Cavendish "two finger" signals....



  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Yellow Peril, just for the record I don't like Cav as a person and certainly don't think his action is befitting of a 'champion' or mature person. I agree with your comments regarding anyone who is trying to defend this action...I haven't read any of this thread so cannot comment more specifically.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    I'm done with this one. The soapbox is going back next to the dusty turbo trainer.

    For the record does is this thread contain the fewest LA references per square mile than any other thread?

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Pierrewades in on Birdgate

    He lost interest halfway through

    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • turkeytickler
    turkeytickler Posts: 640
    What a fool.
    Pure class :D
    Great to get some one with a bit of passion unlike the usual boring fookers :lol:
    +1 welcome back to the front Cav
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Pierre was brill, Iain.
    Thank you.
  • BMX Bear
    BMX Bear Posts: 198
    Cav is great, at least he's not a bland boring sportsman, PR groomed thanking sponsors al la Lewis Hamilton.
    He's got guts & passion, so has Wiggo, remember him punching the team van at the tour?

    Can you imagine the shock, a 24 year old flicks someone the V's, christ this is fantastic stuff, a passionate cyclist wins a stage, we should applaud him.

    C'mon Cav, stick it to them.... :P - Norfolks most inclusive cycling club
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    BMX Bear wrote:
    Can you imagine the shock, a 24 year old flicks someone the V's, christ this is fantastic stuff, a passionate cyclist wins a stage, we should applaud him.

    C'mon Cav, stick it to them.... :P
    As I was saying, many Brits just love yobbish behaviour.
  • samiam
    samiam Posts: 227
    Everyone knows a guy with a personality like Cav. When he turns up at parties, everyone groans and demands to know who invited him.
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    I said he was a lower class brother of a drug dealer bogan to do something like that on page 1 of this thread. His team, the UCI, and the race organizers agree. Apparently even he now agrees. Do it for the kids.

    Eventually he'll whine like a beeatch and compare this to his relegation for that sprint incident with Thor. But he's called attention to himself and there's a commissaire out there who wouldn't mind tossing him for the next infraction. That day wil come.

    Still hope Griepel shifts team and goes head to head with him in July - Is Petacchi side-lined at the moment? Lampre might be buying. Otherwise I can't see much changing in the Tour.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • msw
    msw Posts: 313
    This happened on Thursday. It is now Sunday. Can we let it lie PLEASE?

    Not until everyone has agreed with everyone else or something...

    "We're not holding up traffic. We are traffic."
  • chocothon
    chocothon Posts: 38
    When I first read the headline I was expecting to see a really obscene gesture - like the one's your kids ask you 'what does that mean Dad ?' and you have to avoid telling them. Or one of those movements that you see the teen pop groups doing that is pretty close to what you see in a pole dancing club. But no, OMG he's used a couple of fingers !

    Later I went to watch some school kids playing football in a local match at the rec. and heard them and the parents spend 90 minutes hurling abuse at each other and the ref. Then I watched some pro footballers on TV cheating, pointing at the ref and arguing endlessly.

    So is cycling supposed to be squeaky clean or something, or is it just subject to some sort of bizarre hypocrisy ?

    Apology seems reasonable. Armageddon for reputation of cycling seems a bit OTT.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    chocothon wrote:
    When I first read the headline I was expecting to see a really obscene gesture - like the one's your kids ask you 'what does that mean Dad ?' and you have to avoid telling them.
    So, signing 'fuck you' is not an obscene gesture?
    chocothon wrote:
    I went to watch some school kids playing football in a local match at the rec. and heard them and the parents spend 90 minutes hurling abuse at each other and the ref. Then I watched some pro footballers on TV cheating, pointing at the ref and arguing endlessly.
    Doubtless the schoolkids felt that they were emulating their footballing 'heros'...
    chocothon wrote:
    is cycling supposed to be squeaky clean or something, or is it just subject to some sort of bizarre hypocrisy ?
    No, some people just don't want to see pro cyclists acting like uncouth footballers and, as in your football example, junior riders following their 'example'.

