Is it time to shut the UK borders



  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    For your info i'm a white British son of white British parents (just in case you couldn't make that deduction yourself). I'm not married. My parents jobs are 1) Welder 2) Midwife (used to be 'just' a nurse until i was about 12 years old). My extended family predominantly have manual jobs (plumbers, electricians, carpenters). None of them owns their own business. I'm the first male in my extended family to go to university to study for a degree, my sister was the first person full stop to do so. I've lived my entire life in a semi-rural Wiltshire garrison town (the one that's been on the news alot recently after several lads got blown up) where practically the only foreign people are the take-away restaurant owners and a couple of eastern European factory workers.

    If anyone was going to fit into the 'racist' stereotype i'd be a good candidate.

    No, you don't fit into the 'racist' category at all, you are just a 'doogooda', which as explained above, is why we are in this mess....
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Soni wrote:

    English please? I'm too ignorant to learn a foreign language.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    Jez mon wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    byke68 wrote:
    Zero border control - so why is there so many illigal imigrants here?
    Do-gooders - paying for translaters for example
    Infrastructure - so we have got perfect roads have we? What about Walkers, Tesco's etc, making us pay for school books and PE gear, councils cutting back year after year because the government gives them less and less each year.
    Transport - Bus routes now run as a business not as a service.

    Ok i genuinely can't tell if you are trolling or just really really stupid and misinformed.

    But, but, but, there's one thing i really can't resist: PE kit and school books.... infrastructure? :roll: :lol:

    If you are trolling then i don't know what would be more depressing - me reading and responding to your posts or Soni endorsing them.... hmmmmm.

    Can't tell if he's trolling? Funny that as I can't work out if you are an immigrant, married to one, or the amount of sh*t you came out with above means one at least is true.....

    Quite what has he come out with that's s**te

    Generally interested, because it looked fairly balanced to me.

    Well, as you are generally interested, lets start here:

    Well, hard work and sacrifice aren't exclusive to our [British] ancestors. But maybe you just meant the ancestors of humanity in general. Oh no, you made specific reference to how their hard work and sacrifice made our country great (or rich and privileged rather).

    Many of us have lost relatives in two world wars, protecting our country, and now the floodgates have been opened and all are flooding in, was it worth the loss of life? Certainly NOT. How is this misinformed?? It is FACTUAL. Therefore he's coming out with sh*t to try and win an argument!

    Moving on to freedom of speech. Or rather your suggestion that it has disappeared, vanished, ceased to exist. The very fact that you are free to express your opinion here, openly, seems to contradict you somewhat. I mean if you're that concerned then write a letter to your MP. If they come and arrest you i will gladly help establish a campaign to end your wrongful detention.

    People like yourself are bullying those easily intimidated and manipulated into worrying about speaking out for what they believe in, and as such, people are losing their freedom of speech, through fear, so therefore how is this contracting myself? More Sh*t he is coming out with.....
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Soni wrote:

    English please? I'm too ignorant to learn a foreign language.

    Grow up and grow a pair and be a man....
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Soni wrote:
    you are just a 'doogooda', which as explained above, is why we are in this mess....
    byke68 wrote:
    Do-gooders - paying for translaters for example

    So translators. Are you saying translators are the evil ones. I'll give you the opportunity now to change your mind. You can pick between (some quite attractive options for you maybe?):

    Those Jew people
    Those Muslamic bomberists
    The rag heads
    The darky's
    Saddam Hussein (died a while ago)
    Obama bin Baden (also dead)
    The yellow people.

    You can pick any, but only one. Or stick with the translators.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Soni wrote:
    Grow up and grow a pair and be a man....

    I'm content with not being an idiot, thanks.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Soni wrote:
    Put your dummy back in your mouth and stop throwing your toys out of your pram

    Yawn. Anything intelligent to say?
    Soni wrote:
    just because your wife is an immigrant and you feel personally insulted.

    I didn't say I feel personally insulted. I said that you're talking crap and was using personal experience to say why.
    Soni wrote:
    As for the racist insult, you have the right to believe what you want to believe, as I've said in my previous post i couldnt give a sh*t what people think of me, I have the right to speak freely and maybe others should think the same way instead of being afraid to do so for fears of exactly what you are doing now!

