Newb to club riding wearing World Champs jersey



  • godders1
    godders1 Posts: 750
    Isn't everyone getting a little worked up over nothing?
    Welcome to the internet. :wink:
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    Pokerface wrote:
    I see Sarah Storey riding in her WC kit all the time and to my knowledge, it has not caused any problems.

    Yeah - having ridden with Sarah when she wears her kit - she looks a) fricking cool and b) well, fricking cool.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    MikeWW wrote:
    I am partly with the OP on this. We have a guy that is a masters World Champ in the club( it has taken him 15 years of trying) and we had a women who won a worlds jersey last year as well. We also have a couple of National jerseys that have been won.I
    These are massive achievements that the club is very proud of. Whilst anybody would understand that someone new would not appreciate this I think someone would have a quiet word with him after a few weeks when it was less likely to put him off.
    I think the same would apply to GB kit
    I don't think this has anything to do with being elitist its about a level of respect for the people that have earned the jerseys
    Replica kit, KOM jerseys different thing altogether
    You must be on about Graham, great ride I supported him all the way and rode many times with him.
    I sort of undertand your sentiment and Colin's but I have a slight different view.
    For one,with GB kit some riders ride it in UCI events, for instance many did in the recent UCI masters champs in MAnchester. They were not given these jerseys but had to purchase them themselves, some countries award jerseys to masters riders, I chose to wear my sponsors jersey, you can onlywear national or team jerseys.
    But I do not worry about anyone wearing the kit as it generates money and publicity for the sport.
    As for the world jersey I also try every year to get one and am getting closer :D and I would love to wear the stripes on my sponsors kit.
    However I think that the respect is mainly for guys who actually race or support or fully understand racing. For example no pro riders or even 1 2 3 or 4th cat riders would dream of wearing the kit out of respect (okmaybe not all lol) I would never wear it either as I copmete at the worldsmasters and would get the piss taken out of me if I did, but for Joe Bloggs who may be 20 stone and just taken up cycling and wants to emulate Cav and show support for Cav and the sport I do not think it is quite the same and if he wants to buy and wear such a jersey good luck to him. To those that matter when they see a person wearing such a jersey they will know if it is a club cyclist or world champ. Colin and Graham will no doubt have a team jersey with stripes on the shoulders and wear the full jersey during the competition they won it in.
    Not sure if Graham would wear it if he was in an open track event against non masters though.
    I dont care if some one turns up in any replica jersey on a club run and if Colin or Graham turned up in theirs I would know the difference and show them respect , the Joe Bloggs in his or a polka dot or sky,just smile knowingly at them and drop them on the first climb and bury them :D
  • MikeWW
    MikeWW Posts: 723
    Yes -it was Graham I was referring to.
    Think you make some very good points- and clearly it is more of a racer thing.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I am trying to have a think about both sides of this arguement, and while I can see where the OP, pokerface and some others "oldwelshman - I will bury them on the hills" etc.

    But I think you might be missing the point of why they are wearing the top.

    I don't think anyone WEARING (ok sometimes unknowing other halves buy them) these tops don't understand or appreciate (maybe not be able to 100%) the effort gone into earning them, BUT, you put it on, and it does make you feel a bit better on your bike, make you want to pedal that bit harder, and most of all, its only for fun anyway. That's the point.

    Its not to jest at anyone or to mock the achievements of others, and to be honest its actually quite nice that someone would go out, buy one, and wear it on a club run, rather than confining it to his 3-lap challenge of richmond park and get some fulfilment out of wearing one. It probably just helps to further widen his smile while riding his bike.
  • coriordan wrote:
    its only for fun anyway.