    Even football doesn't want to see this sort of behaviour...

    Scotland hit V-sign pair with life ban

    Ferguson and McGregor also suspended by Rangers following obscene gestures

    By Lisa Gray
    Saturday, 4 April 2009

    Barry Ferguson and Allan McGregor were yesterday told their Scotland careers were over and have been suspended for two weeks without pay by Rangers.

    The club handed out the maximum sanction available after the pair were summoned to a meeting with chief executive Martin Bain, having been sent home from training earlier in the day. Both players were involved in a drinking session at Scotland's team hotel at the weekend and then enraged club and national team management by apparently making V-signs while on the bench on Wednesday, having been dropped for the 2-1 win over Iceland at Hampden Park. ... 62153.html
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Yellow Peril, just for the record I don't like Cav as a person and certainly don't think his action is befitting of a 'champion' or mature person.

    C'mon "ff", that whole sentence has so much wrong with it. You don't know him "as a person". He's a famous figure in a world you like to THINK you're a part of. You can't know someone by simply reading things about him. Now if you had grown up with him, spent time with him, been on his team a few years, saw him socially, etc., etc., then I might say you know him. But I've said this all before.
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    Plus cycling is continental as well - not from the land of lager louts, Shane McGowan faced football hooligans etc etc. One must be a gentleman, you know killing foxes with dogs etc.

    Cycling has never liked spoiled brats - I can remember Alexi Grewal spitting at TV cameras on cols and tearing his sponsor's jersey off before he crossed the finish line in defiance of some loud voices in his head or something. He didn't last long.

    Cav's great for the sport but the commissaires have his # now. He better watch his step. You do it to yourself a band once said - I hope he wins 4 Giro stages and this is behind him soon.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • chocothon
    chocothon Posts: 38
    I apologise for fuelling the fire which is paradoxically contributing to exactly what I don't like about the whole incident.
    Does the smiley allow me to escape with no punishment ?
    If not I will choose my lightest bike for a quick getaway.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    chocothon wrote:
    I apologise for fuelling the fire which is paradoxically contributing to exactly what I don't like about the whole incident.
    Does the smiley allow me to escape with no punishment ?
    If not I will choose my lightest bike for a quick getaway.

    Maybe you should choose your most aero one. It's been proven, on this forum, that aero is better than light. I think.
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    dennisn wrote:
    chocothon wrote:
    I apologise for fuelling the fire which is paradoxically contributing to exactly what I don't like about the whole incident.
    Does the smiley allow me to escape with no punishment ?
    If not I will choose my lightest bike for a quick getaway.

    Maybe you should choose your most aero one. It's been proven, on this forum, that aero is better than light. I think.

    Chocothon won't like that. Cadbury's don't make Aero!

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • chocothon
    chocothon Posts: 38
    Now look here, I can only take so much controversy.

    First of all the Cav thing.
    Now the aero vs. light speed debate.
    Plus the Cadbury's takeover by Kraft (boo - hiss - I used to work for Cadburys years ago).
    and Wispa is much better than Aero anyway so there.
  • Yellow Peril
    Yellow Peril Posts: 4,466
    I used to live in Bournville and would use the cut through that went through the factory on my cycle to work. The smell of chocolate used to hang heavily in the air down there. It was absolute heaven!

    Winner of the Bike Radar Pro Race Wiggins Hour Prediction Competition
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Wow! A thread about Cav AND chocolate.

  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Tusher wrote:
    Wow! A thread about Cav AND chocolate.


    I thought we'd warned you about this before, but here's a reminder
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Aaaaah, but a girl can dream, can't she?

    Anyway, he's probably feeling as fragile and broken as a chocolate egg in the hands of a toddler on Easter Sunday just now.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Quite a few of these kind of pieces around at the moment.

