Peterborough/Cambridge area MTB'ers



  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    Friday is good for me too.
    Chris, lets team up again - now we know some of the tricks, I reckon we could get further up the field. I suppose tyre choice will be another factor again - since you know Cannock, what do you recommend?

  • Carlos13
    Carlos13 Posts: 152
    mbrfan wrote:
    Chris, lets team up again - now we know some of the tricks, I reckon we could get further up the field.

    Personally I think hiding those two motorbikes is a bit underhand and not in the spirit of the event, but hey, each to his own. :D
    08 Commencal Meta 5.5.2
    On One Scandal single speed
    08 Specialized Tricross Singlecross
    Felt CA1
    70s Claud Butler Campag Gransport - Fixed conversion
    Various other junk
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    I thought the jet-packs might attract too much attention, but now you've blown plan B as well!

    Hmm, will look to Beano annual for some inspiration.....

  • dave83
    dave83 Posts: 3
    Cheers for the link langy. Now i just need to source some lights at a reasonable price before i can hit the mid week night rides. I don't suppose anyone can suggest anything under £100 or is that being un-realistic?
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    Assuming you've already looked at the threads regarding Tesco 3W lights for £10, someone has put me onto an eBay link for older halogen lights that need refurbishment, which apparently can be done with some basic rewiring and a battery from Maplins. I'll see if I can dig out the link for you.
  • dave83
    dave83 Posts: 3
    Cheers Mbrfan, i have ordered the lockblock and will be trying out the tesco torch. Thanks for the info.
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    Sunday evening ride anyone?
  • I may be up for that Steve if the weather clears up. Was supposed to be going Chicksands this morning but it is looking like it may be a wash out, as do not really fancy riding the northshore in the rain as i fall off it enough in the dry :wink:
  • Carlos13
    Carlos13 Posts: 152
    Yep, I am up for it regardless of the weather :twisted:
    08 Commencal Meta 5.5.2
    On One Scandal single speed
    08 Specialized Tricross Singlecross
    Felt CA1
    70s Claud Butler Campag Gransport - Fixed conversion
    Various other junk
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    I propose:
    Time : 7pm
    Location: Outside Black Horse
    Route: as before
  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    All being well i should be up for that, I think all of my guests should have gone by then. Meet at my place if you like
  • Carlos13
    Carlos13 Posts: 152
    Ok 7pm
    08 Commencal Meta 5.5.2
    On One Scandal single speed
    08 Specialized Tricross Singlecross
    Felt CA1
    70s Claud Butler Campag Gransport - Fixed conversion
    Various other junk
  • Well i ended up going Chicksands so might give tonight a miss. Going to have a think on it tho.

    Edit: I'm out. One session of 4x today is enough i reckon, probably would not be able to keep up with you :wink:
  • apoc_reg
    apoc_reg Posts: 166
    Hello guys, been a bit injured recently but thinking of going to Chicksands or Thetford this Sunday 2nd.

    let me know if any of you guys fancy it. BBC reckons rain but 11 degrees isnt to bad... for November!

    '08 Scott Genius MC20

    My Pinkbike Page:

    '11 Giant TCR Advanced 1
  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    Good to hear from you, I'm not going to be getting out this weekend at all :cry: , loads of work to do :roll:
  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    Is no-one watching this thread anymore?
    Jamie, steve Carl and me are out at 7.45 tonight if you're interested
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    Reckon we've scared them all off. Worth putting this thread to rest, do you think?

  • acac
    acac Posts: 348
    i think some of us dont like the cold including me
    play hard ride hard
  • acac
    acac Posts: 348
    hi all hope you all had a good xmas and got some lovely bike bits anyway whats this we are not top where we should be lol
    play hard ride hard
  • Mithras
    Mithras Posts: 428
    One to keep an eye out for (esp Westwood Bretton area)
    Stolen TREK FUEL 100
    Stolen overnight, 21st of January 2009.
    Black Frame, blue, red and white logos, black wheels with one red spoke 'maverick'wheels.
    Please call Cambridgeshire Constabulary
    PC 1917 Godfrey
    I can afford to talk softly!....................I carry a big stick!
  • Hi
    I'm new to this forum and most sat and sundays do a loop From Dogsthorpe round Ferry Meadows about (15m). I have driven up to Sherwood in Notts and Cannock chase a few times as peterborough is lacking some good descents
    I Did some bridelways round marholm over xmas which was good, just found this post and was wondering if any of you guys still get out and about?
  • Not too sure about the rest of the guys but I get out around the bridleways around Rutland Water quite regulairly and have a liitle play around Wakerley Woods when it's a bit drier.
    The rest of time I travel to Sherwood, Cannock, Peak District, Long Mynd (shropshire) Dalby and the northern Welsh Trail centres. If you want to join me some time then get in touch.

