our fellow cyclist, SO STUCK UP



  • Sod wearing a shirt and jacket to get into the Pavilion at Lords anymore, Im going to start my own Cricket Club.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,689
    cycling is an individual sport. cycling clubs are run by people who dislike individualism and like to make everyone in the club conform to what they think individualism should look like. joined a couple of clubs and found them all to be full of conceited twats. to be fair they were road clubs. mtb clubs tend to be a little bit more relaxed in my experience.

    Strange, I don't see too many individuals organising races so what are all these individualists going to do when they want to be competitive? Come on Bike Radar posting their highest average speed, max speed etc.? If you don't like riding in a club fine no-one is forcing you to, carry on riding individually and wear what you like. I've never come across this cliquey, conceited thing in my own club or among any of the other clubs in the area. When I started out as a know-it-all 17 year old I was given lots of friendly, helpful advice and I still get the same 20 years later. Other clubs in the area make each other welcome on their club runs and there's a great cameraderie that you get from people sharing a passion for something. Are you by any chance the latest incarnation of the bloke who came on here complaining about the club he joined as they weren't good enough for him etc. etc. only for it to be revealed he'd been kicked out??

    Why the differentiation with a "road club" and a "mtb club"? I thought all that petty rivalry went out the window a couple of decades ago. Most clubs have riders that do both including my own even though it is called a road club.
  • 58585
    58585 Posts: 207
    ANOTHER 8 page debate on "can I wear this cycling jersey"???
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Anyone remember that somewhat angry individual "Jez"? Yeah, he didn't get on so well in clubs either.
  • This is a magic thread, I can't believe I've read all the posts :lol:
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,689
    Pokerface wrote:
    Anyone remember that somewhat angry individual "Jez"? Yeah, he didn't get on so well in clubs either.

    That's the one, couldn't remember his name - I reckon he has returned with a new account.
  • paulorg
    paulorg Posts: 168
    NapoleonD wrote:

    No. You're wrong. You have to earn a GB jersey. Anyone who thinks differently is wrong.

    We now seem to be at an impass. You think I'm wrong. I know you're wrong. Next you'll be telling me you wear underpants under your bibshorts.

    No you don't, they pop up on eBay quite regularly, which begs the question if you have to earn it, why are so many put up for sale as that would suggest that those who have earned them don't have any respect for the shirt that they've earned. Perhaps you should have a word.

    IMO if its available, you can wear it. If it's not, then you can't. I don't wear national kit personally because I haven't ridden for a national team (so I haven't got any), that's just me but I wouldn't give someone hassle for wearing it if they had it. I do however wear a number of different team replica jersey but haven't ridden for them either, I wear them because I like the jersey or the rider it represents.
    If you buy it, they will come...

    ...up to you and say, you didn't want to buy one of them!!!
  • trtimothy
    trtimothy Posts: 117
    just like to chuck my hat into the ring.

    I currently spend my time riding around in Cervelo Test Team gear. I purchased this kit from a Cervelo Test Team rider. Why? Because he wasn't an ar$ehole, realised people like wearing nice kit and had some spare.

    I also own a GB skinsuit that I got from a GB team rider for the same reason. Now there is nothing as much fun as buzzing around in that whenever I go abroad with the TT bike.

    Some people need to get a grip, its a jersey! I reckon its gonna be pretty obvious straight away if they're team members and if not and you ask them they'd better not be embarrassed when they have to admit to paying for their gear.
  • trtimothy
    trtimothy Posts: 117
    however I would never dream of competing in another team's or national kit I hadn't earnt...
  • eh
    eh Posts: 4,854
    that would suggest that those who have earned them don't have any respect for the shirt that they've earned.

    Its often not the ones that are earned that are on ebay its the ones that were lets just say were aquired "cough", if you know what I mean :wink: I could name, names but I suspect that Bikeradar might not be too chuffed.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,264
    Two stories here:

    1. A cyclist once had a go at me for wearing a pro team shirt on 'HIS club ride'. Eventually I pointed out to him was nothing to do with him and just commuting home from work.

