Fred Whitton Challenge 2016, the big thread



  • bungalballs
    bungalballs Posts: 193
    110mi at about 17.5ave, but in pan flat Essex! Managed about 1000m but that's it, hopefully our hill reps and odd trip to Kent is sufficient because that's about it for me for long rides now...

    Nervous but excited. Worst case scenario I get a ride in the lakes followed by a scenic chauffer driven ride in a broom wagon!
  • Good effort Bungalballs. Hopefully get out tomorrow for a 40 then another long one next week. Then to fit the compact !!
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    117 Km with 2700 mt of climbing in the Cotswolds... feeling ready!
    left the forum March 2023
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    117 Km with 2700 mt of climbing in the Cotswolds... feeling ready!

    Good effort - looks like a good prep route. My ride at the w/e was aborted unfortunately, but another full week of training topped with a 50-mile climb session at the weekend and I'm done.

    What time are people hoping for? I'd originally targeted sub-8.00; I'm now thinking 8.30.

    Oh, and long-term forecast suggests it will be cold.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    London-Red wrote:
    117 Km with 2700 mt of climbing in the Cotswolds... feeling ready!

    Good effort - looks like a good prep route. My ride at the w/e was aborted unfortunately, but another full week of training topped with a 50-mile climb session at the weekend and I'm done.

    What time are people hoping for? I'd originally targeted sub-8.00; I'm now thinking 8.30.

    Oh, and long-term forecast suggests it will be cold.

    I did yesterday ride in 5:30 on the saddle, which was my comfortable pace on that kind of terrain (albeit on my own)... the climbing is similar both in quantity and quality, that gives me roughly an 8 hours on the saddle for the Fred... add half an hour of wees, feeding zones and such and 8:30 seems a realistic figure. Then of course with 20 mph wind it's anyone's guess. Pretty resigned to a cold and breezy day... at least let's hope it's dry-ish
    left the forum March 2023
  • shazzz
    shazzz Posts: 1,077
    Finally got a century ride under my belt this weekend. Only ~2000m climbing but good to get a long ride in the legs and I was still feeling OK at the end of the ride...
    Really have no idea on timing on the day. I've done it 3 times before with wildly different times, depending on weather, getting in decent groups on the flattish sections and fitness. Given my current fitness I'll be happy with sub 9:00 hours.
  • I'm hoping to do the whole ride in 7 hours, but it just depends on how my back behaves during the ride. If it plays up, i'll have to take a few rests, so 8 hours might be a bit more realistic.

    As long as it stays reasonably dry and the wind isn't gale force, i'll be happy.

    One more big week of training and then a steady week leading up to the Fred.

    Squeeky Bum time indeed...
  • Went up to Cumbria to do a reccee of some of the climbs yesterday. 70 miles taking in Honistor, Newlands and Whinlatter. Went well (apart from the snow at the start :shock:) Going back up there next weekend to have a looksie at Hardknott and Wrynose then I'm done, a couple of turbo sessions the week before the big day with as much rest as I can. As for a time I'm aiming for as we all know it's totally weather dependant but after doing the last two in the 6hr40min bracket I'd love to get under 6:30.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    As for a time I'm aiming for as we all know it's totally weather dependant but after doing the last two in the 6hr40min bracket I'd love to get under 6:30.

    What do you put in your porridge? :shock:
    left the forum March 2023
  • As for a time I'm aiming for as we all know it's totally weather dependant but after doing the last two in the 6hr40min bracket I'd love to get under 6:30.

    What do you put in your porridge? :shock:

    Beetroot juice, worth at least 5w, oh and epo.... :lol:
  • Good long weekend in Majorca.
    72 miles, 14,000ft on Saturday including Sa Colobra then 108 miles and another 14,000ft on Sunday.
    PR on Strava on sa Colobra so fingers crossed should be on for a good ride at FW
  • Gotta love Sa Calobra !! I managed to PB on it this year too. Was hoping to get under 40 mins but the wind was howling :evil: Next time !!
  • Nice one Bilkobaggins.
    35 minutes for me this year, was hoping for around 32 but a sore throat the day before we arrived robbed me of top 5% power so gotta go back......again.............
  • alexjones5 wrote:
    Nice one Bilkobaggins.
    35 minutes for me this year, was hoping for around 32 but a sore throat the day before we arrived robbed me of top 5% power so gotta go back......again.............
    Oh the hardship... :lol::lol::mrgreen:
  • tough life huh?
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    Good effort gents. I would suggest you give me a tow, but feel I might not last much beyond Ambleside...
  • Boom, 35 mins !! I got around 40 mins and it was howling but reckon I got 37 / 38 in me on a good day. 32 is storming it though !! I'm a long way off that. Would say see you and HoneyBadger on the Fred Alex, but probably not haha !!
  • shamrock134
    shamrock134 Posts: 714
    I'm not doing the FW but I thought I'd share my experience following a cycling trip up to Cumbria last weekend. We did a 73mi (~117km) with 7500ft (~2286m) ascent ride that took in a few categorised climbs including Hardknott and Wrynose from the west. So a reasonably bumpy ride but nothing compared to the FW.

