Cycling goals for 2023

Looking for a bit of inspiration!

I still regularly rack up the miles and have got into a bit of mountain biking over the last year or so. Not completed any events since pre covid and have no real motivation to get racing again.

Just wondering if anyone has set themselves any cycling specific targets for the coming year? Could be anything, a fitness goal, a specific event you are targeting, a new discipline you want to try etc....


  • Cheers oxoman, that is exactly the kind of thing I was looking to hear about. I am early 40's and I guess I would probably be classed as a pretty fit amateur cyclist. I ride about 18-20,000km a year and have done multi day events like Raid Pyrenean, along with most of the well known sportives. I guess a natural aim for me would be something like hill climbs but to be honest it just doesn't motivate me.

    Something like Dirty Reiver certainly appeals, and doing some longer day rides around unexplored parts of the UK. I did sign up for a 'leisurely' MTB xc race last year but when I got there even the beginners course was far beyond my technical capabilities and the likelihood of me crashing felt a bit too risky! I would like to improve my skills in this area though as well.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,048
    Sadly none - well I want to be able to hang with the front group on the local fast training ride again - which will take some doing - but nothing competitive or involving travel.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 27,065
    None, zip, nada.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,903
    edited January 2023
    Hey @MidlandsGrimpeur2 , nice idea for a thread :-)

    I'm 47 this year, probably about 5kg over where I should, or could be.

    Last year I had Ride London as my target event, this year I decided to skip RL, but do plan to enter for the Etape in 2024 - if I can get an entry.

    Last year I focussed mainly on trying to increase my FTP, and managed to get it to my highest ever just before Christmas, however two colds over christmas, combined with eating and drinking too much, cheese, and also last week a passing out episode which knocked me for 6 a bit, has not been the start to the new year I was hoping for.

    I've knocked my FTP back a bit, as evidently all of my workouts were simply too high intensity (I'm a TrainerRoad devotee) and still seem to be carrying the left overs of the last cold, seemingly that seems to hang around for about 4 weeks now, not sure if that is an age thing, but it's fairly frustrating, but that means I will probably take things a bit easier until the symptoms go, which will hopefully be by the end of the month.

    I have my newish gravel/commute bike as well, can take up to 5 bottles on that if I wanted, combined with a rack bag, so planning to try and up the length of some of my rides, in preparation for 2024's target, and do some audax events, or simply long routes I plan myself - down to the coast and back, that kind of thing, either solo or with friends.
    Also planning to take part in some 'tours' with my club, weekend away kinda thing, rack bag, couple of panniers, nothing too lengthy, more for the social aspect.

    I'll also be trying to push my FTP up from where it is, and get it past what I had at the end of the year - I was averaging 1 watt increase per week (Covid and some illnesses had a part to play in not achieving that) of training last year, and whilst I realise that is not sustainable for ever, I'd like to see a 20W increase by the summer from where I am now ideally - and if I can combine that with a 3kg weight reduction, I'll be nicely into the 4w/kg bracket, which I have managed once before, but for far too short a period of time.
    I'm currently sat at 3.6 (Was up to 3.8 briefly), and started last year at 3.1, so a decent improvement, but with the extra weight, and knocking the ftp back not as good as it could have been.

    Other targets including finally getting around to building my TT bike, up from frame and parts (Nout fancy) and starting some time trials, experimenting with different positions etc.

    Riding more of the chaingang rides my club puts on, and aiming for the fast group, as well as choosing the faster group for the weekend club rides - I tend to play safe and go for one I know I can manage perfectly well at, where as I think I should be pushing myself a bit more.

    I also have a second set of wheels for my gravel bike, so will be putting the 45mm knobblies that it came with on there, and will be intrigued to see what kind of gravel riding is to be had from here - luckily one of my friends is a die hard graveller, with massive long beard and all, so I have the exact right person to show me the ropes - he's also very light, and fast, so I know it will also be a good training session!
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    edited January 2023
    In this order

    1) Qualify for what would be my 4th National Hill Climb Championship
    2) A long shot, but would love to beat the hour on a 25, I've got 3 minutes to make up, which is not insignificant.
    3) Somewhat related, getting to around 4.5 W/kg FTP
    4) Hopefully win some silverware in the (new!) club TT series... road bike league and Hill Climb trophy should be achievable.
    5) Ranking top 10 for my age group on Spindata HC

    left the forum March 2023
  • Re. hill climbs
    It's a nice healthy community, with a lot of positivity. Top guys are generally very nice too, not at all uncommon to end up having a post race chat with Andy Feather or Ed Laverack.
    At Llangollen, I met Richard Bussell in front of the results board as I had just done my race and he was waiting for his slot... he asked me for advice and what I reckoned the winning time would be... he then bagged himself a podium finish!

