Peterborough/Cambridge area MTB'ers



  • Larok
    Larok Posts: 577
    Hi Jamie, Nice one - Brandon is a good place to park and free. ... untryPark/

    could you pm me your mobile number in case of last min hicups?

    So Jamie, Tank and I hopefuls for tomorrow. Apoc_reg you still in. Any others?

    Lets aim to meet at 11am at Brandon Country park - lets head straight for the overflow car park when we get there so we can park up near each other. Do the Red route - Lunch - then the black, is that OK? - any other suggestions? BTW we wont get back to the car until the end, the visitor centre does food if you cant carry lunch though.

    ditto the log in problem - switched to internet explorer from firefox.
  • tankduck
    tankduck Posts: 36
    Good to hear you might be coming too jamie, should be a good day by the sounds of it, will be nice to meet you guys too! I would offer a lift it anyone needed it but I don't think I'll be driving from here as I'm quite possibly going out to a mates tonight.
    I'm assuming the routes are quite long if we're doing one either side of lunch, do you guys carry hydration thingamajigs so we don't stop or what? As I have one I can pinch if thats the case, the bottle holder on my bike is far too awkward for trail riding with a decent sized bottle!!!! lol

  • Larok
    Larok Posts: 577
    A camelback is handy if you have one. Shouldn't be too hot tommorrow but carry enough water for 2 hours.
  • apoc_reg
    apoc_reg Posts: 166
    I should still make of yeah, although expecting a hang over so don't be surprised if im a little late!
    '08 Scott Genius MC20

    My Pinkbike Page:

    '11 Giant TCR Advanced 1
  • jamieayres
    jamieayres Posts: 282
    First time i have been able to get online since i posted my last message so didnt get your number in time Larok mate. Did you go in the end? Got down there about 9:45 in the end....bit muddy.
  • tankduck
    tankduck Posts: 36
    twas a bit muddy indeed jamie, not muddy enough to ruin it though, just make it interesting. We got there about 11 and left about 3 I think, definetely my favourite place to ride so far :)
  • jamieayres
    jamieayres Posts: 282
    Shame.....was trying to remember what bikes the pair of you had so i could shout at random people with similar ones :wink:

    First time i have been there myself as it goes...bit of a slog on the red route due to sand+water. But little bits like the beast (too short) and the 'ahem closed' 39 Steps were ok. The routes really need some investment as some of the routes were just eroded to sand and not much else.

    Oh, and despite my protests my mate parked in the high lodge....fucking £7 for 4 and a bit hours :evil:
  • tankduck
    tankduck Posts: 36
    we were saying actually that you might recognise us by bikes, was a shame we didn't bump into eachother. I was really impressed by it the trails in general, I know what you mean about them being pretty soggy but I kinda enjoy the tricky wet bits (despite almost stacking it in a few!!)
    I loved the beast, kinda took me by surprise actually, really fun bit of the trails but I don't know if we did the 39 steps (why was it closed?)

    Unlucky about the parking too dude, thats seriously steep for parking!
  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    jamieayres wrote:

    Oh, and despite my protests my mate parked in the high lodge....******* £7 for 4 and a bit hours :evil:

    Well done to your mate though Jamie, as you said there needs some investment in the area but if nobody pays for car parking and to use the services etc then the money won't be availible! Plus £3.50 each is not a lot for 4+ hours.
  • jamieayres
    jamieayres Posts: 282
    Well that is true if the money is actually going back into the area, specifically MTB trails. From what i gather from Timber, both their website and members, it is an uphill battle to get the FCC to do anything of any use...even if the services are being volunteered gratis. To the point where trail building has been suspended for several months due to the FCC's shitness.

    My understanding after the local Forestry Commission assisted in building the 39 Steps they then had one of their surveyors condemn it, which does not seem that productive. So i would love to know where the cash is going.

    /rant :wink:
  • Larok
    Larok Posts: 577
    Nice ride guys, what a blast!
  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    jamieayres wrote:
    Well that is true if the money is actually going back into the area, specifically MTB trails. From what i gather from Timber, both their website and members, it is an uphill battle to get the FCC to do anything of any use...even if the services are being volunteered gratis. To the point where trail building has been suspended for several months due to the FCC's shitness.

    My understanding after the local Forestry Commission assisted in building the 39 Steps they then had one of their surveyors condemn it, which does not seem that productive. So i would love to know where the cash is going.

    /rant :wink:

    Fair point.
  • Righty, I've a wee announcement:

    I'll be leaving you all in October, and I probalyl won't be back in the borough. Full stop.

    I got the call today from BA CityFlyer - they've accepted me on a mentored scheme for Pilot training. :D So from early October I'll down in the sunny south of Spain learning to fly the big stuff :)

    I'll be having a few beers at the Botolph arms on Thursday night to celebrate - come all ye may, and we'll try to organise some big rides before I dissapear.

    It's been great riding with you all!

  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    Congratulations Mike. A fantastic opportunity and great location too.
  • Larok
    Larok Posts: 577
    Yes - nice one Mike, go for it !

    For the coming weekend how about Cannock chase?