    (Bangs head against wall once again)

    For the final time: I did not say that being opposed to immigration necessarily makes somebody a racist. With me so far?

    I said that going on about what a wonderfully easy life all these immigrants have and how if only we didn't have any our country would be so much better is just wrong, wrong, wrong and that using these spurious arguments will make people look like ignorant racists. If, on the other hand, people just said something like "I fear that having so many different cultures living so closely together yet not really integrating could cause our nation problems in the future" or "I just think that we're becoming overcrowded as a small island nation" then I'd say that's fair enough as these might be legitimate concerns.
    Soni wrote:
    What you said above has Nothing to do with the tradesman of this country having their prices undercut, and ok she's married to you so that puts a slightly different slant on things, but that doesn't change the fact that many immigrants have no family ties with British people and are here for the money and are killing the industry for our skilled tradesman.

    And have you noticed that's because I'm not actually arguing for mass immigration? I'm only saying that we should stop blaming so many of our society's ills on immigrants and trotting out a load of uninformed BS. Not a particularly subtle difference. As I say above, there are legitimate concerns and undermining the British workforce is one of them.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    edited April 2012
    Rolf F wrote:
    Oh goodie! An Easter racist thread. Where's the popcorn?.........

    Oh crap - I'm out of popcorn already. I knew I should have bought an extra large bucket......
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    you are just a 'doogooda', which as explained above, is why we are in this mess....
    byke68 wrote:
    Do-gooders - paying for translaters for example

    So translators. Are you saying translators are the evil ones. I'll give you the opportunity now to change your mind. You can pick between (some quite attractive options for you maybe?):

    Those Jew people
    Those Muslamic bomberists
    The rag heads
    The darky's
    Saddam Hussein (died a while ago)
    Obama bin Baden (also dead)
    The yellow people.

    You can pick any, but only one. Or stick with the translators.

    What the hell are you smoking? Must be some quite powerful stuff, what the hell are you going on about?

    And by the way, don't give me the opportunity of changing my mind, i know exactly what my beliefs are and they won't be changed by anybody, no matter how manipulating and intimidating they are :wink:
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    Grow up and grow a pair and be a man....

    I'm content with not being an idiot, thanks.

    Your content with being a puppet and having your strings pulled, i would rather be thought of as an idiot and stand up for what i believe in than be a follower.....
  • Soni wrote:
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    Grow up and grow a pair and be a man....

    I'm content with not being an idiot, thanks.

    Your content with being a puppet and having your strings pulled, i would rather be thought of as an idiot and stand up for what i believe in than be a follower.....

    The irony is delicious.
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Soni wrote:
    Many of us have lost relatives in two world wars, protecting our country, and now the floodgates have been opened and all are flooding in, was it worth the loss of life? Certainly NOT. How is this misinformed?? It is FACTUAL. Therefore he's coming out with sh*t to try and win an argument!

    Errrrr, that bit. Our borders are monitored and policed and there are criteria for entering the country (passport) let alone taking up residency (even an EU national is only entitled to 3 months if they're economically inactive).
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Soni wrote:
    What the hell are you smoking? Must be some quite powerful stuff, what the hell are you going on about?

    That's also misinformed. I don't smoke, never have, never will.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    johnfinch wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    Put your dummy back in your mouth and stop throwing your toys out of your pram

    Yawn. Anything intelligent to say?
    Soni wrote:
    just because your wife is an immigrant and you feel personally insulted.

    I didn't say I feel personally insulted. I said that you're talking crap and was using personal experience to say why.
    Soni wrote:
    As for the racist insult, you have the right to believe what you want to believe, as I've said in my previous post i couldnt give a sh*t what people think of me, I have the right to speak freely and maybe others should think the same way instead of being afraid to do so for fears of exactly what you are doing now!

    (Bangs head against wall once again)

    For the final time: I did not say that being opposed to immigration necessarily makes somebody a racist. With me so far?