    If you like Alpine climbing, then you will enjoy the longer races, like Porlock Toll Road, the Snake Pass, Cat and Fiddle, Cragg Vale, Horseshoe pass, Hartside moor and of course the National up the Struggle. There used to be a race up Great Dun Fell, not sure it is in the calendar this year.
    The short races are more of an acquired taste, although typically they are the ones with the most supporters (Monsal, Catford & Bec etc...). There is no entry barrier, other than having a club membership, so it's worth having a go and taking it from there.
    left the forum March 2023
  • dannbodge
    dannbodge Posts: 1,152
    - 5250km total (mix of indoor and outdoor)
    - Get my fitness back up (Strava suggests it's at "27" where as it should be double that)
    - Get back to sub 68kg
    - Get FTP back up to 275w (assumption that i've lost some power - complete guess atm)
    - Increase 5 min power
  • Cheers all for the comments so far, lots of useful and interesting stuff!
  • Re. hill climbs
    It's a nice healthy community, with a lot of positivity. Top guys are generally very nice too, not at all uncommon to end up having a post race chat with Andy Feather or Ed Laverack.
    At Llangollen, I met Richard Bussell in front of the results board as I had just done my race and he was waiting for his slot... he asked me for advice and what I reckoned the winning time would be... he then bagged himself a podium finish!

    Cheers Ugo. I was, perhaps unfairly, making the assumption it was ultra competitive and people keeping to themselves as a result. From your description this sounds much more like something I would be interested in exploring a bit more. The opportunity to chat with cyclists much more experienced and able than myself also sounds like a good opportunity.
  • As to easy MTB events then see the link. Everything is rideable or the odd bit push upable. Only criticism is that recently they've put ebikes in with the beginner riders.

    Thanks oxoman, this is more my level I think, and Cannock Chase is easy to get to for me. I think there are also some MTB riders who offer basic tutorials on skills and trail riding who operate that way which would be worth it for me I think.
  • Thanks @daniel_b

    Sounds like you have a lot of good targets/projects planned for the year ahead. Thinking about your thread on the Scott has got me thinking that it doesn't just have to be on bike activities but anything cycling related. If I did go further down the route of Hill Climbs or similar, then a project to build up a specific bike for the discipline would also be a handy addition for me.

    You have some good fitness goals there, I definitely think your targets around this are achievable. In terms of my own fitness, I have not done a lab test since pre covid lockdowns. As a reasonably experienced rider with a PM, I can take some pretty educated guesses at my numbers, but I think I am going to do another test in the early spring to see where I am at and also maybe use that to determine some other events I can target.

    As I am getting older and the training volume/intensity wears me out more, I also need to think more about recovery and get some proper advice around what works best for me.
  • - 5250km total (mix of indoor and outdoor)
    - Get my fitness back up (Strava suggests it's at "27" where as it should be double that)
    - Get back to sub 68kg
    - Get FTP back up to 275w (assumption that i've lost some power - complete guess atm)
    - Increase 5 min power

    Good targets @dannbodge. I definitely think having some quantifiable numbers helps to keep things on track. I am actually aiming towards reducing total KM this year as I have become a bit fixated on volume the last few years just for the sake of it!
  • dabber
    dabber Posts: 1,975
    Improve my mtbing technical skills without injuring myself. After fracturing my pelvis at the back end of 2021 on a trail I've realised that I need to be sensible.
    “You may think that; I couldn’t possibly comment!”

