Is it time to shut the UK borders



  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Soni wrote:
    What ever happened to freedom of speech? If you aren't happy with the way our country is being run and over run by mass immigration then are we not entitled to voice our opinion anymore through fear of being a racist? ....the whole of Europe is attracted to and is travelling to (as we speak), to such a small area on the globe (the UK) like a magnet! Why? Because we are handing out paychecks and free homes to the immigrants...immigration has allowed foreigners to enter the country and work for lower rates of pay because their properties back home are so much cheaper than here in the UK, so they can afford to undercut British workers, ship the money back home, and then when they are done, return home and retire at 45/50 with their feet up on the sofa living a cushy little life

    Soni, you are exactly the sort of person who gets the "racist" label applied to those who oppose immigration, because you just come out with a load of crap.

    My wife is an immigrant, so here's the reality - she couldn't claim benefits without paying into the system for 2 years.

    She didn't get given a free house unfortunately.

    She has been unable to find a job which matches her qualifications - she has a degree from a good university, speaks 4 languages fluently (including English, naturally) and has lived in 5 different countries, so real get up and go attitude. She earns £8k p.a. Her friends in this country (mainly immigrants as well) are in similar positions - all came here for personal reasons, all massively over-qualified for the jobs they do, all see incompetent Brits get promotions ahead of them.

    She often has to put with racist comments and the general ignorance of the totally insular British people.

    The idea that they can just save up a load of money and then retire at 45/50 back home (unless they're something like a doctor) is complete and utter bollocks.

    If you don't want to be called a racist, concentrate on facts and sensible arguments instead of what you've heard down the pub, because life for immigrants in this country isn't some easy ride.
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    Hmmm, most of Soni's post reads like a rushed Daily Mail column...

    There may well be an issue with cheap immigrant labour though, especially in trades which aren't unionised.

    The problem a lot of the time, is you never get a sensible argument, because it seems any voice in favour of having a balanced look at the issues, and perhaps slightly tighter immigration rules is quickly drowned out by those shouting about our country being completely over run by immigrants who take all of our jobs/women/housing/air/water...
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    Here we go again, the racist card. Just because someone tells it how it is, they are labelled racist! There are illigal imigrants pouring into this country because of zero border control and do-gooders doing their bit for them once they are here. Too much of tax payers money is going on helping all these people who come here with no basic education, who cannot speak any English when our basic infrastructure is crumbling. Am I wrong in thinking that this and any future government should help it's own citizens first? Am I racist for thinking of my own country first?
    Hang on, I think it's Liberty knocking on my door.................
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Well, of course we could just repatriate everyone to from whence they came. But then of course, we'd have to have back all of our emmigrants. Now there may be less of those than the immigrants, but anyone who wants to get all huffy about people coming into the country and working here (taking our jobs, sniff sniff, lynch, lynch) needs to bear in mind that those who can't get a job now, probably wouldn't get a job if the emmigrants came back either. Oddly, whilst the Daily Mail readers get all het up about the numbers of immigrants, they make less of a noise about the emmigrants.

    Or is the idea that all our emmigrants stay abroad?.........
    Faster than a tent.......
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    byke68 wrote:
    Here we go again, the racist card. Just because someone tells it how it is, they are labelled racist! There are illigal imigrants pouring into this country because of zero border control and do-gooders doing their bit for them once they are here. Too much of tax payers money is going on helping all these people who come here with no basic education, who cannot speak any English when our basic infrastructure is crumbling. Am I wrong in thinking that this and any future government should help it's own citizens first? Am I racist for thinking of my own country first?
    Hang on, I think it's Liberty knocking on my door.................

    (Bangs head against wall in despair)

    Nobody's calling anybody racist for being in favour of tighter controls. I (and others) am just asking that people stick to reality instead of all this ignorant "immigrants have it so good" bollox.
  • willhub
    willhub Posts: 821
    SEND THEM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    Immigration is a net benefit to our economy, so the only realistic basis on which you can oppose it is that you don't like too many foreign types around. Funnily enough since the UK is an island and since humans didn't appear here from thin air we are all descended from immigrants (the vast majority of us more recently than we imagine).

    Humans move about, they go from place to place, they always have and always will. Learn to deal with reality instead of creating racial/ethnic fantasies.
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    johnfinch wrote:
    byke68 wrote:
    Here we go again, the racist card. Just because someone tells it how it is, they are labelled racist! There are illigal imigrants pouring into this country because of zero border control and do-gooders doing their bit for them once they are here. Too much of tax payers money is going on helping all these people who come here with no basic education, who cannot speak any English when our basic infrastructure is crumbling. Am I wrong in thinking that this and any future government should help it's own citizens first? Am I racist for thinking of my own country first?
    Hang on, I think it's Liberty knocking on my door.................

