How old are the newbies to road cycling?



  • pedarby
    pedarby Posts: 28
    29 years old. Used to ride MTB's when I was younger but have now got the road bug!
  • I'm 46 , just got back into road cycling after 25 years , will be fun getting used to clipless pedals again . :lol:
  • step83
    step83 Posts: 4,170
    32, rode MTB for years, still do. got a road bike to train now enjoy both!
  • 25 ! Took up cycling for fitness as I couldn't run and got bit by the bug doing my first sportive in a couple weeks loving it
  • Mantas
    Mantas Posts: 33
    31, running previous
  • Been mountain biking since the late 90's. Always wanted a road bike but never took the plunge until I was 30. Bought a Giant Defy on a bit of a whim and got hooked. I'm now 33 and every spare minute I get I'm on the road. Haven't been on my MTB in a long, long while so the road bug bit me very hard!
  • mason5697
    mason5697 Posts: 63
    31 here. Had a mountain bike for years. Bought a hybrid in January. Just upgraded to a nice Giant propel advanced pro 2 this week. Caught the road bug big time.
  • St50vec
    St50vec Posts: 57
    I'm 33 used to ride a lot as a kid but as soon as got driving license lost the incentive too have since the start of the year restarted mainly to loose a bit of weight and to escape the 1 and 2 year old in the house but don't tell the wife.
  • Rollett
    Rollett Posts: 37
    I caught the road bug last year at 31, started out with a Spesh Allez basic on clearance from previous year. This year I realized I loved it and marched down to the LBS store and found a Spesh Roubaix SL4 Sport. With help of LBS sold my Allez at about a 200$ loss and got on my new bike. Doing my first serious events this June, just sportive stuff not interested in competition.
  • 54 !!!

    Friends did it so I followed,
  • Deleckz
    Deleckz Posts: 1
    Age: 31

    Experience: Not much tbh! But used to cycle a lot when younger.

    Bike: Cannondale CAADX 105

    Reasoning: To avoid the London commute costs. Where I currently live it costs £212 per month for a travelcard, which on my salary is not cool at all. Secondly I am an active gym goes so keeping healthy is a big plus. Thirdly (attached to number 2) is the fact I HATE LEG DAY and avoid it at all costs. So why not make leg day everyday as punishment! lol. Also with summer coming it will be nice to see the city more and explore a bit more. Im really liking the idea and feeling of being healthier and expanding my horizons. Hopefully in time I can compete in a few events and maybe some long distance riding in future.

    P.s Im such a novice when it comes to detailed components and knowing what is better than what but I guess thats what experience is for. All I know is my bike has disc brakes. :D
  • Not sure if I'm eligible as I'm not a 'road cyclist' as I don't use road bikes, I use hybrids. My bike use is for commuting. Biking for ten years. Real cycling is began three years ago; my crappy old bikes died and forced me to buy a new bike. I bought a Pinnacle Neon from Evans. Much faster than my three previous ones, its insane.
  • Lolaryan
    Lolaryan Posts: 1

    I have always cycled on and off. Bought my first "racer" at 14; it was very heavy (an Emmelle) but I loved it. Then when I got my first proper job bought a Marin Mountainbike and used to cycle nearly every day on the North Yorkshire Moors. Moved to Durham and only really cycled to commute to the station. Moved to Hong Kong bought a Cannondale road bike and cycled every Sunday on a neighbouring island. Went on some long distance cycling holidays in Asia. Give it all up when my son arrived. My bike sat gently rotting on my balcony. In October I managed to smother my guilt and take in to the bike shop. I have been cycling daily since then; I get up at 5:20 to cycle before work and have bought a folding bike so I can commute home; although I have to also use the train. I am very envious of the shift towards cycling that is happening elsewhere as although there are a lot more people cycling here; the government doesn't recognise it as a viable form of transport and the driving is appalling.
    Cycling has yet again become an obsession and I've realised how much I hate running; I am also astounded at how expensive cycling gear seems to have become.
  • 47
    Cycled for years on and off. Mainly MTB. Procrastinated for 2 years about getting into road biking. Finally got round to it this year (yay). Been gaining confidence slowly but surely for the past few months. Still find it all very scary, although I'm sure I'll start to 'enjoy' the experience soon. I hope. Haha.
  • IrishStu
    IrishStu Posts: 10
    24 and haven't sat my arse on a bike in years until Monday. Stay fit by running, circuits and powerlifting however with two old injuries in my knees the impact from running was beginning to be a problem so it's great that I've started to take an interest in cycling.
  • Age: 27

    I went out on a 50 mile cycle around Norfolk (very flat) on a borrowed bike with 4 guys from work.