    2 hour drive though sadly so an alternative suggesstion perhaps bourne woods or fineshades woods?
  • I'm off to my Aunt's 25th wedding anaversary this weekend, and then I'm ogg round the UK riding until the end of the month.

    Speaking of which - I'll be at several wonderful location over the new few weeks, here's a rough timetable:

    17th-21st - Dalby Forrest
    22nd-27th - 7Staines (based in Dunfries)
    28th-30th - Cornwall (Exmoor mainly)

    We've got a few little stops planned, but that's the deal for the momert. And I've got be sorting a Medical and Finance for my training out over the next few weeks. Intense stuff it will be.

    I've also got me a Helmet cam for the expedition, so there will be video going up at some point afterwards :)
  • Congrats Mike

    Hopefully you have lots of spare room where you staying so we can all come over and ride :lol:

    Will be there thursday night 8)

    We do these things in life... not to escape life itself... but to stop life escaping us.....
  • edzio
    edzio Posts: 50
    Where is the closed 39 steps then people?! I have no idea, am I being really dumb and blind?!
  • edzio,

    the closed 39 steps (if I'm thinking of the right bit) is on the red route, about 8km in. You pass the first lot of 'constructed' trail (including the northshore and a log-run) and then about 1km futher round the route you start on another bit of 'constructed' (I mean it's been cut out and filled with a shale-like material - it's quite distinctive from the normal trail surface) - this leads you through some quite dense, shoulder-high undergrowth towards a bank of trees.

    just before you enter these Trees, there's a load of tape strewn accross the entrance to the the new 39 steps (though when we went, it was torn down) leading to what looks to be (I'm not admitting to riding it just yet :p) a very nice, smooth, bermed section, with a couple of features (1xsmall drop, 1x small tabletop 1x miniscule gap). I like it a lot :)
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    Sorry Edzio, you've lost me there.

    Re weekend: Troopy is in Morzine, probably having a whale of a time. I shall be on the trails in Somerset for a week with the family, should be up for something Sun 24th.

    I hope to pop in to see you on Thurs Mike.

    I'm trying to go tubless - got the front wheel done no probs, really struggling with the rear. Hard to get the tyre seated around the valve. Does anyone have a compressor?

  • jamieayres
    jamieayres Posts: 282
    You using UST rims/tyres? Should be easy to seat with a track pump if you are.

    Edit: Oh and more depressing news about Thetford: ... &t=3702925
  • apoc_reg
    apoc_reg Posts: 166
    wow I logged in!

    Keep not being able to, very annoying.

    Good ride last weekend guys, despite my hang over!

    '08 Scott Genius MC20

    My Pinkbike Page:

    '11 Giant TCR Advanced 1
  • apoc_reg
    apoc_reg Posts: 166
    Larok wrote:
    Yes - nice one Mike, go for it !

    For the coming weekend how about Cannock chase?

    2 hour drive though sadly so an alternative suggesstion perhaps bourne woods or fineshades woods?

    Looks good, not sure yet if i can do this weekend, as its a 2 1/2 hour drive for me id want to spend a decent amount of time there!
    '08 Scott Genius MC20

    My Pinkbike Page:

    '11 Giant TCR Advanced 1
  • Wag$ter
    Wag$ter Posts: 69
    Looking to get back out on my bike this Saturday. as i get my bike back on Friday from the LBS, Not looking to go nuts but i will be doing the Black and the red route at a gentle pace.( i'm not the fittest person on the planet)
    If anyone fancies a ride out feel free to come along getting bored of doing the trails by myself.
    Looking to be up there @ about 1100 but can change if necessary
    Be good to meet some of you. Hopefully the weather is ok for once,
  • Larok
    Larok Posts: 577
    Hi Wagstar, no plans in place to ride Thetford this weekend so far. I'm sure there will be a ride there soon.
  • apoc_reg
    apoc_reg Posts: 166
    Was sat on the toilet (as ya do :D ) reading MBR my chosen bike mag and this month there is a feature on the thetford trials. Thought i was seeing things!

    Have a read next time you wander past a WHSmiths, sums it up quite well about what is good about the place i.e. the flowing aspect to the trails.

    oh and sign up to this petition if you get a chance

    Its for a Cambs bike park (you dont need to donate, thats for the site not the park!)
    '08 Scott Genius MC20

    My Pinkbike Page:

    '11 Giant TCR Advanced 1
  • May well be heading down there midweek next week, assuming that is that I get my ar$e into gear and fix the bike after SITS...
    Old hockey players never die - they just smell that way...
  • apoc_reg
    apoc_reg Posts: 166
    Im going to Thetford Sunday (24th) if anyone wants in.

    '08 Scott Genius MC20

    My Pinkbike Page:

    '11 Giant TCR Advanced 1
  • Wag$ter
    Wag$ter Posts: 69
    If anyone Is doing thetford anyday other than sundays let me know and i'll join you :D
    As i have to work sundays :(
  • apoc_reg
    apoc_reg Posts: 166
    ...i could change to do saturday no problem, or monday though im guessing it will be manic there on monday!
    '08 Scott Genius MC20

    My Pinkbike Page:

    '11 Giant TCR Advanced 1