2011 Metric Century Challenge



  • pollys_bott
    pollys_bott Posts: 1,012
    pdstsp wrote:
    And isn't it getting close at the top of the table - and the lantern rouge competition is hotting up too!!

    Not as hot as I had hoped in October - got saddled with the role of bouncy castle monitor at a huge party of four year olds and sure enough having all those lovely little germ-carriers in close proximity for two hours resulted in half of the month being written off whilst I tried to rid myself of some lurgy... :( . One more chance this month for a second ride then fingers crossed for good (enough) weather in December...
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,235
    Commiserations Mike. I took a pretty bad tumble myself a week or so ago and although my recent rides have been uncomfortable and a little difficult (unable to shift with the left hand) I guess I should count myself fortunate that nothing was actually broken and that I can at least still ride. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,235
    And now it turns out that the little lump that I've been ignoring for the last few weeks is a hernia and requires surgery. According to the Thai doctor I won't be able to cycle for at least a month after the operation. I'm not registered in France and presume I'd have to pay for it to be done. Sounds expensive. The Thai health service is excellent and if I were to have it done here my travel insurance would pay for it but that would mean no more cycling. A dilemma.
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Bummer, especially as it looks like you are in the yellow jersey - good luck with the decision making and the recovery -.

  • mikeeye
    mikeeye Posts: 162
    That sucks DC. A difficult decision indeed. I hope you figure out what's the right thing for you, and your recovery goes well.

    If you still don't know what recursion is, read this sentence.
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,235
    Having done some extensive research on google (where else would one look for medical advice) I've decided to hold off with the operation until I get back. Apparently folk have cycled with a hernia for years to no ill effect. This trip is what made the redundancy a good thing in my mind and the whole point of the trip was / is a cycling tour. It also fits in nicely with my ethos of living the life of an ostrich. Why deal with something today when there's a perfectly good piece of sand into which one's head will snugly fit?
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Two more down for November - now a couple more in December will give me a nice round 25 points for the year. I can live with that! 8)
    Faster than a tent.......
  • Omar Little
    Omar Little Posts: 2,010
    starting to tail off in motivation now, few months ago if i'd done 50 odd miles i'd add on a bit just to get up to metric century...now when i reach 50 im looking forward to getting in for a hot shower and some food :D
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    edited December 2011
    Ok - here it is - pm me if you update late and very good luck to all for December.

    Dead Calm 81
    Runner2Cycling 74
    toontra 74
    durrin 71
    daibhi 57
    slog 47
    Jonninho 44
    genki 40
    Omar Little 38
    fridgeboy 35
    wiffachip 31
    LA 28
    Rolf F 23
    gbs 20
    RickyG 19
    the crofter 17
    pdw 15
    leedsmjh 15
    velocitizen 14
    mr_polll 13
    Polly's Bott 12
    renard 12

    Did notice that Velocitizen has claimed 134 points but feel sure this is a typo rather than one fantastic late autumn surge!!

    Great competition still at both ends of the classement - toontra has slipped from top spot after a fantastic run by DeadCalm - and can durrin end up on the podium? Meanwhile the lantern rouge is still up for grabs - seems to be between the bottom three. Lets hope the broom wagon can be kept at bay for the final month.

  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,235
    Done it! December ride is now posted. I'm chuffed to bits to have completed this challenge. There were a few times when I really didn't think I would.
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Congratulations - and looks like the yellow jersey could be yours unless there's some serious winter riding from one of the other contenders.

  • I'm done.

    Was aiming for 20 points at the start, so delighted with 32 points and could get a couple more, weather permitting.

    Thanks to all fellow participants and special thanks to Paul.

    It's a great motivator
  • gbs
    gbs Posts: 450
    Challenge completed today. Thank you Paul for keeping the score.

    Can I claim the seniors' prize or are there more OAPs out there?
    vintage newbie, spinning away
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Would that be the grey jersey?
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,235
    pdstsp wrote:
    Congratulations - and looks like the yellow jersey could be yours unless there's some serious winter riding from one of the other contenders.

    Thank you Paul for your encouragement as well as all the hard work you've put in keeping the score.

    I've been aiming for 100 100km rides (which I'm now resigned to missing out on) rather than the yellow jersey but if I do win it (by no means certain yet) it will be only because I've had more opportunities to ride as a result of my particular circumstances and certainly not because I've put in any more effort than any other participant.

    Congratulations and a big thank you too to all successful participants.

  • renard
    renard Posts: 51
    Finished the Challenge yesterday.

    Forecast lied - no rain till the afternoon. Borderline snow for about 30mins 20miles in!

    Very satisfied to have done it. Same number of points as 2009 - 13.

