Are sky clean or not?



  • Just making a prediction here...

    100+ pages.

    Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    As a judge of a cycling journalist I ask three questions:
    1. Have they written a book? (excluding personal memoirs and ghostwritten autobiographies - books that actually needed some proper research)

    2. Have they attended a race outside their own country other than the Tour or the World Champs (or a paid jolly like the Tour of Turkey)?

    3. Have they worked as a journalist outside cycling? (Preferably outside sport)

    If they've done those, or a least got close, then they're probably worth reading.
    I'd probably qualify RichN's question 2 to "Have you attended a Belgian Spring one day race in the p!ss pouring rain having paid for the whole trip out of your own pocket"
    Preferably having a bike to ride part of the course in the rain.
    Like Sean Kelly made Harmon do and when it poured with rain and against Harmon's expectations, Kelly would be waiting near the finish line with a towel. (that story related by Harmon)
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • As a judge of a cycling journalist I ask three questions:
    1. Have they written a book? (excluding personal memoirs and ghostwritten autobiographies - books that actually needed some proper research)

    2. Have they attended a race outside their own country other than the Tour or the World Champs (or a paid jolly like the Tour of Turkey)?

    3. Have they worked as a journalist outside cycling? (Preferably outside sport)

    If they've done those, or a least got close, then they're probably worth reading.
    I'd probably qualify RichN's question 2 to "Have you attended a Belgian Spring one day race in the p!ss pouring rain having paid for the whole trip out of your own pocket"
    Preferably having a bike to ride part of the course in the rain.
    Like Sean Kelly made Harmon do and when it poured with rain and against Harmon's expectations, Kelly would be waiting near the finish line with a towel. (that story related by Harmon)

    I hadn't heard that one, I like that idea.

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    One from the club run last night - any journo/commentator that says something a long the lines of "why doesnt the chasing rider/pack just ride up to the leader?"

    Forumites asking similar questions will be judged accordingly (though less harshly) too
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,314
    As a judge of a cycling journalist I ask three questions:
    1. Have they written a book? (excluding personal memoirs and ghostwritten autobiographies - books that actually needed some proper research)

    2. Have they attended a race outside their own country other than the Tour or the World Champs (or a paid jolly like the Tour of Turkey)?

    3. Have they worked as a journalist outside cycling? (Preferably outside sport)

    If they've done those, or a least got close, then they're probably worth reading.
    I'd probably qualify RichN's question 2 to "Have you attended a Belgian Spring one day race in the p!ss pouring rain having paid for the whole trip out of your own pocket"
    Preferably having a bike to ride part of the course in the rain.
    Like Sean Kelly made Harmon do and when it poured with rain and against Harmon's expectations, Kelly would be waiting near the finish line with a towel. (that story related by Harmon)

    I hadn't heard that one, I like that idea.

    Yes - I like the idea of Sean Kelly waiting for me with a towel after a wet ride, too. I'm going to insist on it from now on.

    My judgement of a cycling journalist is far less exacting than Rich's. I can't be arsed to research their credentials, certainly not before reading stuff.
    Their writing is either engaging or it isn't.
    I can only think of one example recently when I was reading something and thought "this is awful" and then realised who the writer was. I won't say who it was, but she's got a couple of cycling related books out, I see...
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Now that Chris Froome has made public what Richard Moore told us a few days ago (probably due to Paul Kimmage's moaning - maybe he should actually do some journalism one in a while) it has been interesting.

    Those that believe in Froome have congratulated him and said that its a shame that he has to do this and wonder if others will do the same (I think Pinot and Gesink have)

    Meanwhile the self appointed anti-doping front have kept an open mind:

    Why was (gym teacher) Vayer not consulted?
    Why was Ross Tucker - who relentlessly tweets against Sky - not brought in as an Independent expert?
    Tucker himself has dismissed the results before he has seen them - he says the delay is the results - which were only promised by the year's end.
    Richard Moore is attacked - why not Kimmage? Only Kimmage is impartial.
    Why Esquire? Why not some website that we log on to?
    Even GSK are doubted because Glaxo may have done something wrong in the past

    The desperation says it all.

    It's what I call Greenham Common Syndrome. What does a protester do when they get what they ask for?

    (I make a distinction between protesters who are generally against some broad situation, and campaigners who have a goal and focus)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Now that Chris Froome has made public what Richard Moore told us a few days ago (probably due to Paul Kimmage's moaning - maybe he should actually do some journalism one in a while) it has been interesting.

    Those that believe in Froome have congratulated him and said that its a shame that he has to do this and wonder if others will do the same (I think Pinot and Gesink have)

    Meanwhile the self appointed anti-doping front have kept an open mind:

    Why was (gym teacher) Vayer not consulted?
    Why was Ross Tucker - who relentlessly tweets against Sky - not brought in as an Independent expert?
    Tucker himself has dismissed the results before he has seen them - he says the delay is the results - which were only promised by the year's end.
    Richard Moore is attacked - why not Kimmage? Only Kimmage is impartial.
    Why Esquire? Why not some website that we log on to?
    Even GSK are doubted because Glaxo may have done something wrong in the past

    The desperation says it all.

