Brian Cookson to run for UCI President



  • So he is now the new president... does it mean the UCI will stop being a bunch of corrupted fataxses and become a serious organisation? I'd love to see that happening...
    WHat happened to Lemond who was also supposed to run for president?
    left the forum March 2023
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    So he is now the new president... does it mean the UCI will stop being a bunch of corrupted fataxses and become a serious organisation? I'd love to see that happening...
    WHat happened to Lemond who was also supposed to run for president?

    Lemond could have never run. That was just something those clowns at CCN came up with showing they had no grasp of reality.

    The organisation might change. But then again, it might not. Cookson has been a part of the machine for a long time, he owes Makarov a lot now etc etc. What I think we'll see is many of things he spoke of during his campaign being examined, and then deciding they're not practical or cost too much money and things will remain broadly the same.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    iainf72 wrote:
    So he is now the new president... does it mean the UCI will stop being a bunch of corrupted fataxses and become a serious organisation? I'd love to see that happening...
    WHat happened to Lemond who was also supposed to run for president?

    Lemond could have never run. That was just something those clowns at CCN came up with showing they had no grasp of reality.

    The organisation might change. But then again, it might not. Cookson has been a part of the machine for a long time, he owes Makarov a lot now etc etc. What I think we'll see is many of things he spoke of during his campaign being examined, and then deciding they're not practical or cost too much money and things will remain broadly the same.
    Now that's a harsh assessment. Culturally, a sports governing body has the potential to have hangers on and free loaders a plenty but, even if you accept the cogs turn slowly...
    The direction can be changed massively. Women's cycling can be taken seriously and anti-doping can be coordinated and streamlined rather than adversarial. From the outside, when they do things we don't understand or like, it will still appear to be an old boys network but that doesn't mean real change can't happen.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    morstar wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    So he is now the new president... does it mean the UCI will stop being a bunch of corrupted fataxses and become a serious organisation? I'd love to see that happening...
    WHat happened to Lemond who was also supposed to run for president?

    Lemond could have never run. That was just something those clowns at CCN came up with showing they had no grasp of reality.

    The organisation might change. But then again, it might not. Cookson has been a part of the machine for a long time, he owes Makarov a lot now etc etc. What I think we'll see is many of things he spoke of during his campaign being examined, and then deciding they're not practical or cost too much money and things will remain broadly the same.
    Now that's a harsh assessment. Culturally, a sports governing body has the potential to have hangers on and free loaders a plenty but, even if you accept the cogs turn slowly...
    The direction can be changed massively. Women's cycling can be taken seriously and anti-doping can be coordinated and streamlined rather than adversarial. From the outside, when they do things we don't understand or like, it will still appear to be an old boys network but that doesn't mean real change can't happen.

    Leaders are usually products of the system. As I said earlier ( wrestling pigs and getting covered in sh!t) he will have to work with those who supported pat.

    You don't usurp Pat purely on your white knight credentials...
  • andy_wrx
    andy_wrx Posts: 3,396
    wrestling pigs and getting covered in sh!t
    You have some odd hobbies
  • Mikey23
    Mikey23 Posts: 5,306
    His first interview in the media came across as quite businesslike and professional which made quite a refreshing change from the rambling incoherence we have come to expect from the previous person...
  • r0bh
    r0bh Posts: 2,382
    iainf72 wrote:
    So he is now the new president... does it mean the UCI will stop being a bunch of corrupted fataxses and become a serious organisation? I'd love to see that happening...
    WHat happened to Lemond who was also supposed to run for president?

    Lemond could have never run. That was just something those clowns at CCN came up with showing they had no grasp of reality.

    The organisation might change. But then again, it might not. Cookson has been a part of the machine for a long time, he owes Makarov a lot now etc etc. What I think we'll see is many of things he spoke of during his campaign being examined, and then deciding they're not practical or cost too much money and things will remain broadly the same.

    Maybe we can all agree to give him more than 20 hours in post before writing him off? :roll:
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    r0bh wrote:

    Maybe we can all agree to give him more than 20 hours in post before writing him off? :roll:
    Yeah, but for some it's a bit like when Obama was elected and they gave him a Nobel Prize for not being George Bush. Some thought he was the messiah and he would fix everyone's problems. In reality, while he is a decent President, things continued more or less as they had before.

    Same with the UCI. McQuaid wasn't the antichrist and Cookson isn't the messiah. The UCI still have sod all money and minimal power. Things may get marginally better, there will be less public arguements and perceptions will be a whole lot better as people tend to believe what they want to believe. Ultimately, who the President is isn't that important
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • RichN95 wrote:
    Ultimately, who the President is isn't that important

    It's the system that is broken. The whole system! I must say this countless times a day in a range of scenarios. Agency versus structure? I come down on the side of structure every time.

    Still at least Cookson is not McQuaid or a man with some drones and a kill list. It's not all bad and the sun is shining!
    Correlation is not causation.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    r0bh wrote:

    Maybe we can all agree to give him more than 20 hours in post before writing him off? :roll:

    I wrote him off before he was elected.

    He's got a finite budget to work with, a market that decides whether races live or die, a history of the sport and doping he can't change. He's just a figure head and ultimately can't effect that much change based on the constraints placed on him

    Would it be fair to hold him to a lower standard than we hold McQuaid to?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • One of the main things he can change is the trust in his organisation. That's something we have not had for years now.

    Its ridiculous to write him off at this early a stage. I don't expect he will get quick results here, for some of the reasons you mention, but to write him off when his new seat is barely warm is very cup 1/2 empty.

    No doubt Fat Pat and Hein will start their campaign against him - if they haven't already, but that will just reinforce why they should never have been left in charge.
    Can I upgrade???
  • I think a lot of women are going to be disappointed.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    Can't agree with the Obama analogy. The US presidency is massively more compromised than president of the UCI.
    A hugely influential oil lobby, massive resistance to welfare and taxes, expected to go toe to toe with anybody seen as a threat.
    The UCI has limitations but essentially doesn't need to control the uncontrollable, it needs to offer structure, direction and guidance. Not saying there aren't major compromises to be faced by any global body but I'm 100% convinced significant evolution is possible.
    Even if every single decision were to be exactly the same as under McQuaid, if it has been arrived at transparently and fairly, peoples perceptions will be totally different.
  • Wow, just realised this new bloke has got the Presindency. Good luck to him. Hope he hammers home some good changes but does not mould the World in BC form. Just no more photos, thanks.

    FAT PAT, on yer bike!
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    Wow, just realised this new bloke has got the Presindency. Good luck to him. Hope he hammers home some good changes but does not mould the World in BC form. Just no more photos, thanks.

    FAT PAT, on yer bike!
    Glasses arms under the straps? Lightweight :mrgreen:
  • uci-congress-20130927-193037-366_zpsaa392155.jpg
    Contador is the Greatest
  • rebs
    rebs Posts: 891
    iainf72 wrote:

    I wrote him off before he was elected.

    He's got a finite budget to work with, a market that decides whether races live or die, a history of the sport and doping he can't change. He's just a figure head and ultimately can't effect that much change based on the constraints placed on him

    Would it be fair to hold him to a lower standard than we hold McQuaid to?

    If this is really the case the he has nothing to lose. If his nose is kept clean and all actions are transparent whats so bad about that?

    Change in tone with how the UCI handles external doping agencies/testing will surely change which will alter a doping ethos further from the sport not like it can get any worse then it is now...... can it?

    Be interesting if he takes a scorched earth approach within the UCI (i.e those that have been in top positions for a long time). People outside of cycling with a background of corporate governance might be a positive step
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    rebs wrote:

    If this is really the case the he has nothing to lose. If his nose is kept clean and all actions are transparent whats so bad about that?

    Nothing. So he's going to clear up that 25K thing shortly I hope. And explain the dynamic with Makarov.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    Paul 8v wrote:
    Wow, just realised this new bloke has got the Presindency. Good luck to him. Hope he hammers home some good changes but does not mould the World in BC form. Just no more photos, thanks.

    FAT PAT, on yer bike!
    Glasses arms under the straps? Lightweight :mrgreen:

    No conflict of interest from the bold pat eh . Giro helmet & Santini ????? nothing to do with the fact that one of his sons is the importer for both i think ?

    I hope Brian Cookson cancels all these wee diddy races. get the vuelta back to late april. and change the giro to august thats just for starters 8)
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    iainf72 wrote:
    rebs wrote:

    If this is really the case the he has nothing to lose. If his nose is kept clean and all actions are transparent whats so bad about that?

    Nothing. So he's going to clear up that 25K thing shortly I hope. And explain the dynamic with Makarov.

    You can't clear something up if it didn't happen can you? Someone claimed it, he denied it. What more do you expect? If the claims gains any substance, THEN he has to clear it up.....(edited for clarity)
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493

  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    PBo wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    rebs wrote:

    If this is really the case the he has nothing to lose. If his nose is kept clean and all actions are transparent whats so bad about that?

    Nothing. So he's going to clear up that 25K thing shortly I hope. And explain the dynamic with Makarov.

    You can't clear something up if it didn't happen can you? Someone claimed it, he denied it. What more do you expect? If the claims gains any substance, THEN he has to clear it up.....(edited for clarity)

    Did he deny it?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • r0bh
    r0bh Posts: 2,382
    iainf72 wrote:
    PBo wrote:
    iainf72 wrote:
    rebs wrote:

    If this is really the case the he has nothing to lose. If his nose is kept clean and all actions are transparent whats so bad about that?

    Nothing. So he's going to clear up that 25K thing shortly I hope. And explain the dynamic with Makarov.

    You can't clear something up if it didn't happen can you? Someone claimed it, he denied it. What more do you expect? If the claims gains any substance, THEN he has to clear it up.....(edited for clarity)

    Did he deny it?

  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    r0bh wrote:


    Link? The allegation is officially minuted and some journalists said they'd seen evidence it happened.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • r0bh
    r0bh Posts: 2,382
    iainf72 wrote:
    r0bh wrote:


    Link? The allegation is officially minuted and some journalists said they'd seen evidence it happened. ... s-election

    "That's absolutely preposterous," Cookson said later. "That's not the way I operate. Never have, never will."
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    iainf72 wrote:
    r0bh wrote:


    Link? The allegation is officially minuted and some journalists said they'd seen evidence it happened.
    The minuting of the allegation, though, doesn't say who made it, who the e-mail is from or to, who forwarded it to who and who made this alleged bribe and to who. There isn't a single name in the whole thing.

    As allegations go, it's incredibly wishy washy. I would be sceptical as to whether it happened.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Wow, just realised this new bloke has got the Presindency. Good luck to him. Hope he hammers home some good changes but does not mould the World in BC form. Just no more photos, thanks.

    FAT PAT, on yer bike!

    Now there's a sentence I never thought I'd see Frenchie write!
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    RichN95 wrote:

    As allegations go, it's incredibly wishy washy. I would be sceptical as to whether it happened.

    Kind of like the McQuaid dossier then? :P

    But I don't think any of us would think it was a stretch to imagine Makarov sponsoring something to ensure the vote went to his man.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    iainf72 wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:

    As allegations go, it's incredibly wishy washy. I would be sceptical as to whether it happened.

    Kind of like the McQuaid dossier then? :P
    Absolutely. That's democracy for you.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Corporate investigators secured UCI’s computers minutes after Cookson was elected

    Corporate investigators from the highly-regarded Kroll company were waiting outside the UCI’s headquarters in Aigle and once they were informed of the outcome, they quickly acted.

    “They had to secure the computers,” Cookson told the Financial Times. “They took all the back-up tapes and all the IT stuff. They were available to make sure that nothing was destroyed that shouldn’t be destroyed.”

    Read more: ... z2iZtjVlbc
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972