Are sky clean or not?



  • I still maintain that sky (and probably the other big budget teams) are one step ahead of WADA and taking things that are not yet banned/frowned upon, they did it with tramadol and have now probably moved on the the next thing.

    You still maintain that big budget teams are operating entirely within the laws of the sport? Excellent.

    This ^.

    It's a very grey area, but to me it includes taking stuff that isn't on the banned list yet, altitude training etc....where do you stop? It's all legal until it's not.

    Whether it's ethical is another matter, but if one team is doing it then the others will be too.

    What do Dibble and Grubb say about it?

    Altitude training???? Anyone can take a holiday in the mountains and go altitude training, so why should that be cheating? Bye and large its not dangerous or damaging to the body in the long run. Would you also ban riders born at altitude as they have an inbuilt unfair advantage? Get real.

    Quite a few riders have tested positive for banned substances in the last year, why are you not banging on about them and there teams cheating rather than persuing the juvenile witch hunt against Sky.

    Joel's not having a pop, chap. Have a look at his posts over the last few weeks.

    Thanks RR. As I said it is a grey area, what is 'moral' performance enhancement vs what isn't? Clearly we can all say EPO is bad, but adding your own blood, taking a caffeine pill, multivitamins, pain relievers...where exactly is this line drawn?

    You are making a broad assumption that pro's will take anything, If its legal. Or that its merely down to morals. I believe Mr Boardman's reluctance to "Enhance" his performance was down to his stance that he would have a career that was short in respect to his life after pro cycling. He wanted to be sure he could enjoy it in good health, and the long term effects of EPO, steroids and testosterone were/are not known. Sensible man.

    Fierce competitors they may all be but dont assume that all pro cyclists will do or take anything to win, most are probably well balanced, with a sense of what is right and wrong the same as us mere mortals.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    I still maintain that sky (and probably the other big budget teams) are one step ahead of WADA and taking things that are not yet banned/frowned upon, they did it with tramadol and have now probably moved on the the next thing.

    You still maintain that big budget teams are operating entirely within the laws of the sport? Excellent.

    This ^.

    It's a very grey area, but to me it includes taking stuff that isn't on the banned list yet, altitude training etc....where do you stop? It's all legal until it's not.

    Whether it's ethical is another matter, but if one team is doing it then the others will be too.

    What do Dibble and Grubb say about it?

    Altitude training???? Anyone can take a holiday in the mountains and go altitude training, so why should that be cheating? Bye and large its not dangerous or damaging to the body in the long run. Would you also ban riders born at altitude as they have an inbuilt unfair advantage? Get real.

    Quite a few riders have tested positive for banned substances in the last year, why are you not banging on about them and there teams cheating rather than persuing the juvenile witch hunt against Sky.

    Joel's not having a pop, chap. Have a look at his posts over the last few weeks.

    Thanks RR. As I said it is a grey area, what is 'moral' performance enhancement vs what isn't? Clearly we can all say EPO is bad, but adding your own blood, taking a caffeine pill, multivitamins, pain relievers...where exactly is this line drawn?

    You are making a broad assumption that pro's will take anything, If its legal. Or that its merely down to morals. I believe Mr Boardman's reluctance to "Enhance" his performance was down to his stance that he would have a career that was short in respect to his life after pro cycling. He wanted to be sure he could enjoy it in good health, and the long term effects of EPO, steroids and testosterone were/are not known. Sensible man.

    Fierce competitors they may all be but dont assume that all pro cyclists will do or take anything to win, most are probably well balanced, with a sense of what is right and wrong the same as us mere mortals.

    I understand that, but you only have to look at the % who did take EPO to see what happens when you have to make a choice between being competitive and losing your career. Clearly it isn't as clear cut these days as the benefits appear to be much smaller.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Hang on.

    It's bad enough we take twitter people's word on stuff, but triathletes?

    Come on guys, standards are slipping.
  • Hang on.

    It's bad enough we take twitter people's word on stuff, but triathletes?

    Come on guys, standards are slipping.

