And now Max Iglinskiy done for EPO



  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Any thoughts on why he chose to release this data?

    I remember Lance Armstrong releasing his data too. Of course, he was clean at the time though, right?
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Just like Roman. "I have never tested positive for doping".

    Albeit Roman revised this sentance yesterday. ... 53/photo/1
  • Kreuziger comments: ... sport-case

    Another reason to dislike to UCI: the decision to clear him was in Sep and they have until Dec 8 to appeal. They have stated they will appeal but haven't submitted yet.

    WTF haven't they submitted? If because they wont then that is great news. If however they will at the very last moment then this smacks of deliberately trying to hurt the rider in addition to presumably trying to find a case that they dont have.

    I want to add that in 2014 I had one control in January for the passport and then my next one was in mid-November.

    WTF are the doping authorities not all over him? Because they blow as does their passport system.

    And all those people that try and tar him and other young riders because they visited Ferrari - this is a very shallow argument.

    Have the doping authorities also done extensive research on how blood values change based on altitude training? I would like to see the documentation. Clearly another thing they are lacking in when analysisng blood values.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • I get the feeling that ff thinks Ferrari has panache.
    Burls Ti Tourer for Tarmac, Saracen aluminium full suss for trails
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    It's amazing how many people see the most notorious doping doctor for training. Funnily enough I may go to my local brothel later today as they make a really nice cup of tea.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Astana not on the provisional list of WT teams being released today.

    Hopefully they will ban them.
  • Joelsim wrote:
    Astana not on the provisional list of WT teams being released today.

    Hopefully they will ban them.

    And have the second best stage race rider of the decade miss out on the Grand Tours other than wildcards?

    Edit: I would add that I don't care much for Astana so if 2016 they didnt have a licence I couldnt care...that at least gives the riders to find a WT team. Typical UCI BS - release career trajectory changing information a few weeks before the year starts.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Joelsim wrote:
    Astana not on the provisional list of WT teams being released today.

    Hopefully they will ban them.

    And have the second best stage race rider of the decade miss out on the Grand Tours other than wildcards?

    Edit: I would add that I don't care much for Astana so if 2016 they didnt have a licence I couldnt care...that at least gives the riders to find a WT team. Typical UCI BS - release career trajectory changing information a few weeks before the year starts.
    They denied Geox a licence in the past when they had Menchov and Sastre. It basically killed the team (which is what they probably wanted)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Best off season thread for ages this. Keep it going all.

    Have I missed the reason FF is so anti UCI?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Best off season thread for ages this. Keep it going all.

    Have I missed the reason FF is so anti UCI?
    Kreuziger is Contador's teammate.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • doesn't make the UCI corrupt though? ! :/
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    If it makes teams more stringent with their riders, yes.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    doesn't make the UCI corrupt though? ! :/

    It's obvious the UCI have been corrupt in the past. Hopefully Cookson moves this forward, which he appears to be doing
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I'm amazed that some people will take whatever a rider throws out there as 'the truth' and discount whatever the UCI says as 'lies', despite the rider having more to gain by lying than the UCI and anti-doping authorities who are just doing their jobs.

    See it time and time again with doped riders, trying to cover their butts with fantastic stories and excuses for their clearly manipulated blood values.
  • The_Boy
    The_Boy Posts: 3,099
    doesn't make the UCI corrupt though? ! :/

    You've never been to The Other Place, have you?
    Team My Man 2018: David gaudu, Pierre Latour, Romain Bardet, Thibaut pinot, Alexandre Geniez, Florian Senechal, Warren Barguil, Benoit Cosnefroy
  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,314
    Joelsim wrote:
    doesn't make the UCI corrupt though? ! :/

    It's obvious the UCI have been corrupt in the past. Hopefully Cookson moves this forward, which he appears to be doing

    You might want to re-phrase the bit about Cookson moving corruption forward - implies he's even better than the last lot at taking a bung.

    Has Nibali voiced his grief at losing the 2012 L-B-L to doper M Iglinsky, or is now not a good time?
    If these guys care as much about these races as they like to say in interview, why aren't there some more livid reactions when dopers are busted?
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Anyway - as far as Astana goes - if they don't get their WT licence, they are already set to appeal to CAS. And it'll be just like with Katyusha a few years back, no?
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    We know what will happen. They are sending a warning shot to Asatan. They will be on the list in a few days' time.
  • fleshtuxedo
    fleshtuxedo Posts: 1,857

    Another reason to dislike to UCI: the decision to clear him was in Sep and they have until Dec 8 to appeal. They have stated they will appeal but haven't submitted yet.

    WTF haven't they submitted?

    To make sure they have their case ready so they don't end up wasting loads of legal costs on an unsuccessful appeal? Why should Kreuziger's interests come before that? Do you want the UCI to keep things cosy and start taking donations from riders again?
  • OCDuPalais wrote:
    Has Nibali voiced his grief at losing the 2012 L-B-L to doper M Iglinsky, or is now not a good time?
    If these guys care as much about these races as they like to say in interview, why aren't there some more livid reactions when dopers are busted?

    Nibali hasn't pulled any punches when asked.

    One example:
    Cyclingnews: You dominated the headlines in July by winning the Tour de France but then the double EPO positives of the Iglinskiy brothers and the issues with the MPCC sparked a lot of questions and a lot of criticism of the team. What 's your opinion on what happened?

    Vincenzo Nibali: It's been talked about so much that I'm starting to sick of it all to be honest. It was an external case, a family affair and nothing to do with the team. I don't think the whole team should be blamed or punished for something stupid they did. The Astana team took some serious decisions after what happened and has paid the price.

    People think that what happened (with the Iglinskiy brothers) was because of a problem within the team but that's not the case. When people do things wrong these days, it's of their own doing. It's a personal decision that puts everything at risk for themselves, their reputation, their family, their contracts, everything. It's really stupid to think someone would risk doing that in this day and age. They're also stupid because everyone knows that the tests done today can be tested in years to come for other substances and so there's little chance for people to dope and get away with it.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Pokerface wrote:
    I'm amazed that some people will take whatever a rider throws out there as 'the truth' and discount whatever the UCI says as 'lies', despite the rider having more to gain by lying than the UCI and anti-doping authorities who are just doing their jobs.

    See it time and time again with doped riders, trying to cover their butts with fantastic stories and excuses for their clearly manipulated blood values.

    Have you read the whole documents for the defence? There is no truth and lies BS in any of this, it is pure fact that is being disputed.

    How would you feel if you took medication, trained at altitude then got flagged for suspicious values and faced a potential 4 year ban, a relatively massive fine and being unable to compete in a sport you have dedicated your life to and love? With the knowledge that the doping authorities have no knowledge of how altitude testing and your medication affects blood values, that other riders have exhibited the same pattern but not been flagged, that there are significant studies showing increases in the 3rd week of a GT.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • The_Boy
    The_Boy Posts: 3,099
    I do love your absolute, naive, certainty here. It's *almost* cute.
    Team My Man 2018: David gaudu, Pierre Latour, Romain Bardet, Thibaut pinot, Alexandre Geniez, Florian Senechal, Warren Barguil, Benoit Cosnefroy
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    The thing is, it's so passionate, it almost makes reasoned opinion sound deluded.
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    A lone defender. Deluded and hopeful.
  • As you lot wish.

    Stick to your models and follow the crowd; it is safer for you that way.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Have you bought those glasses so that you can look at the evidence stacked up against him? Perhaps we could call Michele as the chief defence witness?

    From Roman...
    “I don’t think I can get a four year ban. I think that’s bullsh*t because I’ve not had a ban before and I’ve not organised doping. I think I could get two years but that depends when it starts. There are many options.”
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    The reason convictions stick is because the majority decide that they are guilty. It's not really 'following the crowd' to appreciate that the evidence is against him.

    Would you counter a jury at a trial because you didn't want to follow the crowd?
  • Joel, as I have discussed I have read everything and have my opinion after that. Have you read that docs yet?
    Contador is the Greatest
  • joelsim
    joelsim Posts: 7,552
    Joel, as I have discussed I have read everything and have my opinion after that. Have you read that docs yet?

    Everyone's entitled to an an opinion fella. We all have one.
  • The_Boy
    The_Boy Posts: 3,099
    Joel, as I have discussed I have read everything Roman and his lawyers have published and have my opinion after that. Have you read that docs yet?


    Hardly a balanced opinion, is it?
    Team My Man 2018: David gaudu, Pierre Latour, Romain Bardet, Thibaut pinot, Alexandre Geniez, Florian Senechal, Warren Barguil, Benoit Cosnefroy