  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    Hey there Puddle-rider how's things

    A few of us are still meeting up on a Thursday night at the moment but it might change to a Wednesday soon, whist it is wet we tend to go down to Grafham water. Then at the weekend either a local ride or travel out. Cannock is favourite at the moment as the DH there is quite good and they've done really well on the new trails. Sometimes we go to Chicksands or Woburn for a bit of a play. Let me know if you'd like to join up with us sometime and we can arrange something. We usually do a Wales trip or 2 in the summer.
    Our ages range from 18-50 with varying fitness levels.

    Hope this help

  • Thanks for the quick reply you guys. Due to family comitments and shift work weeknights are a bit of a problem to me at mo so weekends are my only option,Would love to join you at some point, but will need to work around my wifes work (she works most saturdays)
    But with the help of family I could manage to arrange a a local ride out or a visit to cannock,Went there a couple of months ago for the first time and loved it, didn't get to do the downhills but would love to give it a bash as never done a proper downhill run before.
    I normally do a early (ish) sat or sunday( or both)loop around ferry meadows thats about it at mo, went to sherwood on my own but could do with getting out with a group for a more sociable day.
    So the next time any of you guys are out and about at the weekend let me know where and when and i will try and get out.
    Thanks again

  • Not too sure about the rest of the guys but I get out around the bridleways around Rutland Water quite regulairly and have a liitle play around Wakerley Woods when it's a bit drier.
    The rest of time I travel to Sherwood, Cannock, Peak District, Long Mynd (shropshire) Dalby and the northern Welsh Trail centres. If you want to join me some time then get in touch.


    Hi puddle-rider
    Just been looking at memory map and found Wakerley Woods whats it like there? also westhay woods next door to it can you ride there?
    Thinking of driving out there on weekend to give it a go, do you get many people out there?

  • Wakerley has a few hours of natural single track you do have to hunt for it and share it with walkers but it's never been a problem. Give me a shout and i'll meet you there and show you around if you want.
  • Geroo
    Geroo Posts: 3

    I didn't realise you were able to ride anything bar the designated routes at Wakerley?

    I am new to this (first post) but I used to ride there via Welland Valley in the summer and do a few laps and do Fineshade sometimes.

    I tried Wakerely in early April last year when i got my new bike but it was a complete bog fest so never tried it till the summer then I dislocated my collarbone in late August (non bike related). When Wakerely was dry it was good fun trying to hurtle around it in my limited capacity as a newbie, i used to cycle there via the Welland Valley (I still think Corby is so lucky having such nice countryside only 2 miles away) before the collarbone issue.

    I have done Fineshade two weeks ago on a sunday morning for 4 laps but there is too many walkers around to really enjoy myself (not that i don't mind walkers, just i have to slow down and be polite to pass them :) )

    I am getting a towbar fitted to my car on Monday and a Thule carrier to be ordered shortly after so I guess another question is where do people go around here?

    I have done Rutland Water but find it quite flat and boring, the bridleways i have found around the Welland Valley are more fun. I see most people in this forum go Sherwood, Cannock or Thetford. I was wondering if there was anything special nearer?

    Thank you for your time :)
  • Irchester Country Park is worth a visit, but generally you have to travel, the other place to try not mentioned thus far is Woburn.
    There are a whole host of Bridleways around Corby going off towards Oundle, Fineshades and Wakerley but none of it can seriously be called MTB country.
  • Geroo
    Geroo Posts: 3
    i think i'll wait till my bike is more mobile, tried a few bridleways around cottingham/great easton this morning and the mud just attached to my tyres until they wouldn't turn then spent my time finding the cleats in my spd's ..... ;)

    thanks for the advice though puddle-rider :)
  • Hi

    I'm new to the forum (found it searching for places to ride around peterborough) and would be interested in riding with others on trails in peterborough and further afield.

    Cheers Chris