April 1st



  • greasedscotsman
    greasedscotsman Posts: 6,962
    edited March 2012
    Ehh? I didn't say that, did I? :(

    Bit worried about Roubaix as their website is still showing the 2011 route. Wonder if they are still trying to decide if they should use Arenberg or not.

    But getting back to the warm up race, think you are right to be worried. It could just be like Fleche were everyone waits for the final climb. Don't think there will be wheelbarrows full of panache on Sunday!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Ehh? I didn't say that, did I? :(

    Bit worried about Roubaix as their website is still showing the 2011 route. Wonder if they are still trying to decide if they should use Arenberg or not.

    But getting back to the warm up race, think you are right to be worried. It could just be like Fleche were everyone waits for the final climb. Don't think there will be wheelbarrows full of panache on Sunday!


    It will be attritional - which is why you've got to put Canc as the #1 favourite.

    Last man standing will win it.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Would keep an eye on Devolder too.

    Looks like he did in '08.
  • Absolutely.

    It will be attritional - which is why you've got to put Canc as the #1 favourite.

    Last man standing will win it.

    I dunno, I would rate Boonen as just a strong a favourite. Really can't see past either of them, bascially as I can't think of anyone else who could win!
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661

    It will be attritional - which is why you've got to put Canc as the #1 favourite.

    Last man standing will win it.

    I dunno, I would rate Boonen as just a strong a favourite. Really can't see past either of them, bascially as I can't think of anyone else who could win!

    They could cancel each other out. In which case, expect a Chavanel or a Devolder to do something.

    Even a Pozzato or a Breschel if they make the cut.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    In the post G-W interview, Boonen was asked if Cancellara were to 'hold out his hand', would he join him, like he did in 2010.

    Boonen said he would pretty much have to, since when Canc goes, you've got to be there.
  • Looks like Boom might not start...

    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/doubts- ... f-flanders

    But current lineup is listed as:

    Lars Boom, Carlos Barredo, Matti Breschel, Tom Leezer, Bram Tankink, Maarten Tjallingii, Dennis Van Winden and Maarten Wynants.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Looks like Boom might not start...

    http://www.cyclingnews.com/news/doubts- ... f-flanders

    But current lineup is listed as:

    Lars Boom, Carlos Barredo, Matti Breschel, Tom Leezer, Bram Tankink, Maarten Tjallingii, Dennis Van Winden and Maarten Wynants.

    Wynants has been the most outstanding Rabo rider.

    Breschel looks like he's nearer to where he was in 2010.

    Wynants, Steegmans and Vandenbergh have been the outstanding pure domestiques so far.

    Of course, Gatto will be interesting too, esp. for Pozatto!
  • I'm beginning to think the route change might turn into a disaster.

    But to be fair, it doesn't really matter as it's just a warm up race for Roubaix! :wink:

    The organizers, with their VIP hospitality village built in the fields above Kwaremont, may disagree. Fortunes to be made selling cuisine+cycling packages, and, if you've a couple of thousand Euros to spend you can even enter your car in the publicity caravan and drive round the course.
  • The organizers, with their VIP hospitality village built in the fields above Kwaremont, may disagree. Fortunes to be made selling cuisine+cycling packages, and, if you've a couple of thousand Euros to spend you can even enter your car in the publicity caravan and drive round the course.

    The organisers? Well, sure they would say their race is better. But what do they know!

    But seriously, you see similar setups that your talking about at Roubaix. There used to be alot at the Carrefour de L'Arbre until they had their crowd problems in 2009. But I have defo seen a large tented VIP area at Arenberg along with the field next to the road just by the entrance to the forest full of camper vans.

    And fortunes to me made selling cuisine? Isn't that just a burger van? :wink:
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    http://www.sporza.be/cm/sporza/wielrenn ... der_vooraf

    Devolder doing his best to be the new 'Flandrian'.

    Why not ride the Driedaagse?
    De kopman van Vacansoleil wil zich aan zijn vaste stramien houden. Dat betekent na de tweede rit nog 70 à 80 km bijtrainen. "Dan zal ik woensdag net geen 300 km op de teller hebben. Als toemaatje ga ik donderdag nog eens voluit in de tijdrit."

    Rick Chasey translation:

    The leader of Vaconsoleil wants to keep hold of his stamina. That means riding 70-80km after he's finished the 2nd stage.

    "Then on Wednesday I'll have more or less 300km on the computer. As a little extra, I'll go flatout on Thursday in the time trial.".
  • Has be been taking training tips from Freddy Maertens?
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Apart from van Petegem and Wesemann (who aren't exactly "short" at 5'9") all the Ronde winners from the past dozen or so years are about 6' tall or greater.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    LangerDan wrote:
    Apart from van Petegem and Wesemann (who aren't exactly "short" at 5'9") all the Ronde winners from the past dozen or so years are about 6' tall or greater.