    (Bangs head against wall in despair)

    Nobody's calling anybody racist for being in favour of tighter controls. I (and others) am just asking that people stick to reality instead of all this ignorant "immigrants have it so good" bollox.

    But they do, don't they?

    How's your head?
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    byke68 wrote:
    johnfinch wrote:
    byke68 wrote:
    Here we go again, the racist card. Just because someone tells it how it is, they are labelled racist! There are illigal imigrants pouring into this country because of zero border control and do-gooders doing their bit for them once they are here. Too much of tax payers money is going on helping all these people who come here with no basic education, who cannot speak any English when our basic infrastructure is crumbling. Am I wrong in thinking that this and any future government should help it's own citizens first? Am I racist for thinking of my own country first?
    Hang on, I think it's Liberty knocking on my door.................

    (Bangs head against wall in despair)

    Nobody's calling anybody racist for being in favour of tighter controls. I (and others) am just asking that people stick to reality instead of all this ignorant "immigrants have it so good" bollox.

    But they do, don't they?

    How's your head?

    No, they don't. See my post further up the page. Through my wife and my work I know quite a few immigrants and they have to work very, very hard for what they get. Ever worked on a farm? It's hard work for poor wages.

    I used to teach English out in Slovakia and Hungary and believe me, over there nobody talks about coming to England for benefits, they always wanted to know about how job interviews go, etc. It's only now that they are (slowly) cottoning on to the fact that not all the streets are paved with gold in the UK.
  • nathancom
    nathancom Posts: 1,567
    We have had a lot of E. Europeans working at our company and without exception they have all worked much harder than the locals. Maybe the locals need to do an honest day's work for once and stop blaming other people for their own failings.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    I blame the Vikings, the Normans, and Wiggle.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    I blame the neanderthals, coming over here, taking over this country from the wolves. Bloody immigrants. And wiggle.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    johnfinch wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    What ever happened to freedom of speech? If you aren't happy with the way our country is being run and over run by mass immigration then are we not entitled to voice our opinion anymore through fear of being a racist? ....the whole of Europe is attracted to and is travelling to (as we speak), to such a small area on the globe (the UK) like a magnet! Why? Because we are handing out paychecks and free homes to the immigrants...immigration has allowed foreigners to enter the country and work for lower rates of pay because their properties back home are so much cheaper than here in the UK, so they can afford to undercut British workers, ship the money back home, and then when they are done, return home and retire at 45/50 with their feet up on the sofa living a cushy little life

    Soni, you are exactly the sort of person who gets the "racist" label applied to those who oppose immigration, because you just come out with a load of crap.

    My wife is an immigrant, so here's the reality - she couldn't claim benefits without paying into the system for 2 years.

    She didn't get given a free house unfortunately.

    She has been unable to find a job which matches her qualifications - she has a degree from a good university, speaks 4 languages fluently (including English, naturally) and has lived in 5 different countries, so real get up and go attitude. She earns £8k p.a. Her friends in this country (mainly immigrants as well) are in similar positions - all came here for personal reasons, all massively over-qualified for the jobs they do, all see incompetent Brits get promotions ahead of them.

    She often has to put with racist comments and the general ignorance of the totally insular British people.

    The idea that they can just save up a load of money and then retire at 45/50 back home (unless they're something like a doctor) is complete and utter bollocks.

    If you don't want to be called a racist, concentrate on facts and sensible arguments instead of what you've heard down the pub, because life for immigrants in this country isn't some easy ride.

    Put your dummy back in your mouth and stop throwing your toys out of your pram just because your wife is an immigrant and you feel personally insulted.

    As for the racist insult, you have the right to believe what you want to believe, as I've said in my previous post i couldnt give a sh*t what people think of me, I have the right to speak freely and maybe others should think the same way instead of being afraid to do so for fears of exactly what you are doing now!

    What you said above has Nothing to do with the tradesman of this country having their prices undercut, and ok she's married to you so that puts a slightly different slant on things, but that doesn't change the fact that many immigrants have no family ties with British people and are here for the money and are killing the industry for our skilled tradesman.
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Read the OP but after the 1st page I cannot be bothered to read the lefty liberal drivel.

