New bike - online retailer, chain snapped, advice please



  • Crankbrother
    Crankbrother Posts: 1,695
    Fricking unbelievable, the OP will be moaning he could cut steak with a knife next, imagine if he stapped his child with it?!

    The company have offered the best they can, as a goodwill gesture no less ... Heaven help his local authority if the lights don't change to green everytime he gets to them (even if they offer to buy him new brake blocks to cover the extra wear) ...
  • richard36
    richard36 Posts: 346
    Co-incidentally I too bought a bike (mountain) from an online retailer - Chain Reaction. It was a present for my son and on his second ride (going up a slight hill) the chain snapped, or at least several links buckled. It happened when he went onto the middle ring and the chain then slipped off onto the granny ring then slipped off again and somehow buckled.

    It was very frustrating (and potentially very dangerous) as the bike had only been ridden for a few miles. However a replacement chain was sent which I fitted. The new chain came off whilst I was going through the gears whilst it was on the workstand. I then noticed that some of the teeth on the middle and granny ring were bent. I'm not sure whether they were bent when supplied or were bent by the chain (more likely the former). CR asked me what make the chain rings were (Suntour) and as they didn't have them in stock I (cheekily) asked for a complete Shimano Deore Chainset. They told me the price of the chainset was £33 more than the chainset on the bike but that they would let me have the Deore chainset and also pay for the chainset to be fitted.

    It has been very annoying and I've still got the hassle of having to get the chainset fitted (haven't got the tools to do it) but to be fair CR have tried to put matters right.

    The online retailer, which the OP is talking about, also seems to be doing what they can to rectify the situation and personally I think the OP should leave it at that and move on.
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Thebigbee wrote:
    It would have been nice if any one of you ever so helpful fellow cyclists actually read the first post...

    Asking a bit much I guess.

    Should have put in even less detail and then would have, perhaps, got some helpful answers.

    We did and i think its safe to say we're all p!ssing ourselves laughing. You seem to be in a minority of one as to what a fair outcome is (which you clearly dont know as you wont say what you expect them to do!!)

    Here's a little something for all those reading
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Do we dare?? Oh yes!! :lol::lol:

  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    I am unsure who actually read the OP before commenting on it. I will reiterate the last paragraph for those either too thick or lazy.

    "Unfortunately I struggle to find it a "one off" as I had another insurance bike off them that was riddled with problems whilst all the other bikes I have ever owned, all second hand, haven't been. Sods law? I'm not convinced."

    Seriously - why on earth has this thread warranted so many, basically abusive responses - whilst other people are requesting help - funny that - seeing that it is a beginners thread - and everyone seems to be giving me their unhelpful abuse - whilst ignoring other beginners requests for help.

    Bit odd I would say.

    Are you all just sheep, unhelpful, "comedians", sad cases, jealous, oddballs, psychos?!! - Don't get it!

    If I have no knowledge of a subject or can't help - I just won't answer - it is just a little bit sad to abuse some stranger on the internet who hasn't offended me personally.

    Obviously not the case on this thread.

    I really wish I could think of a simpler question about cycling - apart from the one I asked - but I can't.

    Have fun guys

    Thanks for your "help" - LOL - and for the "married" guy - ahahahahahah - wow that feels S A D

    Cheers pal...
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    I do feel the title is a bit wordy, may I suggest a quick edit.

  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Really ? Really ???

    Have a read of the 'Be Warned' and 'Do something' threads..............
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Thebigbee wrote:
    Seriously - why on earth has this thread warranted so many, basically abusive responses - whilst other people are requesting help - funny that - seeing that it is a beginners thread - and everyone seems to be giving me their unhelpful abuse - whilst ignoring other beginners requests for help.

    Bit odd I would say.

    If I have no knowledge of a subject or can't help - I just won't answer - it is just a little bit sad to abuse some stranger on the internet who hasn't offended me personally.

    Obviously not the case on this thread.

    You call someone (Matt) an "idiot" in the 4th post on the thread and then have the nerve to say the above!! Errmm ok.
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Thebigbee wrote:
    Seriously - why on earth has this thread warranted so many, basically abusive responses - whilst other people are requesting help - funny that - seeing that it is a beginners thread - and everyone seems to be giving me their unhelpful abuse - whilst ignoring other beginners requests for help.

    Bit odd I would say.

    If I have no knowledge of a subject or can't help - I just won't answer - it is just a little bit sad to abuse some stranger on the internet who hasn't offended me personally.

    Obviously not the case on this thread.

    You call someone (Matt) an "idiot" in the 4th post on the thread and then have the nerve to say the above!! Errmm ok.

