Peterborough/Cambridge area MTB'ers



  • Sgt Marmite
    Sgt Marmite Posts: 31
    Hi Steve - I know what you mean about those cows in that field - I biked through there one Sunday last year, from Morbone toward Haddon, and they would NOT budge from standing right by the gate into the field. In the end I lifted my bike over the gate into the next field where there was a large stagnant puddle and a load of other cows, but in the middle of the field....or at least they were to start off with - by the time I got to the other side I was going as fast as I could to escape from the bl**dy things who were now heading towards me way too fast.....I ended up nearly throwing my bike over the gate and jumping after it myself.

    Anyway - talking of Rockhoppers, mine arrived on Thursday and I'm absolutely delighted with it. I'm keeping it in the kitchen at the moment (apart from when I'm rifding it) just so I can look at it....

  • Larok
    Larok Posts: 577
    nice one Andy!
  • mikebert4
    mikebert4 Posts: 93
    Welcome Andy and Carl!

    Sorry I've not been about much recently - it's all go in the World of Mike (tm).

    About cows:
    The locals have definately learnt a trick or two from yob-culture, though as far as I know this involves running to meet you and not moving unless pushed (and they take some pushing). They've also a tendancy to nibble anything they think could be grass (for these bovine deliquents this extends to anything that is either visible or not another cow). I find the best way to deal with 40tonne of rapidly approaching hamburger is to stand still. They'll usually get within 10-15 feet and stop, suddenly unsure as to wether you are the Bringer Of Food (another tm). Once they've acertianed that you're not going to feed them they tend to mill around like cows everywhere, and you're free to go about your business unmolested.

    Though, nerves of steel are required and depending on how late they decide you're not the Bringer Of Food, you might find yourself requiring another pair of riding shorts.

    I'm not available for tuesday, but I am game for Wales (the g/f is deserting to Greece for August, so I'm offically off the leash \o/ )
  • Carlos13
    Carlos13 Posts: 152
    mbrfan wrote:
    By the way, bought a bke for the wife at Grafham yesterday on the strength of the MBR recommendation - '07 Kona Blast through the bike2work scheme.


    Another vote for Grafham here, mine came from there. Perfect service, unlike a certain shop to the north of p'boro which wasn't right at all...
    08 Commencal Meta 5.5.2
    On One Scandal single speed
    08 Specialized Tricross Singlecross
    Felt CA1
    70s Claud Butler Campag Gransport - Fixed conversion
    Various other junk
  • JEB2604
    JEB2604 Posts: 24
    Morning All,

    I am hoping to get out this evening for the ride, i'm guessing spalding to elton via peterborough is do-able in an hour and a half, but you never know.....if not i'll see you in the boozer at eight ish. if you give me a heads' up on which direction you're going from elton i might even catch you up - that's not to say you're slow or i'm fast but stranger things have happened...

    it's the cows with horns you have to watch really, and of course the two legged ones with a big tub of ice cream.

    hope to see you later

  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239

    We'll probably head south - there's an underpass across the A605 and a bridleway uphill from that towards the Ashton estate. I suspect that we'll hang around for a little bit after 6:30 if we know you're coming. :roll:

    This cycle to work scheme is great - I'm going to be paying £200 over 12 months for the Kona which is a bargain! :P Got a CrudCatcher thrown in too. Get on to your employers now!
  • JEB2604
    JEB2604 Posts: 24

    i'll be there, despite an extended lunch i was planning on leaving good time... so will hopefully be there by half 6. i've got troopy's number from a while back so i'll drop him a text if i'm not going to make it.


  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    Black Horse Elton, 6.30
  • Larok
    Larok Posts: 577
    Hi guys, met a group of four riders out tonight from a local climbing club. I gave them bike radar as a contact, one of the guys said he would try and pop in here. He said as well as climbing events some of the club ride every week on Wednesdays and sometimes ride in the peaks as well.

    I think this may be the club:

    Also re: cows I completely see your point Carlos after tonight. The missus and I went through a field with a bridleway near Haddon. A herd of 30 cattle, mostly male with 3/4 bulls come stomping up. Intitially we think there just curious and wondering if we are feeding them. But oh no they start getting a bit rowdy amongst themselves so we dismount and start walking back to the gate. The things follow and then half of them run round us on both sides. OMG they're big and scary when they start running and surround us. A couple start charging and fighting, (each other thankfully) and the majority of the rest pissing everywhere. Needless to say we we're glad as we got near the gate and they then run off seemingly very pleased to have chucked us off their turf.

    Hoodie cattle (different from cows) definately worth looking out for! I'm glad we didnt run as having them run after you would not be funny, plus the chance of falling over and getting stamped would not be good!

    Edit: just read your post about bovine hoodies on that bridleway Steve, whish I checked it earlier!
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    so what are we doing on Monday?
  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    Something BIG, something EXCITING, something DANGEROUS!! apart from that I dunno really!
  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    I guess you were looking for a serious answer weren't you!! The weather doesn't look like being too good but then the met office doesn't always get it right. It all depends on how long people are out for, I'm good for the whole day so could do Cannock Chase. Other than that how about heading out towards Fine shades/wakerley?