    2. I once, out on a ride, saw a bloke riding past me in full Alessio-Bianchi kit. I thought he looked like some wannabe. Later, about 500 yards down the rode where he'd stopped, I realised it was Magnus Backstedt.

    In summary no-one really knows who is wearing what. But don't wear polka dots if you're going to have to walk up a hill.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    RichN95 wrote:
    1. A cyclist once had a go at me for wearing a pro team shirt on 'HIS club ride'. Eventually I pointed out to him was nothing to do with him and just commuting home from work.
    :lol: Brilliant! :lol:
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    paulorg wrote:
    No you don't, they pop up on eBay quite regularly, which begs the question if you have to earn it, why are so many put up for sale as that would suggest that those who have earned them don't have any respect for the shirt that they've earned. Perhaps you should have a word.

    The kit being sold on eBay is fake.
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    Pokerface wrote:
    paulorg wrote:
    No you don't, they pop up on eBay quite regularly, which begs the question if you have to earn it, why are so many put up for sale as that would suggest that those who have earned them don't have any respect for the shirt that they've earned. Perhaps you should have a word.

    The kit being sold on eBay is fake.

    I really don't think it is. They pop up on eBay in quantities of ones and sometimes twos, never a choice of sizes etc.
  • never_ending_story_remake.jpg
  • Ian.B
    Ian.B Posts: 732
    This is a magic thread, I can't believe I've read all the posts :lol:
    Is "wearing" a champion's name on an internet forum acceptable? :lol:
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    As a small aside, does price and enjoyment come into this? I recently bought an Astana US Champion's jersey (2008 vintage) because:

    A) It looks like something Evel Knieval would wear and it makes me and my mates laugh (and, at the end of the day, isn't that why we do this lark?); and

    B). It was cheap - down from £50 or £40 or something ridiculous to £9.99 (including postage) (and it's a kosher one, not some nylon Chinese thing), so when I fall off and rip it/it wears out/mental inbred weird cousin's mental inbred weird dog eats it (don't joke, this has happened before) I won't actually be too bothered as it was only £9.99 (including postage).

    I wear a lot of team kit because its cheap when you buy last year's/clearance bin stuff and I don't care when it wears out. It's also fairly inoffensive (something like last year's black/red Caisse D'Espargne espesh).

    When racing (I'm div 1/elite) I wear my club's top (admittedly the old school 5 year ago version that's a bit tight under the armpits) and whatever shorts I can find at that time of the morning that don't smell too bed/make my scrote itch.

    I'd love to be able to afford Cervelo Test Team kit because I think it looks really nice but, personally, there is no way I could ever justify £100 upwards for a pair of shorts (unless they're Assos). If you can, then fair play - I'll be jealous but not mock you. Unless you're really shyyyyyte.

    I've also found that generally the better you are, the less you care about how you look - I ride with a few of the Comonwealth Tri/British Duathlon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffier smellier (happier?) bunch.

    My feeling on it is: if you want to wear it and it makes you feel good, go ahead. There's too many people taking too many things too seriously in this world - trust me, the lads in Sangin aren't worrying about whether Fat Lad McFat in Croydon is dressed as Schleck as he knocks out a 3hr 24 "10" …...

    Does this make me evil - I think not ……. But that's just me. Let the bickering continue ……..
  • Yossie wrote:
    I've also found that generally the better you are, the less you care about how you look - I ride with a few of the Comonwealth Tri/British Duathlon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffier smellier (happier?) bunch. …..

    ah you say that now, but when you hit the big time as a pro rider , you'll all too easy forget your roots and get sucked into the Italian Riviera style :wink:
    My pen won't write on the screen
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Yossie wrote:
    I've also found that generally the better you are, the less you care about how you look - I ride with a few of the Comonwealth Tri/British Duathlon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffier smellier (happier?) bunch. …..

