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  • shuggito
    shuggito Posts: 349
    I have to agree with Fab Foodie only a bit stronger - you have created a forum crock of shite.
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    Just another small tweak guys... When you log in via the forum, you should be redirected to the forum, not the main page.

    Edit* What about a section dedicated to webcams/home made videos and photo's?
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • beckc
    beckc Posts: 9
    The vote suggests something more than BNP and less than Lib Dem. Hard to characterise as an improvement in anybody's terms.

    The Cycling Plus forum was tough to improve upon in both presentation and content.

    Sadly all that collected knowledge and energy has been dissipated in trying to make sense of this site .. or rail against it.

    Like Mad Professor says It wasn't broke but you've certainly unfixed it.
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    John, a little bug from a moderation point of view:
    If I try to move a topic to a different section, for example from the MTB general forum to the commuting general forum, there's no categories on the list of forums, just the names of the forums. As a result, I have to guess which category I'm going for by where it is in relation to the Sandbox or something.

    Also, page titles. The forum index has a title, but none of the other pages do. I tend to go to a forum, open up every topic I want to read in tabs, then go to the next forum and do the same. Without page titles, it's very difficult to distinguish between tabs, especially as I sometimes flick between them while they're open and read parts of topics at a time if I get distracted by something.
  • Jaded
    Jaded Posts: 6,663
    I find it interesting that there appear to be so many moderators. C+ didn't have very many - and none over the weekends.
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    Because it's a much larger forum, jaded.
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • Ste_S
    Ste_S Posts: 1,173
    Fab Foodie wrote:
    Even now, some kind of daily report of what has been noted/captured, what will be done, likely time-scales etc. Then people would be more sympathetic.

    Exactly. I pop in from time to time to see if anything is changed, or if there's a plan to improve things. Sadly i'm checking less now as nothing appears to have been done on either front.

    Bikeradar admin :- Can you list what you're planning to do with the forum and likely timescales ?
  • Jaded
    Jaded Posts: 6,663
    blacksun wrote:
    Because it's a much larger forum, jaded.

    If C+ had none over the weekends, then surely none over the weekends is fine here too? :lol:

    Are the mods all new then, or are they from the other forums? If the latter then there is an imbalance.
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    Jaded wrote:
    blacksun wrote:
    Because it's a much larger forum, jaded.

    If C+ had none over the weekends, then surely none over the weekends is fine here too? :lol:
    Only if this forum is just a bigger C+. Which it isn't.
    Are the mods all new then, or are they from the other forums? If the latter then there is an imbalance.
    Most of the mods are from MBUK because MBUK needed more moderating. These mods only have powers in the MtB sections, though.
    You could argue that there is an imbalance, I suppose. Does C+ need mods now? I think the 'roadies are ghey' vs 'MtBers are ghey' arguments will die down before the forum's finished anyway, and, from what I understand, there's not a lot else to moderate against in C+.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I no longer wish to use this forum, how do I remove all my details/account
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    apcmtb wrote:
    I no longer wish to use this forum, how do I remove all my details/account

    Log off... don't sign in again... stop crying... problem solved.

    People like you just don't want to make any effort to make this place better, so it'll be better off without you.
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    and you are part of the reason you prick, you don't know me, never will, so please reserve your judgements for someone who gives a sh1t
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    I rest my case ;)

    Go spit your dummy elsewhere kid.
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Hi apcmtb,

    Can you mind your language please?

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Like I said you don't know me, so stop the guess work, I was asking a question of the admin
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    Do you know me well enough to call me a prick?
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    TBH I'm not bothered whether I do or don't, I just don't want a site holding my details that I have no interest in.

    You like the site, then bully for you, I won't criticise your preference. Its your call

    I don't, thats my call.
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    *waves* Bye.
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • Big Red S
    Big Red S Posts: 26,890
    apcmtb wrote:
    TBH I'm not bothered whether I do or don't,
    But you're bothered that he might not know enough about you to make comments?
  • ddoogie
    ddoogie Posts: 4,159
    Smells like contradiction.

    You'll be back. When you realise that your reserve WMB forum has a climax community of 70 members it perhaps wont seem so appealing.
    S-works Stumpjumper FSR

    I'll see you at the end.

    You'll see me on the floor.
  • TrekEx9
    TrekEx9 Posts: 529
    apcmtb - you were a miserable git on the old forum, so we'll not miss you. I thought you might crawl under the nearest stone, given your outlook at the new site. Bye, we won't miss you... :D
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    high rider wrote:
    apcmtb - you were a miserable git on the old forum, so we'll not miss you.

    I love that. He wasn't even liked on the old place, that's got to hurt.
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I will personally guarantee you that I will not be back on this forum
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    Yet you're still here?
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Unfortunatly yes until someone from admin can delete my account.
  • blacksun
    blacksun Posts: 381
    How can they delete the account with you still logged into it?

    Come on, think dude, think. You can still read the boards with you're logged out.
    I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally ~ W. C. Fields
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    You got me there :lol:
  • aclearn
    aclearn Posts: 88
    philip99a wrote:
    The text is too small :cry::cry:
    Ctrl+ or Ctrl-, or Ctrl and mouse wheel

    On an aside AFAIK ads can be swiched off in firefox adblocker? and maybe someone could write something for greasemonkey.

  • urbanfatboy
    urbanfatboy Posts: 193
    high rider wrote:
    apcmtb - you were a miserable git on the old forum, so we'll not miss you. I thought you might crawl under the nearest stone, given your outlook at the new site. Bye, we won't miss you... :D

    Actually he is quite popular in the WMB forum, still is.

    I guess high rider is talking about the MBUK forum.
  • Either way if APCMTB still wants us to delete his account we can do it in the morning, sorry to see you go but it's a free world after all.

    I know the forums currently are not what many regulars would like them to be (possibly a bit of an understatment), but believe me we are working to improve them and you will see some changes by the end of the week. It was never our intention to force people together into one big forum, well alright one big forum if you wanted it to be that way, but the idea was, and still is, to make the forums filterable so that you can just go to the road forum or the mtb forum and never go anywhere else if you don't want to. It nearly works now, if you come in via the road, or moutain bike buttons and use the breadcrumbs to navigate back - but it should and will be more sophisticated than that. It also was always the plan, until pretty much the 11th hour, to move the forums over last - even so some of the biggest bugs still wouldn't have been apparent until the forums went live. We know there is a lot to do, but we are doing it - and if you think this is bad it's nothing compared to the last time we moved the forums.

    After that move all the members had to re-register and a lot of them and a lot of those who stayed complained about the sterility of the new ones, and they were sterile at first but they grew to be a much bigger and better forums than the ones they replaced. We learned a lot of lessons then, okay we only managed to put about half of them into action but we tried believe me.

    All I'd ask is a little tolerance of each other (you can say what you like to us) while we go about giving you the forums you want. You could even go and look around the rest of the site, we've invested a lot of time, effort and money into putting together something that has a lot more going for it than the old sites and we're going to keep working on that too - galleries for pictures and videos will be coming soon and there's plenty of really good stuff on there already. We read the forums all the time, and now that we can start to see the wood for the trees we will be on here regularly to answer your questions.