    Totally agree with the OP immigration needs to stop. To many coming here from non EU that have nothing to offer our society.

    Can I ask how so many Africans, especially Nigerian, gain leave to stay and then live off benefits? Or they have a complete fake CV that is transparent as a pane of glass?
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    byke68 wrote:
    Here we go again, the racist card. Just because someone tells it how it is, they are labelled racist! There are illigal imigrants pouring into this country because of zero border control and do-gooders doing their bit for them once they are here. Too much of tax payers money is going on helping all these people who come here with no basic education, who cannot speak any English when our basic infrastructure is crumbling. Am I wrong in thinking that this and any future government should help it's own citizens first? Am I racist for thinking of my own country first?
    Hang on, I think it's Liberty knocking on my door.................

    Thankfully somebody else has a pair of balls and isn't afraid of telling it how it is, no your not racist, if more were like you this country wouldn't be in the mess that it is today.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Fair enough Rick. I guess most people make presumptions about immigrants so why not make presumptions about the people making presumptions?

    The dramatic use of words and terms on both sides of the argument amuses me the most. For some reason immigration is all about:

    -Freedom of Speech
    -Ancestry (sorry i'm borrowing alot from Soni's gem of a misinformed post)

    It's like every conversation about cycling involving:

    -The pharmaceuticals industry
    -The science of aerodynamics
    -The laws of physics

    Bullsh*t and hyperbole to be expected in copious amounts.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    nathancom wrote:
    We have had a lot of E. Europeans working at our company and without exception they have all worked much harder than the locals. Maybe the locals need to do an honest day's work for once and stop blaming other people for their own failings.

    Completely agree about many don't want to get off their asses and work for a living, I know a few from school that have never worked and never will, I've walked by their homes in the mornings on the way to the station and they are sitting in their gardens soaking up the sun, whilst I'm off to work to support my family AND theirs!

    However, there are also those that DO want to work and are prepared to graft for a living but their industry has been affected severely by immigration.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Fair enough Rick. I guess most people make presumptions about immigrants so why not make presumptions about the people making presumptions?

    The dramatic use of words and terms on both sides of the argument amuses me the most. For some reason immigration is all about:

    -Freedom of Speech
    -Ancestry (sorry i'm borrowing alot from Soni's gem of a misinformed post)

    It's like every conversation about cycling involving:

    -The pharmaceuticals industry
    -The science of aerodynamics
    -The laws of physics

    Bullsh*t and hyperbole to be expected in copious amounts.

    Ok fella, you care to elloborate a bit more on how the above is 'misinformed'?
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    Soni wrote:
    byke68 wrote:
    Here we go again, the racist card. Just because someone tells it how it is, they are labelled racist! There are illigal imigrants pouring into this country because of zero border control and do-gooders doing their bit for them once they are here. Too much of tax payers money is going on helping all these people who come here with no basic education, who cannot speak any English when our basic infrastructure is crumbling. Am I wrong in thinking that this and any future government should help it's own citizens first? Am I racist for thinking of my own country first?
    Hang on, I think it's Liberty knocking on my door.................

    Thankfully somebody else has a pair of balls and isn't afraid of telling it how it is, no your not racist, if more were like you this country wouldn't be in the mess that it is today.

    Thank you.
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Soni wrote:
    Thankfully somebody else has a pair of balls and isn't afraid of telling it how [What, like being factually accurate?] it is, no your not racist, if more were like you this country wouldn't be in the mess that it is today.

    Let's see....
    byke68 wrote:
    Here we go again, the racist card. Just because someone tells it how it is, they are labelled racist! There are illigal imigrants pouring into this country because of zero border control [This is factually incorrect] and do-gooders doing their bit for them once they are here [Like, what? Any examples? Any evidence?]. Too much of tax payers money is going on helping all these people [Illegal Immigrants can't claim benefits, that's why they take on casual work and generally try to stay 'under the radar'] who come here with no basic education[That's spurious rubbish, even so there are very few countries in the world without primary education provisions], who cannot speak any English [More spurious crap, any data here?] when our basic infrastructure is crumbling [I believe we all have clean running water, electricity, paved roads, trains, and airports readily available for use. If not, where do you live? I'd like to avoid it or at least go prepared]. Am I wrong in thinking that this and any future government should help it's own citizens first? Am I racist for thinking of my own country first?
    Hang on, I think it's Liberty knocking on my door.................
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Soni wrote:
    Ok fella, you care to elloborate a bit more on how the above is 'misinformed'?

