Lance Armstrong gets life ban,loses 7 TDF,confesses he doped
Just heard David Walsh on R5L. Jist of it is Lance can't confess as he still has SCA case to fight and case of US govt against Tailwind which combined could bust him. DW thinks Lance will argue that "he did not dope", and will possibly win in court on this basis. Therefore UCI was doing minimum it could in the meantime.
So after these cases and Lance has won, everything could be back to "normal" :roll:0 -
Richmond Racer wrote:mfin wrote:Lichtblick wrote:mfin wrote:This story is not winding down, SCA, the Times, what LA has to say about it, JB, Ferrari, Ferrari other doping ring case, fallout for Livestrong stories, Perjury case possibilities, sponsors after money back, prize money back, what other sports stars have to say, politicians, UCI taking a hammering, Pat will be pressured to resign, Hein the same, reactions from all those who stood up to or were bullied by LA etc etc etc...
Well put. And it'll all be in the papers tomorrow. And the next day and then there's the weekend papers with more time to work on the whole thing before going to press.
I wonder when the first video footage of Lance himself being harassed and booed in public will appear. Its bound to happen, and someone's bound to video it.
I reckon that when THAT starts it's going to shake him to his core. His narcissistic personality feeds off the admiration, flattery and adulation. He can no longer go after and try to shut up vocal opposition, and unless he locks himself away, he's going to be out in public and unable to be surrounded constantly by a wall of sycophants and guards. He'll get looks of disgust from some people at best, and verbal abuse from others. And he wont be able to do a thing to stop it.
I tend to agree in that if such things start to happen, it will get to him. He'll have no individual to address or control with comments and looks, and it will hit him deep. Personally, I think he should be hounded and ridiculed until such point as he comes clean.0 -
come to think about it, we were aware it was cancer... so hooray for lancey0
Right Im gonna stand by my guns and because I said Id give some money to a cancer charity (not Livestrong) if Lance was stripped I'll now do it... which charity is best that I can do online?0
nathancom wrote:mfin wrote:Right Im gonna stand by my guns and because I said Id give some money to a cancer charity (not Livestrong) if Lance was stripped I'll now do it... which charity is best that I can do online?
Thanks. Paid. Done.
(I know I shouldn't have used the word 'best'... I know there will be lots of other great charities)0 -
Interesting listening to the presser in full. It hasn't got that much substance and the questions being asked are pretty weak, yet it does go to show that we shouldn't jump to conclusions (seriously) without knowing all the facts.
Eg/. Jorg saying that the UCI didn't help and he was upset. Pat said clearly that he was wrong in saying that.
Of course, the UCI could also be bending the truth.Contador is the Greatest0 -
More of a PSA than anything else.
Following last weeks 'Peddlers' programme, R5L will be having another dedicated segment re the matter on Thursday @ 20.00, presumably to report on the fallout/ramifications of todays UCI announcement.You're the light wiping out my batteries; You're the cream in my airport coffee's.0 -
mfin wrote:Personally, I think he should be hounded and ridiculed until such point as he comes clean.
RIGHT. So if he confesses all tommorrow you'll never say another thing bad about him?
Please, give me a break with the "all he has to do is confess" cr*p. No, you want him beat down to some sort of end that satisfies you, and a confession won't do that for you. Problem is, and I've said this before, you've all made heroes out of these guys and now you're finding out that your faith was misplaced. You backed the wrong horse. The sport was dirty, you all said you knew it, and now that it's coming apart you're all acting
very hurt and troubled. You claimed to support the sport, so maybe it was partly your fault for being somewhat blindly loyal to people who really didn't deserve the hero worship. Yet you continued to worship even after you knew it was rotten in the 90's.
One good thing that's come out of all this is you will have learned that just because someone is good at a sport, it's no reason to put them on a pedestal. Next time pick better heroes.0 -
What does Maine have against poor Lance?0
dennisn wrote:mfin wrote:Personally, I think he should be hounded and ridiculed until such point as he comes clean.