    Great stat.

    This is the kind of semi-pointless stat we are looking for in the run up!!
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    LangerDan wrote:
    Apart from van Petegem and Wesemann (who aren't exactly "short" at 5'9") all the Ronde winners from the past dozen or so years are about 6' tall or greater.

    Great stat.

    This is the kind of semi-pointless stat we are looking for in the run up!!

    Their average age was 30.5 and they were most likley to be Belgian or Italian

    < checks list of current riders to see who is 6 foot, 30-and-a-half, from Belgium or Italy, and in form>
    Looks like Pippo to win on Sunday, then!
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    LangerDan wrote:
    LangerDan wrote:
    Apart from van Petegem and Wesemann (who aren't exactly "short" at 5'9") all the Ronde winners from the past dozen or so years are about 6' tall or greater.

    Great stat.

    This is the kind of semi-pointless stat we are looking for in the run up!!

    Their average age was 30.5 and they were most likley to be Belgian or Italian

    < checks list of current riders to see who is 6 foot, 30-and-a-half, from Belgium or Italy, and in form>
    Looks like Pippo to win on Sunday, then!

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    The Oude Kwaremont: "The run-up to this climb is a race within a race. It's nervous, and elbows and shoulders are the order of the day to secure the best spot at the front. You really need to be a nasty bastard to defend and keep your position, but I had no problem with that. I had guts. The Oude Kwaremont is not a climb where you just stretch your legs. It's very important to be in the first two rows in order to get in the right position. If you have to chase from the foot of the Oude Kwaremont, you've lost already."
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    In the run up to the Paterberg, you apparently have to whack it into the little ring when you pass the wooden electricity post on the left just before you turn right.
  • The Oude Kwaremont: "The run-up to this climb is a race within a race. It's nervous, and elbows and shoulders are the order of the day to secure the best spot at the front. You really need to be a nasty bastard to defend and keep your position, but I had no problem with that. I had guts. The Oude Kwaremont is not a climb where you just stretch your legs. It's very important to be in the first two rows in order to get in the right position. If you have to chase from the foot of the Oude Kwaremont, you've lost already."

    Are we supposed to guess which rider said that? I think it was Rick Chasey after finishing the sportive...
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    OK guys, cross posting but it's important.

    From 12-2:15 our time Eurosport are showing motor racing rather than the Ronde.

    Get those illegal streams at the ready.
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    The Oude Kwaremont: "The run-up to this climb is a race within a race. It's nervous, and elbows and shoulders are the order of the day to secure the best spot at the front. You really need to be a nasty bastard to defend and keep your position, but I had no problem with that. I had guts. The Oude Kwaremont is not a climb where you just stretch your legs. It's very important to be in the first two rows in order to get in the right position. If you have to chase from the foot of the Oude Kwaremont, you've lost already."

    Are we supposed to guess which rider said that? I think it was Rick Chasey after finishing the sportive...

    I'm not going to even ask about this bit
    you apparently have to whack it into the little ring
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Indeed, guess the rider.

    No cheating with google.
  • OK guys, cross posting but it's important.

    From 12-2:15 our time Eurosport are showing motor racing rather than the Ronde.

    Get those illegal streams at the ready.

    Do you mean HD? The Touring cars are on from 1:15 to 2:15 on regular Eurosport.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    OK guys, cross posting but it's important.

    From 12-2:15 our time Eurosport are showing motor racing rather than the Ronde.

    Get those illegal streams at the ready.

    Do you mean HD? The Touring cars are on from 1:15 to 2:15 on regular Eurosport.

    Still - that's an important hour - when the first hit the circuits.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Indeed, guess the rider.

    No cheating with google.

    The Oude Kwaremont: "The run-up to this climb is a race within a race. It's nervous, and elbows and shoulders are the order of the day to secure the best spot at the front. You really need to be a nasty bastard to defend and keep your position, but I had no problem with that. I had guts. The Oude Kwaremont is not a climb where you just stretch your legs. It's very important to be in the first two rows in order to get in the right position. If you have to chase from the foot of the Oude Kwaremont, you've lost already."
    Andy Schleck

    In the run up to the Paterberg, you apparently have to whack it into the little ring when you pass the wooden electricity post on the left just before you turn right.

    Well, its not Bertie, thats for sure - a True Champion wouldn't have a "little ring". Just a 53 (and another 53 for when the first one wore out)

    What do I win?
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    The Paterberg comment was me ;)
  • The Paterberg comment was me ;)

    So what do I win then?
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    The Paterberg comment was me ;)

    So what do I win then?

    First PTP pick?
  • Crozza
    Crozza Posts: 991
    Indeed, guess the rider.

    Dan Martin