    I weigh 58kg, consider myself not bad at climbing and have reasonable times up most of the Surrey hills and several of the major Pyrenean climbs (not been to the Alps yet). That said, I found Hardknott incredibly difficult and not enjoyable at all! :lol:

    I just about managed to make it up with a 34-25 in 13:50 without getting off. A 28T would have been a godsend! Weather conditions weren't too bad on the day but the road surface is truly awful which adds extra difficulty to those 30%+ ramps. Cars coming down were courteous and encouragement from cyclists walking up helped keep the cranks turning... just about (average cadence was 58 for the segment :oops:). Good luck to those doing it 100mi in on the FW! :shock:

    Wrynose Pass from the west isn't that bad at all once you've done Hardknott but watch out on the descent! Saw a guy descending on the hoods which just seemed crazy to me.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    I just about managed to make it up with a 34-25 in 13:50 without getting off. A 28T would have been a godsend! Weather conditions weren't too bad on the day but the road surface is truly awful which adds extra difficulty to those 30%+ ramps. Cars coming down were courteous and encouragement from cyclists walking up helped keep the cranks turning... just about (average cadence was 58 for the segment :oops:). Good luck to those doing it 100mi in on the FW! :shock:

    I would be happy with a 30 rpm cadence.. .and I have a 36 x 36 gear... :shock:
    left the forum March 2023
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    That said, I found Hardknott incredibly difficult and not enjoyable at all! :lol:

    Nothing to see here - move along please.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310

    I just about managed to make it up with a 34-25 in 13:50 without getting off.

    So that puts you at no. 81 out 7771 in the Strava KOM... or if you prefer just outside the top 1%... I wouldn't exactly say you were struggling :roll:
    left the forum March 2023
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    Maybe to the locals it might sound like a silly question, but why the ride loops south of Ambleside and goes up Kirkstone via the main road, rather than going up directly from the Struggle? If I was was to design a route, that would stand out as the best option...
    left the forum March 2023
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    Maybe to the locals it might sound like a silly question, but why the ride loops south of Ambleside and goes up Kirkstone via the main road, rather than going up directly from the Struggle? If I was was to design a route, that would stand out as the best option...

    The struggle is a complete b**tard of a climb, and comes too soon in my opinion. The first stretch is also very, very steep and twisty with an evil left hand turn off the main road to get started. I reckon being so close to the start it would be quite dangerous with a lot of large groups still being together.
  • Solis
    Solis Posts: 166
    London-Red wrote:
    Maybe to the locals it might sound like a silly question, but why the ride loops south of Ambleside and goes up Kirkstone via the main road, rather than going up directly from the Struggle? If I was was to design a route, that would stand out as the best option...

    The struggle is a complete b**tard of a climb, and comes too soon in my opinion. The first stretch is also very, very steep and twisty with an evil left hand turn off the main road to get started. I reckon being so close to the start it would be quite dangerous with a lot of large groups still being together.


    Its also quite narrow in places and would cause havoc. A592 (main) road will have very little traffic on it, morning of the Fred, if last year is anything to go by.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    Ok, yesterday I left work earlier on purpose to catch the full force of a wind, rain and hail shower... I would have never thought it would come to this, but so be it... :-)
    left the forum March 2023
  • shamrock134
    shamrock134 Posts: 714

    I just about managed to make it up with a 34-25 in 13:50 without getting off.

    So that puts you at no. 81 out 7771 in the Strava KOM... or if you prefer just outside the top 1%... I wouldn't exactly say you were struggling :roll:

    Ha not quite! 241/7798 on the "offcial" segment.

    It was a struggle in that I was in the red from the very start of the climb. I really recommend at least a 28T at the back to everyone.
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266

    I just about managed to make it up with a 34-25 in 13:50 without getting off.

    So that puts you at no. 81 out 7771 in the Strava KOM... or if you prefer just outside the top 1%... I wouldn't exactly say you were struggling :roll:

    Ha not quite! 241/7798 on the "offcial" segment.

    It was a struggle in that I was in the red from the very start of the climb. I really recommend at least a 28T at the back to everyone.

    34-29 for me. It's not so much getting up it that bothers me, it's getting up it after 90-odd miles.
  • DeVlaeminck
    DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,048
    I know it's been said before but for the super steep ones, especially Hardknott, unless you are targeting a time well inside 7 hours start the climb slow and go up as easily as you can. First time I got up it (which wasn't the first time I'd done the Fred) I asked a guy is that the top and he said I sounded disappointed - I was more surprised that I was that close to the top and I had never really been in trouble. However slow you ride up it'll be a lot quicker than you can push a bike up it.
    [Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
  • london-red
    london-red Posts: 1,266
    I know it's been said before but for the super steep ones, especially Hardknott, unless you are targeting a time well inside 7 hours start the climb slow and go up as easily as you can. First time I got up it (which wasn't the first time I'd done the Fred) I asked a guy is that the top and he said I sounded disappointed - I was more surprised that I was that close to the top and I had never really been in trouble. However slow you ride up it'll be a lot quicker than you can push a bike up it.

    Nice piece of advice, thanks.
  • shazzz
    shazzz Posts: 1,077
    I've got a cold. :(

    Shame as I was planning a couple more hard efforts this weekend before taking it easy for the week running up to the big day. Guess I'll start my 'easy week' a bit earlier and make it a bit longer - which may turn out to be a good thing!