    Wilier Cento Uno SR/Wilier Mortirolo/Specialized Roubaix Comp/Kona Hei Hei/Calibre Bossnut
  • Re. hill climbs
    It's a nice healthy community, with a lot of positivity. Top guys are generally very nice too, not at all uncommon to end up having a post race chat with Andy Feather or Ed Laverack.
    At Llangollen, I met Richard Bussell in front of the results board as I had just done my race and he was waiting for his slot... he asked me for advice and what I reckoned the winning time would be... he then bagged himself a podium finish!

    Cheers Ugo. I was, perhaps unfairly, making the assumption it was ultra competitive and people keeping to themselves as a result. From your description this sounds much more like something I would be interested in exploring a bit more. The opportunity to chat with cyclists much more experienced and able than myself also sounds like a good opportunity.
    Very different from the general grumpiness I have experienced at time trial races. There is a very healthy demographic too, from kids in some closed road races, juniors, millenials, all the way up to the 60+ yo, with most age groups represented... TT tends to be more skewed towards the older folks.

    BTW, there is indeed a race up the Great Dun Fell this year, if you are into that sort of gruelling stuff

    left the forum March 2023
  • dannbodge said:

    - 5250km total (mix of indoor and outdoor)
    - Get my fitness back up (Strava suggests it's at "27" where as it should be double that)
    - Get back to sub 68kg
    - Get FTP back up to 275w (assumption that i've lost some power - complete guess atm)
    - Increase 5 min power

    I didn't even know there was a thing called fitness level... apparently I am at 48, is it any good?
    Seems to be largely based on how much you ride rather than how hard you can go... I had a dip in September, when I was actually very fast, but was cycling very little, to avoid getting tired before the races
    left the forum March 2023
  • dannbodge
    dannbodge Posts: 1,152

    dannbodge said:

    - 5250km total (mix of indoor and outdoor)
    - Get my fitness back up (Strava suggests it's at "27" where as it should be double that)
    - Get back to sub 68kg
    - Get FTP back up to 275w (assumption that i've lost some power - complete guess atm)
    - Increase 5 min power

    I didn't even know there was a thing called fitness level... apparently I am at 48, is it any good?
    Seems to be largely based on how much you ride rather than how hard you can go... I had a dip in September, when I was actually very fast, but was cycling very little, to avoid getting tired before the races
    Yeah no idea whether it correlates to anything but is a good estimator of your fitness. Mainly just shows consistency rather than actual fitness.
  • manxshred
    manxshred Posts: 295
    My main goal will be the Tour Des Stations UltraFondo, so that includes all training to get there and complete.
  • gethinceri
    gethinceri Posts: 1,644
    A sub 6 hour half ironman
  • BTW, there is indeed a race up the Great Dun Fell this year, if you are into that sort of gruelling stuff

    This might well become a target!
  • My main goal will be the Tour Des Stations UltraFondo, so that includes all training to get there and complete.

    Fair play! I have heard of this before, it looks pretty insane. I would consider this to be the absolute edge of (and possibly beyond) my limits.

    Let us know how you get on @manxshred I would be interested to hear more about it.
  • Seems to be largely based on how much you ride rather than how hard you can go... I had a dip in September, when I was actually very fast, but was cycling very little, to avoid getting tired before the races

    Yes it is. Mine is generally 95-100 but that is purely based on lots and lots of miles at upper Zone 2 sort of pace.
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,903
    edited January 2023
    dannbodge said:

    - 5250km total (mix of indoor and outdoor)
    - Get my fitness back up (Strava suggests it's at "27" where as it should be double that)
    - Get back to sub 68kg
    - Get FTP back up to 275w (assumption that i've lost some power - complete guess atm)
    - Increase 5 min power

    I think I am in a very similar position to you @dannbodge

    Not convinced by the Strava fitness rating I have to be honest, I was up at 92 last summer (Form floating anywhere between -2 & -50!), and am currently down at 30 (Form +12) - I would say the form rating I do find useful though, single figure negative value, or in that vicinity, normally means I am in a reasonable place for me performance wise.
    I'm 70kg now, and aiming to get back down to ~66kg, and 275 happens to be my target ftp for the summer - I had 258 at the end of the year, and have just knocked it back to 252 due to various mishaps.

    I have found this year, a pretty cautious (if that is the right word) approach to my training, combined with commuting, has worked very well, in that I have seen a slow but steady increase in FTP (Started the year at 212), nothing dramatic, but then equally nothing that my body has then struggled to deal with in subsequent workouts.

    I do find the whole training thing, and stats and data etc fascinating I must admit, and the key for me has been avoiding injury and illness, managed the first, but not the second, and getting over those motivational dips that happen from time to time.

    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,903
    edited January 2023
    seanoconn said:

    To turn pro, win at least 2 spring classics and to podium in the TdF.

    I would say you need a new bike, but I suspect you'll get 2 or 3 when you turn pro B)
    Have you chosen your team yet?
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • Dorset_Boy
    Dorset_Boy Posts: 7,424
    I always set a minimum of 15,000 kms, (combined indoors and outdoor, and aim to ensure more is done out than in!) Broke 20,000 kms for the second time in 2022, with over 12,000 kms outdoors.
    Have a week in July in the Dolomites and onto the Stelvio, expect that to be around 600 kms and 14,000 m elevation. Did similar but in the Tarantaise last July. My Strava fitness score hit 112 then!). Looking forwards to skiing down the col de la Loze in a couple of weeks having made my way up it in July!

  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,636
    daniel_b said:

    seanoconn said:

    To turn pro, win at least 2 spring classics and to podium in the TdF.

    I would say you need a new bike, but I suspect you'll get 2 or 3 when you turn pro B)
    Have you chosen your team yet?
    Jumbo Visma have some domestiques that show potential.
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • dannbodge
    dannbodge Posts: 1,152
    daniel_b said:

    dannbodge said:

    - 5250km total (mix of indoor and outdoor)
    - Get my fitness back up (Strava suggests it's at "27" where as it should be double that)
    - Get back to sub 68kg
    - Get FTP back up to 275w (assumption that i've lost some power - complete guess atm)
    - Increase 5 min power

    I think I am in a very similar position to you @dannbodge

    Not convinced by the Strava fitness rating I have to be honest, I was up at 92 last summer (Form floating anywhere between -2 & -50!), and am currently down at 30 (Form +12) - I would say the form rating I do find useful though, single figure negative value, or in that vicinity, normally means I am in a reasonable place for me performance wise.
    I'm 70kg now, and aiming to get back down to ~66kg, and 275 happens to be my target ftp for the summer - I had 258 at the end of the year, and have just knocked it back to 252 due to various mishaps.

    I have found this year, a pretty cautious (if that is the right word) approach to my training, combined with commuting, has worked very well, in that I have seen a slow but steady increase in FTP (Started the year at 212), nothing dramatic, but then equally nothing that my body has then struggled to deal with in subsequent workouts.

    I do find the whole training thing, and stats and data etc fascinating I must admit, and the key for me has been avoiding injury and illness, managed the first, but not the second, and getting over those motivational dips that happen from time to time.

    Yeah very similar.

    I'd love to be down at 66kg but struggle getting to 68 and can't see myself losing any more after that.

    My biggest issue is the two time and sleep goblins that live in the house (4 and 2yo kids) who love bringing home bugs and colds from nursery.

    I've never really done much actual training that's been focussed. My FTP just got where it is from riding (I only really know full gas everywhere). I'll be doing another couple of weeks on the turbo to get the feel back (indoor riding is completely different to outdoor) and then I'll be doing another 4DP.

    Finding time is my biggest issue and where I will probably fail to meet most of the goals. The realistic ones are probably FTP and mileage.
  • BTW, there is indeed a race up the Great Dun Fell this year, if you are into that sort of gruelling stuff

    This might well become a target!
    If it was earlier in the season, I'd probably have a go myself, but October might well be cold and I don't like cold!

    left the forum March 2023
  • daniel_b
    daniel_b Posts: 11,903
    edited January 2023
    dannbodge said:

    daniel_b said:

    dannbodge said:

    - 5250km total (mix of indoor and outdoor)
    - Get my fitness back up (Strava suggests it's at "27" where as it should be double that)
    - Get back to sub 68kg
    - Get FTP back up to 275w (assumption that i've lost some power - complete guess atm)
    - Increase 5 min power

    I think I am in a very similar position to you @dannbodge

    Not convinced by the Strava fitness rating I have to be honest, I was up at 92 last summer (Form floating anywhere between -2 & -50!), and am currently down at 30 (Form +12) - I would say the form rating I do find useful though, single figure negative value, or in that vicinity, normally means I am in a reasonable place for me performance wise.
    I'm 70kg now, and aiming to get back down to ~66kg, and 275 happens to be my target ftp for the summer - I had 258 at the end of the year, and have just knocked it back to 252 due to various mishaps.