    I said that going on about what a wonderfully easy life all these immigrants have and how if only we didn't have any our country would be so much better is just wrong, wrong, wrong and that using these spurious arguments will make people look like ignorant racists. If, on the other hand, people just said something like "I fear that having so many different cultures living so closely together yet not really integrating could cause our nation problems in the future" or "I just think that we're becoming overcrowded as a small island nation" then I'd say that's fair enough as these might be legitimate concerns.
    Soni wrote:
    What you said above has Nothing to do with the tradesman of this country having their prices undercut, and ok she's married to you so that puts a slightly different slant on things, but that doesn't change the fact that many immigrants have no family ties with British people and are here for the money and are killing the industry for our skilled tradesman.

    And have you noticed that's because I'm not actually arguing for mass immigration? I'm only saying that we should stop blaming so many of our society's ills on immigrants and trotting out a load of uninformed BS. Not a particularly subtle difference. As I say above, there are legitimate concerns and undermining the British workforce is one of them.

    Soni, you are exactly the sort of person who gets the "racist" label applied to those who oppose immigration, because you just come out with a load of crap.

    If you don't want to be called a racist, concentrate on facts and sensible arguments instead of what you've heard down the pub, because life for immigrants in this country isn't some easy ride.

    So what part of the above is not referring to me being a racist?

    You didn't have to say you felt personally insulted, it was evident from your post, if you wasn't married to an immigrant then chances are you wouldn't feel so strongly.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    What the hell are you smoking? Must be some quite powerful stuff, what the hell are you going on about?

    That's also misinformed. I don't smoke, never have, never will.

    Just as well, the consequences would be un-quantifiable, you also don't understand sarcasm....
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    Many of us have lost relatives in two world wars, protecting our country, and now the floodgates have been opened and all are flooding in, was it worth the loss of life? Certainly NOT. How is this misinformed?? It is FACTUAL. Therefore he's coming out with sh*t to try and win an argument!

    Errrrr, that bit. Our borders are monitored and policed and there are criteria for entering the country (passport) let alone taking up residency (even an EU national is only entitled to 3 months if they're economically inactive).

    They might be policed, we might have passport control, but we also have those seeking asylum when unwarranted, and who picks up the bill whilst they are going through the system?
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Soni wrote:
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    What the hell are you smoking? Must be some quite powerful stuff, what the hell are you going on about?

    That's also misinformed. I don't smoke, never have, never will.

    Just as well, the consequences would be un-quantifiable, you also don't understand sarcasm....

    :o:lol::mrgreen: Guess what.... (unless you were being sarcastic about me not getting sarcasm, i believe my sarcastic comment flew right over your head)
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Soni wrote:
    johnfinch wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    Put your dummy back in your mouth and stop throwing your toys out of your pram

    Yawn. Anything intelligent to say?
    Soni wrote:
    just because your wife is an immigrant and you feel personally insulted.

    I didn't say I feel personally insulted. I said that you're talking crap and was using personal experience to say why.
    Soni wrote:
    As for the racist insult, you have the right to believe what you want to believe, as I've said in my previous post i couldnt give a sh*t what people think of me, I have the right to speak freely and maybe others should think the same way instead of being afraid to do so for fears of exactly what you are doing now!

    (Bangs head against wall once again)

    For the final time: I did not say that being opposed to immigration necessarily makes somebody a racist. With me so far?

    I said that going on about what a wonderfully easy life all these immigrants have and how if only we didn't have any our country would be so much better is just wrong, wrong, wrong and that using these spurious arguments will make people look like ignorant racists. If, on the other hand, people just said something like "I fear that having so many different cultures living so closely together yet not really integrating could cause our nation problems in the future" or "I just think that we're becoming overcrowded as a small island nation" then I'd say that's fair enough as these might be legitimate concerns.
    Soni wrote:
    What you said above has Nothing to do with the tradesman of this country having their prices undercut, and ok she's married to you so that puts a slightly different slant on things, but that doesn't change the fact that many immigrants have no family ties with British people and are here for the money and are killing the industry for our skilled tradesman.

    And have you noticed that's because I'm not actually arguing for mass immigration? I'm only saying that we should stop blaming so many of our society's ills on immigrants and trotting out a load of uninformed BS. Not a particularly subtle difference. As I say above, there are legitimate concerns and undermining the British workforce is one of them.

    Soni, you are exactly the sort of person who gets the "racist" label applied to those who oppose immigration, because you just come out with a load of crap.

    If you don't want to be called a racist, concentrate on facts and sensible arguments instead of what you've heard down the pub, because life for immigrants in this country isn't some easy ride.

    So what part of the above is not referring to me being a racist?

    You didn't have to say you felt personally insulted, it was evident from your post, if you wasn't married to an immigrant then chances are you wouldn't feel so strongly.

    I wasn't saying that you aren't racist. I said that people who oppose immigration aren't NECESSARILY racist. However, the two do often coincide, and as you seem to come out with all the usual stereotypes (only coming here for welfare and free housing), I imagine that you PROBABLY are.

    And again, I'm not personally insulted, I just get a bit exasperated when people say how easy a life they have when I see at first hand that it isn't.
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    you are just a 'doogooda', which as explained above, is why we are in this mess....
    byke68 wrote:
    Do-gooders - paying for translaters for example

    So translators. Are you saying translators are the evil ones. I'll give you the opportunity now to change your mind. You can pick between (some quite attractive options for you maybe?):

    Those Jew people
    Those Muslamic bomberists
    The rag heads
    The darky's
    Saddam Hussein (died a while ago)
    Obama bin Baden (also dead)
    The yellow people.

    You can pick any, but only one. Or stick with the translators.

    What?! Where is the connection between translators being used (and paid for by us) to do their job for imigrants who come into the UK that cannot speak any english and racist names? Evil translators - could be a good name for a band!
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    edited April 2012
    There isn't a connection.... that's the point.

    Translators are vitally important, useful and i can't see how they are involved in the problems facing Britain.
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    Soni wrote:
    Well, as you are generally interested, lets start here:

    Well, hard work and sacrifice aren't exclusive to our [British] ancestors. But maybe you just meant the ancestors of humanity in general. Oh no, you made specific reference to how their hard work and sacrifice made our country great (or rich and privileged rather).

    Many of us have lost relatives in two world wars, protecting our country, and now the floodgates have been opened and all are flooding in, was it worth the loss of life? Certainly NOT. How is this misinformed?? It is FACTUAL. Therefore he's coming out with sh*t to try and win an argument!

    Moving on to freedom of speech. Or rather your suggestion that it has disappeared, vanished, ceased to exist. The very fact that you are free to express your opinion here, openly, seems to contradict you somewhat. I mean if you're that concerned then write a letter to your MP. If they come and arrest you i will gladly help establish a campaign to end your wrongful detention.

    People like yourself are bullying those easily intimidated and manipulated into worrying about speaking out for what they believe in, and as such, people are losing their freedom of speech, through fear, so therefore how is this contracting myself? More Sh*t he is coming out with.....

    I really really, hope you're trolling.

    Just who are we counting as "they"? Unless you're referring to a sudden flood of German/Japanese/Italian immigrants which has passed me by unaware (completely possible, after all us students live in a complete bubble) I fail to see what real relevance the first or second world war has to this situation. Indeed, there is a pro immigration argument from those world wars, as we had regiments full of people who we had colonised, indeed, why we should completely shut the doors to those whose ancestors paid the highest price too?

    As for the last point. Well poeple should have courage in their convictions, if they don't, that's their lookout, there are far more serious threats to civil liberties than some supposed PC agenda.
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    There isn't a connection.... that's the point.

    Translators are vitally important, useful and i can't see how they are involved in the problems facing Britain.

    I give up!
    Night all.
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    This went well, nice trolling by the racist crowd here.
  • Soni

    Fair play to you for sticking to your guns.
    Clearly not everyone's going to agree with your opinion, it's an Internet forum!
    I used to try and contribute to similar threads but never had your enthusiasmn to keep arguing in the face of the 'protests' just because you have expressed a view that you are perfectly entitled to.

    Keep smiling!!
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    Soni wrote:
    Your content with being a puppet and having your strings pulled...........
    You're content with being a puppet and having your strings pulled.....

