the Cyclo cross racing post



  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    devhads wrote:
    Did back to back races most weekends this season, and it's not so bad

    Doing a double header this weekend too, Wendover on Saturday and Mistley on Sunday. Luckily I have a day off work on Monday to recover.

    No day off for me on Monday, still doing races both days this weekend though! N&D at a surprisingly clean(ish) Alfreton now done and dusted - I had one minor spill but really enjoyed the event and the course was excellent, I rode fairly well after a demanding week at work resulting in an OK placing by my standards. Despite deciding to line up on one of the rows nearer the front for a change, it's clear that fast starts aren't my thing! Easier to gain places by picking off (a) the poorer climbers and (b) the riders who manage to start fast with the pack but end up flagging a lap or two in.

    The West Midlands League, an early-ish train to Rugby and Misterton Hall await tomorrow.....

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • devhads
    devhads Posts: 236
    Despite deciding to line up on one of the rows nearer the front for a change

    You mean you get a choice in N&D! Or have you been previously been not going forward when called.

    Strangely I got gridded at Wendover today despite it being the third round and not having raced in that league yet this year. Somebody also told me my son got called forward for his race at Culham last week despite being nearly 100 miles away at Davy Down. Central league gridding still confuses me.

    Legs feeling ok at the moment but that may be a different story tomorrow when I wake up.
    an early-ish train to Rugby and Misterton Hall await tomorrow

    Don't forget the clocks going back tonight :)
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    devhads wrote:
    Despite deciding to line up on one of the rows nearer the front for a change

    You mean you get a choice in N&D! Or have you been previously been not going forward when called.

    Seems there isn't actually any formalised gridding this season, unlike races I've ridden in West Mids, Central and Wessex in recent years, where you do have to wait until your name's read out (with everyone not on the list of names lining up randomly afterwards). However, to avoid "traffic" on the opening lap, the field is split by category with groups going off at 1-minute intervals and the Senior men starting first.

    Edit: you're not alone in finding Central League gridding confusing. Especially the time that Sonning Common was a joint Wessex/Central race a couple of years back. :?

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • shazzz
    shazzz Posts: 1,077
    Had a good time at Supercross today. Only slightly sour point was some plonker shouting "chipper" at some of the novice riders. What kind of a dick does that? Anyway, riding and viewing was fun with loads of support. The cowbells are still ringing in my ears. Brucie bonus was Dan Craven showing up to race with the Elites and then hanging around for the fun race. So, I have now raced a grand tour rider and made sure I overtook him up at one point, even if I didn't stay ahead for long....
  • anyone else find the compost-like mud at Mistley EasternCross jammed their pedals up?

    I cleaned pedals (M520 SPDs) and cleats before the start and yet was soon struggling to get re-clipped in after the first couple of dismounts.

    would eggbeaters or anything else be a better choice, or as I can't remember ever having that happen in years of MTBing, was that weird mud just a one-off that we won't see anywhere else?
  • devhads
    devhads Posts: 236
    The compost type soil was quite unusual, but I can't recall anybody I spoke to afterwards saying they had particular problems clipping back in. The main problem was with getting traction. I managed to ride all the ascents and I think I only seemed to be able to get up them by sitting down and grinding away in my 32t sprocket and with very low tyre pressures for traction. Hence no problems clipping in as I only really dismounted at that annoying log.

    I had real problems with the mud at Baldock and had terrible problems clipping in, so much I nearly put my old Eggbeaters back on. They are definitely better at mud clearing but I generally prefer my M540s in non muddy conditions. If you had problems on Sunday I'd say you'd have problems anywhere when it's muddy so maybe give Eggbeaters a try.
  • thanks - although a novice CXer I don't think I've had similar problems in 20-odd years of SPD use on mountainbikes.

    I suppose with the course being almost all under the tree canopy it was just layers of leaf-mould we were riding on; hopefully will be OK next time out at Grafham, although it'll mean I'll have to find another excuse for being so slow ;-)
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    Post-Notts & Derby I felt in decent shape, all things considered, so with an extra hour in bed under my belt to boot, I was looking forward to the West Midlands race at Misterton on Sunday. By and large it didn't disappoint, although I was a bit dismayed at losing a place or four on the opening lap due to traffic jams on the woodland sections. As well as the woods, with mud, loose earth, grass (some cut up, some less so) plus the odd tarmac path there was a bit of everything to contend with but only one short section needing any running. I've already posted elsewhere on here about the difference that a new pair of tyres has made to my CX bike, and that helped with confidence on a large part of the course. Thanks to a mix of other riders flagging and me seemingly getting my second wind, I actually managed to make up some lost time and placings towards the close, although after a brief post-race rest I found myself feeling pretty shattered on the ride back into Rugby. Thankfully there wasn't much of a wait for the train home! Despite a tough weekend's racing, I was up and out of bed in good time for work today and without my legs feeling as though they were made out of wood. :)

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • mikpem
    mikpem Posts: 139
    anyone else find the compost-like mud at Mistley EasternCross jammed their pedals up?

