Vuelta a Andalucia 2014 *SPOILERS*



  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Laura Meseguer has smoldering eyes.
    She is rather nice

    The riders streaming round those last two roundabouts was pure art
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,163
    Joelsim wrote:
    I don't know why any of you are worried. Sky are a one trick pony and they have been found out. Their methods worked for a couple of years, but as ever, the other teams have worked out how to deal with it. Brailsford needs to have a long, hard think. Froome, perhaps excepted as he can vary things on his own.

    Hardly a one trick pony. The way Froome won the Tour was far different from the way Wiggins did it. People have got this 'Sky train' thing in their head and are unable to see beyond it. Maybe it is the right tactic for Porte as it was for Wiggins (I'm surprised as I think Porte is a more explosive climber) but they didn't use it for Froome who generally went on the offensive on the final climb. Horses for courses and an early season race like this is good to find out which horse is the one to use. It's an early season race in late February but some people seem intent to make out it has a meaning for the rest of the season.
  • Dont make the mistake of judging Porte's strengths on one race

    He's explosive enough as a climber - see st 5 P-N last year, or Willunga Hill in TDU, for example

    However, as ATC pointed out, he only flew back from Tassie to Europe for the season a few days before the race, which I doubt helped very much