    I loved it so much I am on the verge of buying my first ever road bike and probably going to get rid of my trail bike.
  • danny788
    danny788 Posts: 8
    39, only just bought my first road bike 2 weeks ago.

    Cycled on and off since a kid, with the last 3 years being a quite regular commuter, with occasional 15-20 mile pleasure rides. All this being done on my circa 2002 trek hybrid.

    Now have my Avanti giro 1, which I really like. It is night and day when compared to old bike.

    I hope to increase both length, frequency and average speed of rides.
  • Orange172
    Orange172 Posts: 3
    Hi folks.

    I was just shy of my 37th birthday when I bought my first road bike and turning 38 next month. I'd always ridden a mountain bike prior to that, on and off for the last 10 years. In 2012 I started a job which meant I could cycle to work, did it on the mountain bike for 2 weeks and my company opened up the cycle to work scheme so I took the plunge and bought a hybrid, Jamis Allegro Elite. Used that on and off for the commute for 2 years and last year I thought I'd take the plunge and bought a specialized Tarmac sport on the cycle to work scheme again. I can't believe I didn't do it earlier. I've fallen in love with cycling, the bike is amazing, so much better than the hybrid and the mountain bike, and doing many more miles than I've ever done, signed up for the Manchester 100k in September and looking forward to it.

    I'm hoping over time I will lose some of the excess weight around my gut and at the same time bring my blood pressure down, which has slowly crept up due to a lack of any proper physical exercise and the fact I smoke. Hoping to quit the ciggies but can't seem to stop (any pointers would be appreciated)

    Anyway that it from me, great forum by the way and look forward to contributing in the near future as I've gained so much knowledge and info from here myself.

  • paul.lit7
    paul.lit7 Posts: 2
    50 years old,
    been fit most of my life, but for the last ten years or so i have really let myself go.
    always enjoyed running off road but think im a bit past that now so decided to start cycling,

    love the idea of getting outdoors and the distances that can be covered,

    after much research i have bought a cannondale super six evo, and i have to say, i love it,
    only been out once this week but did 13 mile and got to a speed of 30mph,

    just ordered a garmin edge 520 and i am now looking for a nearby cycle club to join in county Durham.

    So happy i bought a bike
  • Gonk
    Gonk Posts: 1
    Age 35. Excluding BMX’s as a kid had no prior cycling history until I picked up a MTB (nothing fancy) in January this year with no intention to get “into cycling”, Just wanted to get a bit fitter.

    Fast Forward to the present. The MTB turned into a quick fling and broke up with her via text ... im classy! Have recently moved in with my long term girlfriend, a Merida Ride 400.

    It’s still early days but think she ‘s the one for me. We’ve been spending a lot of time together on the weekends, out on the open road, stopping in at the local cafes for a relaxing latte.

    If I can give any advice, do not invest too heavily into your first. She will only give you a taste of the good life before your eyes will inevitably wander
  • Jerry185
    Jerry185 Posts: 143

    been on some weird holidays (hiking/running) so cycling was next and thought I'd go to Peru/Bolivia. Bought a racer to train for six months, only that had an inbuilt speed wobble which scared the sh!t out of me - it WAS the bike and got an upgrade which works fine.

    Peru was interesting as I thought there might be someone more inexperienced than me. Oh, no! they were all bike nuts - ridden across USA; 200K sportives; C2C across north England. Fortunately my Leonine stubbornness got me through and held my own due to 1) not caring about going downhill (one ride was 70K) and 2) the only one never to fall ill.

    Still loving it after a year now. Oh and the C2C cyclist? Now my girlfriend. Cue - aahhhhhhh!
  • Gouldy-89
    Gouldy-89 Posts: 49

    Age 26. Cycled a lot when I was kid/teen from about 8-17 - mainly off-road, trails, etc. Generally been pretty active rugby, hockey and badminton until I left Uni in 2012. Havent done much since then beside the odd runs to keep some level of fitness ticking over.