  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    Jez mon wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    Well, as you are generally interested, lets start here:

    Well, hard work and sacrifice aren't exclusive to our [British] ancestors. But maybe you just meant the ancestors of humanity in general. Oh no, you made specific reference to how their hard work and sacrifice made our country great (or rich and privileged rather).

    Many of us have lost relatives in two world wars, protecting our country, and now the floodgates have been opened and all are flooding in, was it worth the loss of life? Certainly NOT. How is this misinformed?? It is FACTUAL. Therefore he's coming out with sh*t to try and win an argument!

    Moving on to freedom of speech. Or rather your suggestion that it has disappeared, vanished, ceased to exist. The very fact that you are free to express your opinion here, openly, seems to contradict you somewhat. I mean if you're that concerned then write a letter to your MP. If they come and arrest you i will gladly help establish a campaign to end your wrongful detention.

    People like yourself are bullying those easily intimidated and manipulated into worrying about speaking out for what they believe in, and as such, people are losing their freedom of speech, through fear, so therefore how is this contracting myself? More Sh*t he is coming out with.....

    I really really, hope you're trolling.

    Just who are we counting as "they"? Unless you're referring to a sudden flood of German/Japanese/Italian immigrants which has passed me by unaware (completely possible, after all us students live in a complete bubble) I fail to see what real relevance the first or second world war has to this situation. Indeed, there is a pro immigration argument from those world wars, as we had regiments full of people who we had colonised, indeed, why we should completely shut the doors to those whose ancestors paid the highest price too?

    As for the last point. Well poeple should have courage in their convictions, if they don't, that's their lookout, there are far more serious threats to civil liberties than some supposed PC agenda.

    Being a student i am assuming you have an element of intellect, therefore you realise that we could have all ended up speaking German and may not have had such great opportunities in life if it wasn't for the brave service men/woman who gave their lives for our country defending us against the threat of German occupation.

    However, now we have mass immigration threatening our future, everybody from every corner of the globe want a piece of the UK, and its worrying to think that when i left school (not 'that' long ago :roll: 23 years ago) i could pretty much jump from one job to the next without any opposition. However, now we have xxx people chasing x job, and it makes me concerned for the future of my daughters when they get older and leave school to start work.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    De Sisti wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    Your content with being a puppet and having your strings pulled...........
    You're content with being a puppet and having your strings pulled.....


    Not quite, you missed some dots off :D
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217

    Fair play to you for sticking to your guns.
    Clearly not everyone's going to agree with your opinion, it's an Internet forum!
    I used to try and contribute to similar threads but never had your enthusiasmn to keep arguing in the face of the 'protests' just because you have expressed a view that you are perfectly entitled to.

    Keep smiling!!

    Cheers mate, i feel strongly about sticking up for your beliefs, things don't have to turn into racist accusations everytime somebody opposes immigration, however unfortunately a lot of time it does, and this deters people from speaking out, including our Government, and look where that leads to......

    You could even go as far as saying its all a bit of a conspiracy/reversed psychology, maybe the race thing has been imbedded so deeply in our infrastructure to prevent resistance to i'm getting paranoid! :D

    Time to go to bed me thinks......
  • proto
    proto Posts: 1,483
    It's not about racism, I really couldn't care too much where the immigrants come from, the problem as I see it is that we have a small island with a much too large a population, exacerbated by a good percentage of that population choosing to live in the south east.

    The pressure on housing, transport, water, education etc etc all seems to me to be a result of overpopulation. We are often told that we need a young dynamic workforce to protect our economic future, well in my opinion the benfeits are now outweighed by the costs. Time to do something about it and shut the borders.
  • team47b
    team47b Posts: 6,425
    Soni wrote:
    De Sisti wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    Your content with being a puppet and having your strings pulled...........
    You're content with being a puppet and having your strings pulled.....


    Not quite, you missed some dots off :D

    Not quite, the missing 'some dots' are called an elipsis and consist of three dots, no more no less, used as an aposiopesis in speech and is available as a glyph.

    So you see, you can't fix anything for anyone without possession of all the facts. We need to eradicate ignorance before trying to solve the more complex issues.

    FTFY :D
    my isetta is a 300cc bike