    No, its not.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • MikeWW wrote:
    I am partly with the OP on this. We have a guy that is a masters World Champ in the club( it has taken him 15 years of trying) and we had a women who won a worlds jersey last year as well. We also have a couple of National jerseys that have been won.I
    These are massive achievements that the club is very proud of. Whilst anybody would understand that someone new would not appreciate this I think someone would have a quiet word with him after a few weeks when it was less likely to put him off.
    I think the same would apply to GB kit
    I don't think this has anything to do with being elitist its about a level of respect for the people that have earned the jerseys
    Replica kit, KOM jerseys different thing altogether
    You must be on about Graham, great ride I supported him all the way and rode many times with him.
    I sort of undertand your sentiment and Colin's but I have a slight different view.
    For one,with GB kit some riders ride it in UCI events, for instance many did in the recent UCI masters champs in MAnchester. They were not given these jerseys but had to purchase them themselves, some countries award jerseys to masters riders, I chose to wear my sponsors jersey, you can onlywear national or team jerseys.
    But I do not worry about anyone wearing the kit as it generates money and publicity for the sport.
    As for the world jersey I also try every year to get one and am getting closer :D and I would love to wear the stripes on my sponsors kit.
    However I think that the respect is mainly for guys who actually race or support or fully understand racing. For example no pro riders or even 1 2 3 or 4th cat riders would dream of wearing the kit out of respect (okmaybe not all lol) I would never wear it either as I copmete at the worldsmasters and would get the wee-wee taken out of me if I did, but for Joe Bloggs who may be 20 stone and just taken up cycling and wants to emulate Cav and show support for Cav and the sport I do not think it is quite the same and if he wants to buy and wear such a jersey good luck to him. To those that matter when they see a person wearing such a jersey they will know if it is a club cyclist or world champ. Colin and Graham will no doubt have a team jersey with stripes on the shoulders and wear the full jersey during the competition they won it in.
    Not sure if Graham would wear it if he was in an open track event against non masters though.
    I dont care if some one turns up in any replica jersey on a club run and if Colin or Graham turned up in theirs I would know the difference and show them respect , the Joe Bloggs in his or a polka dot or sky,just smile knowingly at them and drop them on the first climb and bury them :D

    MikeWW - that was a very considered reply and which probably sums up better the club side than a lot before. Oldwelshman's reply was also very interesting, at least from a different viewpoint.

    I guess I now have a better understanding of it all. I think I would have a laugh with Roadyforever and Rolf F though. That, after all, is what it is all about for me.

  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    Give me strength... how on earth is a persons weight relevant to this issue??? What a load of t0ssers. Get a life. Its a piece of cloth. :evil:
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    coriordan wrote:
    its only for fun anyway.

    No, its not.

    Care to enlighten me on what it is about? If it is pure functionality then why not get a cheap one? It's a bit of fun and puts a smile on the riders face. Surely for a "club" run, it's all about the enjoyment.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Mr Dog wrote:
    Give me strength... how on earth is a persons weight relevant to this issue??? What a load of t0ssers. Get a life. Its a piece of cloth. :evil:
    Where is your sense of humour, I only mentioned weight inthe context that a new rider may not be your usual skinny guy and he may just have started out and wants to wear a world jersy showing support which to me is not an issue.
    Anyway the ones I have seen replica are htc with the rainbow stripes so it would be clear to most your not MArk Cavandish.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    coriordan wrote:
    I am trying to have a think about both sides of this arguement, and while I can see where the OP, pokerface and some others "oldwelshman - I will bury them on the hills" etc.

    If a guy was on a ride with me wearing the jersey and was a nice bloke and not like the one described by OP then no issue. But if he was a bit of a dick and bragging how good he was and trying to be clever on ride halfwheeling and general silly riding then it is commonplace for him to get a rough ride, whatever kit he may be wearing :D
    Its all part of the fun :D It does not happen very oftn but occasionaly some guy turns up thinking he is Contador and tries to rip up the ride :D Its quite funny when it happens as most good riders know each other so it is normally some new guy :D
  • Chip \'oyler
    Chip \'oyler Posts: 2,323
    Mr Dog wrote:
    Give me strength... how on earth is a persons weight relevant to this issue??? What a load of t0ssers. Get a life. Its a piece of cloth. :evil:
    Where is your sense of humour, I only mentioned weight inthe context that a new rider may not be your usual skinny guy and he may just have started out and wants to wear a world jersy showing support which to me is not an issue.
    Anyway the ones I have seen replica are htc with the rainbow stripes so it would be clear to most your not MArk Cavandish.

    Don't worry you must have touched a nerve with Mr Dog. He must have just been stretching his World Champs jersey over his massive beer belly when he read your post :lol:
    Expertly coached by - the blog for Viner owners and lovers!
  • Mr Dog wrote:
    Its a piece of cloth. :evil:

    Wars have been fought over less.
  • dilemna wrote:
    jim453 wrote:
    This is a joke. Isn't it?


    Think that was a big porky pie :!:
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    I guess I now have a better understanding of it all. I think I would have a laugh with Roadyforever and Rolf F though. That, after all, is what it is all about for me.

