Warning to all Canyon full suss owners



  • Silversladey
    Silversladey Posts: 450
    supersonic wrote:
    Ok, enough of the fighting! IMO this is not Canyon's fault for the reasons I said earlier, as when packaged the forks often get rotated. When fixing the bars it is up to the builder to unravel the cables and make sure they are correctly oriented.

    I am not having a go at Tom, far from it: just pointing out is a common thing for bikes to come boxed like this, and in the future is something to be aware of. Hell, I have done it meyself ;-). Nobody is perfect lol.

    But look out for it.


    Leave off Tom he is a good guy who made an honest mistake, probably over eager to unwrap and get out on his new stunning bike.

    Instead of highlighting his mistake and giving some genuine helpful advice some users on this forum thought they would try and belittle him and make fun.

    Same old members making fools of themselves, you would be better off keeping your opinions and hurtful remarks in the CrudCathcher forum.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Instead of highlighting his mistake and giving some genuine helpful advice some users on this forum thought they would try and belittle him and make fun.
    You've got the wrong end of the stick. He was trying to pass it off as Canyon's fault.
  • Silversladey
    Silversladey Posts: 450
    Instead of highlighting his mistake and giving some genuine helpful advice some users on this forum thought they would try and belittle him and make fun.
    You've got the wrong end of the stick. He was trying to pass it off as Canyon's fault.

    Initially he thought that it was Canyons fault when it was clear that it was his error.

    We all make mistakes and his relative inexperience to mountain Biking and his anxiety from previous posts regarding possible issues with Canyon, caused him to jump to the wrong conclusion.

    Most of us on this forum have one thing in common an interest in bikes, and I feel on some occasions a gentle bit of guidance would be more appropriate.

    In Toms defense It is difficult to see the funny side of things when you have just spent (at least )a couple of grand and 7 weeks waiting for a bike.
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690


    Leave off Tom he is a good guy who made an honest mistake, probably over eager to unwrap and get out on his new stunning bike.

    yeah, tom's a good guy. he's made a mistake he'll never make again :lol:

    one to learn from there tom :wink:

    lets all move on and i'll hopefully see you at cwmcarn on your new steed next week tom :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I don't give a crap. The guy's clearly a knobhead.
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019

    Toms a good guy, lets drop it now.
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Shove it. I couldn't give a rat's that you're his mates/locals/whatever. I call a spade a spade. I'll also tell a spade to it's face, that it's a spade. Even when it's accompanying tools are with it.
    How pleasant of you guys to step in to defend his honour, but on this occasion the best course of action woud be to just shut up, or you'll end up making your associations with him too obvious.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Constructive criticism is a beautiful thing when done this well.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
  • Welsh_Tom
    Welsh_Tom Posts: 571
    Shove it. I couldn't give a rat's that you're his mates/locals/whatever. I call a spade a spade. I'll also tell a spade to it's face, that it's a spade. Even when it's accompanying tools are with it.
    How pleasant of you guys to step in to defend his honour, but on this occasion the best course of action woud be to just shut up, or you'll end up making your associations with him too obvious.

    lol wow you have a real hard on for me dont you. you must have no life. it come out of the box the wrong why around. i should of cheeked but i did not. my misstake for not cheeking and bleaming canyon for my not cheeking the forks where poting the wrong way..

    thanks to the guys for the nice words i think i am a nice guy that would do anythgin for anyone.

    but you sir are just a fool with no life. why you picked me to pick on i dont know.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    You bought it on yourself - and you still do. You and your mates are dragging this on and on and on. How did you think it was going to go? I'd just suddenly agree that it was Canyon's fault? Or that I'd get scared of your buddies?
    I'd be more than happy to leave it here, but you, and your mates, keep it going. Well done.
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    getting Personal closed.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
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