Donald Trump



  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    Robert88 wrote:
    After all the slur speech talk in the past, 'we' came to the conclusion it must be denture related, but he doesn't have dentures according to this report.
    Jackson said that Trump’s cholesterol level has jumped to 223, in the elevated range, and his low-density lipoprotein of 143 is borderline high, so he is increasing Trump’s medication. Jackson said he hopes to bring down the LDL or “bad cholesterol” score with diet, exercise and statin medication. Trump also takes aspirin daily for his heart, propecia for hair loss, a daily vitamin and an occasional cream for rosacea, a skin condition.
    Looking good :roll:

    He should play more golf. Much more golf. Day and night.

    Biggly golf.
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    On March 6, 2017, President Donald J. Trump issued Executive Order 13780, Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, which declared that “it is the policy of the United States to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks, including those committed by foreign nationals,” and directed a series of actions to enhance the security of the American people. The actions directed by Executive Order 13780 have—among other things—raised the baseline for the vetting and screening of foreign nationals, improved our ability to prevent the entry of malicious actors, and enhanced the security of the American people.
    exactly what does that mean? That it wasn't policy before Trump declared it as his own?.. his base are so easily fooled

    The entry of malicious actors?

    So does that mean that Kevin Spacey can no longer go into the US?
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,091
    Fittest man in the world, even more so than Froomedog (if that’s possible) ... amburgers/

    "...could have lived..." ? You mean he is actually dead. Now everything makes sense. Perhaps he is actually Hillary's puppet.

    So; they got a two bit quack to asses his health and he is now sunning himself in the Bahamas after receiving his pay bonus,
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Interesting article from Politico dated December 2016 showing that back then Trump was adding to his height possibly to avoid being labelled obese; ... ght-232948

    Some interesting height comparison photos on Twitter. Obama, who is 6' 1", when standing next to Trump appears marginally taller and people who are genuinely 6' 3" are way taller than Trump.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,091
    If there is any reasonable comparison, this is not exactly hard:
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Pinno wrote:
    If there is any reasonable comparison, this is not exactly hard:

    Woo hoo! I got five out of five! Gimme a hamburger and a country to run - NOW!
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Rolf F wrote:
    Pinno wrote:
    If there is any reasonable comparison, this is not exactly hard:

    Woo hoo! I got five out of five! Gimme a hamburger and a country to run - NOW!
    trump got 8/5
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Rolf F wrote:
    Pinno wrote:
    If there is any reasonable comparison, this is not exactly hard:

    Woo hoo! I got five out of five! Gimme a hamburger and a country to run - NOW!
    trump got 8/5

    That's right - crush my dreams why don't you.......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson was so effusive in extolling the totally amazing, surpassingly marvelous, superbly stupendous and extremely awesome health of the president that the doctor sounded almost Trumpian. “The president’s overall health is excellent,” he said, repeating “excellent” eight times: “Hands down, there’s no question that he is in the excellent range. . . . I put out in the statement that the president’s health is excellent, because his overall health is excellent. . . . Overall, he has very, very good health. Excellent health.”

    And just how excellent is His Excellency’s excellent health, doctor? “Incredible cardiac fitness,” was Dr. Jackson’s professional opinion. “He has incredible genes. . . . He has incredibly good genes, and it’s just the way God made him.”

    Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN, making a rare house call to the White House briefing room, offered a second opinion. “He is taking a cholesterol-lowering medication, he has evidence of heart disease, and he’s borderline obese,” Gupta pointed out, citing Jackson’s own findings. “Can you characterize that as excellent health?”

    Jackson replied that Trump’s heart is “in the excellent category.”

    And not just his heart! The doctor rhapsodized about Trump’s vision, his stamina (“more energy than just about anybody”) and above all his mental acuity, which, Jackson made sure to note, he examined only “because the president asked me to.” Trump is “very sharp, and he’s very articulate. . . . Very, very sharp, very intact. . . . Absolutely no cognitive or mental issues whatsoever. . . . The president did exceedingly well.”

    Sure, the guy could exercise and lose a few pounds. But “if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he might live to be 200 years old,” the White House physician proclaimed. Jackson even blessed Trump’s habit of sleeping only four or five hours a night — “probably one of the reasons why he’s been successful” — and his couch-potato tendencies: “He can watch as much TV as he wants.”

    And that time when Trump slurred his speech? Jackson blamed himself, for prescribing Sudafed. It was dry throat — exactly the diagnosis offered by the White House spokeswoman!

    Jackson, nearly equaling the prediction of Trump’s personal doctor that he would be the healthiest president ever, predicted Trump would remain healthy “for the remainder of another term, if he’s elected.”

    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • FishFish
    FishFish Posts: 2,152
    Most of the fake news is in this thread. He has done a fantastic job in realising what he promised to the electorate who voted for him.