    It's what I call Greenham Common Syndrome. What does a protester do when they get what they ask for?

    (I make a distinction between protesters who are generally against some broad situation, and campaigners who have a goal and focus)

    What has Vayer got to do with anything? And Tucker has set his stall out in that Froome is as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of. Without a shred of evidence. That's no exactly the best basis for an independent expert.

    I thought Richard had explained about Esquire. I can see the vested interest really. The cycling press will pick it up anyway, they'll be chomping at the bit and by not giving it to one cycling publication, and not another cycling publication it can't be said to be favouritism.

    To be fair in Froome's case, there has been an awful lot of smoke but there isn't any fire as yet. I'm not saying there isn't any, but no one has found even a matchstick. Pure conjecture.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,660
    As smoke goes it's fairly pathetic smoke too...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • gsk82
    gsk82 Posts: 3,570
    It does make you wonder how pathetic some people's lives must be for them to constantly go out of their way to imagine up reasons to harass someone they don't know. Do they get up one morning and just think "I'm going to go on a relentless campaign to make someone's life difficult"?
    "Unfortunately these days a lot of people don’t understand the real quality of a bike" Ernesto Colnago
  • It does make you wonder how pathetic some people's lives must be for them to constantly go out of their way to imagine up reasons to harass someone they don't know. Do they get up one morning and just think "I'm going to go on a relentless campaign to make someone's life difficult"?

    Disbelieve, find no credibility, hold the opinion that he's a cheat. But the incessant morning to night, day after day, month after month, bleating on Twitter...some people I genuinely think have social and mental issues. Others crave acceptance that perhaps they can't find in real life, by joining in.

    Ultimately, none of them are going to make him suddenly say 'fair cop, I did it' (I think there is some very erroneous belief that 'the Internet' brought down Lance)

    But still social media can influence what is written about him in certain quarters

    This is going to go on and on and on
  • It does make you wonder how pathetic some people's lives must be for them to constantly go out of their way to imagine up reasons to harass someone they don't know. Do they get up one morning and just think "I'm going to go on a relentless campaign to make someone's life difficult"?

    Disbelieve, find no credibility, hold the opinion that he's a cheat. But the incessant morning to night, day after day, month after month, bleating on Twitter...some people I genuinely think have social and mental issues. Others crave acceptance that perhaps they can't find in real life, by joining in.

    Ultimately, none of them are going to make him suddenly say 'fair cop, I did it' (I think there is some very erroneous belief that 'the Internet' brought down Lance)

    But still social media can influence what is written about him in certain quarters

    This is going to go on and on and on

    It is a shame that there is an incredibly vociferous mob on twitter that just cannot keep their own counsel until the article and then the more in depth results are published. It's hardly an encouragement for any other rider to undertake the same process and let's not forget, love him or loathe him, Froome doesn't have to do this.

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    It does make you wonder how pathetic some people's lives must be for them to constantly go out of their way to imagine up reasons to harass someone they don't know. Do they get up one morning and just think "I'm going to go on a relentless campaign to make someone's life difficult"?

    Disbelieve, find no credibility, hold the opinion that he's a cheat. But the incessant morning to night, day after day, month after month, bleating on Twitter...some people I genuinely think have social and mental issues. Others crave acceptance that perhaps they can't find in real life, by joining in.

    Ultimately, none of them are going to make him suddenly say 'fair cop, I did it' (I think there is some very erroneous belief that 'the Internet' brought down Lance)

    But still social media can influence what is written about him in certain quarters

    This is going to go on and on and on

    It is a shame that there is an incredibly vociferous mob on twitter that just cannot keep their own counsel until the article and then the more in depth results are published. It's hardly an encouragement for any other rider to undertake the same process and let's not forget, love him or loathe him, Froome doesn't have to do this.

    A French journo said to Froome on the CN Podcast that it was Sky rather than him per se. He just happens to be the biggest target being their leader/winner at the biggest race, and of course 'supported' by the fact that he went from zero to hero.

    (Not forgetting the leeches' own online interests benefitting from the publicity of accusing Froome).

    Frankly I find it very sad that people act like this towards him, and yet nothing about Nairo, Nibbles, Aru, Pinot, Berto.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,161
    It does make you wonder how pathetic some people's lives must be for them to constantly go out of their way to imagine up reasons to harass someone they don't know. Do they get up one morning and just think "I'm going to go on a relentless campaign to make someone's life difficult"?

    But then you would say that, your username starts with gsk so you're probably part of the cover up :wink:
  • ...
    He just happens to be the biggest target being their leader/winner at the biggest race, and of course 'supported' by the fact that he went from zero to hero.

    Yep, unfortunately for Froome he's become the perfect target for those seeking out the next Armstrong:
    • Rides for well-resourced, dominant, pseudo-national team
    • Illness-hindered rise to the top
    • Anglo
    I don't think any of the others you list fill that role.

    I look forward to the Esquire article but don't expect it to settle much!
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    He just happens to be the biggest target being their leader/winner at the biggest race, and of course 'supported' by the fact that he went from zero to hero.

    Yep, unfortunately for Froome he's become the perfect target for those seeking out the next Armstrong:
    • Rides for well-resourced, dominant, pseudo-national team
    • Illness-hindered rise to the top
    • Anglo
    I don't think any of the others you list fill that role.

    I look forward to the Esquire article but don't expect it to settle much!

    It won't settle anything. Sky will still face trial by media next year if Froome is going well.
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,399
    He just happens to be the biggest target being their leader/winner at the biggest race, and of course 'supported' by the fact that he went from zero to hero.

    Yep, unfortunately for Froome he's become the perfect target for those seeking out the next Armstrong:
    • Rides for well-resourced, dominant, pseudo-national team
    • Illness-hindered rise to the top
    • Anglo
    I don't think any of the others you list fill that role.

    I look forward to the Esquire article but don't expect it to settle much!

    It won't settle anything. Sky will still face trial by media next year if Froome is going well.

    And if he's not going well, it's a nasty Sky tactic to throw us all off the scent ;)
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    He just happens to be the biggest target being their leader/winner at the biggest race, and of course 'supported' by the fact that he went from zero to hero.

    Yep, unfortunately for Froome he's become the perfect target for those seeking out the next Armstrong:
    • Rides for well-resourced, dominant, pseudo-national team
    • Illness-hindered rise to the top
    • Anglo
    I don't think any of the others you list fill that role.

    I look forward to the Esquire article but don't expect it to settle much!

    It won't settle anything. Sky will still face trial by media next year if Froome is going well.

    And if he's not going well, it's a nasty Sky tactic to throw us all off the scent ;)


    *Gallic shrugs*
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    And so the circular argument everyone predicted continues.
  • And so the circular argument everyone predicted continues.

  • Good thread this and the perfect anecdote to the near cult zone that is the Asylum, they cannot tolerate any other opinions over there but their own, the moderators are just as crazy as the posters, I wonder why Benson lets hit happen
  • Good thread this and the perfect anecdote to the near cult zone that is the Asylum, they cannot tolerate any other opinions over there but their own, the moderators are just as crazy as the posters, I wonder why Benson lets hit happen

    Traffic to CN site

    And also when it comes down to it, Benson - like many journos - is xx% troll
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    The winning bidder could take it to The Tour. And run some French people over just before the first summit finish for added excitement.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    The winning bidder could take it to The Tour. And run some French people over just before the first summit finish for added excitement.
    The doping crusaders of twitter could have a whip round and buy it, fill it with syringes and blood bags and park it outside the gendarmarie.

    Come to think of it some of them still have that Kimmage Fund money stashed somewhere. They could use that. It's what Paul would want.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • stagehopper
    stagehopper Posts: 1,593
    77 days gone and still no comment from Ross Tucker on his countryman Wayde van Niekerk's "out of this world" performance in winning the 400m world title - improving PB by 1.5s from age 21 to 23 and putting himself top 5 all time and nestling in among some dopers ... yet Froome ....
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,161
    The winning bidder could take it to The Tour. And run some French people over just before the first summit finish for added excitement.

    I was tempted to buy it just to see how they overcome the fact it is advertised as 'will post to UK address' :lol:
  • 77 days gone and still no comment from Ross Tucker on his countryman Wayde van Niekerk's "out of this world" performance in winning the 400m world title - improving PB by 1.5s from age 21 to 23 and putting himself top 5 all time and nestling in among some dopers ... yet Froome ....

    Also busy trying to find a way out of the way he has always lauded Kenya runners as being all-natural

    These nasty slurs are just from jealous people trying to deflect attention away from their own countries etc. Oh and its all the fault of the foreign coaches taking advantage of the Kenyans.

    Or something.
  • shinyhelmut
    shinyhelmut Posts: 1,364
    And I'm sure his beloved SA sevens team, with whom he works, are pure as the driven snow.
  • CuthbertC
    CuthbertC Posts: 172
    Nice chat last week with pro triathlete about widespread UKAD belief that Sky stink to high heaven, but can't be caught at present
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Or not interesting as the case most probably is.
  • Interesting:
    Nice chat last week with pro triathlete about widespread UKAD belief that Sky stink to high heaven, but can't be caught at present

    I'm not sure what UKAD would have to do with it given Sky must only have about 20% British riders of whom only one or two will still be resident in the UK and under their jurisdiction. All of whom are subject to the bio passport.

    Incidentally I had a conversation down the pub last week with a pro triathlete who said the exact opposite. And I've as much evidence it ever happened as the tweet above.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"
