Donald Trump



  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,776
    why aint he tweeting!!! c'mon Trump give us some nuggets!

    It's 5:30 am. He'll start watching the early bits of fox and friends in about an hour.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    why aint he tweeting!!! c'mon Trump give us some nuggets!

    It's 5:30 am. He'll start watching the early bits of fox and friends in about an hour.

    So another five and a half hours before he makes it in to work......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    This is a good site to keep up with all the news, Morning Joe at 11am UK time is a great anti trump breakfast show
    also live streams of Fox/Cnn etc
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!@realdonadtrump

    He's started, a tad refrained, c'mon the Don, you can do better
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,208
    Imposter wrote:
    Well that was a good day for Captain Bonespurs.

    I believe the correct term is 'cadet' bonespurs. Please don't confer rank on him...
    C-in-C Bonespurs, shirley?

    Late 80s I worked for a while with an USAnian, he was just a few years older than me. He had served in Vietnam, hadn't draft dodged, had a rough time, would not talk about it, classic 1000 yard stare. Wonder what he and his cohort think of der Drumpf?
  • If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!@realdonadtrump

    He's started, a tad refrained, c'mon the Don, you can do better
    Cohen's attorney Lanny Davis says Cohen has stuff on Trump regarding conspiring with the Russians that he's willing to share with Mueller which would blow the 'No Collusion' crap out of the water.

    Add to that that Cohen has no intention to accept offers of a pardon from Trump it appears Cohen has the upper hand at the moment.
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    Such respect for a great man.
  • dinyull
    dinyull Posts: 2,979
    He's going to be remembered as the ultimate troll. The best.
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,776
    If anyone is looking for a good lawyer, I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen!@realdonadtrump

    He's started, a tad refrained, c'mon the Don, you can do better

    It's fair enough, as he was never actually doing anything particularly lawyer-like for Trump.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    I feel very badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family. “Justice” took a 12 year old tax case, among other things, applied tremendous pressure on him and, unlike Michael Cohen, he refused to “break” - make up stories in order to get a “deal.” Such respect for a brave man!
    A large number of counts, ten, could not even be decided in the Paul Manafort case. Witch Hunt!
    Michael Cohen plead guilty to two counts of campaign finance violations that are not a crime. President Obama had a big campaign finance violation and it was easily settled!
    h'e starting his meltdown :D
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,776
    A large number of counts, ten, could not even be decided in the Paul Manafort case. Witch Hunt!

    h'e starting his meltdown :D

    That's brilliant - yes, yes, he was found guilty of 8 counts of fraud, but wasn't found guilty of 10 more. Basically he won!
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    It's undeniable that Mannafort has ripped off the US by not paying his taxes, found out by the government, the courts and a jury. The president of the US says in effect "he was right to evade taxes" when the fek will this madness end?
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,114
    Stepping away from the jibbering incoherence that is Trump's twitter feed, an interesting article on how easy it is to influence an election without changing a single recorded vote. ... es-def-con
    Armed with facsimiles of the websites of 13 battleground states and a child-friendly guide to basic hacking techniques, the kids were set loose on critical infrastructure – and proceeded to tear it apart.
    “It took an 11-year-old girl 10 minutes to do it,” Braun says, “and she was the first one.” After that, the convention cycled to a new state’s website every 30 minutes, and another child would break it in less than a quarter hour, over and over. At the point I arrived in the room, the website for the state of Colorado was being projected on the wall, declaring that the candidate for the “Comnnunism” Party, Kim Jong-un, had won the state’s election with one quadrillion votes. (The runner-up, the rapper Lil Pump, apparently standing for the Democratic party, had just under 46m votes.)
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • It's undeniable that Mannafort has ripped off the US by not paying his taxes, found out by the government, the courts and a jury. The president of the US says in effect "he was right to evade taxes" when the fek will this madness end?
    Don't forget in the debates Trump was challenged on his tax avoidance to the US treasury and his response was to say that avoiding taxes makes him clever, yet people still voted for him despite his contempt for the country's laws.
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Avoiding taxes may not be illegal. Evading taxes certainly is...
  • Imposter wrote:
    Avoiding taxes may not be illegal. Evading taxes certainly is...
    I think we all know the difference but it was his arrogance and contempt for the law on the podium that was astounding.

    I'm sure there's a video on Youtube of it.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,177
    A large number of counts, ten, could not even be decided in the Paul Manafort case. Witch Hunt!

    h'e starting his meltdown :D

    That's brilliant - yes, yes, he was found guilty of 8 counts of fraud, but wasn't found guilty of 10 more. Basically he won!