    Thank you :lol:

    Mind you, I'd like to think that not being particularly bothered about what people wear when they go cycling wouldn't make me bad company!
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    My sense of humour falls short of mockery over someones weight. Its just not funny or relevant.Sad.
    Now go give it Berty Big Boll0cks and Louis Armstrong till you ego completely suffocates what little intellect you have left. :lol:
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • pedrojake
    pedrojake Posts: 229
    MikeWW wrote:
    Yes -it was Graham I was referring to.
    Think you make some very good points- and clearly it is more of a racer thing.

    And yet were talking about someone new to cycling, possibly on their first club run, on the beginners section .......
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    IMO Their are far more heinous affrontages to the sensibilities of cycling:

    Black socks with shorts on the road (OK with leggings in winter or MTB) :evil:
    Bike shorts over baggy leggings :evil:
    Anything in fluorescent, flappy nylon :evil:
    LiveSTRONG kit :twisted:
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • knownothingbozo
    knownothingbozo Posts: 168
    edited October 2011
    removed as it appears someone else had already made the same point
    Some people are like slinkies - not much use for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228

    A pub nearby has the WC flag fluttering outside, should I not go in there for a drink as I am not a WC like all the other men in there. :?
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    Update ................................

    Twas a bit blowy on the club run today. The two new faces that came last week came again this week. They like the look of the club and are settling in well. As for Mr WC Newb, he didn't show, although I was informed he did have something else on today so couldn't make it. A world championship race perhaps ............. Maybe he will show up next week.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    dilemna wrote:
    Update ................................

    Twas a bit blowy on the club run today. The two new faces that came last week came again this week. They like the look of the club and are settling in well. As for Mr WC Newb, he didn't show, although I was informed he did have something else on today so couldn't make it. A world championship race perhaps ............. Maybe he will show up next week.

    Perhaps he's read this thread and joined a club with fewer w@nkers in it.
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    Worried the wife might get a bit of stick from the other Mums at "Buggy Fit"...


  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    jim453 wrote:
    dilemna wrote:
    Update ................................

    Twas a bit blowy on the club run today. The two new faces that came last week came again this week. They like the look of the club and are settling in well. As for Mr WC Newb, he didn't show, although I was informed he did have something else on today so couldn't make it. A world championship race perhaps ............. Maybe he will show up next week.

    Perhaps he's read this thread and joined a club with fewer w@nkers in it.

    Wot like your club :wink: ?
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • If Mark Cavendish is offended by fans wearing a replica of his WC jersey then why hasn't he spoken out about it? Possibly because he doesn't want to alienate fans and sponsors by acting like a d1ck or, more likely, he couldn't give a monkey's.

    If he is offended by it then he's gone down in my estimations. This guy is clearly a fan and he's wearing the shirt of the person he follows, so what?

    But unless Mark Cavendish is offended by it I don't see why anyone should act like an amateur traffic warden and enforce a rule he hasn't asked them to.

    Cycling is meant to be a fun, healthy hobby, no need to get offended on someone else's behalf.
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    dilemna wrote:
    jim453 wrote:
    dilemna wrote:
    Update ................................

    Twas a bit blowy on the club run today. The two new faces that came last week came again this week. They like the look of the club and are settling in well. As for Mr WC Newb, he didn't show, although I was informed he did have something else on today so couldn't make it. A world championship race perhaps ............. Maybe he will show up next week.

    Perhaps he's read this thread and joined a club with fewer w@nkers in it.

    Wot like your club :wink: ?

  • MikeWW
    MikeWW Posts: 723
    Which club are you in?
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    dilemna wrote:
    As for Mr WC Newb, he didn't show, although I was informed he did have something else on today so couldn't make it. A world championship race perhaps ............. Maybe he will show up next week.

    That's the sort of attitude that would put me off a bit tbh - a sarcastic comment just because he might have something else in life to do.

    Anyway, maybe MikeWW is right and it is a racer thing. In which case it's simple - the racers can have their own etiquette as long as they don't impose it on non racers. Everyones happy! Hopefully......... :lol:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    MikeWW wrote:
    Which club are you in?

    It's called the Two Wheels And Trying club.

    It's not as organised as yours. You can join if you like. You can be the honorary president.

    I'll send you a badge, you can wear it on your jersey at all times. I'm sure it will suit you.
  • jim453 wrote:
    MikeWW wrote:
    Which club are you in?

    It's called the Two Wheels And Trying club.

    It's not as organised as yours. You can join if you like. You can be the honorary president.

    I'll send you a badge, you can wear it on your jersey at all times. I'm sure it will suit you.

    Is it Fun?
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles