Coronavirus and pro sport



  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,969
    RichN95. said:

    redvision said:

    gweeds said:

    So talk today at the TDF is that the race would go ahead with no caravan or spectators.

    I’m a bit WTF at that.

    Can't see the tour happening, or any sporting event this summer. Olympics apparently postponed.
    I think the entire cycling season is gone :'(
    Three months is a long time. 20 days ago this was just a Chinese thing. Let's see where we are at the end of April
    I think that you have just beaten your own argument. 😉
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    pblakeney said:

    RichN95. said:

    redvision said:

    gweeds said:

    So talk today at the TDF is that the race would go ahead with no caravan or spectators.

    I’m a bit WTF at that.

    Can't see the tour happening, or any sporting event this summer. Olympics apparently postponed.
    I think the entire cycling season is gone :'(
    Three months is a long time. 20 days ago this was just a Chinese thing. Let's see where we are at the end of April
    I think that you have just beaten your own argument. 😉
    My point is nobody can tell where we will be in three months time, so it's it worth spending another month to reassess.

    The Tour isn't like the Olympics with several years in the planning, a showpiece event of a lifetime for the hosts. It's possible to run the Tour with a bare bones infrastructure, like most races on the calendar.

    Twitter: @RichN95
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,969
    RichN95. said:

    pblakeney said:

    RichN95. said:

    redvision said:

    gweeds said:

    So talk today at the TDF is that the race would go ahead with no caravan or spectators.

    I’m a bit WTF at that.

    Can't see the tour happening, or any sporting event this summer. Olympics apparently postponed.
    I think the entire cycling season is gone :'(
    Three months is a long time. 20 days ago this was just a Chinese thing. Let's see where we are at the end of April
    I think that you have just beaten your own argument. 😉
    My point is nobody can tell where we will be in three months time, so it's it worth spending another month to reassess.

    The Tour isn't like the Olympics with several years in the planning, a showpiece event of a lifetime for the hosts. It's possible to run the Tour with a bare bones infrastructure, like most races on the calendar.

    I also think that most people acknowledge that things are going to get worse before they get better.
    Re assess for sure, but in the bigger scheme of things a bike race is way down the priority list. And most bike races have been cancelled. You are doing a good job of defeating your own points. 😉
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • joe2019
    joe2019 Posts: 1,338
    RichN95. said:

    pblakeney said:

    RichN95. said:

    redvision said:

    gweeds said:

    So talk today at the TDF is that the race would go ahead with no caravan or spectators.

    I’m a bit WTF at that.

    Can't see the tour happening, or any sporting event this summer. Olympics apparently postponed.
    I think the entire cycling season is gone :'(
    Three months is a long time. 20 days ago this was just a Chinese thing. Let's see where we are at the end of April
    I think that you have just beaten your own argument. 😉
    My point is nobody can tell where we will be in three months time, so it's it worth spending another month to reassess.

    The Tour isn't like the Olympics with several years in the planning, a showpiece event of a lifetime for the hosts. It's possible to run the Tour with a bare bones infrastructure, like most races on the calendar.

    I'd hazard a guess that nobody will be riding in a bike race around France
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,701
    edited March 2020
    RichN95. said:

    pblakeney said:

    RichN95. said:

    redvision said:

    gweeds said:

    So talk today at the TDF is that the race would go ahead with no caravan or spectators.

    I’m a bit WTF at that.

    Can't see the tour happening, or any sporting event this summer. Olympics apparently postponed.
    I think the entire cycling season is gone :'(
    Three months is a long time. 20 days ago this was just a Chinese thing. Let's see where we are at the end of April
    I think that you have just beaten your own argument. 😉
    My point is nobody can tell where we will be in three months time, so it's it worth spending another month to reassess.

    The Tour isn't like the Olympics with several years in the planning, a showpiece event of a lifetime for the hosts. It's possible to run the Tour with a bare bones infrastructure, like most races on the calendar.

    Mine too.
    If the IOC say they will make the decision in a month, what's the problem and why the rush? We all know what the outcome will be.
    Cancelling the Olympics should be their decision, not the media.

    I do disagree with those who say it's simply a matter of postponing them a year or two though. Far from it, I would have thought, given how Olympic sites are bought and (hopefully) paid for and given the world will experience a huge economic downturn as a result of this virus.

    Having knocked the media for forcing the issue, the BBC today have a headline piece on some of the the problems faced with cancellation.

    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,031
    I do think some sport will return before the end of corona virus - before a vaccine is readily available - it's just a question of which sports and when. I'm not sure a 3 week bike race is a likely candidate for early (for me right now early would be maybe August) resumption though I mean what if Froome is 5 minutes ahead and a domestique comes down with symptoms in the last week - does the team pull out? An event you can get over in a day seems more likely.

    Bike racing might actually be a suitable candidate though - I mean with football you'll have whole teams having to self isolate whereas cyclists can train apart and if one of them comes down with Covid19 in the week of the race someone else steps up as team leader. I suspect football will resume first though just because money talks.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • joe2019
    joe2019 Posts: 1,338
    edited March 2020

    I mean what if Froome is 5 minutes ahead and a domestique comes down with symptoms in the last week - does the team pull out? An event you can get over in a day seems more likely.

    ...and of course, Froome is in a high risk category with his asthma - along with a lot of other pros.
  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    I think I read somewhere that a decision will be made by the start of May.

    I still can't see how it can go ahead.
    It's not just as simple as just riding across France. First of all there's the integrity of the competition - is it morally right to be putting on such an event when the world is in crisis?
    (This goes for all sporting events).
    Then how can you create fairness amongst riders? Some are in counties where there is no lockdown, whereas others aren't and have had their training suspended.

    Next up is all the support needed to run the race, including medical personnel. And this is a crucial factor, it would mean diverting drs and equipment away from where it is most needed at the moment. Not to mention if there is a bad crash and a rider(s) requires urgent hospital treatment.

    I appreciate there will be people who end up in hospital from accidents and other illnesses, but an element of the lockdown measures are to reduce the chances of this, to free up hospital beds and drs.

    Just my two pennies worth, but unless a vaccine is found by May (which isn't going to happen) I just cannot see how the TDF can go ahead this summer.
  • david37
    david37 Posts: 1,313
    joe2019 said:

    I mean what if Froome is 5 minutes ahead and a domestique comes down with symptoms in the last week - does the team pull out? An event you can get over in a day seems more likely.

    ...and of course, Froome is in a high risk category with his asthma - along with a lot of other pros.
    Good point! never mind jiffy bags, theyre going to need a ready supply of paper bags to breathe into.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,644
    edited March 2020
    Worth reminding that you get peaks and troughs, and that just because one peak is done doesn't mean others won't occur...

  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    edited March 2020

    Rapha to paint the bottle pink and charge £10 for it...

    (I know they don't sponsor them any more, ya ya ya...)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    redvision said:

    Then how can you create fairness amongst riders? Some are in counties where there is no lockdown, whereas others aren't and have had their training suspended.

    Of all the problems I can't see how this is a big one. It's going to be the year of the COVID-19 Olympics/Tour/Kickball Cup and every victory will have an asterix by it. I actually think that might make for a rather fun summer for spectators.

    Everything else you say is true though and I think play a much bigger part in will they/wont they

    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • yorkshireraw
    yorkshireraw Posts: 1,632

    RichN95. said:

    redvision said:

    gweeds said:

    So talk today at the TDF is that the race would go ahead with no caravan or spectators.

    I’m a bit WTF at that.

    Can't see the tour happening, or any sporting event this summer. Olympics apparently postponed.
    I think the entire cycling season is gone :'(
    Three months is a long time. 20 days ago this was just a Chinese thing. Let's see where we are at the end of April
    Too right, it's not as if it's happening tomorrow.
    Yet with still almost 5 months to the Olympics and the hosts already pretty much on top of this thing, the pressure groups seem to have already got their way.
    The games can be ready and waiting and the virus gone.
    The issue is the amount of qualifying competitions that aren't going to happen between now and then.
    The games aren't happening in any meaningful form. It's currently a game of chicken between Tokyo LOC and IOC over who calls the postponement and therefore triggers the contractual nightmare that ensues.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,644
    Alrite you lot ignore the graph if you want.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    edited March 2020
    Double post

    Something went weird there. I lost both posts
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,644
    untill one person on the tour gets it.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241

    Alrite you lot ignore the graph if you want.

    But that's going to happen anyway unless we keep everyone in lockdown for 12-18 months until there's a vaccine. A scenario where a Tour takes place is one where daily French deaths are in low single figures. People aren't going to stay locked up when the level has dropped back down to that.

    During the Tour, if you take away crowds, and strip down to a bare bones infrastructure, the race is essentially a mobile self-isolation unit. There will be very little contact with anyone from outside the 'bubble'. It probably would be less risk than my local supermarket (but obviously not as essential)

    Twitter: @RichN95
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,644
    As soon as someone on the tour has it - and it's still a good 500-1000 people riding around, then surely it has to stop.
  • joe2019
    joe2019 Posts: 1,338

    As soon as someone on the tour has it - and it's still a good 500-1000 people riding around, then surely it has to stop.

    and as I've said a lot of riders have asthma so they are in a high risk category - it can't happen.
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,760
    Your key phrase there is "during the tour".

    People will come from all parts of the world, not isolate for 14 days, then move around France staying in various hotels. Once there's a positive test, is the next town going to want them rolling in?

    It's not happening in 13 weeks time.
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,701

    RichN95. said:

    redvision said:

    gweeds said:

    So talk today at the TDF is that the race would go ahead with no caravan or spectators.

    I’m a bit WTF at that.

    Can't see the tour happening, or any sporting event this summer. Olympics apparently postponed.
    I think the entire cycling season is gone :'(
    Three months is a long time. 20 days ago this was just a Chinese thing. Let's see where we are at the end of April
    Too right, it's not as if it's happening tomorrow.
    Yet with still almost 5 months to the Olympics and the hosts already pretty much on top of this thing, the pressure groups seem to have already got their way.
    The games can be ready and waiting and the virus gone.
    The issue is the amount of qualifying competitions that aren't going to happen between now and then.
    The games aren't happening in any meaningful form. It's currently a game of chicken between Tokyo LOC and IOC over who calls the postponement and therefore triggers the contractual nightmare that ensues.
    That's what I've been saying and hence the delay in the postponement.
    Also one of the two sites is prime harbour front development, which potentially is another contractual nightmare that probably involves the banks.

    It's one ginormous headache.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241

    As soon as someone on the tour has it - and it's still a good 500-1000 people riding around, then surely it has to stop.

    Again this will be in a time of few new cases. There would need to be testing of all personnel several days before the race, with the teams spending a week in a hotel prior to the race. Anyone travelling from remaining hotspots (probably the USA by then) will be excluded.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,760
    If you think the lockdown will have helped get the numbers down that quickly that the race can go ahead in 13 weeks time, why would you immediately move to having a travelling band of 1000 going from place to place around the country?
  • joe2019
    joe2019 Posts: 1,338
    RichN95. said:

    As soon as someone on the tour has it - and it's still a good 500-1000 people riding around, then surely it has to stop.

    Again this will be in a time of few new cases. There would need to be testing of all personnel several days before the race, with the teams spending a week in a hotel prior to the race. Anyone travelling from remaining hotspots (probably the USA by then) will be excluded.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241

    If you think the lockdown will have helped get the numbers down that quickly that the race can go ahead in 13 weeks time, why would you immediately move to having a travelling band of 1000 going from place to place around the country?

    Compared to the rest of France it would be little problem. There'd be very little contact between those 1000 and anyone else.
    Are you going to shut down public transport? Because a single Paris metro station at rush hour on a single day is a bigger problem.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    edited March 2020
    Anyway the Olympics are officially off until 2021 "according to reports"

    Edit: Officially announced now
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • sherer
    sherer Posts: 2,460
    RichN95. said:

    If you think the lockdown will have helped get the numbers down that quickly that the race can go ahead in 13 weeks time, why would you immediately move to having a travelling band of 1000 going from place to place around the country?

    Compared to the rest of France it would be little problem. There'd be very little contact between those 1000 and anyone else.
    Are you going to shut down public transport? Because a single Paris metro station at rush hour on a single day is a bigger problem.
    i work in sport for a living... this dream of isolation and little contact you talk of just isnt possible, even less so on an event like Le Tour that travels from point to point.

  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,760
    RichN95. said:

    If you think the lockdown will have helped get the numbers down that quickly that the race can go ahead in 13 weeks time, why would you immediately move to having a travelling band of 1000 going from place to place around the country?

    Compared to the rest of France it would be little problem. There'd be very little contact between those 1000 and anyone else.
    Are you going to shut down public transport? Because a single Paris metro station at rush hour on a single day is a bigger problem.
    Good point. If you cannot shut absolutely everything, you might as well have a bunch of undertrained people travelling around the country getting gradually more immuno suppressed because we want to see live sport.

    Not happening in July. May as well accept it.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,031
    joe2019 said:

    As soon as someone on the tour has it - and it's still a good 500-1000 people riding around, then surely it has to stop.

    and as I've said a lot of riders have asthma so they are in a high risk category - it can't happen.
    I am not suggesting we will see the Tour in July but I doubt TdF rider type asthma puts you in a high risk category.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • joe2019
    joe2019 Posts: 1,338
    edited March 2020

    joe2019 said:

    As soon as someone on the tour has it - and it's still a good 500-1000 people riding around, then surely it has to stop.

    and as I've said a lot of riders have asthma so they are in a high risk category - it can't happen.
    I am not suggesting we will see the Tour in July but I doubt TdF rider type asthma puts you in a high risk category.

    I was being facetious, however, I wouldn't want any kind of breathing issue and COVID-19.