RIGHT. So if he confesses all tommorrow you'll never say another thing bad about him?
Please, give me a break with the "all he has to do is confess" cr*p. No, you want him beat down to some sort of end that satisfies you, and a confession won't do that for you. Problem is, and I've said this before, you've all made heroes out of these guys and now you're finding out that your faith was misplaced. You backed the wrong horse. The sport was dirty, you all said you knew it, and now that it's coming apart you're all acting
very hurt and troubled. You claimed to support the sport, so maybe it was partly your fault for being somewhat blindly loyal to people who really didn't deserve the hero worship. Yet you continued to worship even after you knew it was rotten in the 90's.
One good thing that's come out of all this is you will have learned that just because someone is good at a sport, it's no reason to put them on a pedestal. Next time pick better heroes.
Try out your cod psychology somewhere else.
I got into pro cycling at a time after Lancey's domineering (deliberate choice of words) performances (another deliberate choice of words). I dont want to see him brought to justice because I hero worshipped the little s4£*t. Oh no, not at all. I would like full justice to be meted out because of his myriad of
little ways.0 -
dennisn wrote:Interesting but, for me, somewhat of a useless exercise in useless exercises. The story has and still is being told and everyone who is a cycling fan and bunches who aren't know what happened. It's no secret. The rest of the people in the world either don't know or don't care. So my question to you is what does something like that accomplish?Aslo, is there some sort of weird satisfaction in seeing something like that? Everyone seems to be waiting for his name to be "stricken" from the books. This strikes me as very odd as most of you have hated him for years and now that it's been exposed and winding down you're still not happy with the way things are unfolding. I really don't fear for LA's ability to come out of all this on his feet. He's strong enough to do it. I do fear for the people on here who will carry some grudge with them, quite possibly to their graves.0
Jist of it is Lance can't confess as he still has SCA case to fight and case of US govt against Tailwind which combined could bust him. DW thinks Lance will argue that "he did not dope", and will possibly win in court on this basis. Therefore UCI was doing minimum it could in the meantime.
I'm not sure how he'd win if Hincapie et al all testify that he did, and assumably they'd all be subpoenad and all be under oath, so a limited chance of them backtracking, or have I missed something?
I always feel you have to be careful of the Vince Cable effect. The bloke muttered some vague warnings prior to the banking meltdown, and then, post meltdown was seen as a visionary whose every word on the economy should be believed, rather overlooking the fact he was a dithery old clown who knew less about the economy than my gran.
Same could be applied to DW and Kimmage. Well, not being dithery old clowns, but just in general. If you called heads once and you were right doesn't mean you'll be right next time.
Sorry cod philosophy lecture over. Carry on as you were.0 -
nathancom wrote:Actually I have read Dennis's words enough times to know they are totally meaningless. His meditation on the meaning of history, our responses to events within our own lifetimes, the power of hate to drag us down and leave us hollow souls at the end are inane and worth mocking since the only intention is to try and deflect ire away from Lance. I have read enough posts by Lance supporters and don't much to read more trying to justify one of the least pleasant specimens of humankind currently on this planet.
But hey Livestrong is a great charity and has raised £500 million to raise awareness of Cancer. That is a great thing because people weren't aware of cancer before. I didn't get to watch people close to me die of the disease so am thankful that Lance is there to line his pockets out of this disease and then for idiots like Dennis subtly to justify Lance through all his snide little comments about how we should put aside anger, how it doesn't matter and so on. It does matter. He ripped off cycling fans and he ripped off cancer victims and their families. He portrayed those who died as somehow lacking the fight to survive. How dare he do that to make money for himself. So go take you sense of injustice that I am mocking a Lance supporter and stick it up your a$$.
As this thread moves quite quickly, I was worried that people might miss nathancom's contribution.