    Recently moved to South Wales with my partner and we thought it would be a good way to see the sites. Plus she's a fitness fanatic, but due to a recent injury she cant compete competively in athletics anymore but it doesn't effect cycling - so she's "switching disciplines."

    We are both picking up Forme Longcliffe 1.0's this Saturday - cant wait to get out :)
  • I am 29 and got my first road bike last week. It's mainly for commuting so i went for the specialized diverge a1. Doing just over 20 miles a day at the moment an loving every mile!! I am waiting to get a cycle computer now as i am just using Strava on my phone in my back pocket of my jersey.

    I had my first experience in the rain today that was fun!!

    If there is anyone in the Plymouth area going on any rides give me a shout I will be well up for it.
  • figbat
    figbat Posts: 680
    44 years old here (45 in a couple of weeks) - got my first road bike last week. I have been MTBing for a while as a weight-loss/fitness and recreational thing but fancied a go at the road. I have a shortish sportive coming up in September so need to get used to the bike and fettle all the little things to get it running 100%.
    Cube Reaction GTC Pro 29 for the lumpy stuff
    Cannondale Synapse alloy with 'guards for the winter roads
    Fuji Altamira 2.7 for the summer roads
    Trek 830 Mountain Track frame turned into a gravel bike - for anywhere & everywhere
  • Tashman
    Tashman Posts: 3,497
    38, 39 in a couple of weeks. After finishing Uni rarely got onto my old MTB. Had ACL replacement surgery in Feb so now using this as recovery too. Just got a 2nd hand Defy 1 and looking forward to exploring the countryside around me now :) Also signed for the London-Brighton next ear
  • 35ish.

    Been mountain biking since my late teens, about 3 years ago my work and my home became close enough to make commuting by bike possible and after 2 years slogging it on my MTB I took advantage of the cycle to work scheme and picked up a Norco Search 2.

    The "adventure bike" format appealed to me, road wheels and gearing with disc brakes and more MTBish frame. The difference in riding a bike more suited to the road was even greater than I thought it would be and it wasn't long before i was going out on the road at the weekends as well as just commuting on it.

    My journey to the "Dark Side", as one of my MTB friends has labelled it, become complete a few weeks ago when I collected a shiny new Cannondale CAAD8.
  • fat daddy
    fat daddy Posts: 2,605
    42 ...... but I don't think I would have taken it up if there was a XC or DH run to work and back

    I still prefer being off-road on my soggy cow of an MTB with its vague steering, brakes that could stop an elephant and 5.5inches of suspension that make you wonder when the person in front wipes out if you actually ran them over or missed them

    But the Road is growing on me ... the preciseness of the bike, the acceleration off the lights, over taking busses and Commuters are FAR more competitive that single track riders you meet

    Its cleaner as well, my wife lets me in the house when I come home from work, when I came in from the trail I had to stand outside until I was clean
  • 41............ Starting to get in to this road cycling lark, fits in with my work much better than mtb. I'm just using my old mtb with a set of 26" Gatorskins at the minute, whilst not ideal, it's getting me out there, until I find a road bike that suits. I'm doing roughly 18 km every other morning at the minute on a couple of quite hilly loops close to home, but I've been away for a few days and have done a couple of early morning 30km rides on the North coast which were really enjoyable....... even though I did the failing to unclip and falling over in public thing. :oops:
  • smudgerii
    smudgerii Posts: 125
    49 in a few weeks, got into cycling 8 weeks ago as a way of improving my overall fitness and mobility after surgery. Nowt in the way of hills in my local area, but rivington barn is a short drive away once my fitness allows.

    Severe asthma and the need of a new knee ain't going to hold me back!
  • I'm 50 in March and have been in the saddle for just a few weeks.

    I wanted to do something positive about my fitness as it wasn't great so started running in January. Just to keep focus, I signed up for a Tough Mudder (taking place in September) with a team of work colleagues to raise money for a children's hospice charity. However, I kept popping my calf muscles when running hence decided to jump on a bike and gain fitness by cycling.

    I was riding around on a 20 year old Trek 930 Singletrack but I have now purchased a 2016 Cannonade Synapse and I'm loving it! My plan is to keep cycling after the Mudder and it's fair to say I have been bitten by the cycling bug :)