    No - will just call you an idiot sheep - do you, Ermmm, know what the hell you are even commenting on?

    Please provide evidence that you do.

    If not you are just another sheep....from Merseyside...

    Doesn't help the general impression of intelligence or lack of does it?

    Please explain what you are even wittering on about and why and how, in any way it has helped anyone?

    Too much for you I guess and your natural lobotomy...

  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Please carry on guys - bit of a way to 28,000 views - but you are doing your bit, internationally, for cyclists!

    Saaaaadd cases
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Thebigbee wrote:

    No - will just call you an idiot sheep - do you, Ermmm, know what the hell you are even commenting on?

    Please provide evidence that you do.

    If not you are just another sheep....from Merseyside...

    Doesn't help the general impression of intelligence or lack of does it?

    Keep going - you're looking more and more like a complete t*t with every post. :lol::lol::lol:
  • gmacz
    gmacz Posts: 343
    There is a field full of sheep in this topic.
    Did you hit a sheep and snap the chain.
    Where are all the sheep comong from.
  • Wirral_paul
    Wirral_paul Posts: 2,476
    Richard36 wrote:
    The online retailer, which the OP is talking about, also seems to be doing what they can to rectify the situation and personally I think the OP should leave it at that and move on.

    Thumbs up to Wheelies for their customer service anyway - even if some seem to want something (god knows what though) more!! 8)
  • nakita222
    nakita222 Posts: 341
    Don't take the piss, how does he know that the cassette, chainrings, derailler,wheels, brakes or frame were not damaged when his chain snapped. This guy needs a new bike, preferably an upgrade. Also to whoever said sh1t happens, what world do you live in, in the normal world that me and the OP live in everything is perfect and smells flowery.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    Thebigbee wrote:
    If not you are just another sheep....from Merseyside...

    Doesn't help the general impression of intelligence or lack of does it?


    Too much for you I guess and your natural lobotomy...


    oooh................ and bigoted as well,
    Ambassador, with these posts, you are truely spoiling us !!
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Thebigbee wrote:
    Please carry on guys - bit of a way to 28,000 views - but you are doing your bit, internationally, for cyclists!

    Saaaaadd cases

    You are Alana Partridge...and I claim my 5 pounds.
  • May I just say ... please keep going loving every minute of this one ...
  • Your forum history shows a few interesting pointers as to why we are here ... totally out of context but you have written this amidst your several 100 posts:
    #My advice is; be aggressive#

    'charmless nerk' comes to mind very easily, but that's being unkind to nerks as I am one of them.
    My pen won't write on the screen
  • Pseudonym
    Pseudonym Posts: 1,032
    Thebigbee wrote:
    I am not after making a claim against them or anything like that, luckily I wasn't injured. I would just appreciate some advice as to handle the situation.

    My advice would be get a grip, fit the new chain and keep riding. Chains break sometimes - it's nobody's fault.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    edited January 2012
    Thebigbee wrote:
    I got a brand new Scott and the chain just snapped. I watched the chain slide off and then watched it get caught on the chainring.

    I informed the company and the chain isn't covered by the warranty. They have offered to send me a new chain and have offered to reimburse me when I take it to a bike shop to fit.

    Something like this could have been potentially lethal. It just shouldn't happen on a new bike with under 20 miles on the clock.

    I wasn't injured. I would just appreciate some advice as to handle the situation.

    I had another insurance bike off them that was riddled with problems.

    Any advice or suggestions greatfully received,

    Right. That's the spurious words taken out. Let's see. Chain snapped, supplier says oh - have a new one, send us the bill for fitting it. OP imagines that they owe him more as anything could have happened.

    Here's the reality. Chains snap. I bet [sticks finger in air] 64% of us have suffered chain failure at some point. No-one dies; it's rare that they go bang and you fall under a lorry; usually they separate on one side then the other follows and you catch it, or crump your nuts on the top tube, or do that undignified dance with the feet bouncing off the road as you try to keep upright. That's what happens. Embarassment, bit of pain, loss of dignity. I'd be amazed if anyone can uncover a fatality due to chain failure.

    You weren't injured so that's ok.

    Advice? You've had plenty. Put it down to experience and get on with it. You could check the chain, maybe ask (if it's a Shimano chain) if the chain was joined with a used pin but the reality is that it happened; accept the replacement and move on.

