Donald Trump



  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,150
    Back to Trump, but will the Rednecks pay any attention anyway: ... b1409622ee?

    Is it not PC to call Trump supporters 'Red Necks', shall I get permission?

    noun NORTH AMERICAN informal derogatory
    plural noun: rednecks
    a working-class white person from the southern US, especially a politically reactionary one.
    "redneck towns".

    Surely 'reactionary' is sufficient grounds.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,293
    So will admitting near paedophile tendencies be enough to keep Trump out of office?
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    The crowd supporting Trump over there are the same crowd as voted for Brexit over here.
  • pblakeney
    pblakeney Posts: 27,065
    Joelsim wrote:
    The crowd supporting Trump over there are the same crowd as voted for Brexit over here.
    That is a major worry given how our vote went.
    :shock: :cry::|
    The above may be fact, or fiction, I may be serious, I may be jesting.
    I am not sure. You have no chance.
    Veronese68 wrote:
    PB is the most sensible person on here.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Pretty much.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,227
    The tax dodging will do for him.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Really won't.

    One of his bits is suggesting next year after his tax bonfire that people send in messages to the IFRS telling them what they really think about them after that stop paying tax.


    By now, evidence suggests this kind of stuff is irrelevant. Otherwise he'd have been sunk long ago.

    It's the same nihilism that you got with Brexit. It's, "I don't have anything to lose, I want change, I know Trump is a c*nt, but I'm rolling the dice because there's no downside, and he will roll the dice. Hilary will just keep me in my sh!thole".
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,227
    It's the same nihilism that you got with Brexit. It's, "I don't have anything to lose, I want change, I know Trump is a c*nt, but I'm rolling the dice because there's no downside, and he will roll the dice. Hilary will just keep me in my sh!thole".
    Can only agree with that. So the Morlocks always win in the end? We're all ducked in that case.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    orraloon wrote:
    It's the same nihilism that you got with Brexit. It's, "I don't have anything to lose, I want change, I know Trump is a c*nt, but I'm rolling the dice because there's no downside, and he will roll the dice. Hilary will just keep me in my sh!thole".
    Can only agree with that. So the Morlocks always win in the end? We're all ducked in that case.

    That's why in democracies, a bit of elitism and intellectual snobbery is welcome.

    There's a reason populism is a derogatory term when describing someone's policies.

    It's the sign of a spoilt generation.

    Two generations have only experienced serious economic growth and peace both in the UK and the US (well, domestically anyway). They don't know the pain populists and fascists inflicted on the world, because they never felt it.

    People didn't vote Nazi because they were all inherently hell-bent on conquering Europe and wanted to annihilate an entire race. They voted because, 3-4 years after the world's worst economic crisis a strongman was offering a third way between out-of-touch elite-liberals and communists.

    It's very worrying, I have to say.

    If Trump gets elected the West will enter a new, uglier epoch.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    I mean, we have Philipino President who compared himself to Hitler and said, explicitly, that he wants to 'slaughter 3 million drug addicts'.

    World is not in good shape.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Agree that Trump is a cnut. The fact that the only alternative is Hillary "I couldn't even lie straight in bed" Clinton means that I too, despair.
  • What can you level against Clinton that Trump doesn't come out worse on? Other than if you see having experience of being in government as a negative.
  • He is totally Crazy i think. How can he be a appropriate person for being American President.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    What can you level against Clinton that Trump doesn't come out worse on? Other than if you see having experience of being in government as a negative.

    Is that her best recommendation? She's not as bad as Trump?
    Sort of backs up my point doesn't it?
  • Good situation to be in? Two unpalatable candidates in effectively a two party race! A perfect case for a "none of the above" option. Seriously, there should be an option to allow voters to return the two parties back to reselection. Certainly in a two party race like US presidency.

    BTW what alternative.candidates to Ms Clinton and Mr Trump would you find palatable as potential candidates?
  • Ballysmate wrote:
    What can you level against Clinton that Trump doesn't come out worse on? Other than if you see having experience of being in government as a negative.

    Is that her best recommendation? She's not as bad as Trump?
    Sort of backs up my point doesn't it?

    But doesn't explain why it's a close race.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Ballysmate wrote:
    What can you level against Clinton that Trump doesn't come out worse on? Other than if you see having experience of being in government as a negative.

    Is that her best recommendation? She's not as bad as Trump?
    Sort of backs up my point doesn't it?

    Right now, this type of chat, which is very common in the US, is downright dangerous.

    Hilary, for all that people distrust her (unfairly IMO - she's been subject to an unecessary and undeserved amount of scorn, partly because she's a woman), is well qualified for the role, and won't run America into the ground. She's more capable of navigating the political maze that is congress than Obama is, and had it been hilary elected in the last 8 years, she may have made more mistakes, but she'd probably have got a lot more done.

    Trump will be the most incapable leader of a developed nation ever elected. He is racist, fascist, and his aggressive protectionism will damage the world. He's beyond bad. He's a nightmare of a leader, for any country.

    The gap between the two is absolutely vast.
  • Ballysmate wrote:
    What can you level against Clinton that Trump doesn't come out worse on? Other than if you see having experience of being in government as a negative.

    Is that her best recommendation? She's not as bad as Trump?
    Sort of backs up my point doesn't it?

    OK, she is intelligent, and an experienced politician with policies that edge towards liberalism. Plus on any character issues that have been levelled at her - she's not as bad as Trump.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Rick, all you say about Trump is correct, but that doesn't improve the calibre of Clinton does it? She is just the least unpalatable choice.
    BTW my distaste for Clinton has nowt to do with her gender, I find her husband equally odious.
    In fact one of the world leaders I admired the most was a woman. Guess which one. :lol:
  • Thatcher! Or Merkel?
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Thatcher! Or Merkel?

    I did say, was a woman. I presume Angela still is, so that rules her out a bit doesn't it? :D
  • Fair point, didn't spot it.

    Mind's racing now. Shock admission! Merkel to undergo sex change. What a story tabloids Europe wide would love to break. Second only to Trump's hamster getting put down to end it's suffering, after many years of loyal service.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Fair point, didn't spot it.

    Mind's racing now. Shock admission! Merkel to undergo sex change. What a story tabloids Europe wide would love to break. Second only to Trump's hamster getting put down to end it's suffering, after many years of loyal service.

    Or The Donald's gerbil? :shock:
  • Damn my mind. Merkel is east German right?!!! You know what they were up to in athletics...

    Still wouldn't make Merkel a possibility as your favourite if she never was in the first place.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    I can't believe this is even a debate. Whether you like Hillary or not, Trump is a maniac and will be bad for the whole world, let alone America.

    Surely everything he's ever said is diametrically opposed to making America great again.

    P.S. I like Merkel.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Damn my mind. Merkel is east German right?!!! You know what they were up to in athletics...

    Still wouldn't make Merkel a possibility as your favourite if she never was in the first place.

    Belonging to the Christian Democrats, does that mean she dresses to the right?
  • Slightly off topic. Are there any other women leaders to match Thatcher and Merkel in political sphere? Strength of those two women both tactically and the way they dominated their nation's politics. Any other women like that?

    Aung Sang... she has presence and dignity but never really showed strength.

    Rousieff in Brazil? Hah! Impeachment takes her reputation out.

    The Argentinean female leader? Can't remember so that's a no.

    Seriously, any other women leaders of Thatcher and Merkel quality/reputation?
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Golda Meir? Indira Ghandi?
  • Ballysmate wrote:
    Golda Meir? Indira Ghandi?
    Didn't India Ghandi get embroiled in corruption?

    Oh yes, the first iron lady of politics golda meir.

    So if someone was to rank women political leaders what order would you reckon? Ballys probably going to put Thatcher top. I remember he's posted positively about her a lot before.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Golda Meir? Indira Ghandi?
    Didn't India Ghandi get embroiled in corruption?

    Oh yes, the first iron lady of politics golda meir.

    So if someone was to rank women political leaders what order would you reckon? Ballys probably going to put Thatcher top. I remember he's posted positively about her a lot before.

    :lol: Yes Thatch @ No 1

    Ghandi was embroiled in corruption, but perhaps went with the territory at the time/place.
    To become leader in a country that views women as it does/did, was no mean feat.