    I cleaned pedals (M520 SPDs) and cleats before the start and yet was soon struggling to get re-clipped in after the first couple of dismounts.

    would eggbeaters or anything else be a better choice, or as I can't remember ever having that happen in years of MTBing, was that weird mud just a one-off that we won't see anywhere else?

    Yes, I did but a couple of laps in I worked out that if I had to get off and run I'd run on the bushes to the side instead of the chewed up racing line which cleared up my cleats and in turn kept the pedals clear in the most part. Although the whole run down after jumping over the log was spent trying to get clipped back in. I haven't seen any other courses with mud like that, I was just happy to finish on the bike this year, the last 2 races ended with me running to the end with a flat and ripping off my rear mech on my last practice lap!

    I didn't get to ride Grafham last year because it filled up too quickly with the old format but I did a few practice laps before I found that out. From what I remember it was mostly well compacted grass, the biggest issue there is learning to ride along the beaches! I'll be there this year though, taking advantage of pre booking!
  • Well today's Luton CC round at the MK Bowl was an experience!

    Never seen mud like it! I was going well (as in not my usual bottom 4!) When I went for the brakes on a downhill section and found nothing! I had to run a few rideable sections trying to dial in the pads (avid BB5). In the end I gave up with trying to brake and had to run any steep downhill sections. I took the pads out tonight and they are back to bare metal. From perfect braking to nothing in 20 min! The bowl is pretty sandy but I didn't expect the pads to wear so easily. They were new in August. Why was nice was that I was able to race in the midfield today and had a few good battles. The lack of braking meant I probably took some corners far faster than I perhaps normally would but I kept u right so it was a bit of a blessing!

    I am looking forward to seeing the photos later, should be some good ones!
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    That was good fun, if a little hard work! My rear mech clogged about half way through, and I could only shift up whilst going over large bumps, or by kicking the mech.

    What sort of pads were you using? I remember having exactly the same issue last year with TRP Spyres, and it turned out the organic pads just weren't up to the job. I've raced the whole of this season (~10 races) on the same set of sintered pads, and they still look to have plenty of life in them. They probably don't have the same ultimate stopping power as organic, but when most of the oppo are on cantis who cares?
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • Cheers for the advice, will see if I can get some sintered pads. My plan to ride the Wessex League at Oxford is now canned :-(
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,447
    Superstar components do some very reasonably priced, hard wearing sintered pads.
  • Organic are better in the wet and in the cold, but they inevitably wear out fast. Sintered are not as performing but way more durable... pick the ones that fit your riding best. In a race I'd rather be on sintered
    left the forum March 2023
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    antsmithmk wrote:
    Well today's Luton CC round at the MK Bowl was an experience!

    Never seen mud like it! I was going well (as in not my usual bottom 4!) When I went for the brakes on a downhill section and found nothing! I had to run a few rideable sections trying to dial in the pads (avid BB5). In the end I gave up with trying to brake and had to run any steep downhill sections. I took the pads out tonight and they are back to bare metal. From perfect braking to nothing in 20 min! The bowl is pretty sandy but I didn't expect the pads to wear so easily. They were new in August. Why was nice was that I was able to race in the midfield today and had a few good battles. The lack of braking meant I probably took some corners far faster than I perhaps normally would but I kept u right so it was a bit of a blessing!

    I am looking forward to seeing the photos later, should be some good ones!

    +1 to Luton CC - great event! Wiped out 2-3 times - a mixture of lack of grip on the tyres and imbecilic enthusiasm.

    Had to bend the rear mech back into place today, and also found a worm living in the mud clogged between the BB and chainset.

    Realised this morning when I cleaned my shoes why I was slipping on the walk up the hill just after the finish/lap line - I'd forgotten to put my studs in. Well done me...

    Cracking ride by Spraggy.

    Have entered Icknield - looking forward to it. Will hopefully have new tyres by then.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Thanks, was pretty happy with that ride. I always seem to go well at MK, just need to figure out how to replicate it at other venues!

    +1 for Superstar pads. While you're at it, get some spares and keep them with the kit you take to races. Spare mech hanger's a useful thing to have in the kitbag too, I suspect a few of those died yesterday...
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Hats off to Icknield RC for a great race today. Loved the course and good atmosphere.