    Your best option is to learn basic and not-so-basic bike maintenance; how to fix a chain, how to check that the rings & cassette weren't damaged by this major incident, how to give your bike a good check over and how to set it up when it arrives from the supplier. Trusting a supplier to provide your bike exactly to your requirements is expecting a bit much anyway; as you'll need to adjust it to fit you should at the same time give it a good check to see that the indexing is correct, the front & rear mech adjustment won't allow the chain to go where it shouldn't go, and that everything that should be tight is tight and things that should move, move.

    Thanks for a good chortle though. We're laughing because you're demanding the moon on a stick because of a simple chain failure that had no nasty effects. Move on.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    nakita222 wrote:
    Don't take the wee-wee, how does he know that the cassette, chainrings, derailler,wheels, brakes or frame were not damaged when his chain snapped. This guy needs a new bike, preferably an upgrade.

    How does he know? He doesn't. Because instead of taking up the offer of the new chain fitted and riding the bike, which would highlight any drivetrain damage, he is sat in his pram throwing his toys out. He's actually had useful advice here, if not very sympathetic advice, but he chooses not to see that.

    As for a new bike - you're being as daft as the OP. :wink:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU WANT THE RETAILER TO DO OVER AND ABOVE WHAT THEY HAVE OFFERED? WHAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY? you have received plenty of advice thus far on this thread, but seem loathed to accept it. The majority seems to say, accept the new chain, have it fitted and whilst at your LBS ask them to give your bike a once over to check for subsequent damage. Problem solved.

    You have received abuse because you refuse to re-read your OP and accept that the way just about everyone else has read it is that it comes across as a pure rant with no purpose. You keep pointing us back to your last paragraph for some reason....just accept gracefully that you had a spat and have now calmed down and bring us the good news about your chain being fixed and no consequential damage found and how you are now munching the miles happily.

    That or accept that you are just trolling...

  • I'm laughing more at the funny replies and not at you OP - part of what makes this forum fun is that people take the p*ss. You did get the opinions of members that you asked for though and don't be upset that they also took the opportunity to have a laugh and give us all a laugh - please?

    I posted a (now I realise ridiculous) thread asking why I wasn't going faster on a new bike I bought. Several people replied to point out that it was because I was a fat unfit ba****rd (in no uncertain terms!). It was true - it was funny - and I also got good advice (ride more eat less!) but some fun was had.
  • noodleman
    noodleman Posts: 852
    I feel for for the OP in the fact that it's never nice for something to go wrong with your new pride and joy.
    The retailer has been more than fair though, so take the bike to the LBS and get them to check for any other damage. I reckon with the retailers previous goodwill they would probably help out if any other problem arises as a result of the chain breakage. As others have said, these things happen.
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  • Simonhi
    Simonhi Posts: 229
    Thread of the year so far for Thebigbee ... Sounds like Big Baby to me.

  • TheBigBee, Im afraid as most people are suggesting the Chain is a consumable, should last 1500 miles some last 3000 and some last (all be it very few) 20, difficult to prove its badly manufactured. However if the next chain breaks in 20 miles I think you have evidence that the bike has been poorly put together. If I were you I would take the chain offered, and the reimbursement of an LBS fit. The LBS will tell you if there is something more fundamentally wrong
    Current Stock:
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  • y33stu
    y33stu Posts: 376
    2012 is brand new, but this gets my vote for thread of the year. Brilliant.
    Cycling prints
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  • brettjmcc
    brettjmcc Posts: 1,361
    I posted a (now I realise ridiculous) thread asking why I wasn't going faster on a new bike I bought. Several people replied to point out that it was because I was a fat unfit ba****rd (in no uncertain terms!). It was true - it was funny - and I also got good advice (ride more eat less!) but some fun was had.

    You need to clean the biscuit crumbs from your keyboard - it appears you have some sticking keys that are being replaced by asterisks... :P
    BMC GF01
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  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,478
    edited January 2012
    I have read all 58+ posts (including ones where you whinge ALOT) (not including the new ones, since replying, they're probably funny or you...)

    I have come to the following conclusion...

    You've bought a cheap bike, to which they've obviously fitted a cheap shitty chain... and you're a cheapskate who can't afford a decent one. SPEND PROPER MONEY NEXT TIME!!!

    They offered to reimburse you for chain and labour (perhaps you confused this with labour pains and images of childbirth came to mind, thus refusing their generous offer)

    Maybe you also changed the gears wrong? Some people are idiots like that *cough*

    Also if the bike was delivered, did you check to see if everything was set up properly or did you just get on and pedal like a child possessed?? (if the bike came pre-assembled then YOU is a cheesewand)


    Buy one of these:
    It has a massive chain guard thingy and no gears, so it shouldn't break. All the kids will think you're cool (the potato counting ones anyway)
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
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