S*** small race thread 2018



  • hommelbier wrote:
    Tour du Limousin
    Lorenzo Manzin (Vital Concept) wins the sprint into Limoges on the fourth and final stage. Nicholas Edet finshes in eight - enough to win the final GC.

    Nice finish it was, too.
    I watched the final 20kms alongside the weird BinckBank tour, which produced yet another surprise winner.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • RonB
    RonB Posts: 3,984

  • Cracking finale to the Arctic race.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Cracking finale to the Arctic race.

    That it was. Nice finishing circuit too.

    Those cyclocross boys need to stop making everyone look slow though
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,235
    RonB wrote:
    hommelbier wrote:

    Small break of four - Jonas Rickaert takes himself out of contention by running into the back of his own team car when stopping for a wheel change - remaining three make it to the finish with Magnus Cort Neilsen (Astana) taking the win.

    From Alex Dowsett's Twitter ... I think the peloton has forgotten how to peloton :D

    There have been four wins by the breakaway, this week.
    Twice in BinchBank, stage one in Colorado and yesterday in Hungary.
    That last one by just 2 seconds after 200kms.
    Add one for the Tour de l'Avenir. Fairly comfortable that one though.
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,235
    Arnaud Demare having a fairly successful Tour Poitou-Charentes. He's won all four stages so far including a short stage this morning followed by a TT this afternoon.
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    Deutschland Tour

    Back after 10 years. Yesterday’s stage from Koblenz to Bonn was one for the sprinters with young Colombian sprinter Alvaro Hodeg (Quickstep) taking the win ahead of German champion (Bora) Pascal Ackerman. Marcel Kittel did not challenge and has abandoned the race before today’s start.

    Today the stage passes through the Eifel region, more like a day in the Ardennes, before a finish in Germany’s oldest city, lovely Trier.

    Currently a small group of four with 64km to the finish and the peleton at 2min 10s.
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    edited October 2018
    Deutschland Tour

    Leaving behind the sceniic Mosel valley the climbs of Auf Zummet and Naurath have seen the break pulled back and a number of riders, including Dumoulin and Bardet, attacking the peleton, but on the descent the peleton is pretty much back together and the sprinters can get back on.

    40km to the finish
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    37km Luke Rowe attacks with Scott Davis

    Scott Davis takes the sprint points at 33km
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    Deutschland Tour

    25km (after ad break) group of four incl. Pascal Ackerman and two Bora teammates with small gap over a group of seven just behind
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    Lead group of seven now with 29s lead. Incl Ackerman, Davis and Mohoric
    Mohoric takes points over final categorised climb of the day
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    5km and group of seven lead down to 15s
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    L'Equipe showing split screen showing Great War Remberance race (Nieuwport - Ypres) current traversing a very dusty stretch of pavé
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    Deutschland Tour

    10km and peleton back together and passing all the major sights of Trier
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    edited October 2018
    Ackerman and Thomas laché on the climb of Petrisberg. 6km to finish Dumoulin attacks on the descent.
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    edited October 2018
    1km and Dumoulin Schackmann and Mohoric with small gap
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    edited October 2018
    Max Schackmann takes the win ahead of Mohoric and Tom Dumoulin
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,447
    DeadCalm wrote:
    Arnaud Demare having a fairly successful Tour Poitou-Charentes. He's won all four stages so far including a short stage this morning followed by a TT this afternoon.
    He's just completed the clean sweep, all five stages and the overall.
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    Meanwhile in Belgium

    Bernas (CCC) has 30s lead over large group (15-20) and 1m 44s to peleton on the approach to the Kemmel 30 km to finish
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    23km and gaps now 18s and 1m 32s
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    Bernas caught at 20km. Lead group of 16 includes 3 Quickstep riders. Peleton at 1m 30s
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    Yves Lampaert (QS) attacks on section of pavé with 12km to finish - very dusty - peleton at 46s
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    8km - peleton at 50s - Fabio Jakobsen (QS) for the sprint finish?
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    A small group has escaped from the lead group who are showing indecision about who should chase
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    Estonian champion Mihkel Raim (Israel Cycling Academy) wins.
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    A small group attacked a few km out and nobody really wanted to work with Lampaert and Jakobsen to reel them back in
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    edited October 2018
    Deutschland Tour - Stage 3 (Trier to Merzig)

    Current leader after stage 2 is Max Schachmann (QuickStep) from Matej Mohoric and Tom Dumoulin both at 4s. Geraint Thomas back in 49th at 3min 25s

    Today: Small group of seven has 1min 10 advantage over peloton with 32km to finish
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    Deutschland Tour - Stage 3 (Trier to Merzig)

    After the Nohn climb the gap is now reduced to 30s

    The short climb of Eller Weg some 6km from the finish may allow a successful attack otherwise a sprint finish?
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    edited October 2018
    15km to go. Lead group down to four (incl Adam Hansen) has 17s advantage. Nils Politts (4th at 10s) attacks from peloton
  • hommelbier
    hommelbier Posts: 1,555
    10km and everything coming back together as they take the bell for a final lap