    Likely to enrage Tusher ... r-romandie?
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    iainf72 wrote:
    "I was a sixteen-year-old scally with no money and sometimes even less that I'm a lot older but unfortunately, on occasions, no less of an arsehole ..."

    At the very least he deserves credit for his degree of self-awareness...
  • chocothon
    chocothon Posts: 38
    Deserves a mark for creativity as well because it looks like that gesture is a combination insult. Pure Italian would have been a fist with the hand on the bicep, but he's added the fingers to it. That image could become as (in)famous as John McEnroe waving his racket at the umpire.

    Someone's probably already collecting famous disreputable behaviour from sports personalities on a website somewhere. Once you start thinking about them, there's rather a lot.

    Not that I'm an expert though ;-)
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,231
    Still hope Griepel shifts team and goes head to head with him in July - Is Petacchi side-lined at the moment? Lampre might be buying. Otherwise I can't see much changing in the Tour.

    Me to then we can see the upstart put back in his box and show him once and for all why Cav is HTC's first choice :D
  • There is no doubting that Mark Cavendish is a really talented rider.

    But this last incident with him putting up two fingers at the end of a race should result in him being banned for a few weeks surely?

    I am not following it closely enough to know the full facts but the indiscretions of a young super star should be punished to show younger riders that this is not the right thing to do.
    It brings cycling in to disrupt and doesn't in the long run do Mark any good.
    He doesn't seem to be able to get a grip with the harm that he causes when he makes such actions, and some commentators are saying that he is doing it on purpose for financial reasons due to a further raising his profile, ie good news bad news it all helps to bring in the cash as long as he keeps winning.

    The actions of Mark is one thing but what the hell is going on with the governing bodies and race directors if they have not kicked him off the race.

    Like I say I am not following it very closely and this is a gut reaction to what has happened I can't help thinking that Professional cycling is run by Amateurs who have a vested interest in the profit that can be made by incidents that bring cycling into disrupt.

    I await you all to put me right about the true facts but at the end of the day Mark put two fingers up to the whole cycling world in my opinion and he should be punished for it.
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    Many jingoisitc hot heads on the forum whined like a 2 year old who lost his lolly b/c I was so upset I started a thread on MC's gross behaviour. I was vindicated when his team, the UCI, the race director of Romandie and MC himself said it was the wrong thing to do.

    He proves his "class" time and time again. Class meaning integrity as a human and gentlemanly qualities.

    I think I am so against hooliganism (shown by MC and some people on this site in support of him and against people who think he's a chav) because it is the same ingrained aggressive and bullying behaviour I encounter on my bike time and again from drivers of white vans, BMWs, taxis, busses, motorcycles. A disregard for simple common decency because my bike might delay them getting them and their 6 inbred kids getting to the iceland to stuff their obese gobs. In over 10+ years nothing has improved. Now that "pro" bikers think it's ok to show off like complete tossers makes me less hopeful of this island getting any better.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    "Jingoistic" I have no idea what this word means, but i like the sound of it
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,475
    Many jingoisitc hot heads on the forum whined like a 2 year old who lost his lolly b/c I was so upset I started a thread on MC's gross behaviour. I was vindicated when his team, the UCI, the race director of Romandie and MC himself said it was the wrong thing to do.

    He proves his "class" time and time again. Class meaning integrity as a human and gentlemanly qualities.

    I think I am so against hooliganism (shown by MC and some people on this site in support of him and against people who think he's a chav) because it is the same ingrained aggressive and bullying behaviour I encounter on my bike time and again from drivers of white vans, BMWs, taxis, busses, motorcycles. A disregard for simple common decency because my bike might delay them getting them and their 6 inbred kids getting to the iceland to stuff their obese gobs. In over 10+ years nothing has improved. Now that "pro" bikers think it's ok to show off like complete tossers makes me less hopeful of this island getting any better.

    If anyone is ever looking for a definition for 'pompous' then this post should be ideal. :roll: