Motorised cycle discussion!



  • Fabian2
    Fabian2 Posts: 113
    Yes, it's transport and also for recreation - maybe more recreation than transport at this stage, if you can call nearly 20,000 kilometers in 18 months recreational.

    Put it this way: i'm smiling everywhere i go, and when passing other cyclists on their $8,000 carbon fibre road bikes, straining their guts out on hills (trying to pretend it's enjoyable), i'm smiling away as they give me the most contemptuous and evil looks, then attempting to take me on, whilst i start pedaling backwards.

    By the time their hill climb is over, i've already finished my cappuccino, strawberry flan and mars bar, all whilst looking fresh as a daisy; of pleasant and happy disposition, and casually asking if they will join me on the next hill climb.

    Wouldn't do it any other way, considering pedal power alone isn't fun when hammering into a headwind or a snotty steep hill climb, no matter how much you try and convince yourself otherwise.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Fabian2, sounds like you have a serious case of bad attitude. Not only in your complete intolerance of other on this thread, but also in your comments regarding cyclists.
  • johnsav
    johnsav Posts: 775
    so basically you are pretty lazy.

    if you enjoy biking with an engine strapped to your bike then may i suggest this is the wrong forum for you?
  • Fabian2
    Fabian2 Posts: 113
    No bad attitude on my side, in fact, i carry 15 kilos of tools and more in spare parts, to rebuild not only the engine but a bicycle if so required.
    I'm only too keen to help someone out should they require assistance.
  • Fabian2
    Fabian2 Posts: 113
    No Johnsav,

    I love cycling, and i put in pedal power when riding, throttling back the engine for a sensible amount, make that an enjoyable amount of effort.
    What i do not enjoy is bashing my way into a serious headwind and getting nowhere, then i open the throttle to maintain my speed, likewise on steep hill climbs.

    I enjoy cycling, hence the engine - i don't enjoy needless masochism
  • Fabian2
    I'm intrigued... do you have a picture of your bike?

    Assume its petrol and not electric?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Fabian2 wrote:
    I love cycling
    Actually, you've made it more than apparent that you don't...
    Fabian2 wrote:
    other cyclists on their $8,000 carbon fibre road bikes, straining their guts out on hills (trying to pretend it's enjoyable)
    Fabian2 wrote:
    Wouldn't do it any other way, considering pedal power alone isn't fun
  • Fabian2
    Fabian2 Posts: 113
    but still, i'm on here to find a solution to my derailleur indexing problem. Once that's solved, i'll be back on my bike again, because i love that thing so much. Never before have i so enjoyed cycling and it opens up the scope to travel 300 kilometers in a day.
    A lot of scenery and novel and interesting places can be reached in a day trip. Simply not possible if slaving your guts out (unassisted) into a ferocious headwind or filthy steep hillclimbs.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Fabian2 wrote:
    but still, i'm on here to find a solution to my derailleur indexing problem.
    I think you'll find that less and less cyclists, and mountain bikers, will care about you enough to help.

    Sounds like you need a motorcycle.
  • Fabian2
    Fabian2 Posts: 113
    Cycling is so enjoyable, when it's enjoyable.
    How good is it to have a decent tailwind when you ride. Imagine having a tailwind pushing from behind "all" the time, even when pushing into a nasty headwind - magnificent, just magnificent
  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    Fabian2 wrote:
    No Johnsav,

    I love cycling, and i put in pedal power when riding, throttling back the engine for a sensible amount, make that an enjoyable amount of effort.
    What i do not enjoy is bashing my way into a serious headwind and getting nowhere, then i open the throttle to maintain my speed, likewise on steep hill climbs.

    I enjoy cycling, hence the engine - i don't enjoy needless masochism

    Really - you enjoy cycling but can't take headwinds or climb hills - MTFU of buy a motorbike - oh sorry you're already riding one
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Fabian2 wrote:
    Cycling is so enjoyable, when it's enjoyable.
    How good is it to have a decent tailwind when you ride. Imagine having a tailwind pushing from behind "all" the time, even when pushing into a nasty headwind - magnificent, just magnificent
  • Fabian2
    Fabian2 Posts: 113
    I have a motorcycle, but it's such a second rate experience compared to an "assisted" bicycle - i can't properly convey to the skeptics at just how enjoyable it is, but i've done it the hard way (trying to convince myself that slaving my guts out is enjoyable) and the current method is my preferred choice, mainly for the extra distance that can be covered in a days worth of riding.

    I've had a lot of enjoyable hobbies, but nothing compares to the enjoyment from an "assisted" bicycle.
  • Fabian2
    Fabian2 Posts: 113
    The only downside is if the engine fails, then you are stuffed, because the bicycle weighs 40 kilos with engine, and the 3 trailers that i currently tow, for all the spare parts and tools weighs around 80 kilos, plus rolling resistance.

    For that reason i carry a spare engine, full drive train, spare front and rear wheel, shifters; derailleur, cables,,, basically a full spare bike except the frame.

    A mechanical failure is simply not an option, when 150 kiometers from home.
  • getonyourbike
    getonyourbike Posts: 2,648
    You sound like a twunt of thje highest order, simply put.
  • johnsav
    johnsav Posts: 775
    hahaha best thread ever this...

    im gona go out on my bike tomorrow into a headwind AND enjoy it, just for you Fabian

    Honestly!!!!! hahahaha to come onto one of the biggest cycling forums and basically preach to us that cycling isnt enjoyable????!!!!!! oh my days!
  • johnsav
    johnsav Posts: 775
    sorry, just got to add - just showed my mate this thread ( who isnt into bikes ) and he found it so hilarious he laughed and farted at the same time!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Maybe he should go rock climbing in a helicopter too.
  • fuelex
    fuelex Posts: 165
    I'm popping out for a drive to the shops tomorrow in the car, cos it's a bit windy.
    I'm going to tow a spare car behind me though, just in case the first one breaks down.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    as i thought it is a routing and tension issue.

    but as it is now so OT moved to the CC.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • johnsav wrote:
    sorry, just got to add - just showed my mate this thread ( who isnt into bikes ) and he found it so hilarious he laughed and farted at the same time!!

    HA! just brilliant.

  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    i don't even know where to start with this guy!

    serious internet peoples can be weird folk!

    fabain from reading all your post your a bit of a douche so i aint even going on to start with the OP.

    Why do i have a suspicion that this guy is

    a) Troll of the highest order
    b) Just Weird
    c) Fully-Sprung (but thats just me being cynical as FS isn't all that bad)

    I will be keeping an eye on this one..................

  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    there is only one way the crud can take this!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Do you think this is him?
  • Fabian2
    Fabian2 Posts: 113
    I'm done on here - the advise given by Briggo has been the solution. Applying an ester based teflon oil on the parallelogram pins seems to have solved the problem.

    The negative opinions of others on this forum have no bearing on my enjoyment of cycling and there are those who enjoy hard physical work when on a personal quest or challenge.
    I've been there, done it socially and now prefer to do it in comfort, no sore knees, no sore legs, no sore backside from sitting on some excuse for a bicycle seat; just plain comfort and motorised assist when pedaling becomes ridiculously difficult and no longer any fun.

    Considering there are more and more motorised assist bicycles popping up in my area after people see that there's an alternative to buying a bike and letting it sit in the garage because going up hills is too hard for the brief enjoyment of going down hill.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Fabian2 wrote:
    The negative opinions of others on this forum have no bearing on my enjoyment of cycling
    The fact that you are not actually cycling, also seems to have no bearing on your enjoyment of what you call cycling.

    Have you tried a proper motorbike, but waving your feet around to pretend you were pedalling?
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    Fabian2 wrote:
    I'm a douche bag - the advice given by briggo et al was spot on, i have a negative attitude and therefore shall be going back to my cave and shall not bother anyone every again. I have applied an ester based teflon oil to my balls and this is satisfying me.

    My negative perception of cycling is purely fictional and i actual like riding bikes, and by bikes i mean barb wire as i like the way it cuts my ass.

    Considering there are more and more homo's popping up in my area after people see that there's an alternative finding a woman and not knowing how to pleasure her because going down on a lady garden doesn't get me hard where was a nice sausage does.


  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    Fabian2 wrote:
    I'm done on here - the advise given by Briggo has been the solution. Applying an ester based teflon oil on the parallelogram pins seems to have solved the problem.

    I am speechless.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    kaiser83 wrote:
    Fabian2 wrote:
    I'm a douche bag - the advice given by briggo et al was spot on, i have a negative attitude and therefore shall be going back to my cave and shall not bother anyone every again. I have applied an ester based teflon oil to my balls and this is satisfying me.

    My negative perception of cycling is purely fictional and i actual like riding bikes, and by bikes i mean barb wire as i like the way it cuts my ass.

    Considering there are more and more homo's popping up in my area after people see that there's an alternative finding a woman and not knowing how to pleasure her because going down on a lady garden doesn't get me hard where was a nice sausage does.



    Can't believe I missed this, even more fun than fully-sprung
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346

    As usual the loons flock to the Crudcatcher for advice with tales of mystery and fantasy and links to unrelated items.