How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • grant2307
    grant2307 Posts: 135
    I've just turned 26 and just bought a frame to build up.

    Not cycled since being a teenager and just looking around for forums to find some locals. Been lazy since my early 20's and it's time to change a few things ha
  • I'm 37 years old. I have an issue meaning that football isn't an option currently, I've wanted to get a bike on and off a few years now, and thought now is a good time.

    I'm about 2 stone overweight at the moment, rolling at around 87KG, or 13st 8ish. When I play football I'm around 11st8 or 12st, but a knee injury (Patella Tendonitis) is meaning I can't run. Cycling was recommended so here I am!

    I managed to get a bike on the Cycle2Work scheme, with advice from friends I opted against a full carbon and went for a Scott Speedster 20. I look at 2nd hand but figured the price difference was negligible when the C2W savings were taken into consideration. I don't know any cycling friends, so I am looking to join a cycling club that would handle a beginner. We shall see...

    Pick the bike up on Sunday!
  • Thebigbee wrote:
    And what are your reasons for picking the sport up?

    Also what cylcling / exercise / fitness history do you have?

    Finally what bike have you bought / now use?

    Interested to know your thoughts - answer as many as you want and give as much history as you want.



    25 years old

    I used to be on the football varsity (soccer) but then my knees gave out so I had to look for an alternative low impact sport. I love to ride my bike eversince i was a kid. Im looking forward to joining my first crit race her. Expectations of placing is out of the question. I guess Im just in it for the adrenaline rush of spinning. Spin. Spin. Spin

    I have a Trinx R700 roadbike 8 speed Microshift GS. 9kg total weight. Pretty decent bike I guess for a first road bike for me. ... uct&id=399
  • I'm 35 but "new" to cycling in the sense that I was out a lot as a teenager in a club, but gave it up for 20 years. Got into running five years ago, a bit bored of that now, so wanted to get back into cycling. Looking forward to building up that fitness and maybe even doing a few TTs next season.
  • dannbodge
    dannbodge Posts: 1,152
    24 (I'm 26 now though)

    I bought my first roadbike two years ago and have been upgrading and using more as time goes on. Started getting into events recently and my first one will be Revolve 24 in sept (can't wait). Been bitten by the cycling bug now and love it.

    I did have a cheap fixie for a couple of weeks a few years before getting the road bike but within one day of chaining it up in the back garden of my flat it got nicked (had 2 locks on too)
  • 58. I moved to a ski resort town 3 years ago and needed to find something to do in the off season that would keep me in shape. I MTB socially but after meeting someone who races centuries I've fallen hard for road biking. Now instead of counting the days until winter skiing arrives I count the days until outdoor cycling ends.
  • 21
    always fancied cycling, love the thought of owning a bike and looking after it, the GB team smashing it at the olympics really confirmed that buzz for me so I just thought I might as well do it. Turns out it doubles up as good cardio and also a quick 3 mile commute to work, saves a bit of petrol every week! Win win.

    Played semi professional football in Spain for a season, always played a decent standard, then played a good standard of tennis for a few years, fitness has always been mediocre (usually lack of cardio and hard work). I now train mixed martial arts at a local gym, great fun and a huge learning curve, but gym is shut on weekends, so I needed something to up the fitness levels, get out of the house more and just have some fun with.

    Pushed my budget a bit further and went for the 2016 allez elite, in charcoal, would never go for a colorful bike (unless it was worth thousands of pounds!) think anything that is black, white or grey looks super smart and simple.
  • I started at 16. My brother at 14. We started same time. Good competition. He is good on the flats and I am in turn better at climbing and sprinting than he is. Even though I am about 10kg heavier than he is.
  • 44 - picking up my first road bike tomorrow (carrera ladies TDF) having spent a happy year learning the ropes on my mountain bike I'm giving the road a serious go too. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping I can cope with the handlebars ok.
  • vysie
    vysie Posts: 34
    I'm 33 always had mtb' sand finally took the plunge really enjoy my specialized think I've done 75 miles now since getting it
  • Lota
    Lota Posts: 9
    I'm 26.. and I'm so happy to start it!)
  • Hello all! I'm 36 and just stepping into the road cycling world. I did a bit of mountain biking 15 years ago. I've been out on my new Trek 1.1 for about 30 miles so far and loving it!
  • Okarnill wrote:
    44 - picking up my first road bike tomorrow (carrera ladies TDF) having spent a happy year learning the ropes on my mountain bike I'm giving the road a serious go too. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping I can cope with the handlebars ok.

