How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • 37.
    Been mountain biking for years and have run numerous marathons so not exactly unfit.
    Just fancied doing something different
  • 50

    Bought my first road bike about 3 weeks ago. Haven't ridden a road bike since i was in my late teens. I have an 11 year old son who is keen on all sport but wants to do a triathlon next year. At his age he needs a riding companion and it is great fun being out together. The other advantage is my squash playing days are drawing to a close and this will keep me going for years ahead (touch wood)

    Thanks for the help and advice received on here.

    Giant Defy 3 - me
    Cannondale Caad8 Sora - my lad
  • I'm 58, and my health is pretty lousy. Never been interested in sport (still aren't) but have been into cycling purely for fun at various times of my life. Haven't cycled for years now, though.

    The More Significant Other decided she wanted a bike to exercise our new and very active dog, and things just snowballed from there. Long story short, we ended up buying Dutch-style e-bikes. Mine hasn't arrived yet, but I've been accompanying her on my rusty, brake-free old Peugeot. Hope to get my bike by the end of this week.

    Not sure this counts as road cycling, but I didn't see a forum on this site for 'ambling aimlessly down greenways'.

    As we're professional writers, we're detailing our late-in-life conversion to cycling at Bocage Biking.
  • 28

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    its a good way to loose weight. I almost lost half of my weight :D

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    I did more than 1200 km on my old bike . also last week I did my first 100km .
    now Im moving to the next level and I bought a new road bike 2 days ago.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    -old bike : Trek shift 3
    -new bike : Trek Domane 4.3

  • And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.



    34, but some days I feel 64

    To lose weight. Between Jan and August I had been walking everywhere (between 8 and 20 miles/day) but I was chewing my feet up so I needed to find something else I could do.

    I bought a Ridgeback Speed new for £250 (was on sale from £330) as I didn't want to buy an expensive bike as I wasn't sure how well I was going to get on with cycling as it had been over 14+ years since I had been on a bike properly.
  • New to the forum, so hello!

    I'm 37 years old, been cycling for a couple of years. The first year was just a leisurely mountain bike (Cube Acid) which I completed London to Brighton on which was hard work!

    I decided to move the mountain bike on and get a road bike. I went for a Felt F5 which has served me well and I've now got a Giant Propel Advanced Pro 2 (2015) on its way to me. I also have a Scott Foil Premium frameset which I did intend to build but have now decided to move on and the Mrs won't let the Felt stay, so I'll have to say goodbye to that sometime soon unless I can hide it somewhere!

    I am a total novice, but love getting out on my bike although I have struggled this year with IT band issues as well as back problems. Hopefully they are behind me now and I'm looking forward to putting some miles on the bike.

  • hello,
    i'm 47 and have dodgy knees from running.
    I've been mountain biking for 25 years but now its time to dawn the lycra and I'm loving it.
    The bike purchased is a Rose Xeon CDX 3000 and what a cracking bike it is.
  • 35 and 92 stone overweight.
  • N1TRO
    N1TRO Posts: 103
    25, just took delivery of my 2016 Diverge a couple of days ago. Look for pics coming soon and you can also check my riding adventures on this blog thing here:
  • ALC0
    ALC0 Posts: 1
    Just started. This is my first post I think lol
    I'm 39.
  • Age: 29
    Had a bike sitting dormant for a few years, then had kids and all semblance of a life went out the window. Trying to pick up on fitness again. Was a big gym freak and runner up until the kids being born.

    I am right now using a Carrera Virtuoso which I bought a 4/5 years back to see if I could get into it. After the last 6 months commuting to and from work, Ive treated myself to a Planet X Pro Carbon SRAM Rival, which is being built tomorrow and arrives at work on Monday :D
  • How old are the newbies to road cycling?
    I am 40 but not new to cycling I have been riding for about 35 years

    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?
    I picked up this sport when I was 5 but I wouldnt even call it a sport it is my passion.

