Donald Trump



  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    I believe the FBI report back before the election stated that there was no evidence of unauthorised access.

    The printed word loses some nuance/irony, so try substituting 'had not bothered to access' in place of 'incapable of cracking'.

    Links to the Russians? Trump, it seems more certain every day. Clinton? Judge for yourself.


    Which candidate would have been the lesser of the 2 evils is a moot point.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,211
    What is it with your Hillary obsession, Fox's Paw? Did she turn you down on Tinder or something?
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Which candidate would have been the lesser of the 2 evils is a moot point.
    I wonder if this will age as well as Trump's tweets have done. Mueller is having a good look through Trump's baggage, and will be asking him "Did you pack this yourself, sir?" Even with just the guilty pleas and verdicts so far from those Trump chose to surround himself with, I think finding equivalence between Trump & Hillary isn't going to stand the test of time too well.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    orraloon wrote:
    What is it with your Hillary obsession, Fox's Paw? Did she turn you down on Tinder or something?

    No obsession. Just responding to a post above reference HC and her emails.
    Back when this thread started ie pre election and everyone was posting how bad Trump was/would be, I just pointed out for balance that the other candidate was shite as well.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Which candidate would have been the lesser of the 2 evils is a moot point.
    I wonder if this will age as well as Trump's tweets have done. Mueller is having a good look through Trump's baggage, and will be asking him "Did you pack this yourself, sir?" Even with just the guilty pleas and verdicts so far from those Trump chose to surround himself with, I think finding equivalence between Trump & Hillary isn't going to stand the test of time too well.

    It's a moot point because we will never know. The election was 2 years ago and whatever happens, they are not going to kick Trump out and install Clinton overnight are they? As it stands if Trump goes, it will be Pence and then Ryan.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    At least she wasn't a lying, cheating, misogynistic, small minded, ignorant, criminal, spazwangle.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    cooldad wrote:
    At least she wasn't a lying, cheating, misogynistic, small minded, ignorant, criminal, spazwangle.

    Lying? When questioned by the FBI re her emails, she claimed she couldn't remember anything.
    Misogynistic? Juanita Broaddrick and all the other women Bill has allegedly assaulted. Look at Hillary's part in covering up and hounding accusers.
    Criminal? There are plenty of people with more brains than me who would disagree. Have a look at the Clinton Foundation and some of the people who donate.

    This is not to defend Trump. He is what he is.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Which candidate would have been the lesser of the 2 evils is a moot point.
    I wonder if this will age as well as Trump's tweets have done. Mueller is having a good look through Trump's baggage, and will be asking him "Did you pack this yourself, sir?" Even with just the guilty pleas and verdicts so far from those Trump chose to surround himself with, I think finding equivalence between Trump & Hillary isn't going to stand the test of time too well.

    It's a moot point because we will never know. The election was 2 years ago and whatever happens, they are not going to kick Trump out and install Clinton overnight are they? As it stands if Trump goes, it will be Pence and then Ryan.
    Are you saying then that however bad Trump's crimes might turn out to be, and whatever corrosive effect he turns out to have had on US institutions, that it will not possible to judge that Hillary wouldn't have been as bad? That sort of rules out the possibility of ever learning from historic mistakes, if we just call such debate a 'moot point'.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    At least she wasn't a lying, cheating, misogynistic, small minded, ignorant, criminal, spazwangle.

    Lying? When questioned by the FBI re her emails, she claimed she couldn't remember anything.
    Misogynistic? Juanita Broaddrick and all the other women Bill has allegedly assaulted. Look at Hillary's part in covering up and hounding accusers.
    Criminal? There are plenty of people with more brains than me who would disagree. Have a look at the Clinton Foundation and some of the people who donate.
    Just remind us how many convictions Hillary has for all her wrongdoing... I haven't got the total to hand...
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Ballysmate wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    At least she wasn't a lying, cheating, misogynistic, small minded, ignorant, criminal, spazwangle.

    Lying? When questioned by the FBI re her emails, she claimed she couldn't remember anything.
    Misogynistic? Juanita Broaddrick and all the other women Bill has allegedly assaulted. Look at Hillary's part in covering up and hounding accusers.
    Criminal? There are plenty of people with more brains than me who would disagree. Have a look at the Clinton Foundation and some of the people who donate.
    Just remind us how many convictions Hillary has for all her wrongdoing... I haven't got the total to hand...

    Probably the same number as the moronic incumbent.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    At least she wasn't a lying, cheating, misogynistic, small minded, ignorant, criminal, spazwangle.

    Lying? When questioned by the FBI re her emails, she claimed she couldn't remember anything.
    Misogynistic? Juanita Broaddrick and all the other women Bill has allegedly assaulted. Look at Hillary's part in covering up and hounding accusers.
    Criminal? There are plenty of people with more brains than me who would disagree. Have a look at the Clinton Foundation and some of the people who donate.
    Just remind us how many convictions Hillary has for all her wrongdoing... I haven't got the total to hand...

    Probably the same number as the moronic incumbent.
    Well, lets see how history judges your judgement on that. As far as I remember, Hillary hasn't been named in court papers as a unindicted co-conspirator to a felony, unlike Trump appears to have been. He's certainly got a head start.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    At least she wasn't a lying, cheating, misogynistic, small minded, ignorant, criminal, spazwangle.

    Lying? When questioned by the FBI re her emails, she claimed she couldn't remember anything.
    Misogynistic? Juanita Broaddrick and all the other women Bill has allegedly assaulted. Look at Hillary's part in covering up and hounding accusers.
    Criminal? There are plenty of people with more brains than me who would disagree. Have a look at the Clinton Foundation and some of the people who donate.
    Just remind us how many convictions Hillary has for all her wrongdoing... I haven't got the total to hand...

    Probably the same number as the moronic incumbent.
    Well, lets see how history judges your judgement on that. As far as I remember, Hillary hasn't been named in court papers as a unindicted co-conspirator to a felony, unlike Trump appears to have been. He's certainly got a head start.

    That's not a judgement is it? It's a fact isn't it?
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Just to be clear here, lest some misunderstand. I am not in any way trying to defend Trump. Just trying to show that to me, both candidates for POTUS in the last election were unfit for the position.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    At least she wasn't a lying, cheating, misogynistic, small minded, ignorant, criminal, spazwangle.

    Lying? When questioned by the FBI re her emails, she claimed she couldn't remember anything.
    Misogynistic? Juanita Broaddrick and all the other women Bill has allegedly assaulted. Look at Hillary's part in covering up and hounding accusers.
    Criminal? There are plenty of people with more brains than me who would disagree. Have a look at the Clinton Foundation and some of the people who donate.
    Just remind us how many convictions Hillary has for all her wrongdoing... I haven't got the total to hand...

    Probably the same number as the moronic incumbent.
    Well, lets see how history judges your judgement on that. As far as I remember, Hillary hasn't been named in court papers as a unindicted co-conspirator to a felony, unlike Trump appears to have been. He's certainly got a head start.

    That's not a judgement is it? It's a fact isn't it?
    True, as it stands today (so you admit that Hillary hasn't been convicted of anything, despite "people cleverer than you" saying that she's guilty of all sorts of things), but if your judgement is that he's going to end on the same number of convictions as Hillary... then let's wait and see. It's not as if he's ever spent much time in court... ... nald_Trump
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Just to be clear here, lest some misunderstand. I am not in any way trying to defend Trump. Just trying to show that to me, both candidates for POTUS in the last election were unfit for the position.
    Understood. And just to be clear, no-one is trying to say that Hillary is whiter than white, but to try to find equivalency between the two does seem to be stretching a point to an absurd degree.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    At least she wasn't a lying, cheating, misogynistic, small minded, ignorant, criminal, spazwangle.

    Lying? When questioned by the FBI re her emails, she claimed she couldn't remember anything.
    Misogynistic? Juanita Broaddrick and all the other women Bill has allegedly assaulted. Look at Hillary's part in covering up and hounding accusers.
    Criminal? There are plenty of people with more brains than me who would disagree. Have a look at the Clinton Foundation and some of the people who donate.
    Just remind us how many convictions Hillary has for all her wrongdoing... I haven't got the total to hand...

    Probably the same number as the moronic incumbent.
    Well, lets see how history judges your judgement on that. As far as I remember, Hillary hasn't been named in court papers as a unindicted co-conspirator to a felony, unlike Trump appears to have been. He's certainly got a head start.

    That's not a judgement is it? It's a fact isn't it?
    True, as it stands today (so you admit that Hillary hasn't been convicted of anything, despite "people cleverer than you" saying that she's guilty of all sorts of things), but if your judgement is that he's going to end on the same number of convictions as Hillary... then let's wait and see. It's not as if he's ever spent much time in court... ... nald_Trump

    Don't recall saying that. :?
    No idea if either will see the inside of a courtroom and to be honest, very little interest.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    This is the blog of a gun-totin' right-wing American, who also happens to be an ex-spy and academic, and no admirer of Hillary. ... -his-life/
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    but if your judgement is that he's going to end on the same number of convictions as Hillary... then let's wait and see. It's not as if he's ever spent much time in court... ... nald_Trump

    Don't recall saying that. :?
    No idea if either will see the inside of a courtroom and to be honest, very little interest.
    You didn't (and I didn't say you did), but you appeared to be saying that because as of now they stand on the same number of convictions (well, ignoring all the cases against Trump's various organisations), they are equivalent. I think you are wrong, and that that will come out in due course.

