2011 Metric Century Challenge



  • proto
    proto Posts: 1,483
    Bad news I'm afraid, Runner 2Cycling came off on ice on the High Wycombe club run this morning. Broken hip and collar bone, now in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Operating tomorrow, in hospital 7 or 8 days.

    Chin up Dave, recover quickly! (Proto aka Tim O)
  • mikeeye
    mikeeye Posts: 162
    proto wrote:
    Bad news I'm afraid, Runner 2Cycling came off on ice on the High Wycombe club run this morning. Broken hip and collar bone, now in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Operating tomorrow, in hospital 7 or 8 days.

    Chin up Dave, recover quickly! (Proto aka Tim O)
    Bad news indeed :-(

    Good luck for a speedy recovery Runner2Cycling.

    Best wishes,

    If you still don't know what recursion is, read this sentence.
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Bummer - good luck with the recovery Runner2Cycling - terrible time of year to do it too.

  • proto wrote:
    Bad news I'm afraid, Runner 2Cycling came off on ice on the High Wycombe club run this morning. Broken hip and collar bone, now in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Operating tomorrow, in hospital 7 or 8 days.

    Chin up Dave, recover quickly! (Proto aka Tim O)

    Sh*t, that's nasty.
    It's slightly worrying that, in the relatively small community that this forum forms, there seems to be a pretty regular number of people having bad accidents. :shock:

    All the best for a speedy recovery.
    You've no won the Big Cup since 1902!
  • thecrofter wrote:
    proto wrote:
    Bad news I'm afraid, Runner 2Cycling came off on ice on the High Wycombe club run this morning. Broken hip and collar bone, now in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. Operating tomorrow, in hospital 7 or 8 days.

    Chin up Dave, recover quickly! (Proto aka Tim O)

    Sh*t, that's nasty.
    It's slightly worrying that, in the relatively small community that this forum forms, there seems to be a pretty regular number of people having bad accidents. :shock:

    All the best for a speedy recovery.

    Add me to that list. After falling out of the challenge mid year, just last week I was looking for the sign-up page for 2012, till a crash on Friday left me with a cracked vertebra. There goes January at least, probably Feb too for 100km attempts.


    Well done all this year and Good luck for next!

    Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS
  • DeadCalm
    DeadCalm Posts: 4,235

    Best wishes to both Runner2Cycling and Wheelspinner and hoping for a prompt and full recovery to the both of you.
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Bloody hell its turning into emergency ward 10 in here (showing my age). I am also suffering but have to confess its self-inflicted and alcohol related so I guess no sympathy coming this way.

    All the best to the crocked and broken and happy cycling to everyone else over the holidays.

  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Yes, done - Chose a lovely day to go out never did I imagine 11 months ago that my December ride would be in sunshine. Bloody hurt today after a month off the bike. Thanks to all for motivational comments on this thread and for those that have updated everything, hopefully I have avoided the lantern rouge.
  • pdw
    pdw Posts: 315
    That's me done, and what a miserable ride to finish off on :(

    Wind and rain all the way round. In the last 10 miles it started really chucking it down, the wind picked up and swung round to the north (no need to tell you which way I was going) and the temperature dropped from a balmy 10 degrees to a rather chilly 5 degrees in the space of 15 minutes. Only one thing could round off a ride like this, and sure enough a few minutes later I was fumbling around with completely frozen fingers trying to fix a puncture.

    Gutted I couldn't have escaped work yesterday and done it then.

    Still, I've enjoyed the challenge and at least I'm still in one piece! There have definitely been a few days where it's forced me to get out on the bike when I might otherwise have stayed in bed. Many thanks to those who've done the monthly updates.

    Not sure about next year... Maybe I'll drink enough over the next few days for it to start to seem like a good idea again.
  • I certainly won't be signing up for the challenge again next year - last Sunday I was out with the club, crashed very heavily on some black ice whilst descending Aston Hill (on A40 just west of Stokenchurch) at about 25mph and broke my left hip and collarbone.
    I've had a plate and pins inserted into the hip (a "dynamic screw") but luckily there is only a small crack at one end of the clavicle so I can use the arm for load-bearing - just as well as I'll be on crutches for quite a few weeks.
    After a week in John Radcliffe hospital I got home yesterday just in time for Christmas !

    My abiding memory of the crash is hitting my head very hard on the road - of course I was wearing a helmet - which surprisingly doesn't show any sign of damage (but I'll be buying a new one anyway).

  • durrin
    durrin Posts: 123
    I certainly won't be signing up for the challenge again next year - last Sunday I was out with the club, crashed very heavily on some black ice whilst descending Aston Hill (on A40 just west of Stokenchurch) at about 25mph and broke my left hip and collarbone.
    I've had a plate and pins inserted into the hip (a "dynamic screw") ...

