the end for Wiggo ?



  • markwb79
    markwb79 Posts: 937
    Do you think Wiggo wants to bother with another grand tour?

    He doesnt strike me as the person that has a long attention span and isnt really that good at sacrificing certain things. I think thats what make him such a cool character in my eyes.

    He has mentioned in the past about P-R, why not lead the classics team at Sky?
    Scott Addict 2011
    Giant TCR 2012
  • above_the_cows
    above_the_cows Posts: 11,406
    Blawdy hell. :shock:

    Could he just be injured, ill, not in good form? He's not a machine. :|

    And if he's achieved diddly squat in cycling - and I hate to do this - what have you done?

    Is Wiggins a diva? I thought Froome was the prima dona? What has Maria Callas got to say about all this? I can't keep up. I'm off out for a ride and then I'm going to see Star Trek and then I'm going to eat some birthday cake and contemplate my grand tour winning potential with a few beers in the pub.

    Correlation is not causation.
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    Typical of Brits, build them up - then shoot them down! :?
  • LutherB
    LutherB Posts: 544
    ....then I'm going to eat some birthday cake...

    Happy birthday if it's your cake yer eating AtC!
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    what have you done?


    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,310
    Before judging rider's commitment, character and mental state you need to consider just what a hard sport this is in terms of the effort, punishment to your body and sacrifices made. Only boxing is harder.

    Maybe Wiggins will come back from this setback but time isn't on his side. Sometimes it's just over.

    Roberto Duran: "No mas"

    Muhammad Ali: "Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion"
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    Remember how rubbish and unmotivated he was in 2010? Then look what happened in 2011/2012.

    I think now he's won the biggie it might be more difficult to motivate himself, but I think only a fool would right him off as finished.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    He's had, barring a broken collarbone in the tour, a really good two years. He's now struggling a lot, but it's not like that hasn't happened to him before. He's also extremely marketable in the UK, the only Sky rider to have won anything worth winning(!) and probably the best TTer in the world.

    Personally, I think Sky would be making a mistake if they failed to keep him happy and on board.
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • Daz555
    Daz555 Posts: 3,976
    He could win another GT - even with Sky. I'd like to see him have a crack at the World's TT a couple of times though and how about the track for Rio?
    You only need two tools: WD40 and Duck Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the tape.
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Jez mon wrote:
    He's had, barring a broken collarbone in the tour, a really good two years. He's now struggling a lot, but it's not like that hasn't happened to him before. He's also extremely marketable in the UK, the only Sky rider to have won anything worth winning(!) and probably the best TTer in the world.

    Personally, I think Sky would be making a mistake if they failed to keep him happy and on board.

    If Wiggo is still wanting a punt at another GT then Sky are going to struggle to keep him happy and on board. Already talk that Porte will be given a chance at the Giro in 2014 - Froome is going on about wanting to dominate the tour for several years - and the Vuelta has never suited Wiggo and given Sky have lost Uran I could see them giving Haeno a run at this.
    If Sky are looking to the medium term and Wiggo won't refocus then despite his marketability a new team would be a good move (this argument seems very reminiscent of last years Cav discussion).
  • markwb79
    markwb79 Posts: 937
    What if Froome breaks a collar bone in April next year? Would be silly to put all your eggs in the Froome basket!
    Scott Addict 2011
    Giant TCR 2012
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    Every chance he could Nibali a Giro if no one turns up again. Think Vuelta and Tour are a bit less likely though...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Sir Dave said that the likely target now is the World's (I'm assuming the TT and TTT), which would involve him riding the Vuelta I believe.

    He has also stated a wish to ride the track in Rio but the head of the track program has said he would have to commit two full years to a track program.
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Either he goes or i go is the more likely scenario !!! And how is wiggins a diva ??? god save us the guy has a dry sense of humour and he's probably taking the pish in most of his interviews. There seems to be leaks in the sky PR machine too and the longer DB keeps quiet or does his "Bradley has his own schedule" line then the rumours will persist. You dont become a bad rider overnight and for him being too old ask a 40 year old Zootemelk (worlds) Kelly (MSR) ok they are not Grand tours ...maybe Wiggins will change his racing to smaller 1 week tours or classics. I would like him to find a team like BMC.
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Markwb79 wrote:
    What if Froome breaks a collar bone in April next year? Would be silly to put all your eggs in the Froome basket!

    I can see that one playing out:

    DB "OK Wiggo, plan for 2014 you will be a back up rider just in case anything happens to Froome"

    BW "Tell you what Dave, **** off"

    Wonder if Shane Bannan would be interested of taking Wiggo to Orica Greenedge, that would reignite the rivalry with DB.
  • yourpaceormine
    yourpaceormine Posts: 1,245
    To be honest I had a nagging feeling that he wouldn't feature as highly this year as last.
    Think back to his 2009 performance, and how he was flagged up as the next great hope for 2010 (coupled with weight of expectation of Sky's arrival) - and the actual performance, was erm, not as expected. 2011 was quieter, and he was looking good but then we'll never know. 2012 was remarkable.

    This year the average Sun reader knows who Wiggo is and was expecting great things. The results so far, haven't been a patch on last year (but then could they ever?).

    The question is, can he turn himself around and remotivate himself for the worlds? If he can I would not be surprised if he retired, bringing out a range of mod styled on and off the bike clothing and a range of bikes (for Halfords) adorned with RAF insignia. If he stays in the game, then I wouldn't put it past him to bounce back and start winning again next year.

    Of course the alternative argument is: for a man whose whole sporting career has been based on 4 year cycles, he will be utter pants until 2016

    The real truth is he has shaved off his performance enhancing sideburns. Well known fact, sidies make you go faster - just ask Merckx
  • B3rnieMac
    B3rnieMac Posts: 384
    The question is, can he turn himself around and remotivate himself for the worlds?

    For someone who needs some spark to motivate him - let's see if I can be the first Brit to win the tour - if all this Sky back room talk is true, surely giving a massive two fingers to the doubters would be enough?
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    Target the hour record! Most in-character way to rescue his year, and then some, without needing to ride the Vuelta in preparation.
  • mike6
    mike6 Posts: 1,199
    As was said earlier, a none story. He is the current Tour champion, for a month at least, current Olympic TT champion. Ill and injured in the Giro. So why is he a has been as some have said?
    Absolute nonsense.
    He has the same sense of humor as myself, dry and self effacing, I bet he is p*****g himself at the press and internet forums. Always suppose he gives a toss what other people think, which I doubt.
    Get fit and healthy soon Brad, please, and put a stop to all this foolishness.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    If he'd come first or second at the Giro he'd have had a season that every cyclist with the exception of Contador, Froome and Wiggins would have died for. Unfortunately he was denied a chance to find out due to the rather boring problems of being sick and injured. 2013 will not go down as a vintage Wiggo year, but it's hardly a complete disaster, and could be somewhat salvaged by a TTT/TT Stripy jersey

    If this was any other cyclist we would nt even be talking about this, we'd all agree that these things happen unfortunately.
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    Best Pro Race thread ever. You lot have excelled yourselves.
  • Turfle
    Turfle Posts: 3,762
    This is all very dramatic.

    My guess is next year he gets in the best shape possible for the Tour. Not very dramatic.
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Best Pro Race thread ever. You lot have excelled yourselves.

    If we cant have a thread based on gossip, conjecture and wild opinions in the few weeks before the tour, when can we.
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,661
    We aint seen nothing yet. The July trolls are nt even here...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • plectrum
    plectrum Posts: 225
    There are loads of teams that could take this cyclist and there are loads of teams that need a cyclist of his calibre. He'd bring sponsors, he'd bring exposure and he'd bring a credible challenge in any GT. Not saying he is a fave but a credible challenge i.e. top ten and considering GTs are 20+ day events as long as your are in the mix anything can happen.
  • plectrum
    plectrum Posts: 225
    but ... i see no future for him at Sky.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Turfle wrote:
    This is all very dramatic.

    My guess is next year he gets in the best shape possible for the Tour. Not very dramatic.

    He may indeed. But unless Froome has a meltdown and has a disastrous Tour, Sky will back him over Wiggins next year. Froome is top Froomedog in the team now, and it seems to be this that Wiggins is having to face at the moment is as much as anything else, as he works out what he wants to do. So he may decide he can make all the sacrifices necessary to battle back to his 2012 condition - but Froome gets the nod ahead over him for the choicest GC race programme culminating in the '14 Tour leadership.
  • mechanism
    mechanism Posts: 891
    He'd have to learn to ride with fewer teammates on the big climbs at another team, not that that would be a bad thing.
  • Richmond Racer
    Richmond Racer Posts: 8,561
    Mechanism wrote:
    He'd have to learn to ride with fewer teammates on the big climbs at another team, not that that would be a bad thing.

    Which was the case at Catalunya and Trentino
  • emadden
    emadden Posts: 2,431
    In many other circles having a CV/job history like the following, would leave the job candidate open to being called a "flake" or a "serial job-hopper". Granted the career of cyclist is short and riders should be mobile so as to ensure that their career chances and opportunities are maximised. When Wiggins left Garmin for Sky, I really felt he was a flake, particularly in light of the circumstances, but the fact that he has stayed with Sky for 3+seasons minimizes that (a bit)

    2001 Linda McCartney Racing Team
    2002–2003 Française des Jeux
    2004–2005 Crédit Agricole
    2006–2007 Cofidis
    2008 Team High Road
    2009 Garmin-Slipstream
    2010– present Team Sky