    I do have an interest, because it is not in the interest of democracy or world peace for a demagogic sociopathic narcissist, who is motivated by racism and personal greed at the expense of anything else, to be in charge of the world's largest democracy, and with his finger on the nuclear button. That sort of gets my attention.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    This is the blog of a gun-totin' right-wing American, who also happens to be an ex-spy and academic, and no admirer of Hillary. ... -his-life/

    He may be right. Trump may get a jump suit to match his skin tone for the rest of his life, I have never argued otherwise.
    I repeat that my position has always been that both candidates last time around were the worst ever.
    If the best that could have been said for Clinton is that at least she wasn't Trump, I would suggest that that is not a great endorsement of a candidate. Not a high bar to be better than Trump.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    This is the blog of a gun-totin' right-wing American, who also happens to be an ex-spy and academic, and no admirer of Hillary. ... -his-life/

    He may be right. Trump may get a jump suit to match his skin tone for the rest of his life, I have never argued otherwise.
    I repeat that my position has always been that both candidates last time around were the worst ever.
    If the best that could have been said for Clinton is that at least she wasn't Trump, I would suggest that that is not a great endorsement of a candidate. Not a high bar to be better than Trump.
    We can agree at last :)

    Fancy going to the movies, to make up? How about Star Wars?
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Ballysmate wrote:
    This is the blog of a gun-totin' right-wing American, who also happens to be an ex-spy and academic, and no admirer of Hillary. ... -his-life/

    He may be right. Trump may get a jump suit to match his skin tone for the rest of his life, I have never argued otherwise.
    I repeat that my position has always been that both candidates last time around were the worst ever.
    If the best that could have been said for Clinton is that at least she wasn't Trump, I would suggest that that is not a great endorsement of a candidate. Not a high bar to be better than Trump.
    We can agree at last :)

    Fancy going to the movies, to make up? How about Star Wars?

    How' about a nice musical? Phantom? Joseph, Brigadoon?
    Or perhaps you have a favorite piece you could play on the trumpet.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,106
    Are you two going to book a room?
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    This is the blog of a gun-totin' right-wing American, who also happens to be an ex-spy and academic, and no admirer of Hillary. ... -his-life/

    He may be right. Trump may get a jump suit to match his skin tone for the rest of his life, I have never argued otherwise.
    I repeat that my position has always been that both candidates last time around were the worst ever.
    If the best that could have been said for Clinton is that at least she wasn't Trump, I would suggest that that is not a great endorsement of a candidate. Not a high bar to be better than Trump.
    We can agree at last :)

    Fancy going to the movies, to make up? How about Star Wars?

    How' about a nice musical? Phantom? Joseph, Brigadoon?
    Or perhaps you have a favorite piece you could play on the trumpet.
    So many choices... it's hard to know which to turn down.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Pinno wrote:
    Are you two going to book a room?

    Don't be like that.
    You know I only have eyes for you.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Pinno wrote:
    Are you two going to book a room?
    It would have to be Mar-a-Lago or Trump Tower, or Bally will turn it down, I fear.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Pinno wrote:
    Are you two going to book a room?

    Don't be like that.
    You know I only have eyes for you.
    I certainly know I Only Have Eyes For You.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    You play it, I'll sing it.
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    You play it, I'll sing it.
    Haha. I've done both. But not at the same time. I actually spent a day with the lead trumpeter on that record. Legend. Also now dead.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    I genuinely admire anyone who can play an instrument.
    Some years back I came back from Memphis where every kid on Beale could play a harmonica. How cool is that thought I, music wherever you go. Can't be that hard can it? Bought one to have a go. F**king thing!
  • briantrumpet
    briantrumpet Posts: 19,617
    Ballysmate wrote:
    I genuinely admire anyone who can play an instrument.
    Some years back I came back from Memphis where every kid on Beale could play a harmonica. How cool is that thought I, music wherever you go. Can't be that hard can it? Bought one to have a go. F**king thing!
    And you'll understand how hard it is to teach a grown-up to play an instrument - I mean "how hard can a trumpet be?... it's only got three buttons" (genuine comment to me once). The trouble is, once you're older 1)it's that much harder to learn anything, let alone something that needs a whole new skillset depending on fine motor control 2) you can hear just how sh1t you are, and how little progress you're making.

    I put my own 'Basie band' out for a few gigs, and those Sinatra tunes are just the tops.