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?
    I have a Devinci Spartan Carbon SX
  • I started over a year ago but went through a really bad break up and hadn't touched my bike in over a year.

    I'm 31 now and last week gave my bike a good going over to make sure everything was still in working order, I plan to get back onto it and ride ahead to better times.

    I currently have a Barracuda team replica which, although not the all singing all dancing type, gets me moving and working myself.
    I do plan to begin a custom build bike though next year to keep me occupied while not on the bike and also gives me chance to get all the parts that I like onto one bike.
  • I am 25 years old. I am entering my 2nd year of serious cycling. I picked the sport up to do a charity ride with the company I currently am working with and now... am addicted as well.

    Current rig:

    -Pinneralo RAZHAK 105
    -CAADX (just ordered the frame and am going to build the rest of the bike this winter)
  • ian879
    ian879 Posts: 1
    How about 67?? 68 in 2 months time.
    Just bought my first proper road bike this year (2016).
    28 years at sea from 16 didn't allow for cycling to figure in the list of hobbies available.
    Retirement with spending 3 months every winter in Majorca means get cycling!
  • Age 49.5
    Bikes Genesis equilibrium 20, giant defy 3, custom built Trek MTB

    The main reason I've started cycling on the road and eased away from the mountain bike is I had a big off in sherwood and it knocked my confidence, so last year I got the trek through the cycle to work scheme and enjoyed my first half dozen rides the last being a 50 mile one, then I got offered the Genesis at the right price and I've been getting out at least twice a week on it, the giant is on the turbo trainer in the garage and I'm totally loving both of them. I have set myself the goal of doing my first 100 mile ride this year and either the coast to coast or a triathlon
    Trek MTB
    Giant Defy 3
    Genesis equilibrium 20
  • 43 Here, had to stop running due to knackered knee!! Jus bought a Cannondale CAAD8, love it, much better than the 3 geared BSA racer I had when was a nipper!! Had a mountain bike for some years and enjoy getting out on that. Have a few friends that now ride so looking forward to getting out with them when am up to speed :)
  • urso
    urso Posts: 14
    I'm 51 and started cycling for fitness. I went from 265 lb's to 180 and now am at 203. Will probably drop back down to 180 by summer. I have an Fuji aluminum alloy frame Cross I bought from Performance Bikes about 2 years ago. First bike I have owned much less ridden in 30 years.

    I'm thinking of upgrading to a carbon Ridley X-Trail CR1 (2016). Performance Bikes has it and i'm fighting the urge to buy - I'll hold out as long as I can. I'm don't really look at bikes or get wrapped up in performance upgrades as I'm not a so much a 'fast' rider as a 'consistent' rider, but this bike caught my eye and I felt the same thrill as when I found my current bike, plus having a light-weight bike for riding in the nice weather and a backup bike I still love and enjoy riding for messier days and winter appeals to me.

    The Ridley is a beautiful bike and so light compared to my Fuji. It has Ultegra components and hydraulic breaks, the cables are also threaded through the frame. The shifting, feel and braking are all fine on my Fuji, but test riding the Ridley all the minor things on my current bike I stopped noticing I noticed were absent on the Ridley. The shifting is so much cleaner and soft - the braking tight without the unintentional lock and the silence is as comforting as the little noises I currently enjoy on my Fuji. Also, it is nice not to have open cables running the length of my cross bar.

    I'm not promoting a Ridley over a Fuji, I'm just promoting a new 2016 carbon over a 2014 aluminum alloy that was used pretty hard breaking it's rider in.

    I started riding because I was afraid I would get fat, lazy and never be really healthy again.
    Now I ride almost daily and eat much healthier. I do some light calisthenics, play around with weights and in nice weather run but cycling is my mainstay. I can't believe how much I enjoy it.

    I like the distance I can go and the places i can see on a ride. I wish I were a social rider but I'm really more comfortable riding alone. Riding in groups I get self conscious. Riding by myself is almost like meditating. I'm aware of everything and paying attention, but I'm relaxed and my mind is free to work out all the puzzles and kinks it accumulates while I'm marveling at the scenery. I rode up to Lookout Mt. above Golden in Colorado and it was amazing, coming down I hit 41 mph which for you guys is nothing but for me was nothing less than hair curling.

    I think as long as my body lets me I'll ride and as long as I'm riding I think my body will stay in good shape.
  • urso
    urso Posts: 14
    I'm 51 and started cycling for fitness. I went from 265 lb's to 180 and now am at 203. Will probably drop back down to 180 by summer. I have an Fuji aluminum alloy Cross I bought from Performance Bikes about 2 years ago. First bike I have owned much less ridden in 30 years.

    I'm thinking of upgrading to a carbon Ridley X-Trail CR1 (2016). Performance Bikes has it and i'm fighting the urge to buy - I'll hold out as long as I can. I don't really look at bikes or get wrapped up in performance upgrades as I'm not a so much a 'fast' rider as a 'consistent' rider, but this bike caught my eye and I felt the same thrill as when I found my current bike, plus having a light-weight bike for riding in the nice weather and a backup bike I still love and enjoy riding for messier days and winter appeals to me.

    The Ridley is a beautiful bike and so light compared to my Fuji. It has Ultegra components and hydraulic brakes, the cables are also threaded through the frame. The shifting, feel and braking are all fine on my Fuji, but test riding the Ridley all the minor things on my current bike I stopped noticing I noticed were absent on the Ridley. The shifting is so much cleaner and soft - the braking tight without the unintentional lock and the silence is as comforting as the little noises I currently enjoy on my Fuji. Also, it is nice not to have open cables running the length of my cross bar.

    I'm not promoting a Ridley over a Fuji, I'm just promoting a new 2016 carbon over a 2014 aluminum alloy that was used pretty hard breaking it's rider in.

    I started riding because I was afraid I would get fat, lazy and never be really healthy again.
    Now I ride almost daily and eat much healthier. I do some light calisthenics, play around with weights and in nice weather run but cycling is my mainstay. I can't believe how much I enjoy it.

    I like the distance I can go and the places i can see on a ride. I wish I were a social rider but I'm really more comfortable riding alone. Riding in groups I get self conscious. Riding by myself is almost like meditating. I'm aware of everything and paying attention (often marveling at the beauty of the Colorado foothills), but I'm relaxed and my mind is free to work out all the puzzles and kinks it accumulates. I rode up to Lookout Mt. above Golden and it was amazing, coming down I hit 41 mph which for you guys is nothing but for me was nothing less than hair curling.

    I think I'll be riding as long as my body lets me and as long as I'm riding I think my body will stay in good enough shape go allow me to ride. :)
  • Hello I'm 27 and started cycling for fitness back in 2013. I started of with a 2003 khs flite 300 that I bough on Craigslist. In 2015 I got really into cycling and bough a 2014 giant defy 1
  • Lorez
    Lorez Posts: 23
    Age 44
    Started last autumn on an old hybrid I bought 12 years ago when I planned to commute in London but change of job meant it went unused. A mate had just started cycling & it sounded like a good way to escape the kids, get some fresh air, explore & have the odd pint at a country pub.

    Got a Cannondale Synapse before Xmas. Out every weekend & slowly increasing distance. Also my job in Bristol means I can easily commute on bike again on the days I'm not playing dads taxi.

    Aiming to get out on a big ride come summer, whether an organised event or something like the coast to coast in devon
  • I'm 37, did a lot of street cycling in my early teens just to get from place to place. A bit of mtb'ing in my early 30's which I still like to do, trail riding mainly.

    Have bought myself a Cannondale Synapse Alu now as I've committed to a 95 mile ride later in the year, i may consider commuting but our work doesn't have shower facilities and i have to work in an office quite a bit. Main reason, fancied a road bike for fitness and well, they look nice :) This will be my 1st road bike.
  • haydenm
    haydenm Posts: 2,997
    24, I've been mountain biking for years. Started out riding downhill, taken a few trips to the alps and a summer season in Canada. Now I live in south Scotland with good access to Ae, Glentress, Innerleithen and a load of unofficial stuff so my trail bike gets lots of use but I also have access to some great roads.

    I hired a road bike in the Alps on a family holiday in the summer, and with some pressure from my brother and some friends I finally took the plunge and ordered a Genesis Equilibrium disc. I wanted to have a starter bike with reasonable/good spec which I can keep along side a carbon summer bike once I inevitably become addicted. So far road biking has just increased the amount I ride rather than replacing mountain biking!
  • Al1000
    Al1000 Posts: 14
    I'm 49. I cycled regularly between the ages of 5 to 15 then didn't go near a bike for years. I bought a Specialized Hard Rock CrMo mountain bike in 2004, but only used it occasionally as a means of transport for short journeys, until last year.

    Last June I started cycling for fun, and now I can't get enough of it!. I thought I might give it up during winter, but that hasn't happened.

    My bike now has "dual purpose" tyres on it which are a lot faster than the knobbly tyres it came with. I spend most time in the top two gears, and reckon when I get round to replacing the chain I'll change the gearing as well to make it more suitable for the road. Some lower handlebars would be better too, although I'm not sure how low I want to go. I would probably have been better buying a road bike in the first place, but it's pretty good for using on cycle paths as it is. I wanted something sturdy and didn't think suspension was necessary on a bicycle, so deliberately picked a steel framed bike with no suspension. I reckon the fat tyres are quite well suited to riding fast on cycle paths too, as they tend to be less smooth than roads.

    I always cycle alone. and pedal as fast as I can. I prefer cycle paths because there's no traffic and I can keep pushing hard. I usually listen to music on my mp3 player as I'm cycling, and particularly at night (I have a good headlight), it's almost like a spiritual experience. It's physically hard, and mentally relaxing. It's just so awesome!
  • Hey All,
    Age 32: been MTB for years but finally made the cross to road bike. Wanna push more distance etc. Just bought a beginner bike to start. Board man sport limited edition.
  • Started last year at 37. Quit the gym and bought a Giant Defy and some weights instead and haven't looked back. Cycle for fun, fitness and the commute to work.
  • I'm 39 and getting my first ever road bike tomorrow.

    I have been cycling on and off since the age of 5, but more notably since 2011 on various hardtails. Tomorrow my Cervelo R3 is arriving and I can't waito get out on it !
  • 49 yrs age. Bicycle on and off for most of my life. 2013 took part in a 100 mile sponsored cycle ride on MTB. Roadbikers completed in a morning and I proudly finished at 4.00pm. Decided to purchase Roadbike and love it. :D
  • Kwif007
    Kwif007 Posts: 39
    Hi all, I am 31, biked a lot as a kid, got a career subway 2 couple of years ago and used to commute to work, got hit by a car (not badly thank god) which really affected my desire to bike again.

    Forced myself back on it this year and fell in love again. Although I now want a road bike, and going to get an avanti giro ar1 through a bike to work scheme.

    I am 6"4 so need a bigger framed bike and the bike was in my price range and looked to fit the measurements I need.

    Can't wait!
  • Fido5599
    Fido5599 Posts: 7
    I m 34 yrs old. Like others biked loads as kid (think most kids do) mtbs, had a few decent ones as a kid (Marin,kona). Few weeks ago I bought a Bianchi ethanol and quickly realised I m gonna ride on the road so it was wasted!

    Fast forward a few weeks and I picked up my oltre xr1 on Tuesday night , and I rode it yesterday for the first time, love how dialled in it feels, it's fast, more twitchy than the mtb! Probably did 15 miles yesterday pottering around, I m pretty fit generally with running and gym work etc but I like the different kind of fitness a road bike demands!

    Suns out where's my Lycra! :D