    You sure it's not - "The better you are, the less you have time to sort out your looks or hygene since you spend too much time on the bike - I ride with a few of the Commonwealth Tri/British Dualthon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffer smellier (unhygenic) bunch....." ?? :wink:
  • Zachariah
    Zachariah Posts: 782
    What about team frames and accessories? Anyone been told off for sitting on a team-issue saddle?
  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    Yossie wrote:
    I've also found that generally the better you are, the less you care about how you look - I ride with a few of the Comonwealth Tri/British Duathlon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffier smellier (happier?) bunch. …..

    You sure it's not - "The better you are, the less you have time to sort out your looks or hygene since you spend too much time on the bike - I ride with a few of the Commonwealth Tri/British Dualthon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffer smellier (unhygenic) bunch....." ?? :wink:
    are you the kind of guy that if you were a brick layer you'd have to wash your hands and change your trousers after each brick.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    rake wrote:
    Yossie wrote:
    I've also found that generally the better you are, the less you care about how you look - I ride with a few of the Comonwealth Tri/British Duathlon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffier smellier (happier?) bunch. …..

    You sure it's not - "The better you are, the less you have time to sort out your looks or hygene since you spend too much time on the bike - I ride with a few of the Commonwealth Tri/British Dualthon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffer smellier (unhygenic) bunch....." ?? :wink:
    are you the kind of guy that if you were a brick layer you'd have to wash your hands and change your trousers after each brick.

    No. I'm the guy who looks cool and smells clean. 8)

    Are you the kind of guy who refuses to own up to the smelly jacket that's stinking out the cloakrooom in the office, having convinced yourself that you never smell because you did your washing a month ago? :wink:
  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    rake wrote:
    Yossie wrote:
    I've also found that generally the better you are, the less you care about how you look - I ride with a few of the Comonwealth Tri/British Duathlon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffier smellier (happier?) bunch. …..

    You sure it's not - "The better you are, the less you have time to sort out your looks or hygene since you spend too much time on the bike - I ride with a few of the Commonwealth Tri/British Dualthon guys and generally you'd struggle to find a scruffer smellier (unhygenic) bunch....." ?? :wink:
    are you the kind of guy that if you were a brick layer you'd have to wash your hands and change your trousers after each brick.

    No. I'm the guy who looks cool and smells clean. 8)

    Are you the kind of guy who refuses to own up to the smelly jacket that's stinking out the cloakrooom in the office, having convinced yourself that you never smell because you did your washing a month ago? :wink:
    i was once asked to leave a pub because stank too much :oops: i was aware of the issue though and apologised and left. had been a busy day.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    rake wrote:
    i was once asked to leave a pub because stank too much :oops: i was aware of the issue though and apologised and left. had been a busy day.


    I love wearing team kits.

    As an aside - it's a good conversation opener on club rides. "so why are you wearing quick-step" "errr, Boonen?" "who?" "oh dear.." etc.

    I'm stubborn (believe it or not ;)) enough to carry on wearing my team kit for club rides. Races might be different.

    Then again, i'm also argumentative enough (no waay) that I'd pick someone up on it if they had issue.
  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    is there such a word as clothism?
  • you have got to remember that as cyclists we are low down on the road users chain-lorries-cars-motorbikes-horses-then cyclists,cars want to do 60+we are only doing 15/25mph
    going downhill slowly
  • I love wearing team kits.

    As an aside - it's a good conversation opener on club rides. "so why are you wearing quick-step" "errr, Boonen?" "who?" "oh dear.." etc.

    Will that be the 2011 Quick Step kit? Not a very good one that...
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    I love wearing team kits.

    As an aside - it's a good conversation opener on club rides. "so why are you wearing quick-step" "errr, Boonen?" "who?" "oh dear.." etc.

    Will that be the 2011 Quick Step kit? Not a very good one that...

    Hah, no.

    It's the quick-step '08 kit.
  • It's the quick-step '08 kit.

    Ahh, but do you have the '08 Quick Step kit with the rainbow bands? :D
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    It's the quick-step '08 kit.

    Ahh, but do you have the '08 Quick Step kit with the rainbow bands? :D

    Across the front, like Bettini? (good knowledge, i think you'll agree ;) ) or around the sleeves?

    Neither. :(

    I bought it at the '08 Tour though, when Boonen wasn't even there.