    Next year will try to get into the twenties.
  • Thats me done too. Surprised really, I only went out for an hour, and it ended up being a beautiful, if windy day.
    Just put my head down and did 50km into a 20mph wind, then a nice run home.

    I don't know whether to go for 50 now, or hang the bike up for a few weeks!
    Amazed with 45 so far anyway as I had only ever done 3 before this year.

    Congratulations to everyone else completed so far.
    Boardman Team Carbon SRAM Red 2010
    Bianchi Via Nirone 7 Alu Veloce 2011
  • That's me done for the year.
    14 for me this year.
    Well done to all those who've got there December ride in already.
    Lets hope everyone else gets round.
    Always nice to hear that this thread is a motivator.
    Thanks Paul for posting the updates each month.
    Onwards to 2012.
    BeestonCC Sportive
    Sunday 24th June 2012
    Enjoy the finest cycling in the Peak District.
    47, 75 and 111 mile routes.
  • durrin
    durrin Posts: 123
    I'm done as well! I guess I should be happy about the 72 points, as my goal was 52... but for a while I thought I could make top 3. That looks to be a bit hard now!
  • I'm now done too - rides on both Saturday (included 21 miles of hard racing at Hillingdon) and Sunday.
    I'm now on 76, in 2nd place just 2 ahead of toontra - no chance of catching deadcalm though (congratulations to him) as I'm away next 2 weekends which just leaves a few days between Christmas and New Year.
  • LA
    LA Posts: 26
    I'm done as well & chapeau to everyone completing this. Forecast was for no rain today so got v cold and wet with no wet weather gear in the last 20k. Made me finish the distance though :D
    Life is not a rehearsal
  • leedsmjh
    leedsmjh Posts: 196
    That's me done too. 16 for the year and I'm happy with that.
    Cheers to Rolf F for devising a route and dragging me out to Hull despite the cold and rain, twas an excellent (if chilly) way to finish the challenge off
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    leedsmjh wrote:
    That's me done too. 16 for the year and I'm happy with that.
    Cheers to Rolf F for devising a route and dragging me out to Hull despite the cold and rain, twas an excellent (if chilly) way to finish the challenge off
    It was a good ride and thanks for the company. Apologies again for being slightly late due to accidentally cycling through a crime scene!

    I'll have to send you the route so you know where we went!

    Anyway, 24 done. I'll try and get at least one more in before New Year and then it all starts again.....
    Faster than a tent.......
  • pollys_bott
    pollys_bott Posts: 1,012
    December ride done - it was a bit fresh starting at 0840 and the head wind in the middle third was a bugger, but at least it stayed dry. Now to get all the salt and cow shit off the bike... well done to everyone completed so far and may the weather stay fair enough for those left to ride this month.
  • gbs
    gbs Posts: 450
    Another windy day and for me the longest ride ever on the single speed Day 1. I am now targetting 2 more rides this year to complete 24 in total.

    There, having said it I had better to do it!
    vintage newbie, spinning away
  • genki
    genki Posts: 305
    I'm worried about falling at the last hurdle. I'm busy the next three weekends, having used up too much goodwill over the last 11 mths, and the weather's been really lousy over here in Luxembourg. At this rate I'll be waiting for a clear night and having to do the whole ride in the dark. And I'll be cursing this challenge all the way...
  • Done. Finished on Sat. with a pleasant run from Peebles down to Moffat (Cafe Ariete if your ever in Moffat :D ) and back, fair bit of snow and fog over the top of the Devil's Beeftub
    The whole challenge is a lot tougher than I thought at the outset but it certainly gets you out on the bike when you'd otherwise be making excuses not to....after all what's a little bit of snow.

    Well done to everyone who's completed. I'll not be signing up for next year my knee has been complaining the last couple of times and I think it maybe needs a bit of rest over the winter if I'm to be fit for next Summer. Much chapeau to the guys at the top of the list.
    You've no won the Big Cup since 1902!
  • leedsmjh
    leedsmjh Posts: 196
    Just as well I finished this challenge last weekend. My garage door broke yesterday and my bikes are trapped inside.
  • leedsmjh wrote:
    Just as well I finished this challenge last weekend. My garage door broke yesterday and my bikes are trapped inside.
    It certainly beats the "my dog ate my homework" excuse :lol:
    You've no won the Big Cup since 1902!
  • genki
    genki Posts: 305
    Finally managed to get out for what will be probably be my only long outing in December. In the best tradition of challenges the final hurdle proved a tough one. Temperature at freezing point so sometimes it was rain, other times hail and then a bit of snow. The worst bit was having had 10 days off the bike - 100km seemed to take for ever :?

    Thanks for the motivation all year, and see you in 2012 8)