    Good luck, hope you enjoy the road
  • Okarnill wrote:
    44 - picking up my first road bike tomorrow (carrera ladies TDF) having spent a happy year learning the ropes on my mountain bike I'm giving the road a serious go too. Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping I can cope with the handlebars ok.

    Good luck, hope you enjoy the road

    Oh thank you Lincolndave! :) Bit of a long story, basically halfords told me wrong size - 43, drove an hour to get one on order, realised it was wrong (I siad it was, they said 'oh bit hard to tell really'0 found the last 46 in captivity, drove another hour. No set up, nothing. Got it home and could barely ride it so took it down thinking just needs adjusting - nope I apparently need a 51 with a shorter stem. So getting a Carrera Virtuoso this week sometime hopefully. The guys in bedford halfords were absolutely fantastic, guys in others - not so much!. Meanwhile I'm plodding around on the mtb hoping that the weather holds so I can at least get used to the new one on dry roads!
  • 22stu
    22stu Posts: 69

    Plodded about a bit on my Genesis Day 01 but now ordered a new bike....
  • I was 14 on a 5 speed Sun Squadra

    Out today with my 14yr old grandson on his first proper road run using my Planet X XLS. Totally chuffed.

    Watching him, chin on the headset flatbacked into a headwind and I though, Yup ! he gets it .
    Trek,,,, too cool for school ,, apparently
  • I was 30 at the time I'm 34 now, and much fitter thanks to getting on a bike. Although probably a bit poorer! :lol:

    I've written a little Blog about how I got started at
  • JayBM
    JayBM Posts: 20

    Used to ride a MTB as a teenager but then quite literally hadn't sat on a bike until this year. Decided a sedentary job and good living was catching up with me so signed up to do a 2 day adventure race this October. This required the purchase of a MTB, which I really enjoyed riding as part of the training. I found myself doing more and more road miles on the MTB, sometimes up to 30k.

    That was when I decided to borrow my sisters old Carrera Virtuoso to see if I actually enjoyed a road bike. What can I say that was 2 months ago and I'm hooked. So much so I've just bought a Giant Tcr and am planning my 1st century this Sunday.

    I've been really happy with the impact the longer road cycling has had on my fitness, it's been the major factor in me now being able to comfortably trail run 15+km which should stand me in good stead come October.
  • Age 55, I used to race (time trials) until I was 40 and then divorce / work etc took up too much time to train so I packed up. An arthritic knee which has lead to a limp and muscle loss pretty much put paid to exercise until the consultant suggested cycling so here we are now.

    I played rugby from 12 to 33 so was fit, then after watching the peleton in full flight on Channel 4 decided to have a real try at cycling. I'd always had a bike of sorts, but over the next seven years I had a Raleigh Road Ace, Raleigh DynaTech Pro, Colnago Superissimo, Gios Compact then the best a Colnago C40 Paris Roubaix limited edition. Along the way I had a Cougar lo pro which bit the dust, then a Graham Weigh 853 with the big down tube as a lo(wer) pro. Did about 6K miles a year, got under the hour and did well in middlemarker events on a good day.

    Sold it all when I packed up, and bought a Specialized Allez Elite about a month ago which I really like, although I'm not totally convinced about the compact drive train yet.
  • 35. Scratched an itch when I bought a second hand Triban 3 (white) around 3-4 weeks ago. Been hitting the road 3-4 times a week and been thoroughly enjoying it so far.
  • Redbaron1
    Redbaron1 Posts: 116
    Not a newbie but a returner. Am 37 getting back in after a while away..
  • Always been a MTB'er but had the chance to Ride stage 15 of the tdf in 2013 up Mont Ventoux. Purchased my first road bike in March 2013 and i've just purchased my 3rd. So first road bike at 25yo. Fitness increased, weight dropped, realised the local area didn't have a friendly group so teamed up with my local shop and grew the group (not a club) to over 300 members. We now have 4 different speed groups on a Thursday evening that ride out from the shop. Our biggest turn out has been 76 members (we split into more than 4 groups clearly).
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    49 (male)

    Been a mountain biker for years then had a go on a friends road bike....loved it ....went out 4 weeks ago and bought my self a Giant Defy Advanced Pro 3..... Shimano 105 spdl Carbon pedals and some very white ( need sunglasses ) shoes....