All this namby-pamby shoulder-shrugging ("they were all doing it", "it's a witch-hunt - he's being unfairly singled out", etc) and Armstrong brand management ("doping...yeah, yeah...cheating, yeah, yeah...but think of the cancer-riddled kiddies he's helped") nonsense that so many spout (often unconsciously or unwittingly) needs to be slapped out of mouths like a parent striking an open bottle of bleach from a toddler.
Step forward nathancom - and all the aggrieved and passionately pissed off.0 -
nathancom wrote:mfin wrote:Right Im gonna stand by my guns and because I said Id give some money to a cancer charity (not Livestrong) if Lance was stripped I'll now do it... which charity is best that I can do online?
Macmillan's good. Marie Curie also well worth your support.I have a policy of only posting comment on the internet under my real name. This is to moderate my natural instinct to flame your fatuous, ill-informed, irrational, credulous, bigoted, semi-literate opinions to carbon, you knuckle-dragging f***wits.0 -
dennisn wrote:I think everyone wants to see a bit of honesty. Only problem is we all want honesty about others, but if it's about ourselves we will most likely "try and wiggle out of due process".
Not me. Honest as the day's long. Lying would have saved me so much grief over the years as well0 -
dennisn wrote:mfin wrote:Personally, I think he should be hounded and ridiculed until such point as he comes clean.
RIGHT. So if he confesses all tommorrow you'll never say another thing bad about him?
Please, give me a break with the "all he has to do is confess" cr*p. No, you want him beat down to some sort of end that satisfies you, and a confession won't do that for you. Problem is, and I've said this before, you've all made heroes out of these guys and now you're finding out that your faith was misplaced. You backed the wrong horse. The sport was dirty, you all said you knew it, and now that it's coming apart you're all acting
very hurt and troubled. You claimed to support the sport, so maybe it was partly your fault for being somewhat blindly loyal to people who really didn't deserve the hero worship. Yet you continued to worship even after you knew it was rotten in the 90's.
One good thing that's come out of all this is you will have learned that just because someone is good at a sport, it's no reason to put them on a pedestal. Next time pick better heroes.
Utter bollocks.
I didn't watch a single one of Armstrong's "wins". I gave up on the sport because of Festina. He was never, ever a hero to me me.
I want Armstrong to go down hard because he is an insidious, corrupt, manipulative, bullying bastard who continued to f**** the sport over at a time when it was on its knees. I want all the details out because I want to know who else was responsible, who was complicit, and exactly how corrupt cycling's leadership have been.Warning No formatter is installed for the format0 -
If anything good comes from this, when it finally gets all settled, it means Dennis has next to no reason to post here any more since his main reason for being here is devils advocate for Armstrong, he seems to have no interest in any other facet of pro cycling.0
Remember that you are an Englishman and thus have won first prize in the lottery of life.0
Does anyone think, that maybe, just maybe, this is the turning point.
Even those that have doped in the past might not in the future.
When they roll out from Brugge in March, we might not need to be so cynical.0 -
B3rnieMac wrote:If anything good comes from this, when it finally gets all settled, it means Dennis has next to no reason to post here any more since his main reason for being here is devils advocate for Armstrong, he seems to have no interest in any other facet of pro cycling.
I thought pro cycling was doping and vice versa. What other facet is there to pro cycling. Doping seems to be all that is talked about here. Besides, now you're blaming pro cycling. Pro cycling is simply a sport. A sport among many. I challenge you to find a sport, any sport, that doesn't have cheaters. Hell, the kid next door tries to cheat when we play checkers. And he's 8 years old. It's a little tiring reading about cheaters, bullys, con men, dopers, thugs, as if LA was the only one in the world. These people are everywhere. All pretty much anyone has been saying on this subject is that all of you fell for the "scam" so to speak. You made it into a great and heroic sport, the worlds hardest sport, tough men punishing themselves for cycling glory and your entertainment. Therefore "you was robbed". And now you're all p*ssed off about it, yet in the end it was / is your own doing. So go ahead and carry that grudge for the rest of your life if you want to. It won't make your life better.0 -
OffTheBackAdam wrote:
I wondered if these would come knocking.