    Well, hard work and sacrifice aren't exclusive to our [British] ancestors. But maybe you just meant the ancestors of humanity in general. Oh no, you made specific reference to how their hard work and sacrifice made our country great (or rich and privileged rather).

    However, you forgot a few things. We're owe a lot of our wealth and privilege to other nations: including their labour; their natural resources; and their co-operation in wars. That's by no means an exhaustive list though.

    Moving on to freedom of speech. Or rather your suggestion that it has disappeared, vanished, ceased to exist. The very fact that you are free to express your opinion here, openly, seems to contradict you somewhat. I mean if you're that concerned then write a letter to your MP. If they come and arrest you i will gladly help establish a campaign to end your wrongful detention.
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    Thankfully somebody else has a pair of balls and isn't afraid of telling it how [What, like being factually accurate?] it is, no your not racist, if more were like you this country wouldn't be in the mess that it is today.

    Let's see....
    byke68 wrote:
    Here we go again, the racist card. Just because someone tells it how it is, they are labelled racist! There are illigal imigrants pouring into this country because of zero border control [This is factually incorrect] and do-gooders doing their bit for them once they are here [Like, what? Any examples? Any evidence?]. Too much of tax payers money is going on helping all these people [Illegal Immigrants can't claim benefits, that's why they take on casual work and generally try to stay 'under the radar'] who come here with no basic education[That's spurious rubbish, even so there are very few countries in the world without primary education provisions], who cannot speak any English [More spurious crap, any data here?] when our basic infrastructure is crumbling [I believe we all have clean running water, electricity, paved roads, trains, and airports readily available for use. If not, where do you live? I'd like to avoid it or at least go prepared]. Am I wrong in thinking that this and any future government should help it's own citizens first? Am I racist for thinking of my own country first?

    Zero border control - so why is there so many illigal imigrants here?
    Do-gooders - paying for translaters for example
    Infrastructure - so we have got perfect roads have we? What about Walkers, Tesco's etc, making us pay for school books and PE gear, councils cutting back year after year because the government gives them less and less each year.
    Transport - Bus routes now run as a business not as a service.

    I'll put me Doc Martins on.......................
    Hang on, I think it's Liberty knocking on my door.................
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
  • Vesterberg
    Vesterberg Posts: 330
    Soni wrote:
    vitesse169 wrote:
    The Aussies do it, the Yanks do it, the Germans/French/Spanish all take less than 10% of the assylum seekers that we do - I'm not being racist, but why should we be the dumping ground in Europe ? Remember San Gatte in N.France ?...... It's still there, the problem is still there - the French authorities choose to ignore it largely as the outflow is away from France into the UK. It's because no other place has the welfare state we do that people can take advantage of.
    If I'm wrong, show me I'm wrong and I'll stand corrected - I know it's not a simple situation with a simple answer - but what do we do ???

    I think its a great shame when people feel the need to justify/clarify in their posts or conversations that they aren't racists when talking about the immigration problem......

    What ever happened to freedom of speech? If you aren't happy with the way our country is being run and over run by mass immigration then are we not entitled to voice our opinion anymore through fear of being a racist? This is exactly what has led to this problem in the first place, our Country wanting to be seen as being kind, caring, generous, and not wanting to appear as being a racist country, the Government need to grow a pair of balls and stand up to the critics, if the Borders should be closed then close them, if we are thought of as being a racist country for doing so then so be it!

    Our fathers/grandfathers/great grandfathers thought two world wars to protect our borders and country from what is happening right now and our Government have just opened the Border doors and are welcoming everybody with open arms! Take a look at the world globe, look at the size of Europe compared with the size of the UK, the whole of Europe is attracted to and is travelling to (as we speak), to such a small area on the globe (the UK) like a magnet! Why? Because we are handing out paychecks and free homes to the immigrants and mugs like us British taxpayers are having to pick up the bill, do you enjoy working 3 months per year for nothing more but to pay the tax to fund this type of system ?

    Watch UK Border Force on TV, those immigrants stowed away in the backs of those trailiers, they kick them off, they go straight into hiding in the 'bush' and then try the next trailer over, its like a game to them, they need to be disciplined in a way that will deter them from trying again, we are paying a lot of money to police our Borders and its clearly not working, due to no deterrent, because they know if they don't succeed the first time, then its only a matter of time until they jump on the next trailer and get accross, because they know we don't have the resources to check every trailer and there is no deterrent.

