the morning, we have two simple choices. Go back to sleep and dream, or RIDE.

    The choice is yours...
  • Is it BikeRadar policy or just one particularly hard-to-please mod who decides that a cheeky comment or (attempted!) joke should be deleted from a thread?

    I say this because any attempt at levity or raising of a smile seems to be greatly frowned upon (removed!) unless the whole thread is light-hearted from the start. :(

    This does not mean offensive remarks of any kind, just a bit of a :wink: or :lol: kind of remark. Someone there has no sense of humour but seems to make up for it with an over-zealous sense of piousness that would make a Quaker proud. I'm sure that it's happened to others as it's happened to me 2 or 3 times now and I always ensure that my input is suitably clean but it is missing when I later catch up with the thread. :roll:

    One of the main complaints about the new site is that it has lost it's sense of 'community' and fun and this kind of modding only strengthens that general belief. It may also explain why people feel this, if any attempt to lighten the mood is dealt with in this manner?

    It's beginning to get annoying... :x

    I can understand to some extent not wanting to end up quite like BikeMagic but it's getting more like being on STW and noone wants that! :wink::wink:

    On an upside, the Commuting section is becoming one of my favourite stops for it's info and having the most 'community' feel of the whole forum.

    Well done for that but let's not lose the humour from the forum, it should be an intrinsic part of any forum, especially one based on something as fun and life-affirming as cycling in all it's various forms. It's one of the main reasons I now see the other site as my first stop and 'home' although I still check this site at least twice per day.

    Now living happily at !!
  • Gambatte
    Gambatte Posts: 1,453
    The BIG GT wrote:
    On an upside, the Commuting section is becoming one of my favourite stops for it's info and having the most 'community' feel of the whole forum.

    Hi GT,

    I agree with that, like you I transferred over mainly from the 'WhatMTB' forum.

    When I first saw the new forums, I couldn't believe there was one dedicated to commuting!?!

    I guess its friendlier because its less cliquey and subject to fashions than other disciplines. You're less able to say "YOU NEED TO SPEND AT LEAST £800 ON A FULL SUSS", theres people on hardtails, roadies, cruisers, recumbents etc? travelling 2-25miles each way.
  • Alright, I've realised the problem... it's me, obviously!

    The powers that be seem pretty good at replying to questions from other members but have been too busy to answer the only post on a "discuss it with us!" thread for over 3 days...

    Well at least that tactic is a leveller as I am now losing my sense of humour, too. A civil response in a sensible time frame was obviously too much to expect.

    Thanks Gambatte for reading and replying to the message (at least someone did!).

    I still think that the forum as a whole and the Commuting section, in particular, has lots of good things going for it. It's just a shame that queries and/or criticism are dealt with by the mods by ignoring it until it goes away.

    Sorry for the tone but my initial post was polite, manners cost nothing but someone here must be bankrupt... It's just rude.
    Now living happily at !!
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    I've not responded to your question because, having not seen it happen, I'm in no position to comment on it.

    It is not BikeRadar policy to delete jokes from threads, and I wouldn't have thought any of the other mods and admins would do it without good reason.

    Where was it posted? What was it?
  • please bring cycling+ back this is total shite and i mean that in a nonconstructive manner.
    whoever thought of this up wants sacking?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Hi inmatecp - i see you can log in now then...

    Cycling Plus won't be coming back, so it's probably best to suggest (constructively) what improvements you'd like to see to this forum. Ta
  • I find this forum very helpful but who agreed to allow the ad from Capital One on here? How annoying it is that flashing when your trying to read the posts!!!!!!!
  • In error I posted the same message 3 times in Road - Training "Junk Mileage" There is an edit/delete facility but I cannot see how you can delete the whole message. Could you please advise and clarify same on the forum. Thanks Mike
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    Mike Willcox1
    sorted for you.

    do you not see a X next to the edit button?
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • nicklouse wrote:
    Mike Willcox1
    sorted for you.

    do you not see a X next to the edit button?


    Yes I can see the X button now.

    I only got as far as the edit button and because it states edit/delete I assumed that to delete the post you had to click on that button and access delete from there. Thanks
  • Ken Night
    Ken Night Posts: 2,005
    It's really very annoying to be sent an email saying there is a new reply to a topic on which I've posted-press the link, to get to your site, which then says "The topic or post you requested does not exist2

    This also happens on some topics when you press the last page number

    I suggest you get basic things like this right....a lot of the people who were on here have gone, and there must be many more like me, thinking of going
    “It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best..." Ernest Hemingway
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Hello Ken,

    Apologies for this glitch.

    Just to let you know, we are improving the site and forum on a weekly basis. This bug is known to the development team and they are working on a fix.