    ouch! good luck with healing up. I was only off my bike for 5 weeks when I broke my collarbone though, you can still do 2012, Optimism!!
  • gbs
    gbs Posts: 450
    Final effort completed today.
    vintage newbie, spinning away
  • Not been a bad couple of days to squeeze those last rides in.
    Well done to all the finishers.
    Get well soon all that are injured.
    Anyone fancy doing it all again in 2012?
    BeestonCC Sportive
    Sunday 24th June 2012
    Enjoy the finest cycling in the Peak District.
    47, 75 and 111 mile routes.
  • durrin
    durrin Posts: 123
    2012? yeah, definitely! I think at least one other mentioned looking for the sign-up thread.
  • BeestonCC Sportive
    Sunday 24th June 2012
    Enjoy the finest cycling in the Peak District.
    47, 75 and 111 mile routes.
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Apologies - just realised I have under reported my total's and missed 2 rides off somewhere along the way - have re-edited and whilst it wont effect the standing too much it will jump me away from the lantern rouge.
  • Phew - just squeezed my December ride in under the wire. Pretty horrible out there this morning - my poor Bianchi got covered in shite. Looking forward to beating that total next year.
  • Congratulations to all the finishers.
    I love to read lines like '..gave me the motivation to get out.' thats what the Challenge is all about for me.
    This just needs a full results table and then we can move on to the 2012 Challenge.
    Happy New Year to everyone.
    Nice, dry morning here and I've got to be at the in-laws for lunchtime, 4 hour ride anyone?
    BeestonCC Sportive
    Sunday 24th June 2012
    Enjoy the finest cycling in the Peak District.
    47, 75 and 111 mile routes.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    Managed a final ride on the 31st - must be one of the last! A very windy, soggy ride through Bronte Country not doing quite its worst but certainly a bit on the Wuthering side.

    25 points over 24 rides. 3220 metric century kilometers ridden. :D
    Faster than a tent.......
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Velocitizen - Has really helped with motivation for the year, got a mention in my blog


    Thanks to everyone who has collated stats and everyone's comments throughout the year. Question is do I go again in 2012?
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Happy New Year to everyone, best wishes for the new year, congratulations to the finishers, commiserations to those who fell short and a speedy recovery to those injured. Keep us informed.

    Here is the roll of honour, obviously subject to last minute postings.

    Maglia Rosa to DeadCalm 88
    Runner2Cycling 76
    toontra 75
    durrin 73
    daibhi 58
    slog 49
    Jonninho 47
    Omar Little 43
    genki 41
    furrag 40
    fridgeboy 36
    LA 34
    wiffachip 32
    Rolf F 25
    gbs 23
    Ricky G 20
    the crofter 18
    pdw 17
    mr_poll 16
    leedsmjh 16
    velocitizen 14

    and the lantern rouge is shared between....

    Pollys Bott 13
    renard 13

    Very well done once again - I will be back in this year as I have just negotiated with Mrs pdstsp to ride the length of either Italy or France in late May/June so whoopppeeedooo.

  • toontra
    toontra Posts: 1,160
    Well done everyone! Thanks for keeping the stats Paul and good luck with your European tour - may see you on the Stelvio pass!

    a serious case of small cogs
  • My recovery from a broken hip on 18th December is going well (can walk slowly with just one crutch now) but there's absolutely no way I'll be fit enough to even get on the bike by 31st Jan, never mind ride 100k, so I'll be taking a year out of this challenge and will be back in 2013.
    Good luck to all those in for 2012's challenge - it will undoubtedly improve your stamina and strength, as it did mine, if you manage several rides or more a month.
  • genki
    genki Posts: 305
    Good to hear the recovery's started well and let's hope you're not just back in 2013, but back at the top of the table.
  • mikeeye
    mikeeye Posts: 162
    pdstsp wrote:
    ...and a speedy recovery to those injured. Keep us informed.
    I saw my consultant for my 3 month (and 12 day) check up on Tuesday. New x-rays showed that my collar bone fracture has not fused (yet). He said I can ride my bike again if I wish - but if I fall "it will break". Basically I have to make up my mind whether it's worth the risk. Saw my physio the day after. She looked at the x-rays; felt the movement in the bone and advised against riding. Another three month wait now to give the fracture a chance to fuse.

    Congrats to all those who did finish the challenge in 2011 - some very impressive results there. And good luck to the rest of you who are recovering from injuries.

    Thanks to Velocitizen for organising this and pdstsp for the monthly updates.
    If you still don't know what recursion is, read this sentence.
  • daibhi
    daibhi Posts: 21
    Thanks to pdstsp for the accounting and Velocitizen for the rest of it. Congrats to all finishers and commiserations to those who didn't make it, especially the injured.

  • mikeeye
    mikeeye Posts: 162
    edited January 2014
    An update on my collarbone situation...

    7 1/2 months after the crash, a CT scan has conformed non-union. I am currently back on my bike and have done a reasonable number of metric centuries and one imperial century this year. I have even got back to a state where I don't feel completely petrified as I cross the roundabout where it happened.

    But things are not right, so I will be having the collarbone plated. Current plan is to delay this until the autumn.

    I can't say I'm looking forward to starting all the physio again, but hey ho at least I have a resolution in sight.

    What about the other injured folks, Wheelspinner, Runner2Cycling? How are your recoveries going?
    If you still don't know what recursion is, read this sentence.
  • bikergirl17
    bikergirl17 Posts: 344
    wow -- just caught up on last year's challenge posts and am in awe of the insane amounts of cycling and shocked by all the accidents. def hope the rather large group of injured are all healed up.

    for me, having to drop out of this challenge killed my cycling mojo (it was worse than having to cancel the cycling trip to the alps, seriously!); funny how sharing the results of a simple 100 km ride once a month could be so motivating. great to be back in for 2012, broken bones largely healed and with a few more kilograms to drag up those climbs.