Hamilton's autobiography *spoilers*



  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    IanLD wrote:
    I can see what you are saying there, but if he never does confess are you never going to accept what has been said?

    You're putting words in my mouth. I accept or reject things as they come at me. When LA says something or doesn't say anything then my opinion may or may not change. Sad as his doping was, as far as I'm concerned, sadder still is the constant stream of people feeding off of the LA
    saga with magazine articles, books, etc., all in the name of personal gain(money) and whatever fame they can gain by it. Most of them were nothing on their own without him. I have as much respect for these people as I do for the ones who hound celeb's day in and day out. Disgusting way to make a living.
  • nic_77
    nic_77 Posts: 929
    IanLD wrote:
    Page 163, 8 lines up from the bottom, 2nd last word is a name I didn't expect to see in a book :shock:

    I'm getting the word 'each' (electronic version)... Can you give us a chapter / paragraph? Or just the name that has shocked you?
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    Sorry about that - didn't think about other versions.

  • nic_77
    nic_77 Posts: 929
    IanLD wrote:
    Sorry about that - didn't think about other versions.

    Yes... he's mentioned as a client of Luigi Cecchini who Hamilton describes as having a "refreshing attitude about doping, which is to say, he encouraged me to dope as little as possible"... still dodgy of course.

    I thought you might be talking about (B)JV a bit further in (have you finished yet?), and the way that he blanks TH during his comeback... with the obvious implication that (B)JV is in the inner circle: "maybe I was an unwelcome reminder of what might happen to him if he got popped [caught]. Maybe it's just the way the brotherhood works. You're in or out. There's no in between."
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,243
    dennisn wrote:
    IanLD wrote:
    So unless we get a full confession from Pharmstrong, you're never going to believe what everyone says even when it all interlinks and confirms what others have said?

    No, that's not what I'm saying. True or false or in between book, I don't really care. I'm simply saying that it's not "the horse" talking. It's ANOTHER person talking ABOUT the horse. Big difference to me
    but maybe not to you. How accurately do you think someone who knows you could tell your story?
    I'm pretty sure you know more about you than they do. That's all I'm saying. :wink:
    You're way too obsessed with Armstrong. This book is about Hamilton's doping. Hamilton is the horse. Armstrong is merely a character. Admittedly a big character who helped organise Hamilton's doping regime and supplied him with EPO, but he's still just a character in Hamilton's autobiography.
  • Well just received an email from Amazon to say the book has been delivered to my Kindle. No idea why they sent an email yesterday to say it had been delayed on Kindle by a week.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    DeadCalm wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    IanLD wrote:
    So unless we get a full confession from Pharmstrong, you're never going to believe what everyone says even when it all interlinks and confirms what others have said?

    No, that's not what I'm saying. True or false or in between book, I don't really care. I'm simply saying that it's not "the horse" talking. It's ANOTHER person talking ABOUT the horse. Big difference to me
    but maybe not to you. How accurately do you think someone who knows you could tell your story?
    I'm pretty sure you know more about you than they do. That's all I'm saying. :wink:
    You're way too obsessed with Armstrong. This book is about Hamilton's doping. Hamilton is the horse. Armstrong is merely a character. Admittedly a big character who helped organise Hamilton's doping regime and supplied him with EPO, but he's still just a character in Hamilton's autobiography.

    Right. You bought the book because you're interested in Hamilton???? :roll: I think not. All you wanted was the dirt on LA. Hamiltons bio wouldn't sell 10 copies without LA in it. TH is just another example of someone living off of Lance.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    dennisn wrote:
    TH is just another example of someone living off of Lance.
    Dennis, even by your standards of ignorance this is deeply offensive - this is actually someone whose life Lance has gone out of his way to ruin.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    bompington wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    TH is just another example of someone living off of Lance.
    Dennis, even by your standards of ignorance this is deeply offensive - this is actually someone whose life Lance has gone out of his way to ruin.

    Is he or is he not using LA to sell a book and make money(living off of Lance)? I still contend that his bio wouldn't sell 10 copies without LA dirt in it. How about you? Did you buy it to read about TH?? I think not. He's seems almost a minor character in the book.
  • dennisn wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    TH is just another example of someone living off of Lance.
    Dennis, even by your standards of ignorance this is deeply offensive - this is actually someone whose life Lance has gone out of his way to ruin.

    Is he or is he not using LA to sell a book and make money(living off of Lance)? I still contend that his bio wouldn't sell 10 copies without LA dirt in it. How about you? Did you buy it to read about TH?? I think not. He's seems almost a minor character in the book.

    Have you read the book?
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • dennisn wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    TH is just another example of someone living off of Lance.
    Dennis, even by your standards of ignorance this is deeply offensive - this is actually someone whose life Lance has gone out of his way to ruin.

    Is he or is he not using LA to sell a book and make money(living off of Lance)? I still contend that his bio wouldn't sell 10 copies without LA dirt in it. How about you? Did you buy it to read about TH?? I think not. He's seems almost a minor character in the book.
    I can't tell if your stupid or just being a dick Dennis. Did anyone read Millars book, Riis book? If Hamiltons book didn't utter a word about Armstrong people would have still lapped it up because it exposes a world in graphic detail that the majority of cycling fans have wondered about for many years. You appear to becoming more and more desperate in your moronic attempts to deflect attention from Armstrong. He doped, made millions of dollars from it became a uber star in the process. If the spotlight falls on him are you surprised?
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dennisn wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    TH is just another example of someone living off of Lance.
    Dennis, even by your standards of ignorance this is deeply offensive - this is actually someone whose life Lance has gone out of his way to ruin.

    Is he or is he not using LA to sell a book and make money(living off of Lance)? I still contend that his bio wouldn't sell 10 copies without LA dirt in it. How about you? Did you buy it to read about TH?? I think not. He's seems almost a minor character in the book.
    He doped, made millions of dollars from it became a uber star in the process. If the spotlight falls on him are you surprised?

    I never said he didn't dope. That he made millions and became an uber star? Sure he did. As for the spotlight and me bing surprised. Not at all. The whole thing sort of reminds me of Marilyn Monroe. Big, big star. Probably 100 or so books about her. All claiming to tell the real story and people suck them up the minute they come out. Most of these books were written to expose whatever dirt or preceived dirt the author could find(with the rest of the books being bits and pieces of her life) and most of them are read because people love dirt. How is this book by TH any different??? He's making money using another persons life.
  • Have you read the book Dennis?
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • dennisn wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    TH is just another example of someone living off of Lance.
    Dennis, even by your standards of ignorance this is deeply offensive - this is actually someone whose life Lance has gone out of his way to ruin.

    Is he or is he not using LA to sell a book and make money(living off of Lance)? I still contend that his bio wouldn't sell 10 copies without LA dirt in it. How about you? Did you buy it to read about TH?? I think not. He's seems almost a minor character in the book.
    He doped, made millions of dollars from it became a uber star in the process. If the spotlight falls on him are you surprised?

    I never said he didn't dope. That he made millions and became an uber star? Sure he did. As for the spotlight and me bing surprised. Not at all. The whole thing sort of reminds me of Marilyn Monroe. Big, big star. Probably 100 or so books about her. All claiming to tell the real story and people suck them up the minute they come out. Most of these books were written to expose whatever dirt or preceived dirt the author could find(with the rest of the books being bits and pieces of her life) and most of them are read because people love dirt. How is this book by TH any different??? He's making money using another persons life.
    For goodness sake Dennis. It's the story of his life and during his time in cycling Armstrong was a constant feature. He lived in the apartment above him, rode on the same team, they doped together. Why would he not include him in the story of his life? It would be great if you could employ a little common sense in these discussions Dennis.
  • Book's just landed on me desk this afternoon, courtesy of Waterstones... :)
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    dennisn wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    TH is just another example of someone living off of Lance.
    Dennis, even by your standards of ignorance this is deeply offensive - this is actually someone whose life Lance has gone out of his way to ruin.

    Is he or is he not using LA to sell a book and make money(living off of Lance)? I still contend that his bio wouldn't sell 10 copies without LA dirt in it. How about you? Did you buy it to read about TH?? I think not. He's seems almost a minor character in the book.
    He doped, made millions of dollars from it became a uber star in the process. If the spotlight falls on him are you surprised?

    I never said he didn't dope. That he made millions and became an uber star? Sure he did. As for the spotlight and me bing surprised. Not at all. The whole thing sort of reminds me of Marilyn Monroe. Big, big star. Probably 100 or so books about her. All claiming to tell the real story and people suck them up the minute they come out. Most of these books were written to expose whatever dirt or preceived dirt the author could find(with the rest of the books being bits and pieces of her life) and most of them are read because people love dirt. How is this book by TH any different??? He's making money using another persons life.
    For goodness sake Dennis. It's the story of his life and during his time in cycling Armstrong was a constant feature. He lived in the apartment above him, rode on the same team, they doped together. Why would he not include him in the story of his life? It would be great if you could employ a little common sense in these discussions Dennis.

    Tell me you bought this book because you're interested in TH. He's NOT why you bought this book. Most on this forum could care less about the why's and wherefore's of Tylers life. This book wouldn't even have gotten published without LA in it. Plus I'm a big believer in "Don't buy books by crooks."
  • Dennis, have you read the book? Also, you do know you are posting in a thread where the subject is a book about Tyler Hamilton's cycling career and life right? What is your point exactly in relation to the information contained in the book itself? Your last comment indicates that you aren't interested in the book and won't be buying or reading it, so can you stop writing circular posts that are desinged to provoke a reaction and that don't talk about the subject at hand. It is really irritiating. Please, think about it - it is making you look like an idiot, which I'm quite sure you are not.
  • dennisn wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    bompington wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    TH is just another example of someone living off of Lance.
    Dennis, even by your standards of ignorance this is deeply offensive - this is actually someone whose life Lance has gone out of his way to ruin.

    Is he or is he not using LA to sell a book and make money(living off of Lance)? I still contend that his bio wouldn't sell 10 copies without LA dirt in it. How about you? Did you buy it to read about TH?? I think not. He's seems almost a minor character in the book.
    He doped, made millions of dollars from it became a uber star in the process. If the spotlight falls on him are you surprised?

    I never said he didn't dope. That he made millions and became an uber star? Sure he did. As for the spotlight and me bing surprised. Not at all. The whole thing sort of reminds me of Marilyn Monroe. Big, big star. Probably 100 or so books about her. All claiming to tell the real story and people suck them up the minute they come out. Most of these books were written to expose whatever dirt or preceived dirt the author could find(with the rest of the books being bits and pieces of her life) and most of them are read because people love dirt. How is this book by TH any different??? He's making money using another persons life.
    For goodness sake Dennis. It's the story of his life and during his time in cycling Armstrong was a constant feature. He lived in the apartment above him, rode on the same team, they doped together. Why would he not include him in the story of his life? It would be great if you could employ a little common sense in these discussions Dennis.

    Tell me you bought this book because you're interested in TH. He's NOT why you bought this book. Most on this forum could care less about the why's and wherefore's of Tylers life. This book wouldn't even have gotten published without LA in it. Plus I'm a big believer in "Don't buy books by crooks."

    So you haven't read it.

    How do you know so much about it then?
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,243
    dennisn wrote:
    Tell me you bought this book because you're interested in TH. He's NOT why you bought this book. Most on this forum could care less about the why's and wherefore's of Tylers life. This book wouldn't even have gotten published without LA in it. Plus I'm a big believer in "Don't buy books by crooks."
    I bought the book for the same reason I bougth Racing Through the Dark, Slaying the Badger, Olympic Gangster and the rest, because I have an interest in cycling. Unlike you I have an interest in the sport that extends beyond one corrupt and discredited individual.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    DeadCalm wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    Tell me you bought this book because you're interested in TH. He's NOT why you bought this book. Most on this forum could care less about the why's and wherefore's of Tylers life. This book wouldn't even have gotten published without LA in it. Plus I'm a big believer in "Don't buy books by crooks."
    I bought the book for the same reason I bougth Racing Through the Dark, Slaying the Badger, Olympic Gangster and the rest, because I have an interest in cycling. Unlike you I have an interest in the sport that extends beyond one corrupt and discredited individual.

    I think that if LA asked me what I thought of him I could honestly answer "I don't think of you". I know, it's from an old Ayn Rand novel but it puts it into perspective. I find this forum and the people on it much more interesting than a bunch of doping athletes that I have zero personal contact with. Everyone here is very real. I talk to you, you talk to me, and we communicate as best we can, seeing as we all don't live near each other. I could read all the books in the world about LA or whomever but I doubt I would learn anywhere near the amount of info about him as I can learn about one of you from actually communicating with you. It's like we're having that beer together. Well, almost. I'll pop one if you will.
  • dennisn wrote:
    DeadCalm wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    Tell me you bought this book because you're interested in TH. He's NOT why you bought this book. Most on this forum could care less about the why's and wherefore's of Tylers life. This book wouldn't even have gotten published without LA in it. Plus I'm a big believer in "Don't buy books by crooks."
    I bought the book for the same reason I bougth Racing Through the Dark, Slaying the Badger, Olympic Gangster and the rest, because I have an interest in cycling. Unlike you I have an interest in the sport that extends beyond one corrupt and discredited individual.

    I think that if LA asked me what I thought of him I could honestly answer "I don't think of you". I know, it's from an old Ayn Rand novel but it puts it into perspective. I find this forum and the people on it much more interesting than a bunch of doping athletes that I have zero personal contact with. Everyone here is very real. I talk to you, you talk to me, and we communicate as best we can, seeing as we all don't live near each other. I could read all the books in the world about LA or whomever but I doubt I would learn anywhere near the amount of info about him as I can learn about one of you from actually communicating with you. It's like we're having that beer together. Well, almost. I'll pop one if you will.

    How do you know so much about the contents, tone and style of a book you HAVEN'T READ?!
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • nic_77
    nic_77 Posts: 929
    dennisn wrote:
    I think that if LA asked me what I thought of him I could honestly answer "I don't think of you". I know, it's from an old Ayn Rand novel but it puts it into perspective. I find this forum and the people on it much more interesting than a bunch of doping athletes that I have zero personal contact with. Everyone here is very real. I talk to you, you talk to me, and we communicate as best we can, seeing as we all don't live near each other. I could read all the books in the world about LA or whomever but I doubt I would learn anywhere near the amount of info about him as I can learn about one of you from actually communicating with you. It's like we're having that beer together. Well, almost. I'll pop one if you will.
    That's great, but this isn't a sociology study - it's a discussion about a book you haven't read (and have no intention of reading). Start your own thread for a chat.
  • ocdupalais
    ocdupalais Posts: 4,314

    How do you know so much about the contents, tone and style of a book you HAVEN'T READ?!

    There's quite a lot that can be assessed by its cover, though.
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,822
    Removed : BBC Hamilton interview already posted up in another thread.
  • dennisn wrote:
    Tell me you bought this book because you're interested in TH. He's NOT why you bought this book. Most on this forum could care less about the why's and wherefore's of Tylers life. This book wouldn't even have gotten published without LA in it. Plus I'm a big believer in "Don't buy books by crooks."
    Yes, that's right Dennis I bought this book because of my Armstrong obsession. I've also got an Armstrong voodoo doll that is sit with every night hoping I can channel pain and suffering through. Grow up Dennis.

    I bought the book for the same reason I bought the other 30 odd cycling books I've got. I have an interest in cycling and those that compete in it. Why don't you read the book, you will soon realise that it is you and only you who is making this only about Armstrong. Hamilton doesn't in the book and the rest of us discussing it haven't. It is you who has the unhealthy obsession with Armstrong. Now seriously, add something to the discussion or don't bother.
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    Dennis, now you have actually personally offended me. I bought the book as I happened to very much like Tyler back in the days of his struggles with injuries and found him to be very personable when interviewed.

    I was well aware before I bought it that there would be a lot of references to LA, but my primary reason was the same as my buying David Millar's excellent book. I wanted to find out more from them about their riding and what persauded them to start doping.

    Perhaps my rare copy of Hinault's Memories of the Peloton (yes I did see him race and win in real life back in 1980) was bought because I thought he would attack Jean Rene Bernaudeau or Joop Zoetemelk (was on the Champs Elysees when he won). Maybe he would spill some dirt on why Mariano Martinez won the Col de Joux Plane stage I rode up to watch live...

    Please give some of us some credit for having followed professional cycling for over 35 years and plenty of us here have raced for a good few years too, so actually understand what it is like to ride a bike.

    I do consider Armstrong to be a cheat that needs exposed, but only as part of the need to remove corruption from cycling. Tyler has contributed towards that process and should be congratulated for being willing to expose what he did and the way it benefited him.

    Oh and please read the book to get an understanding of what the riders do when doping and how they could evade testing.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Ok, I'll leave you guys to your own devices and simply read the post's. I do have two questions though. Who IS that other guy on the cover of TYLERS auto bio? And WHY is he there?
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    Dennis - I've no problem with your posts as long as there is a degree of balance and you can see that other's viewpoints can have some validity.

    No great secret that Tyler is not LA's biggest fan and is one of many who would like to see him treated the same as other dopers. I was more surprised at the question earlier in this thread about who it was with LA on the cover, but take that as a good thing as people are now interested in finding out about doping and hopefully working towards cleaning things up.
  • Dennis, I know you always emphasise how we're just guys on a forum who are talking about people, and it's wrong and pointless to slag someone off if you haven't chatted to them over a few beers.

    So tell me, what's Tyler like in person? I think he looks like quite a nice guy from his TV appearances, so I'd be interested in what it was that made you dislike him so much when you met him for a drink. Is he a bad tipper? Does he have bad breath? I'm intrigued.
    N00b commuter with delusions of competence

    FCN 11 - If you scalp me, do I not bleed?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    I once had quite a few beers with someone who went to school with Tyler Hamilton*, so that makes me the most qualified judge whatever needs judging.

    *This is actually true.
    Twitter: @RichN95