    I know its early days but this is my No1 comment on the year so far
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Hang on.

    It's bad enough we take twitter people's word on stuff, but triathletes?

    Come on guys, standards are slipping.

    I know its early days but this is my No1 comment on the year so far

    Standards are slipping :shock:
  • There's a ridiculous double-standard applied to Sky. Not only must they avoid illegal methods, they must also ignore any substance/treatment/preparation that self-appointed morality police deem unfair or unsafe. Meanwhile, Astana etc.

    Admittedly, the team leadership brought much of this on themselves with ludicrous, injudicious 'winning clean' PR, but you can probably put this down to chronic Class A abuse by management. Apparently they got so hammered last year that they made Richie Porte sleep in a camper van at the Giro. Poor guy.

    They set up the double standard thing themselves by saying they were going to be 100% clean team with no links to riders/coaches involved in doping to them end up having riders who were involved in doping on the team. Had they introduced themselves as a clean team but without so much shouting they probably wouldn't get so much stick for it, also this is a sky thread, I'm sure we could start up a thread on astana or katusha which would run for pages and pages of doping chat too
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,399
    There's a ridiculous double-standard applied to Sky. Not only must they avoid illegal methods, they must also ignore any substance/treatment/preparation that self-appointed morality police deem unfair or unsafe. Meanwhile, Astana etc.

    Admittedly, the team leadership brought much of this on themselves with ludicrous, injudicious 'winning clean' PR, but you can probably put this down to chronic Class A abuse by management. Apparently they got so hammered last year that they made Richie Porte sleep in a camper van at the Giro. Poor guy.

    They set up the double standard thing themselves by saying they were going to be 100% clean team with no links to riders/coaches involved in doping to them end up having riders who were involved in doping on the team. Had they introduced themselves as a clean team but without so much shouting they probably wouldn't get so much stick for it, also this is a sky thread, I'm sure we could start up a thread on astana or katusha which would run for pages and pages of doping chat too

    You could start one - but I guarantee it will not generate as many pages as this... Just look at the Sky/Froome threads on the clinic compared to everything else.
  • This 'Sky 'shouted' they would be a clean team, so we have every right to hold them to a higher standard' is getting really freaking old and tired.

    It's nothing more than a feeble excuse.

    Personally I have no love for for Brailsford. I think he has made too many questionable decisions - even in the face of being advised against them by those close to him, on occasion.

    But if you want to 'hold them to a higher standard' whilst giving not one f£&ok about other teams, than do try and be original. Maybe choose an excuse that they've won 3 out of the last 4 Tours to justify exclusive scrutiny and doubts, if that's what you enjoy doing.
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    The biggest problem for Brailsford's credibility is his Olympic background. He became accustomed to walking on water and hosannas from the press. And now with the astounding Coe revelations, the Olympics are the last place on earth you'd associate with clean sport. Awkward. The emperor has no clothes.
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • The biggest problem for Brailsford's credibility is his Olympic background. He became accustomed to walking on water and hosannas from the press. And now with the astounding Coe revelations, the Olympics are the last place on earth you'd associate with clean sport. Awkward. The emperor has no clothes.


    I hadnt made the connection to Coe and the Olympics re Brailsford.

    Christ on a bike, that changes everything. How can anyone even hope to have any credibility who in any way, shape or form is involved in anything to do with the London Olympics. Danny Boyle? Thats it. No more Danny Boyle movies for me. My mates were involved in the opening ceremony, and frankly our friendships are over, we're done. Even me - I sullied myself with going to watch loads of the events. I'm filth now. Utter utter filth.

  • The way Wiggo rang that bell... clearly higher than those around him. :D

  • salsiccia1
    salsiccia1 Posts: 3,725
    The biggest problem for Brailsford's credibility is his Olympic background. He became accustomed to walking on water and hosannas from the press. And now with the astounding Coe revelations, the Olympics are the last place on earth you'd associate with clean sport. Awkward. The emperor has no clothes.


    I hadnt made the connection to Coe and the Olympics re Brailsford.

