south wales Rides?



  • rhyko7
    rhyko7 Posts: 781
    welshkev wrote:
    How do I know if I've made it in time for wentwood?

    do you know, i was wondering the same thing? i haven't had an e mail or anything other than the paypal one :?

    rhys are you reading this? you had any confirmation as i think you entered a while ago?

    right i've just checked the entered list on the site and i'm entered - all be it under my gf's name as i paid with her paypal :oops: :lol:

    just seen itsmygame and silversladey's name in there as well :D

    yeah i have had confirmation in an email about a week after i enterd.
    im doing a night ride up wentwood tomoz too, should be interesting, just gonna have to watch out for bore and dear

    too early to tell what tyres will be best yet, ask me a week before the event and ile tell you, right now its frozen solid up there so fast tyres are the way to go, i run 2.35 minion up front and 2.2 Advantage rear, prob just keep with that until they break, will do enduro with them too unless i can be bothered to put lighter faster on the back, sticking with minion up front tho
    Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

    my riding:

    Some of my Rides Data/maps:
  • itsmygame
    itsmygame Posts: 277
    okay guys time for a wentwood roll call (paid only)..................

    Ill start..............

    Me :D
    RockHopper Expert ---- (the bike not me)
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    Ok Rhyko nice one. Don't want to be slow but my Ignotors have seen much better days (well rear at least) neither are ideal I don't think but will have to go for one or the other, or a mix of rear Ignitor front High Roller. We'll see...
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    Ok Rhyko nice one. Don't want to be slow but my Ignotors have seen much better days (well rear at least) neither are ideal I don't think but will have to go for one or the other, or a mix of rear Ignitor front High Roller. We'll see...

    i have an ignitor for sale if you're interested mate? probably got about 20% wear :D
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    itsmygame wrote:
    okay guys time for a wentwood roll call (paid only)..................

    Ill start..............

    Me :D
    Kev (25km)
  • 25km it is then Ben :roll: :lol:

    and a t shirt...

    Ben how about I jump in with you then fella? If you don't have the room no worries but saves taking two cars, we'll split petrol of course, only if you've got room feel free to eff me off :lol:

    Sounds good to me... as long as you don't mind hanging around at the finish line for a few hours :lol:

    I'll bring the spare key haha!
  • welshkev wrote:
    itsmygame wrote:
    okay guys time for a wentwood roll call (paid only)..................

    Ill start..............

    Me :D
    Kev (25km)
    Ben (25km)

    Oh and i've had my confirmation email now!
  • Ok Rhyko nice one. Don't want to be slow but my Ignotors have seen much better days (well rear at least) neither are ideal I don't think but will have to go for one or the other, or a mix of rear Ignitor front High Roller. We'll see...

    If its been raining a few days before i'll stick with Minion 2.35 (f)/Ignitor 2.35 (r).

    If its been dry i'll go all out Ignitors.
  • Oh and while i'm on a roll....

    Sunday ride anyone?
  • Pr][nCe
    Pr][nCe Posts: 626
    tyre choice nice dry conditions was going to go for
    Front: Ignigtor 2.1 70a, Rear: crossmark 2.1 70a

    but with muddy conditions might go for
    Front: High Roller 2.3 60a, Rear: Ignigtor 2.1 70a

    had emails and name's on the list twice as i booked for a m8 also 25k :)
    Santacruz Heckler - 2010 ... =slideshow
    Santacruz Chameleon - 2005
    Cannondale F400 - 2003
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    Tyre choice seems to be leaning toward the less aggresive end of the scale. Think I may be a bit OTT on the 2.5s. Kev could well be interested in your Ignitor. How much you want for it :wink:

    Nice one Ben, i'll PM you my number at some point to sort out etc, will prob see you before the event I would have thoguht (hope so!). I doubt i'll be hanging around fella, sounds like you're getting more prep in than me at the mo.