    Can anyone direct me to the UK PM health assessment?
    ...take your pickelf on your holibobs.... :D

    jeez :roll:
  • FishFish wrote:
    Most of the fake news is in this thread. He has done a fantastic job in realising what he promised to the electorate who voted for him.

    Can anyone direct me to the UK PM health assessment?
    That doesn't matter as no one really cares if she stays or goes.
    She's a stop-gap PM for a stop-gap Government.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson was so effusive in extolling the totally amazing, surpassingly marvelous, superbly stupendous and extremely awesome health of the president that the doctor sounded almost Trumpian. “The president’s overall health is excellent,” he said, repeating “excellent” eight times: “Hands down, there’s no question that he is in the excellent range. . . . I put out in the statement that the president’s health is excellent, because his overall health is excellent. . . . Overall, he has very, very good health. Excellent health.”

    And just how excellent is His Excellency’s excellent health, doctor? “Incredible cardiac fitness,” was Dr. Jackson’s professional opinion. “He has incredible genes. . . . He has incredibly good genes, and it’s just the way God made him.”

    Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN, making a rare house call to the White House briefing room, offered a second opinion. “He is taking a cholesterol-lowering medication, he has evidence of heart disease, and he’s borderline obese,” Gupta pointed out, citing Jackson’s own findings. “Can you characterize that as excellent health?”

    Jackson replied that Trump’s heart is “in the excellent category.”

    And not just his heart! The doctor rhapsodized about Trump’s vision, his stamina (“more energy than just about anybody”) and above all his mental acuity, which, Jackson made sure to note, he examined only “because the president asked me to.” Trump is “very sharp, and he’s very articulate. . . . Very, very sharp, very intact. . . . Absolutely no cognitive or mental issues whatsoever. . . . The president did exceedingly well.”

    Sure, the guy could exercise and lose a few pounds. But “if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he might live to be 200 years old,” the White House physician proclaimed. Jackson even blessed Trump’s habit of sleeping only four or five hours a night — “probably one of the reasons why he’s been successful” — and his couch-potato tendencies: “He can watch as much TV as he wants.”

    And that time when Trump slurred his speech? Jackson blamed himself, for prescribing Sudafed. It was dry throat — exactly the diagnosis offered by the White House spokeswoman!

    Jackson, nearly equaling the prediction of Trump’s personal doctor that he would be the healthiest president ever, predicted Trump would remain healthy “for the remainder of another term, if he’s elected.”


    What amazes me is that "they" expect intelligent people to buy this crap ...

    Dr says he's in Excellent Health ... except he's overweight, nearly obese, taking medication to reduce cholesterol ... and just so as we really buy into it - if he'd eaten healthier for the last 20 years he'd lived till he's 200 ... because that's really likely ...
    So, options are
    1) This doctor is just on the trump payroll and repeating what he's been told to say
    2) This doctor wants to be on the trump payroll and is willing to bend over to get there
    3) This doctor hasn't got a f*cking clue

    Doesn't trump realise that sometimes, it's better to be honest ... nobody would care if he was fat, balding and should be doing more exercise - if he was actually running the country well - a bit of sacrifice for the good of the country?
  • FishFish wrote:
    Most of the fake news is in this thread.

    That's a relief. This means the reporting on the president by the likes of WaPo is factual.
    FishFish wrote:
    He has done a fantastic job in realising what he promised to the electorate who voted for him.

    I remember that speech he did where he said "Day one, we will try to repeal but not replace Obamacare, and fail to even do that. We will try to get agreement on building some of the wall, and who's going to pay? That's right. You. And of course, we will criticise Hillary for everything, but not lock her up, that's impossible. I am going to work 4 hours a day, 5 days a week to get this done, at least if I can fit it around my golf."
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Doesn't trump realise that sometimes, it's better to be honest ... nobody would care if he was fat, balding and should be doing more exercise - if he was actually running the country well - a bit of sacrifice for the good of the country?
    But Trump would care if he was fat, balding, unfit and unpopular, so until he convinces everyone else to love him, he's caught in his narcissistic web
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • Doesn't trump realise that sometimes, it's better to be honest ... nobody would care if he was fat, balding and should be doing more exercise - if he was actually running the country well - a bit of sacrifice for the good of the country?
    But Trump would care if he was fat, balding, unfit and unpopular, so until he convinces everyone else to love him, he's caught in his narcissistic web

    You misunderstand him - don't you remember the interview where he said "I'm much more humble than you could understand"?
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    FishFish wrote:
    Most of the fake news is in this thread. He has done a fantastic job in realising what he promised to the electorate who voted for him.

    Can anyone direct me to the UK PM health assessment?

    what you carping on about now?