    I have found this year, a pretty cautious (if that is the right word) approach to my training, combined with commuting, has worked very well, in that I have seen a slow but steady increase in FTP (Started the year at 212), nothing dramatic, but then equally nothing that my body has then struggled to deal with in subsequent workouts.

    I do find the whole training thing, and stats and data etc fascinating I must admit, and the key for me has been avoiding injury and illness, managed the first, but not the second, and getting over those motivational dips that happen from time to time.

    Yeah very similar.

    I'd love to be down at 66kg but struggle getting to 68 and can't see myself losing any more after that.

    My biggest issue is the two time and sleep goblins that live in the house (4 and 2yo kids) who love bringing home bugs and colds from nursery.

    I've never really done much actual training that's been focussed. My FTP just got where it is from riding (I only really know full gas everywhere). I'll be doing another couple of weeks on the turbo to get the feel back (indoor riding is completely different to outdoor) and then I'll be doing another 4DP.

    Finding time is my biggest issue and where I will probably fail to meet most of the goals. The realistic ones are probably FTP and mileage.
    That's one hell of an achievement imo to get to that level with no kind of training program, I suspect with one you would probably clear 300.
    That (300+ watts) would be my dream if you like, but I don't know if my body is capable - we will see in a year or two I guess, as long as I can stay injury free.

    Childwise, I have only a 9 year old in the house, so the really short of spare time days are mostly behind me, but I recall what it was like.
    Totally get you on the colds and bugs as well, they are a magnet for them of course, and we are the lucky recipients.
    I was doing really well however pre covid, but the time we had in lockdown seems to have set my immune system back, and frustratingly I now seem to catch anything that happens to be going :#

    Irrespective I do most of my turbo sessions either at 6/7am, or over a long lunch when I am working from home.
    My partner likes to cycle as well, so we tend to take it in turns, on a Sunday, or I'll go Saturday and she'll go Sunday - I do enjoy a ride out with friends and a coffee stop at the end.

    This year I also plan to be riding into work (38 mile round trip) at least once a week, but should settle down to twice a week in time, just need to get myself back in the rhythm, the bit to get over is getting up at 04:50, so I can leave at a time that means I can leave the office at 15:30 to get home at a decent time.
    I did back to back says a couple of times, and that left me quite fatigued.
    The key for me is to get the bike prepped the night before, and all my kit/pannier/helmet/shoes etc laid out downstairs - I also bring the toothbrush down so as not to wake the household!

    I have always struggled to put much effort in on the commute, no idea why, but now I have a power meter on the bike, I envisage I may be able to get a bit more out of myself, at least in one direction - probably inbound as the traffic will be a lot lighter.
    Commutes of recent months I have just been effectively sat in Zone 2, which is no bad thing necessarily.

    Weight wise I did get down into the 62s at one point, I'm pretty lean really, being able to fit into small/xs shorts in most brands, but realistically I think 65/66 should be an achievable and realistic target.
    Felt F70 05 (Turbo)
    Marin Palisades Trail 91 and 06
    Scott CR1 SL 12
    Cannondale Synapse Adventure 15 & 16 Di2
    Scott Foil 18
  • MidlandsGrimpeur2
    MidlandsGrimpeur2 Posts: 1,984
    edited January 2023
    That (300+ watts) would be my dream if you like, but I don't know if my body is capable - we will see in a year or two I guess, as long as I can stay injury free.

    I think it depends on physiology Dan. The lucky few with good cycling genes can get their power high on minimal training. My mate rides a few times a month but he has an FTP of 395 watts at 85kg! He is just naturally built that way.

    For the rest of us, myself included, it is hours on the bike building up endurance and then structured intervals to hone the top end.

    Since I started proper structured training my FTP over the last 5 or 6 years has risen around 20% which is good but I suspect I am about at my limit.