    Getting the mileage in before winter finally arrives :)
  • hi
    47 and a newcomer to road cycling. I've not owned or ridden a road bike (racer we called them) since my teens when motorbikes took over as my two-wheeled fun/transport. I have a mountain bike for the few center parcs holidays we took some years ago, and wanting to get more active I went for a ride with my wife a month or so ago and remembered just how much I enjoy and missed cycling. Decided I wanted to get out on the road for some regular riding and bought a Cannondale Caad8.

    A few weeks along and I love it, getting out a few times a week (when not suffering from man-flu ;))
  • mac_man
    mac_man Posts: 918
    53 in 2 weeks. Had bikes on and off since I was a kid. Got my first MTB in about '91 and then stopped a couple of years later due to kids, work and other commitments. Got back into MTB properly about 8 years ago and really, really enjoyed it. I'm embarrassed to admit I was an inverse snob regarding 'lycra out' roadies. That was until I picked up and old, yet immacualte, early 90s Peugeot road bike. And loved it. Sadly the bike didn't fair to well through 2 winters worth of Yorkshire rain, salt and general lack of care. Anyhoo, this year I moved to Spain and decided to restore the bike to it's former glory, including full powdercoat to the frame and replaced all the bearings, headset, cassette, chain etc. Now looks mint. The roads out here are fantastic - the Vuelta de Espana' came within about 10K from where I am. There's not much traffic on the roads and they're buttery smooth compared to the UK and plenty of hills to attack.
    Cool, retro and sometimes downright rude MTB and cycling themed T shirts. Just MTFU.

    By day:
  • gerlt
    gerlt Posts: 1
    40 years young.

    Just picked up my Trek Emonda ALR4 Viper Red, Yesterday. First ever roadbike. Mountain biked a lot as a kid - middle school - high school. Still have my original mountain bike, and very occasionally pedal it around as an adult. I just don't have the time to coordinate a trip to a mountain bike trail, and also fell in love with watching the tour de france back in 1999; ever since wanted a road bike. Finally took the plunge! Given the extra pounds I've been packing on and a need for a regular exercise routine, the bike will get some miles. Stoked! Happy pedaling!
  • I don't remember.
  • roof30
    roof30 Posts: 58
    I'm 46 and a recent re-cylist.

    Spent most of my childhood on various bikes, and got my first racer at 12. Had a lull for some 20 years due to ill health (kidney transplant), when I decided to get my other half and myself a Specialised Sirrus each for Christmas in 2008. Have loved every minute of it. Just bought myself a Cannondale Synapse Alloy 105 (men's version) on the Cycle to Work Scheme and am pleasantly surprised by how light it is in comparison to my hybrid. Racking up the miles again, albeit slowly. Thanks to my transplant I'm still here, but it does mean that my fitness will never be great. Doing what I can when I can, and can honestly say that I'm fitter than I've been in years (lost 2.5 stone in the past 12 months). My aim is to eventually do a century ride; for now I'm content with building up to 50 mile rides.
    Cannondale Synapse AL 105, Specialized Sirrus Comp
  • 27 years old

    Picked it up as an alternative to running and a way of cross training on off days

    Had a bike growing up and rode it all over the place, but I have little/no experience of training on a road bike

    I ride a Giant tcr 3, which I actually bought as a straight bar road bike, but with a lot of tinkering and learning, I have transformed and converted it into a Frankenstein-esque drop-bar road bike. Still have a little work to do but it was a cool experience trying to put it all together
  • Age: Too old =(

    Reason for cycling: I picked it up because I like it. I'm weird. I hate running. HATE it. Put me behind a handlebar and on a decent bike though and I'll go far, and just see where I end up. I don't even like walking all that much, to be honest.

    I guess I got my start as a kid. When I was a kid it was my only mode of transportation. I biked to my friend's house. To the lake. To our hangout spots. Lived close enough to school I biked there. To me, it just became a way of getting around ni a small amount of time. I could get across town in 10 minutes as opposed to the 40 or so minutes it would take to walk there. I even got off road bikes so I can ride in woodland area's, and things like that.