Heh. Cyclingnews really need to update that little biography of LA at the bottom there, under 'related riders'.I have a policy of only posting comment on the internet under my real name. This is to moderate my natural instinct to flame your fatuous, ill-informed, irrational, credulous, bigoted, semi-literate opinions to carbon, you knuckle-dragging f***wits.0 -
dennisn wrote:B3rnieMac wrote:If anything good comes from this, when it finally gets all settled, it means Dennis has next to no reason to post here any more since his main reason for being here is devils advocate for Armstrong, he seems to have no interest in any other facet of pro cycling.
I thought pro cycling was doping and vice versa. What other facet is there to pro cycling. Doping seems to be all that is talked about here. Besides, now you're blaming pro cycling. Pro cycling is simply a sport. A sport among many. I challenge you to find a sport, any sport, that doesn't have cheaters. Hell, the kid next door tries to cheat when we play checkers. And he's 8 years old. It's a little tiring reading about cheaters, bullys, con men, dopers, thugs, as if LA was the only one in the world. These people are everywhere. All pretty much anyone has been saying on this subject is that all of you fell for the "scam" so to speak. You made it into a great and heroic sport, the worlds hardest sport, tough men punishing themselves for cycling glory and your entertainment. Therefore "you was robbed". And now you're all p*ssed off about it, yet in the end it was / is your own doing. So go ahead and carry that grudge for the rest of your life if you want to. It won't make your life better.
Have you ever considered that it is simply morally right to be angry at an individual who has treated those around him and society at large in this way and that you are somehow just not getting it...0 -
I wish they would ask the UCI about paras 102-108 in Tyler's affidavit: ... idavit.pdfContador is the Greatest0 -
dennisn wrote:B3rnieMac wrote:If anything good comes from this, when it finally gets all settled, it means Dennis has next to no reason to post here any more since his main reason for being here is devils advocate for Armstrong, he seems to have no interest in any other facet of pro cycling.
I thought pro cycling was doping and vice versa. What other facet is there to pro cycling. Doping seems to be all that is talked about here. Besides, now you're blaming pro cycling. Pro cycling is simply a sport. A sport among many. I challenge you to find a sport, any sport, that doesn't have cheaters. Hell, the kid next door tries to cheat when we play checkers. And he's 8 years old. It's a little tiring reading about cheaters, bullys, con men, dopers, thugs, as if LA was the only one in the world. These people are everywhere. All pretty much anyone has been saying on this subject is that all of you fell for the "scam" so to speak. You made it into a great and heroic sport, the worlds hardest sport, tough men punishing themselves for cycling glory and your entertainment. Therefore "you was robbed". And now you're all p*ssed off about it, yet in the end it was / is your own doing. So go ahead and carry that grudge for the rest of your life if you want to. It won't make your life better.
Sorry Dennis, I'm not blaming pro cycling. I'm not carrying any grudgesi wasn't robbed, and I'm definitely not pissed off about it. I just notice that you never seem to post in any of the threads that have *spoilers* in the title. since the rest of us do, maybe you'll not need to come to pro race any more?
0 -
nvm“New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!0
TheStone wrote:Does anyone think, that maybe, just maybe, this is the turning point.
Even those that have doped in the past might not in the future.
When they roll out from Brugge in March, we might not need to be so cynical.
The sport will be mainly clean, but you'll never know for sure whether the guy who won was cheating, or was helped by, or wheel sucked someone who was. Because of the nature of racing unless everyone is clean it's a bit of a farce.
UCI can start by dishing out lifetime bans, not some airy fairy 2 year ban backdated to 18mths ago crap.Specialized Venge S Works
Cannondale Synapse
Enigma Etape
Genesis Flyer Single Speed
Turn the corner, rub my eyes and hope the world will last...0