    I've just spoken to my mate in Morzine and I'm looking to go out there mid July. Flights are around £114 and accommodation £160 S/C for the week. Anyone interested in coming along?
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    For those occasional onlookers, I'm close to publishing a MTB website. Troopy seems to have settled on PoshTrails as a name for our small community, which sounds OK to me.

    I'm feeling a Napoleon complex coming on: as a proper club we could contact O&H Hampton (the local developer) and ask for a patch of land (hopefully on a slope!), some support, scrap materials. I'm thinking a "skills area" for the local kids (and me) - low table tops, north shore bits, etc.
    With enough clout we could scrounge a discount off the local shops? you get the drift. BUT, I'll need help, and a few people willing to join us!

    I'll start a thread going once I get a domain name sorted.

    As for Monday Chris, I think a full morning, starting 7 or 8ish, would be ideal. TTT, Carlos: could you make it if we stay local?

  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    Just agreed a rough route for Monday with Scott. We'll set off from Yaxley/Hampton and follow the Green Wheel into Ferry Meadows - meet everyone by the visitors centre. Chris you could come over from Elton and meet by the underpass outside Haddon?

    We then cross over and follow the Nene Way along the river to Wansford, pick up our trail up to Sulehay mess about on the Quarry, head down to Fotheringhay, along the Nene Way again to Warmington, up to Elton and back towards Haddon over the byway. We could then peel off as we approach our individual turn-offs - left to Alwalton and Ferry Meadows, straight on to Haddon, Hampton and Yaxley.

    The only thing we need fight over is the starting time. I'd prefer an 08:30 at Ferry Meadows, so that I can take my family over to the ski slope for lunchtime.

    Anyone game?

  • jamieayres
    jamieayres Posts: 282
    Out of curiousity how much of the above route is on the road?

    *lurks back into the shadows again*
  • Carlos13
    Carlos13 Posts: 152
    pretty sure I can make it, there is a small chance I will have to work on Monday. Away on a stag until Sunday so the mrs might not be ecstatic, should be able to square it away. I'll see you at FM at whatever time is decided, so long as it's pretty early.
    08 Commencal Meta 5.5.2
    On One Scandal single speed
    08 Specialized Tricross Singlecross
    Felt CA1
    70s Claud Butler Campag Gransport - Fixed conversion
    Various other junk
  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    Shall we plan to set off at 8.30 from ferry Meadows, if so Steve i'll meet you at the underpass at 8.
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    Hi all,

    Jamie - about 10%, although this may rise for those going back to Ferry Meadows if they choose the shortest route after Elton - otherwise most of it can be done by picking up the Green Wheel outside Haddon.

    Troopy/Laork, 8am by the underpass.

  • JEB2604
    JEB2604 Posts: 24
    Afternoon All,

    I'll probably meet you's at ferry meadows, which visitors' centre do you mean; watersports or the one with a shop that sells ferry meadows' pens and things?

    agressive ETD, but i'll do my best...


  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    HI James,

    I suppose it should be the latter - the one closest to the entrance, that sells the tourist tat, etc that isn't attached to the watersports bit.

  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239

    Looking out the window today and seeing the forecast for tomorrow, I can predict a bog-fest along some of the route. It was kinda fun over the winter, but I'm getting a bit sick of slogging through mud now. To be honest I'd rather stay in the garage and finish re-painting my old Decathlon frame. I have a "loud" green in mind.

    On the subject of rebuilds, does anyone have any views on upgrading a chainset from LX to XT? Does it really make any difference?

  • Larok
    Larok Posts: 577
    Are we now calling it off altogether?
  • Troopy
    Troopy Posts: 202
    I've just looked at the Met Office forecast and it looks grim for tomorrow. I don't like to give up on things but I have to go along with Steve's take on the situation, if we were riding out on hard well drained trails then I would still be up for the ride. But as it is I have loads of stuff that needs to be done and think tomorrow will be better spent doing the work.
  • JEB2604
    JEB2604 Posts: 24

    I'll go along with the majority i think. i've got a couple of days' painting and decorating to do and i'd sooner spend a rainy day doing that than a sunny day!

    On the subject of chainsets, in the years i've been riding the only shimano xt component i'd rate over lx is the rear derailieur shifter. rear and front mechs are comparable, and the chainset is much of a muchness in terms of performance, particularly if you do clean and oil your bike occasionally. if you have got £20 spare (and until you're on your deathbed has anyone?) then the xt has a bit of extra pose i guess. might also be worth either just upgrading your chainrings or considering race-face chainsets? see the link below for what other people reckon of lx... ... delID=7251

    i'll see how you get on with your home painting steve, i've got an old trek that i might, but not green!!!

    see you all,

  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    bl@@dy weathermen. Still, took your advice and ordered an LX chainset. Got a RaceFace low riser bar too. JEJames were doing the same price as CRC so I thought I'd give them a punt.