    My favourite is the claim that Cohen pleaded guilty to something isn't illegal :lol:
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,776
    In other news, the second congressman to endorse Trump in 2016 Duncan Hunter has been indicted on corruption charges. Key titbit - he forgot to take shorts on holiday, so his wife told him to buy some from a golf shop, so they could claim it from the campaign funds and say it was "golf balls for the wounded warriors" to make it look like it was a donation to army veterans.

    Also, this guy has already been confirmed on the ballot for November, and can't be removed. So he is the Republican candidate whether they like it or not. (They don't like it.)
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Imposter wrote:
    Avoiding taxes may not be illegal. Evading taxes certainly is...
    I think we all know the difference but it was his arrogance and contempt for the law on the podium that was astounding.

    I'm sure there's a video on Youtube of it.

    agreed - I'm just highlighting that the differences might be lost on his core vote...
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,776
    Pross wrote:
    A large number of counts, ten, could not even be decided in the Paul Manafort case. Witch Hunt!

    h'e starting his meltdown :D

    That's brilliant - yes, yes, he was found guilty of 8 counts of fraud, but wasn't found guilty of 10 more. Basically he won!

    My favourite is the claim that Cohen pleaded guilty to something isn't illegal :lol:

    He should ask his lawyer about that.
  • lostboysaint
    lostboysaint Posts: 4,250
    Trail fun - Transition Bandit
    Road - Wilier Izoard Centaur/Cube Agree C62 Disc
    Allround - Cotic Solaris
  • FishFish
    FishFish Posts: 2,152
    I didn't read any of that. Jus i trying to get the post count up.
    ...take your pickelf on your holibobs.... :D

    jeez :roll:
  • Subpoena issued against Cohen for his part in Trump Foundation. ... ssion=true

    Tick tock, tick tock.
  • crispybug2
    crispybug2 Posts: 2,915
    rjsterry wrote:
    Stepping away from the jibbering incoherence that is Trump's twitter feed, an interesting article on how easy it is to influence an election without changing a single recorded vote. ... es-def-con
    Armed with facsimiles of the websites of 13 battleground states and a child-friendly guide to basic hacking techniques, the kids were set loose on critical infrastructure – and proceeded to tear it apart.
    “It took an 11-year-old girl 10 minutes to do it,” Braun says, “and she was the first one.” After that, the convention cycled to a new state’s website every 30 minutes, and another child would break it in less than a quarter hour, over and over. At the point I arrived in the room, the website for the state of Colorado was being projected on the wall, declaring that the candidate for the “Comnnunism” Party, Kim Jong-un, had won the state’s election with one quadrillion votes. (The runner-up, the rapper Lil Pump, apparently standing for the Democratic party, had just under 46m votes.)

    To which the obvious question is “If it’s so easy then why the f*ck weren’t Hillary’s people doing it?”
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,114
    crispybug2 wrote:
    rjsterry wrote:
    Stepping away from the jibbering incoherence that is Trump's twitter feed, an interesting article on how easy it is to influence an election without changing a single recorded vote. ... es-def-con
    Armed with facsimiles of the websites of 13 battleground states and a child-friendly guide to basic hacking techniques, the kids were set loose on critical infrastructure – and proceeded to tear it apart.
    “It took an 11-year-old girl 10 minutes to do it,” Braun says, “and she was the first one.” After that, the convention cycled to a new state’s website every 30 minutes, and another child would break it in less than a quarter hour, over and over. At the point I arrived in the room, the website for the state of Colorado was being projected on the wall, declaring that the candidate for the “Comnnunism” Party, Kim Jong-un, had won the state’s election with one quadrillion votes. (The runner-up, the rapper Lil Pump, apparently standing for the Democratic party, had just under 46m votes.)

    To which the obvious question is “If it’s so easy then why the f*ck weren’t Hillary’s people doing it?”

    I think these are tactics that would be used to destabilise another country by undermining confidence in its electoral system, not used to win one's own election.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • robert88
    robert88 Posts: 2,696
    A pardon for a good and brave man.
    U.S. President Donald Trump said he would consider pardoning his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was convicted on Tuesday of bank and tax fraud, according to a Fox News reporter who interviewed Trump.

    Wonders never cease with Trump.
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    They are all absolutely mental - it’s compelling reading. You honestly couldn’t make it up. ... ump-russia

    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    MF has just stumbled upon this and feels that it is an accurate representation of an India version of what goes on inside the Dotard’s head. ... dar+Forums

    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    edited August 2018
    Just watched last nights fox interview the daft RS said, "it almost, should be illegal to flip and tell tales on Donald Trump"
    EDIT It seems he's trying to reach out to Manafort and say don't flip I'll look after you!
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,776
    Sarah Sanders yesterday: The President cannot be charged because he's the president. The fact that the President has not been charged is evidence that he did nothing wrong.