    What about Builders, Plasterers, Plumbers, etc., who have families, homes, mortgages to pay for in this Country and need to earn a decent crust to meet their mortgage payment each month, but immigration has allowed foreigners to enter the country and work for lower rates of pay because their properties back home are so much cheaper than here in the UK, so they can afford to undercut British workers, ship the money back home, and then when they are done, return home and retire at 45/50 with their feet up on the sofa living a cushy little life whilst the British guy is having their homes and cars repossessed and having to work into their late 70's because they are working for less than half the wage they were getting 10 years ago! I was speaking to a Polish guy a couple of years ago in a building in London and he had been working here about a year, i asked him if he likes it here, he said he can't stand our country, he said he's only here for the money and will then be going back home!

    If the above offends anybody then so be it, those who like to play the race card need to grow a pair and realise that its nothing to do with the colour of peoples skin or the country they come from, its about the hard work and cost of life that our ancestors have paid over the years to make it such a great country as it once was, and seeing it going down the pan like it is now, and when it is affecting the lives of British people in the process, this is what gets on British peoples tits and nothing more.

  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    Vesterberg wrote:
    Soni wrote:
    vitesse169 wrote:
    The Aussies do it, the Yanks do it, the Germans/French/Spanish all take less than 10% of the assylum seekers that we do - I'm not being racist, but why should we be the dumping ground in Europe ? Remember San Gatte in N.France ?...... It's still there, the problem is still there - the French authorities choose to ignore it largely as the outflow is away from France into the UK. It's because no other place has the welfare state we do that people can take advantage of.
    If I'm wrong, show me I'm wrong and I'll stand corrected - I know it's not a simple situation with a simple answer - but what do we do ???

    I think its a great shame when people feel the need to justify/clarify in their posts or conversations that they aren't racists when talking about the immigration problem......

    What ever happened to freedom of speech? If you aren't happy with the way our country is being run and over run by mass immigration then are we not entitled to voice our opinion anymore through fear of being a racist? This is exactly what has led to this problem in the first place, our Country wanting to be seen as being kind, caring, generous, and not wanting to appear as being a racist country, the Government need to grow a pair of balls and stand up to the critics, if the Borders should be closed then close them, if we are thought of as being a racist country for doing so then so be it!

    Our fathers/grandfathers/great grandfathers thought two world wars to protect our borders and country from what is happening right now and our Government have just opened the Border doors and are welcoming everybody with open arms! Take a look at the world globe, look at the size of Europe compared with the size of the UK, the whole of Europe is attracted to and is travelling to (as we speak), to such a small area on the globe (the UK) like a magnet! Why? Because we are handing out paychecks and free homes to the immigrants and mugs like us British taxpayers are having to pick up the bill, do you enjoy working 3 months per year for nothing more but to pay the tax to fund this type of system ?

    Watch UK Border Force on TV, those immigrants stowed away in the backs of those trailiers, they kick them off, they go straight into hiding in the 'bush' and then try the next trailer over, its like a game to them, they need to be disciplined in a way that will deter them from trying again, we are paying a lot of money to police our Borders and its clearly not working, due to no deterrent, because they know if they don't succeed the first time, then its only a matter of time until they jump on the next trailer and get accross, because they know we don't have the resources to check every trailer and there is no deterrent.

    What about Builders, Plasterers, Plumbers, etc., who have families, homes, mortgages to pay for in this Country and need to earn a decent crust to meet their mortgage payment each month, but immigration has allowed foreigners to enter the country and work for lower rates of pay because their properties back home are so much cheaper than here in the UK, so they can afford to undercut British workers, ship the money back home, and then when they are done, return home and retire at 45/50 with their feet up on the sofa living a cushy little life whilst the British guy is having their homes and cars repossessed and having to work into their late 70's because they are working for less than half the wage they were getting 10 years ago! I was speaking to a Polish guy a couple of years ago in a building in London and he had been working here about a year, i asked him if he likes it here, he said he can't stand our country, he said he's only here for the money and will then be going back home!

    If the above offends anybody then so be it, those who like to play the race card need to grow a pair and realise that its nothing to do with the colour of peoples skin or the country they come from, its about the hard work and cost of life that our ancestors have paid over the years to make it such a great country as it once was, and seeing it going down the pan like it is now, and when it is affecting the lives of British people in the process, this is what gets on British peoples tits and nothing more.