    Christ on a bike, that changes everything. How can anyone even hope to have any credibility who in any way, shape or form is involved in anything to do with the London Olympics. Danny Boyle? Thats it. No more Danny Boyle movies for me. My mates were involved in the opening ceremony, and frankly our friendships are over, we're done. Even me - I sullied myself with going to watch loads of the events. I'm filth now. Utter utter filth.


    And now I'm tainted by using he same forum as you. You disgust me.
    It's only a bit of sport, Mun. Relax and enjoy the racing.
  • The biggest problem for Brailsford's credibility is his Olympic background. He became accustomed to walking on water and hosannas from the press. And now with the astounding Coe revelations, the Olympics are the last place on earth you'd associate with clean sport. Awkward. The emperor has no clothes.

    Why would he need clothes? Merely said people could trust there results, as they would not dope. Why do so many take that as a bad thing? Plenty of riders have been caught doping since Sky started racing, how many from Sky? None.

    Some Sky backroom staff came clean and admitted to doping in the past, they were sacked. What the hell more do you people want?

    Coe has nothing to do with dope testing as far as I know so how do you link him with Sky?

    Why dont you just say "I hate Sky pro cycling and everything to do with them" then we will know where you are coming from. Also you then wont need to try and justify your posts with some fantasy "Facts" or spurious links to other miscreants.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    The biggest problem for Brailsford's credibility is his Olympic background. He became accustomed to walking on water and hosannas from the press. And now with the astounding Coe revelations, the Olympics are the last place on earth you'd associate with clean sport. Awkward. The emperor has no clothes.

    Why would he need clothes? Merely said people could trust there results, as they would not dope. Why do so many take that as a bad thing? Plenty of riders have been caught doping since Sky started racing, how many from Sky? None.

    Some Sky backroom staff came clean and admitted to doping in the past, they were sacked. What the hell more do you people want?

    Coe has nothing to do with dope testing as far as I know so how do you link him with Sky?

    Why dont you just say "I hate Sky pro cycling and everything to do with them" then we will know where you are coming from. Also you then wont need to try and justify your posts with some fantasy "Facts" or spurious links to other miscreants.

    I think you're mistaking this forum for The Asylum. We don't hate Sky here generally.
  • The_Boy
    The_Boy Posts: 3,099
    The biggest problem for Brailsford's credibility is his Olympic background. He became accustomed to walking on water and hosannas from the press. And now with the astounding Coe revelations, the Olympics are the last place on earth you'd associate with clean sport. Awkward. The emperor has no clothes.

    Why would he need clothes?

    Because it's January, and a little bit chilly?
    Team My Man 2018: David gaudu, Pierre Latour, Romain Bardet, Thibaut pinot, Alexandre Geniez, Florian Senechal, Warren Barguil, Benoit Cosnefroy
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,399
    The biggest problem for Brailsford's credibility is his Olympic background. He became accustomed to walking on water and hosannas from the press. And now with the astounding Coe revelations, the Olympics are the last place on earth you'd associate with clean sport. Awkward. The emperor has no clothes.

    Why would he need clothes? Merely said people could trust there results, as they would not dope. Why do so many take that as a bad thing? Plenty of riders have been caught doping since Sky started racing, how many from Sky? None.

    Some Sky backroom staff came clean and admitted to doping in the past, they were sacked. What the hell more do you people want?

    Coe has nothing to do with dope testing as far as I know so how do you link him with Sky?

    Why dont you just say "I hate Sky pro cycling and everything to do with them" then we will know where you are coming from. Also you then wont need to try and justify your posts with some fantasy "Facts" or spurious links to other miscreants.

    I think you're mistaking this forum for The Asylum. We don't hate Sky here generally.

    Ah, but according to the inmates that makes us all rabid "Skybots" ;)
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    I think it's just the cool thing to do to hate Sky because they are successful. If they were rubbish, everyone would think they were great...

    I don't think this forum is generally anti-Sky by the way. There have been some rabid nutcases over the years though, they usually come out in June/July and then disappear...
  • I think it's just the cool thing to do to hate Sky because they are successful. If they were rubbish, everyone would think they were great...

    I don't think this forum is generally anti-Sky by the way. There have been some rabid nutcases over the years though, they usually come out in June/July and then disappear...
    Of course it's cool to hate Sky, I mean, for example, look at this picture of Pete Kennaugh:


    None of us will ever be as cool as him in that pic, so what is the natural reaction of nutters like Clinic regulars going to be?

    TBH the haters just hate success.
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,399
    I don't think this forum is generally anti-Sky by the way. There have been some rabid nutcases over the years though, they usually come out in June/July and then disappear...

    Neither do I, but the fact that people on here aren't all anti-Sky all the time means that this forum is therefore pro-Sky in the eyes of the Clinic and the OP (and presumably our new friend here).

    If you read the threads on the Clinic there doesn't seem to be any grey area - you're either 100% convinced Froome is doping and Sky are evil or you're a "Sky-bot".
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    What's odd is for all the hot air about sky, Astana have had multiple doping failures and no one feels the need to discuss.

    It's not like they don't win.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    What's odd is for all the hot air about sky, Astana have had multiple doping failures and no one feels the need to discuss.

    It's not like they don't win.
    It's not odd. None of these people care about clean sport. It's just internet trolling and Twitter follower building. It's just an online game. And Sky and their supporters speak English. The posters don't speak Italian or Kazakh and they are a less fertile fishing areas anyway.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • What's odd is for all the hot air about sky, Astana have had multiple doping failures and no one feels the need to discuss.

    It's not like they don't win.
    It's not odd. None of these people care about clean sport. It's just internet trolling and Twitter follower building. It's just an online game. And Sky and their supporters speak English. The posters don't speak Italian or Kazakh and they are a less fertile fishing areas anyway.

    True dat
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    You lot don't...

    Don't absolve yourselves of responsibility :wink:
  • You lot don't...

    Don't absolve yourselves of responsibility :wink:

    Yeah, we're weirdos who care more about whether the Muur is gone for good from Flanders, whether Chaves, G and Dumoulin will be able to follow up on their 2015 seasons, whether if we wish hard enough the Worlds will skip Qatar and go straight to Bergen, and whether the Quickstep jersey can REALLY be that awful

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660

    Qatar will be a humdinger if the wind picks up.
  • Macaloon
    Macaloon Posts: 5,545
    I don't think this forum is generally anti-Sky by the way. There have been some rabid nutcases over the years though, they usually come out in June/July and then disappear...

    Beautifully understated, Paul. A reliable method for raising the rabid and nutty is to indulge in a little light Brailsford apostasy: a mediocre management consultant, hyped by the state broadcaster, joyless in victory - that sort of thing. No need to even mention doping.
    ...a rare 100% loyal Pro Race poster. A poster boy for the community.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Maca, I sense you really hate management consultants.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    I don't think this forum is generally anti-Sky by the way. There have been some rabid nutcases over the years though, they usually come out in June/July and then disappear...

    Beautifully understated, Paul. A reliable method for raising the rabid and nutty is to indulge in a little light Brailsford apostasy: a mediocre management consultant, hyped by the state broadcaster, joyless in victory - that sort of thing. No need to even mention doping.
  • ic.
    ic. Posts: 769
    Is this the longest thread for an OP with the shortest spell as an active forum member? 74 pages for a few hours of being on here
    2020 Reilly Spectre - raw titanium
    2020 Merida Reacto Disc Ltd - black on black
    2015 CAAD8 105 - very green - stripped to turbo bike
    2018 Planet X Exocet 2 - grey

    The departed:

    2017 Cervelo R3 DI2 - sold
    Boardman CX Team - sold
    Cannondale Synapse - broken
    Cube Streamer - stolen
    Boardman Road Comp - stolen
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Is this the longest thread for an OP with the shortest spell as an active forum member? 74 pages for a few hours of being on here

    It's very difficult to type when you're locked in a padded room.