    I might be riding Sat afternoon with one of my mate who I'm intro'ing to cwm. Sunday could be on the cards too if i get a pass.

    I've got my conf email from Robert Storey so I'm in and confirmed :D

    EDIT: Thanks for the info on tyres guys, appreciated
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • Not sure I'll be there on sat, have promised the GF dinner/cinema at the weekend lol!
  • should get the pass for sun morn hopefully :?
    RockHopper Expert ---- (the bike not me)
  • is anyone that usually wears knee pads gonna pad up for the enduro?

    I've never ridden without pads (in 3 years) so it may seem a little odd!

    I just don't know wether to expect a route thats just long, or a route thats long AND technical!
  • well i got 2 well placed screws just above my knee, so i be looking to wear them if it was 50k around the car park.

    its better to wear them then take them off instead of coming off wishing youd wore them.............. hhhmm that sounds very clever if i do say so myself :D
    RockHopper Expert ---- (the bike not me)
  • you make a fair point :lol:

    I think i'd be just as annoyed if I fell off after taking my pads off!
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    I wear my shin/knee pads whenever I ride, you can smash your knee when your stationary so always on for me..

    Oi Kev what's happening with this Ignitor then eh
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    I wear my shin/knee pads whenever I ride, you can smash your knee when your stationary so always on for me..

    Oi Kev what's happening with this Ignitor then eh

    having seen the DH track at wentwood it's quite technical so i'd say keep the pads.

    sorry james mate, £10 for the ignitor good with you? i'll even throw in a second one that's got a lot of wear but'll be good for a spare :D

    should be good for sunday aswell, i've still got this fookin cold lingering on though, so take it easy on me :lol:
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    Pleasure mate nice one, I've got a well worn one (old rear) myself so I may decline your very generous offer of a second :wink:

    Assuming it's better than the one I have I'll def have it off you dude. Shame to hear about your cold. Should see you Sunday, I'll collect it then if you're out.

    Nice one fella
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    Yeah, is everyone up there sunday? 9.30 like usual?
  • count me in :D:D:D:D
    RockHopper Expert ---- (the bike not me)
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    itsmygame wrote:
    count me in :D:D:D:D

    you want a lift? :D
  • Should be there on Sunday... staying over GF's parents so I might pack the night before and leave everything in the car :)
  • welshkev
    yes please bud.

    The Northern Monkey
    dont tire yourself out mind :lol:
    RockHopper Expert ---- (the bike not me)
  • Pr][nCe
    Pr][nCe Posts: 626
    Hay peeps just passed my test again after a long ban, damn motorbikes ;).
    so itching to get a bike rack on car and head out someware this sunday, cwm its not the downhill section your doing is it?
    if i get a pass from the mrs will join you on the xc bit and freeride up top thats fun, but no Downhill lol.
    Santacruz Heckler - 2010 ... =slideshow
    Santacruz Chameleon - 2005
    Cannondale F400 - 2003
  • more than welcome fella, gentle ride round, no DH track!

  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690


    you just had 2 months off stop your moaning :wink:

    only joking mate, when you off next?
  • i'll be there this week, weather looks a bit naff but hey so what, look forward to having a good ride and a laugh. see you all then.
    dale prophet sl
    dale f4
    boardman urban
  • Squarepants
    Squarepants Posts: 1,019
    I've got a stupid poxy bl@@dy assignment due next Wednesday so I'm going to need to spend all Sunday franticly not doing my uni work :x

    Plus I'm on a rally Sat night and doubt i'll be back before 3/4am Sunday morning. Kev; if you bring the Ignitor though I can meet you in the car park @ 9:30 and cross your palm with a ginger bit of paper.

    Cheers all and have a good ride boys, see you momentarily on Sunday. Gutted I'm not out (AGAIN!) but will be as soon as I'm able
    Cube Hanzz Pro FR
    It's not that I'm over over biked, my bike is under personed...