    A bit of fine sanding to do on the undercoat, but then the green will go on today. If it looks crap, plan B is all black.
    James, I have a B&D mouse which i used to get most of the frame done - you're welcome to borrow it.

    Anyone care to bet on going out next Sunday morning?

  • Carlos13
    Carlos13 Posts: 152
    Went out tonight in an attempt to find the bridleway from Chesterton to Yarwell. Yet again it turned into a bit of a comedy of errors, ended up doing 33km and not getting back until after dark (with no lights).

    Got to the second farm (marked "Chesterton Lodge" on the map), but then eventually found myself at Elton. Doubled back and found a track off to the left, but this joined the Elton/Wansford road far too close to Elton. Suspect this bit involved an element of trespass. I think I then found part of the bridleway (I turned left off the Elton/Wansford road just after Sibson airfield). Ended up at Yarwell Mill but then went the wrong way, eventually arsing about in someone's back garden in Wansford, and almost falling in the river.

    Coming back towards Elton from Wansford there is a bridleway off to the left, exactly opposite the one down to Yarwell Mill. Is this the one? I suspect it is, I think I can see a way through to the Elton/Water Newton track on google. Anyway at the time I ignored it and turned down the road to the airfield, but couldn't find a way through there. There is a road immediately after the airfield that says "private road" but does appear to show a pathway through on Google Earth, is that the one? I'm sure I just need a little pointer or two! If someone can at least tell me if the route passes Sibson airfield on the Elton side, or the Wansford side, that would be a big help.
    08 Commencal Meta 5.5.2
    On One Scandal single speed
    08 Specialized Tricross Singlecross
    Felt CA1
    70s Claud Butler Campag Gransport - Fixed conversion
    Various other junk
  • mbrfan
    mbrfan Posts: 239
    HI Carl,

    Brave of you to venture out last night.
    I'll take a look at my OS map tonight and get back to you. I'm not sure that there is a legitimate route by the Sibson airfield, but I could (and sometimes can) be wrong.

    Troopy - any pointers from Chesterton?

  • Carlos13
    Carlos13 Posts: 152
    Hi Steve, I've looked at the OS 50k map online (basically the landranger) and there is no route marked to the west of the Water Newton/Elton road. But there is a signposted bridleway heading that way from the Elton/Wansford road, presumably bridleways always go somewhere, not a dead end. And the aerial photos at least show a worn track, though of course this doesn't mean it's a public right of way.
    08 Commencal Meta 5.5.2
    On One Scandal single speed
    08 Specialized Tricross Singlecross
    Felt CA1
    70s Claud Butler Campag Gransport - Fixed conversion
    Various other junk
  • Sgt Marmite
    Sgt Marmite Posts: 31
    I can't think of a bridleway (or even a footpath) that goes from Chesterton to Yarwell.

    I think there's one that goes from Chesterton back towards the A1, but I've never tried that because it doesn't seem to lead anywhere at all. There's also one further along the old A605 that leads towards the road that's signposted 'Gated Road', but this leads you back towards Elton or to the A1 again at Water Newton. If the A1 is quiet it's possible to use this road (which is a singletrack road with almost zero traffic, so it's getting a bit overgrown) to link Castor / Ailsworth with rides from Elton.

    If you want to get up to Yarwell, then I'd look at heading out to Elton and then picking up the bridleway between the river and the B671 at TL088944 (I think). From Chesterton, you could try heading up to Hill Farm, then across the A605 and down the bridleway to Haddon, then over the hill to cross Bullock Road and up & over Greenhill Lane back to Elton. But....I'd say that bit's not particularly interesting and you do have to cross the A605 twice which would be a bit dicey if it's busy....

  • Carlos13
    Carlos13 Posts: 152
    ojoj wrote:
    ...then bends round to the right and left again and you come across another little farm, through there straight on, then follow the track down the hill to the left, follow along for a while and you come out on a small road and turn left.

    After about 1km you come across another bridle way/farm track on the right hand side and follow that til you come out onto the road to the air field. Go along the road about 100m and there's another track and dilapidated building on the left.

    It might be a bit overgrown but you used to be able to go down there to the bottom then turn right across some fields til you come out onto the farm track that takes you past the fishing lake and into yarwell camping site.

    Otherwise go along the road and turn in a bridleway on the left just after the air field which takes you to the same spot. (I think that's right!) [:p]

    I have a feeling this is the route I followed last night, but missed the turning I bolded. If I remember rightly there was a sign saying "strictly private, Elton Estates", but I may be wrong. The route I did take was the bridleway after the airfield, as ojoj suggested.
    08 Commencal Meta 5.5.2
    On One Scandal single speed
    08 Specialized Tricross Singlecross
    Felt CA1
    70s Claud Butler Campag Gransport - Fixed conversion
    Various other junk