    Had some really good battles with some chaps who had much better bike handling skills than me, but i managed to nip ahead on the three long straights and then hang on in the 'circle of doom'.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Ah the circle of doom, must've been hard for the seniors after my fellow Vets had ripped it up. Not a great day for me today, both me nemesis got away from me as I just didn't have the legs. All of my battles were brief and I was seldom the victor. Hoping for better next weekend. Icknield made a great course for what they had to work with. One of my club mates broke his collar bone just before the sand pit, best wishes to him.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    How is he? (I think we spoke before and after the race...?)
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • cjcp wrote:
    How is he? (I think we spoke before and after the race...?)
    Haven't heard anything yet. Chris from Kingston Wheelers?
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    cjcp wrote:
    How is he? (I think we spoke before and after the race...?)
    Haven't heard anything yet. Chris from Kingston Wheelers?

    Yup. Nice to meet you :-)
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • cjcp wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    How is he? (I think we spoke before and after the race...?)
    Haven't heard anything yet. Chris from Kingston Wheelers?

    Yup. Nice to meet you :-)
    Back at ya and looking forward to more tussles. Got the jet lag out of the legs now and we'll see how we go at Hillingdon :D
  • Yes I saw that incident. Very odd as it was only a little right kink just before the sand. He caught my attention as he was sort of flying through the air above his bike!

    As for my race...meh. I felt I went better last week at the bowl in far far worse conditions. I just couldn't seem to corner with any speed today. Every time I tried to push a bit faster I could feel the bike going from under me. I had a minor off on lap 1 too. I dI'd notice that if I pushed really hard on the tennis courts I could shed the mud stuck in between the tread and then continue a bit better for a few corners. Pre entered and on the day should have been lost 70 seniors but it didn't feel like that many on course.

    Any tips for the really sharp slow corners? I seemed to nearly grind to a halt each time!
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    cjcp wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    How is he? (I think we spoke before and after the race...?)
    Haven't heard anything yet. Chris from Kingston Wheelers?

    Yup. Nice to meet you :-)
    Back at ya and looking forward to more tussles. Got the jet lag out of the legs now and we'll see how we go at Hillingdon :D

    A re-match would be good :-), but I have some negotiating to do for Hillingdon. The Good Lady is out and I'll have the kids. I need to find a babysitter...
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • His bike had a front puncture when we put it away but don't know if that was pre or post crash. As for cornering faster I'm not sure many were flying round those tight turns today but the only tip I can give you is to look as far ahead of the turn as you can so always looking at your exiting point not at the apex. Not that I can talk, fell on the first circle out of the centre on the first lap of the circle of doom till I sussed pushing a bigger gear for smoother power supply.
  • cjcp wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    How is he? (I think we spoke before and after the race...?)
    Haven't heard anything yet. Chris from Kingston Wheelers?

    Yup. Nice to meet you :-)
    Back at ya and looking forward to more tussles. Got the jet lag out of the legs now and we'll see how we go at Hillingdon :D

    A re-match would be good :-), but I have some negotiating to do for Hillingdon. The Good Lady is out and I'll have the kids. I need to find a babysitter...
    Bring them, Dave's kids can look after them ;)
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    cjcp wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    How is he? (I think we spoke before and after the race...?)
    Haven't heard anything yet. Chris from Kingston Wheelers?

    Yup. Nice to meet you :-)
    Back at ya and looking forward to more tussles. Got the jet lag out of the legs now and we'll see how we go at Hillingdon :D

    A re-match would be good :-), but I have some negotiating to do for Hillingdon. The Good Lady is out and I'll have the kids. I need to find a babysitter...
    Bring them, Dave's kids can look after them ;)

    Heh heh
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • crossed
    crossed Posts: 237
    That Central League course today was pretty hard going I thought.
    I did a quick warm-up lap and by the end of that my mud tyres (PDX's) were about as grippy as a set of slicks! I really struggled with the 'spiral of doom' I felt sick by the time I got to the centre every lap but started to feel a bit better by the time I got back out of it onto the straight.

    Looking forward to next weekends race now.
  • His bike had a front puncture when we put it away but don't know if that was pre or post crash. As for cornering faster I'm not sure many were flying round those tight turns today but the only tip I can give you is to look as far ahead of the turn as you can so always looking at your exiting point not at the apex. Not that I can talk, fell on the first circle out of the centre on the first lap of the circle of doom till I sussed pushing a bigger gear for smoother power supply.

    Ok. Just guessing then that he might have punctured coming off or on the tennis court section as that was just before the corner where he crashed.
  • Crossed wrote:
    That Central League course today was pretty hard going I thought.
    I did a quick warm-up lap and by the end of that my mud tyres (PDX's) were about as grippy as a set of slicks! I really struggled with the 'spiral of doom' I felt sick by the time I got to the centre every lap but started to feel a bit better by the time I got back out of it onto the straight.

    Looking forward to next weekends race now.

    Flat courses are hard I think. No downhills to recover or help build speed up. The mud just blocked the tred on my cyclocross kings (continental).