    This thread wasn't mentioned in his 'Fake News awards' last night was it? Have we made into the big time :D
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Doesn't trump realise that sometimes, it's better to be honest ... nobody would care if he was fat, balding and should be doing more exercise - if he was actually running the country well - a bit of sacrifice for the good of the country?
    But Trump would care if he was fat, balding, unfit and unpopular, so until he convinces everyone else to love him, he's caught in his narcissistic web

    You misunderstand him - don't you remember the interview where he said "I'm much more humble than you could understand"?

    I thought he said " "I'm much more humble than people like you could possibly understand"

    OK so i made that up Genuine fake news that was! :D
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • FishFish
    FishFish Posts: 2,152
    FishFish wrote:
    Most of the fake news is in this thread. He has done a fantastic job in realising what he promised to the electorate who voted for him.

    Can anyone direct me to the UK PM health assessment?
    That doesn't matter as no one really cares if she stays or goes.
    She's a stop-gap PM for a stop-gap Government.

    fair point.
    ...take your pickelf on your holibobs.... :D

    jeez :roll:
  • FishFish
    FishFish Posts: 2,152
    FishFish wrote:
    Most of the fake news is in this thread. He has done a fantastic job in realising what he promised to the electorate who voted for him.

    Can anyone direct me to the UK PM health assessment?

    what you carping on about now?

    This thread wasn't mentioned in his 'Fake News awards' last night was it? Have we made into the big time :D
    Yes but the contributors have not.
    ...take your pickelf on your holibobs.... :D

    jeez :roll:
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,201
    What sort of qualified medic says any human, bad or good diet notwithstanding, lives to age 200? Fake medic!
  • Sebastian Gorka has had an outstanding arrest warrant in Hungary since before the election. ... rump-aide/
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Lock him up.... as well
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 26,976
    I see the Trumpster is doing a fancy moonwalk regarding security today.
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • He'll be determined to get a deal on keeping the government open today, because he's got a big party tomorrow to celebrate a year since the inauguration at Mar a Lago. People have paid $100k per couple to be there. So he's probably ready to roll over, agree to anything, and then claim victory.
  • Trump on the potenetial shutdown in 2013: ... 2884251648
  • bianchimoon
    bianchimoon Posts: 3,942
    Must be very frustrating for him, in his real life he 'just' gets what he wants,'gets to sleep with pron stars'... 'gets to walk into the dressing room at Miss world contests'...'gets to move the white house to Mar el Largo every weekend'... even 'gets to play president and profit from it'... this Shutdown business must be a real bu**er for him
    All lies and jest..still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest....
  • PhilipPirrip
    PhilipPirrip Posts: 616
    edited January 2018
    Happy first anniversary Donnie.

    What a year, no what a week. Wait, let's just look at today.

    A government shutdown in your first year. That's quite an achievement for the Great Dealmaker and as you said in 2013 this is ultimately the president's responsibility so it's all yours.

    The FBI investigating money laundering of Russian funds to your campaign through the NRA. So that's why you still haven't signed those sanctions against Russia. And let's not get into you being owned by foreign governments because of your abuse of the emoluments clause.

    The full story of your affair with a porn star and her pay off is revealed. Dang, it's a shame those NDAs aren't retrospective and that the full details of setting up shell companies to pay off women can't be hidden.

    So, in summary, you're a hopeless deal maker when it matters whose campaign, it looks like, was funded by the Russians through the NRA and have paid off a woman to be quiet about the affair you had whilst your wife was pregnant.

    Amazingly, and disappointingly, that probably represents a normal day in the first year of your presidency.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    FishFish wrote:
    Most of the fake news is in this thread. He has done a fantastic job in realising what he promised to the electorate who voted for him.

    Can anyone direct me to the UK PM health assessment?
    Nice try comrade.

    This resource is quite incredible. ... ion/trumps
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    Happy first anniversary Donnie.

    What a year, no what a week. Wait, let's just look at today.

    A government shutdown in your first year. That's quite an achievement for the Great Dealmaker and as you said in 2013 this is ultimately the president's responsibility so it's all yours.

    The FBI investigating money laundering of Russian funds to your campaign through the NRA. So that's why you still haven't signed those sanctions against Russia. And let's not get into you being owned by foreign governments because of your abuse of the emoluments clause.

    The full story of your affair with a porn star and her pay off is revealed. Dang, it's a shame those NDAs aren't retrospective and that the full details of setting up shell companies to pay off women can't be hidden.

    So, in summary, you're a hopeless deal maker when it matters whose campaign, it looks like, was funded by the Russians through the NRA and have paid off a woman to be quiet about the affair you had whilst your wife was pregnant.

    Amazingly, and disappointingly, that probably represents a normal day in the first year of your presidency.

    Well, if anything at least you can’t say that life is dull under him (however having sex under him is pretty dull, as verified by the porn star girl).
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.