    Who, where?
    Like the half man half biscuit avatar!
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    byke68 wrote:
    Zero border control - so why is there so many illigal imigrants here?
    Do-gooders - paying for translaters for example
    Infrastructure - so we have got perfect roads have we? What about Walkers, Tesco's etc, making us pay for school books and PE gear, councils cutting back year after year because the government gives them less and less each year.
    Transport - Bus routes now run as a business not as a service.

    Ok i genuinely can't tell if you are trolling or just really really stupid and misinformed.

    But, but, but, there's one thing i really can't resist: PE kit and school books.... infrastructure? :roll: :lol:

    If you are trolling then i don't know what would be more depressing - me reading and responding to your posts or Soni endorsing them.... hmmmmm.
  • Soni
    Soni Posts: 1,217
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    byke68 wrote:
    Zero border control - so why is there so many illigal imigrants here?
    Do-gooders - paying for translaters for example
    Infrastructure - so we have got perfect roads have we? What about Walkers, Tesco's etc, making us pay for school books and PE gear, councils cutting back year after year because the government gives them less and less each year.
    Transport - Bus routes now run as a business not as a service.

    Ok i genuinely can't tell if you are trolling or just really really stupid and misinformed.

    But, but, but, there's one thing i really can't resist: PE kit and school books.... infrastructure? :roll: :lol:

    If you are trolling then i don't know what would be more depressing - me reading and responding to your posts or Soni endorsing them.... hmmmmm.

    Can't tell if he's trolling? Funny that as I can't work out if you are an immigrant, married to one, or the amount of sh*t you came out with above means one at least is true.....
  • byke68
    byke68 Posts: 1,070
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    byke68 wrote:
    Zero border control - so why is there so many illigal imigrants here?
    Do-gooders - paying for translaters for example
    Infrastructure - so we have got perfect roads have we? What about Walkers, Tesco's etc, making us pay for school books and PE gear, councils cutting back year after year because the government gives them less and less each year.
    Transport - Bus routes now run as a business not as a service.

    Ok i genuinely can't tell if you are trolling or just really really stupid and misinformed.

    But, but, but, there's one thing i really can't resist: PE kit and school books.... infrastructure? :roll: :lol:

    If you are trolling then i don't know what would be more depressing - me reading and responding to your posts or Soni endorsing them.... hmmmmm.

    If I'm right or wrong, if you are right or wrong, it's all food for thought. None of us who have added or replied in this thread has the answer to the question "is it time to shut the UK borders". No matter what the government does about it, someone will be unhappy.
    In the meantime, we'll all just p*ss and whine and take it up the a**e.
    Cannondale Trail 6 - crap brakes!
    Cannondale CAAD8
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    Soni wrote:
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    byke68 wrote:
    Zero border control - so why is there so many illigal imigrants here?
    Do-gooders - paying for translaters for example
    Infrastructure - so we have got perfect roads have we? What about Walkers, Tesco's etc, making us pay for school books and PE gear, councils cutting back year after year because the government gives them less and less each year.
    Transport - Bus routes now run as a business not as a service.

    Ok i genuinely can't tell if you are trolling or just really really stupid and misinformed.

    But, but, but, there's one thing i really can't resist: PE kit and school books.... infrastructure? :roll: :lol:

    If you are trolling then i don't know what would be more depressing - me reading and responding to your posts or Soni endorsing them.... hmmmmm.

    Can't tell if he's trolling? Funny that as I can't work out if you are an immigrant, married to one, or the amount of sh*t you came out with above means one at least is true.....

    Quite what has he come out with that's s**te

    Generally interested, because it looked fairly balanced to me.
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    For your info i'm a white British son of white British parents (just in case you couldn't make that deduction yourself). I'm not married. My parents jobs are 1) Welder 2) Midwife (used to be 'just' a nurse until i was about 12 years old). My extended family predominantly have manual jobs (plumbers, electricians, carpenters). None of them owns their own business. I'm the first male in my extended family to go to university to study for a degree, my sister was the first person full stop to do so. I've lived my entire life in a semi-rural Wiltshire garrison town (the one that's been on the news alot recently after several lads got blown up) where practically the only foreign people are the take-away restaurant owners and a couple of eastern European factory workers.

    If anyone was going to fit into the 'racist' stereotype i'd be a good candidate.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Soni wrote:
    Can't tell if he's trolling? Funny that as I can't work out if you are an immigrant, married to one, or the amount of sh*t you came out with above means one at least is true.....

    So considering ONE of the above must be true - i must be a troll.

    Answer me this.... if i'm being a troll by stating PE kit and school books aren't infrastructure, then are you seriously saying you think they are?

    Please answer. It would make my day :lol: